the soft-copy form - Singapore Manufacturing Federation

2985 Jalan Bukit Merah, Singapore 159457 Tel: 6826 3000
Fax: 6826 3068 Web:
Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) will take the lead to organize the Singapore Pavilion at the second edition of INTERPOL World from 5 –
7 July 2017 at Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
INTERPOL World, a global exhibition and congress platform, encapsulates the vision of a safer world through using innovations and engaging
government, organizations, and strategic think tanks in a multi-stakeholder engagement approach. INTERPOL World 2017 aims to bring together industry
leaders, solution providers, government agencies and end-users to identify, develop and drive security initiatives and innovation to address the future global
security landscape. Over 300 international suppliers and manufacturers from 34 countries with leading innovative security solutions will convene in Singapore to
discuss resolutions to face the future security challenges. The 3-day event is expected attract 10,000 security professionals from 54 countries and regions.
Reasons for Exhibiting
INTERPOL World is the only international security event that Heads of States, Governmental representatives, Chiefs of Police of INTERPOL’s 190
member countries and at least 450 key decision makers from INTERPOL with law enforcement community will attend
The leading business platform that will gather more than 300 international manufacturers and 10,000 trade and professional visitors from
international police organizations, law enforcement agencies and corporate security professionals
INTERPOL World is owned by INTERPOL, the world’s largest international police organization with 190 country-members
Utilize INTERPOL World hosted buyers programme and appointment setting systems to secure meetings with key buyers
Exhibitor Profile
Information Communication Technology
Counter terror solutions
Track & trace
Public Safety and Security
Access control, biometrics, smart IDs
CBRND (Chemical, biological,
radiological and nuclear defence)
Cargo, freight and container
Scan & screen
Vehicles, Robotics and
unmanned systems
Emergency response/ crisis
Urban operations support
System Integration
Weapons and
Research and
Training and
For more information, log on to
Financial Assistance
SMF has obtained the approval from IE Singapore for Singapore Pavilion in INTERPOL World to be covered under the International Marketing Activities
Programme (IMAP). If the application is successful, IMAP will allow eligible companies to receive up to 50% subsidy of total eligible costs in space
rental and stand construction.
Note: Companies may apply for Double Tax Deduction (DTD) for qualifying expenses not covered by IMAP. With effect from 01 Apr 12, the DTD has been
enhanced to allow companies to automatically claim 200% tax deduction without prior approval from IE Singapore or STB (up to the first S$100,000 of
qualifying expenses per year of assessment).
Qualifying Criteria
Eligible companies are defined as being incorporated and based in Singapore (exclude branch of a foreign company) & locally registered with at least 3 core
business functions such as:
Market development and planning
Logistics and shipping management
Manufacturing and other value-added activities
Research and development and design function
Banking, financial and treasury functions
Business and investment
Cost of Participation for all companies
Booth Size
18 sqm
24 sqm
36 sqm
Enhanced Shell Booth (with space rental,
construction cost, Singapore branding and more
features) @ $700/sqm
S$8,400 *
S$12,600 *
S$16,800 *
S$25,200 *
Please specify
S$10,080 *
Additional S$250
(1 plyon)
Total: S$10,330 *
S$13,440 *
Additional S$250
(1 plyon)
Total: S$13,690 *
S$20,160 *
Additional S$500
(2 plyons)
Total: S$20,660 *
Please specify
Raw Space ($560/sqm)
(This total price includes the compulsory “Singapore
Not applicable
Branding” Pylons at S$ 250 each)
Web+ Fee (includes online listing, show directory
listing, business matching and 1 lead retrieval)
* Please note that amount is before reimbursement of IMAP’s approved amount. Reimbursement to approved exhibitors will be made after SMF receives said
amount from IE Singapore.
* Please note that each company is eligible for IMAP support up to a maximum of 36 sqm. Companies may occupy space beyond 36 sqm, but IMAP support will
be given up to 36 sqm per company.
* Participants are required to pay an additional admin fee of S$100 per company (non-refundable) of which amount is not eligible for claim under the
IMAP scheme. Members of SMF and other trade associations/federations, including SiFT will be charged equally and there will be no differential price for
For more information on exhibition in Singapore Pavilion, please contact:
Ms Shirlyn Lim
Ms Katherine Heng
Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Singapore Manufacturing Federation
DID: 6826 3054
DID: 6826 3031
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
All information must be completed and returned via email: [email protected] or fax: 6826 3068 (Attn: Shirlyn Lim)
Company: [N.B. Name of Company must be the same as appeared on the Business
Registration Certificate & will be used on fascia board at your booth.]
