Yes, I would like to join the Talisker Players circle of supporters!

Yes, I would like to join the Talisker Players circle of supporters!
Donation amount and recognition level
I am making a tax deductible donation of $ ______ to support the work of Talisker Players
Artistic Director’s Circle – $1,000 and over
Patron – $500 to $999
Sustainer – $200 to $499
Friend – up to $199
Recognition preference
In Talisker Players publications, please list my/our name as ___________________
I wish to remain anonymous
Payment information
Cheque (enclosed, payable to Talisker Players) or
Card number
Expiry (mm/yy)
Payment plan for pre-authorized monthly gifts:
Bill my VISA card for $
per month, beginning (mm/yy)
Monthly payments are processed on the 15th of each month, or closest business day
Please mail to: Talisker Players, 4 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON M5S 2E1
Your gift is fully tax-receiptable. Charitable Registration # 86509 6093 RR0001
For more information please call 416-466-1800 or email [email protected]