Business Registration No. :
Company Profile:
Others (please specify):
If you are a distributor/agent, please specify the list of principals you represent:
Contact Number
Main contact for all
general enquiries
Billing accounts and
payment contact
Exhibition Package
Raw Space
Total Size (Sqm)
Total Cost (SGD)
Enhanced Shell Booth
Compulsory Web Fee
Administrative Fees (fees are non-refundable and will not eligible for claim under the IMAP scheme)
SGD $100 per company
v. 7% GST on Registration and Administrative Fees
Grand total (i + ii + iii + iv + v)
N.B. Allocation of the booth will be at the final discretion of the Organiser.
IMAP reimbursement to eligible exhibitors will be via cheque only, approximately four to six months after the exhibition, when SMF receives the iMAP fund
from IE Singapore. IMAP is subjected to the final approval of IE Singapore. To qualify for support under the IMAP programme, companies must be incorporated
(excludes branch of a foreign company) and based in Singapore and must have at least 3 of the following core business functions as below. Please
indicate at least 3 core business functions:
Market development and planning
Manufacturing and other value-added activities
Banking, financial and treasury functions
Logistics and shipping management
Research and development and design function
Business and investment planning
The payment for space/booth rental shall be settled in two (2) instalments as follows:
Together with this Participation Form, 30% of the Grand Total Cost must be submitted within forth-five (45) days upon receipt of the official invoice,
to make reservation for the space/booth.
The balance 70% must be submitted by 1 March 2017.
For application received on and after 1 January 2017, 100% payment must be paid within forty-five (45) days upon receipt of official invoice or
1 April 2017, whichever is earlier.
All cheques to be made payable to"Singapore Manufacturing Federation". SMF reserves the right to reject this application if the full payment is not
received. Other terms and conditions apply as per the Exhibition Contract provided by the Event Manager. Cheque Payment to be mailed to: 2985 Jalan
Bukit Merah Singapore 159457. Attn: Ms Shirlyn Lim/Ms Katherine Heng
The Exhibiting Company shall be irrevocably bound by the terms and conditions as stated in the Exhibition Contract provided by IW PTE. LTD. Cancellation
charges will apply as per the Exhibition Contract. The Exhibitor shall at all times keep SMF and each of its directors, officers, employees, agents and
representatives (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) fully and effectively indemnified from and against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, costs, charges
and expenses to which any of the Indemnified Parties may be exposed or which any of the Indemnified Parties may incur, suffer, sustain and against all actions,
suits, proceedings, claims, demands of any nature whatsoever which may be taken, made or threatened against any of the Indemnified Parties or incurred or
become payable by any of the Indemnified Parties or which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of any act, deed, matter or thing done or permitted or
omitted to be done by any of the Indemnified Parties in connection with this Agreement or arising therefrom and all other costs, charges and expenses in
connection therewith, including legal costs on a full indemnity basis.
Company Stamp
Image for reference only
Furniture entitlements for Singapore Pavilion
Shell scheme:
Furniture entitlements
Enhanced design for the Singapore Pavilion
Fascia Board with company name & stand no.
White wooden systems partition
Needle – punched carpeting
Lockable Information counter
Folding chair
Round Table
Leather chairs
Fluorescent lights or Spot Lights
Single phase electrical socket (220V – 240V)
Brochure rack
Waste paper basket
As per sqm
As per sqm
As per sqm
As per sqm
Furniture entitlements
Self-standing pylon
Raw space (Additional cost will be billed for the pylons)
(1) Event Manager
The Exhibition is managed by IW Pte. Ltd. (Event Manager) which is a subsidiary of MP
Organisation Pte Ltd. MP Organisation is a subsidiary of MP International Pte Ltd.
(2) Contract
(i) This Contract is hereby entered into between the Event Manager and the Exhibitor. (ii) This
Contract constitutes a license granted by the Event Manager to the Exhibitor only and shall not be
deemed to be a lease or a contract for lease.
(3) Allocation of space/booth
(i) This application does not give the Exhibitor a right to choose or reject the space/booth
allocated by the Event Manager. (ii) Space/booth will be allocated at the Event Manager’s full
discretion without the Exhibitor being entitled to claim compensation for damage incurred. (iii)
The Event Manager’s decision on the allocation of the space/booth will be final and binding on the
Exhibitor. (iv) The full contract price is payable even if the Exhibitor eventually does not utilize
the whole space/booth. (v) If the Exhibitor does not fulfil any of its obligations set out in this
Contract, the Event Manager will be entitled not to proceed with the allocation of space/booth, or
to withdraw an existing allocation of space/booth or not to make space/booth available, without
prejudice to the Event Manager’s claim for full payment of the amounts due.
(4) Payment
The payment for space/booth rental shall be settled in two (2) instalments as follows:
a) 30% of the Grand Total Cost must be submitted within forty-five (45) days upon receipt of the
official invoice, to make reservation for the space/booth. The balance 70% must be submitted
by 1 March 2017
b) For application received on and after 1 January 2017, 100% payment must be paid within
forty-five (45) days upon receipt of official invoice or 1 April 2017, whichever is earlier
(5) Cancellation
(i) The Event Manager reserves the right at all times to, without the Exhibitor having the right to
compensation, (a) change the dates of the Exhibition or (b) cancel the Exhibition due to any cause
whatsoever including but not limited to any cause pursuant to Clause 20 below. (ii) No application
can be cancelled or altered unilaterally by the Exhibitor. The Event Manager may comply with a
request to cancel the application subject to the condition that the Exhibitor pays a compensation
for cancellation. The amount of compensation will depend on the time of cancellation and will be
calculated at a percentage of the total space/booth rental payable in accordance with the
following schedule:
Receipt of notice of cancellation
Compensation (percentage of total space/booth rental)
a) Before 1 January 2017
b) On and after 1 January 2017
(6) Warranty
The Exhibitor represents, warrants and undertakes that it is entering into this Contract as
principal and not as agent or nominee of any third party, and the exhibits do not infringe or are
likely to infringe any patent, trademark, copyright and other intellectual property right of any
party and it agrees that in the event of any breach of the representations, warranties and
undertakings herein contained or any breach of the provisions of this Contract, this Contract and
the license herein granted may be terminated by the Event Manager (without the Event Manager
being liable for any damages or claims whatsoever and without prejudice to the Event Manager’s
other rights and remedies) and the Exhibitor shall indemnify the Event Manager against any and
all costs, claims, demands, losses, liabilities, charges, actions and expenses.
(7) Exhibits and other related materials
(i) All exhibits, brochures, audio-visual presentations, displays and all related materials and
articles are subject to the approval of the Event Manager. (ii) The Exhibitor is solely responsible
for ensuring that all governmental and other regulatory approvals required for the exhibits and its
participation in the Exhibition have been obtained prior to the commencement of the Exhibition.
(8) Liability and risks
(i) The Exhibitor shall insure, indemnify fully and effectively and hold the Event Manager harmless
against any and all costs, claims, demands, losses, liability, charges, actions and expenses which it
may be subject to or may incur or which may be made, claimed or instituted against it as a result
of any negligent act, breach of any of the terms of this Contract, omission, conduct, failure of the
Exhibitor or its directors, officers, agents, servants, invitees, or independent contractors. (ii) The
Exhibitor’s aforesaid indemnity shall extend to all losses or injuries caused to any persons or
property howsoever caused by the Exhibitor or its exhibits or personnel, or otherwise arising
while the said persons are upon or examining, observing or passing the exhibits or space/booth
occupied by the Exhibitor, or by the demonstration of or otherwise in connection with the
Exhibition. (iii) The liability or risks of loss or damage to the Exhibitor’s employees or agents, or
the exhibits, shall be the responsibility of the Exhibitor. (iv) Exhibits shall be placed at the
Exhibitor’s own risks and the Event Manager, its respective shareholders, officers and agents shall
not be held responsible for any theft, damage, loss or destruction of the exhibits. (v) Under no
circumstances will the Event Manager, any government, statutory or regulatory body or agency or
their respective directors, officers or agents make good or accept responsibility or be liable
howsoever in respect of any damage, theft, loss or destruction of the exhibits or any property,
goods or articles or things whatsoever placed, deposited, brought into or left upon the Exhibition
premises by the Exhibitor.
(9) Sound level
The use of headphones for sound demonstration is strongly recommended. The sound level of
audio equipment must be tuned to an acceptable volume and conducted in a way which does not
interfere with nor be a nuisance to neighboring space/booths. The sound level should not exceed
80dB measured from the nearest point of adjoining space/booths. If the Exhibitor refuses to
comply with the request to reduce the volume, the Event Manager reserves the right to disconnect
all power supplies to the space/booth and no compensation will be made to the Exhibitor.
(10) Insurance Policy
The Exhibitor shall make sure that they are fully covered by insurance including, but not
restricted to, all risks on their property, exhibits or articles of any kind, public liability and
comprehensive protection against any loss or damage caused by any circumstances whatsoever
whether by reason of fire, water, theft, accident or any other cause. The Exhibitor shall insure
against, indemnify and hold the Event Manager harmless in respect of all costs, claims, demands
and expenses to which the Event Manager may in any way be subjected as a result of any loss or
injury arising to any person (including members of the public or the Event Manager’s staff, agents,
or contractor(s) or property howsoever caused as a result of any act or default of the Exhibitor, his
servant, agents or contractors or invitees. If the Event Manager so demands, the Exhibitor shall
provide proof to the Event Manager that the Exhibitor has adequate insurance cover.
(11) Loss or damage
The Event Manager shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to the Exhibitor’s property
caused during moving, transportation or shipment. In such cases, the Exhibitor is still liable to pay
the full space/booth rental and any other amount payable to the Event Manager.
(12) Limitation of liability
(i) The liability of the Event Manager (if any) shall under no circumstances (whether arising from
breach of Contract, tort or otherwise) exceed the amount of the total Contract price paid by the
Exhibitor for the license herein granted. (ii) The person or persons appointed by the Event Manager
to undertake any official tasks including the Official Contractor and the Official Freight Forwarder
are independent contractors and are not agents of the Event Manager
(13) Sub-licensing and non-assignment
(i) This license to participate in the Exhibition is personal to the Exhibitor and is non-transferable.
(ii) No licensing or sub-licensing may be granted by the Exhibitor to any other party. The Exhibitor
shall not assign or sublet the space/booth or any part thereof. (iii) The Event Manager may without
the consent or approval of the Exhibitor assign or transfer its rights and/or obligations under this
Contract. The Exhibitor may not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this
Contract without the prior approval of the Event Manager.
(14) Termination
(i) If in the reasonable opinion of the Event Manager, the Exhibition premises may become unfit for
occupancy or if the holding of the Exhibition or the performance of the Event Manager of any of the
provisions of this Contract are interfered with by virtue of any cause, this Contract (or any part
thereof) may forthwith be terminated or cancelled by the Event Manager without the Event
Manager being liable in damages or otherwise to the Exhibitor. (ii) This Contract may be terminated
forthwith by the Event Manager if, in the Event Manager’s opinion, the Exhibitor does not or may be
unable to perform or comply with any of its obligations of this Contract.
(15) Revocation
Upon termination of this Contract, the license granted is revoked and there upon the Exhibitor shall
immediately leave the Exhibition premises and remove all its exhibits. The Exhibitor will be charged
any extra expenses caused by the delay in leaving the premises or removing his exhibits on time.
(16) Set-off clause
The Event Manager may deduct from or set-off against any money due from the Event Manager to
the Exhibitor any sum which the Exhibitor is liable to pay to the Event Manager.
(17) Self-help remedies
The Event Manager will have the right to take the following courses of action without any judicial
intervention, if necessary at the Exhibitor’s expense, against an Exhibitor who acts in contravention
of any provision of this Contract or who fails to comply with a direction given by or on behalf of the
Event Manager:
a) Refuse the Exhibitor and its representatives admission to the Exhibition;
b) Close and/or clear the Exhibitor’s space/booth; and
c) Take possession of the exhibits displayed, any goods and anything built or fitted by the
(18) Laws and regulations
All laws, rules and regulations (including, without limitation, traffic, health, fire safety and
environmental laws and regulations) imposed by the Event Manager or local authorities and
agencies or the lessor of the Exhibition premises must be strictly observed by the Exhibitor.
(19) Force majeure
The Event Manager shall not be liable to the Exhibitor by any reason of any cancellation or parttime opening of the Exhibition, either as a whole or in part, for any non-performance of their
obligations under this Contract or for any amendments or alterations to all or any of the Rules and
Regulations of the Exhibition in each case to the extent that such occurrence is due to any
circumstances not within their control including but not limited to and without affecting the
generality of the foregoing, any acts of God, flood, tempest, storms, war, shortages of water, labor or
power, acts or threats of terrorism, riots, civil commotion, strikes or insurrection, failure of any
applicable government authority to issue required governmental permits, suspension, termination
or revocation of any material governmental permit required for the Exhibition, outbreak or threat
of outbreak of infectious or communicable diseases such as SARS and any other similar event or
(20) Partial invalidity
The invalidity or unenforceability or any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision.
(21) Remedies and implied waivers
No failure or delay on the part of the Event Manager to exercise, any right or remedy under this
Contract will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise of any right or
remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy.
The rights and remedies provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies
provided by law.
(22) Governing law and jurisdiction
(i) This Contract shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. (ii)
The Exhibitor hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of
the Courts of Singapore for all purposes in relation to this Contract and waives any objections on
the ground of venue or forum non-convenience or on similar grounds.
(23) Exhibitors’ manual and floor plan
(i) Further rules and regulations pertaining to the Exhibition can be found in the Exhibitors’ Manual
and other documents issued by the Event Manager from time to time. (ii) The Event Manager
reserves the right to make further rules and regulations (having immediate effect) from time to
time in relation to any aspect of the Exhibition. (iii) Such rules and regulations whether contained in
the Exhibitors’ Manual or otherwise shall form part of this Contract and shall be binding on the
(24) Unforeseen occurrences
In the event of any occurrences not foreseen in these Rules and Regulations, the decision of the
Event Manager shall be final.