Can Education and Training Save Low

Financial Capitalism, Breach of Trust,
and Collateral Damage: Four Cases
Eileen Appelbaum, CEPR
Rosemary Batt, Cornell University
Ian Clark, University of Birmingham
BJIR Conference: Across Boundaries
London School of Economics
December 12-13, 2011
This session’s agenda
New Financial Intermediaries
Breach of Trust
Actively manage claims on wealth creation, distribution
Private equity business model
Agency theory and profits
Default on implicit contracts and stakeholder claims
Four cases – will focus on two
Challenges to Employment Relations Research
New Financial Intermediaries
Private equity sponsors (investment firms)
Raise PE funds that invest in operating (portfolio) companies
Actively insert themselves into management and operations
Private equity business model
Investment firm (general partner) raises capital from pension
funds, endowments, individuals (limited partners)
Uses PE fund to acquire portfolio of operating companies
Expectation is fund will make profitable exit in a few years
‘Two and twenty model’ – management fees, carried interest
Agency Theory (Jensen & Meckling 1976, Jensen 1986)
Provides rationale for LBOs, PE intervention in management
Separation of ownership, control = managerial opportunism
LBO takes company private, ownership is concentrated
Debt good ?
Retained earnings used to service debt
Have to borrow to invest – subjects these decisions to market test
Leads to more efficient allocation of capital
LBO boom in 1980s ended in bankruptcies, scandal
Buyout firms came back at end of 1990s, as private equity
Breach of Trust
Distinguish value creating/value redistributing effects of LBOs
Agency theory view of commitments to employees, suppliers
Defaulting on implicit obligations can benefit shareholders
Can be a virtue – shift resources to more productive uses
Can be a vice – improve financial performance in short-run, undermine
competitiveness, viability of firm in long-run
PE can seek rents rather than create wealth and profits
Change structure and financing to reduce taxes
Co-opt management via out-sized financial incentives
Four Cases of Collateral Damage
Collateral damage
Outcomes that are unintended or incidental to intended outcomes
May result from privileging interests of shareholders over those of
other stakeholders
Often due to breach of implicit contracts with other stakeholders
Four cases of LBOs where costs to other stakeholders
outweigh gains to shareholders
US: Mervyn’s, Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village
UK: EMI, Cadbury
Focus in presentation on two: Mervyn’s and EMI
Mid-tier retailer, profitable but needed sprucing up
Bought by PE – included Sun Capital in 2004
30,000 employees; 257 stores, 155 company owned
$1.2 B - $400 M equity, $800 M debt against real estate
Op Co/Prop Co model
PE prospered via sale of Prop Co, dividend recaps ‘05, ’06
Stores saddled with high rents
Promised Investment for turnaround not forthcoming
Op Co went through 4 CEOs in 4 years
Breach of implicit contracts w/vendors led to downfall
Trust is critical in dept. store operations
Orders to manufacturers paid after delivery of goods
‘Factors’ finance production, need to believe retailer will pay
Sun Capital refused to give assurances of payment
Factors cut off financing for back-to-school
Declared bankruptcy July 29, 2008
High rents made it impossible to sell chain – liquidated
Vendors owed > $102 M, Levi-Strauss owed $12 M
PE did fine – profits from Prop Co > losses on Op Co
Vendors now suing PE for ‘fraudulent conveyance’
Divisions – music publishing, new recording releases
Bought by Terra Firma in August 2007
£4.2 B, £2.5B loan from CitiBank – high debt burden
Unlike Odeon cinema deal, no RE assets
Difficult to issue bonds against rights to publish songs
Publishing profitable, new music division losing money
Failure to turn EMI around due in part to global crisis,
falling music sales
More fundamental: breach of trust w/established artists
Breach of trust with established artists
Music industry requires a form of ‘patient capital’
PE tried to increase shareholder returns
Artists/managers saw management discretion as source of success
PE saw it as opportunism and waste
Led to voluntary departure of valuable talent
Pruned roster of established artists, reduced new artist pipeline
Broke implicit contract between artists/repertoire & line managers
Alienated EMI’s managers: PE as ‘plantation management’
Established artists w/back catalogue subsidize new artist pipeline
Loss leader approach – rests on trust between artists/ managers
Managers/artists (Rolling Stones, Radiohead, Paul McCartney)
Declared insolvent and seized by Citibank in Feb. 2011
Challenges to Employment Relations Research
Organizational context for labor has changed
Workers, unions, researchers still think in terms of
managerial capitalism
PE ownership changes goals and governance of firms
Trust relations devalued - implicit contracts breached
PE use of debt to drive cost efficiencies is at odds with
competitiveness based on knowledge and innovation
Long-run competitiveness of firm takes back seat to
maximizing financial returns over 3 to 7 year time horizon
Challenges to Employment Relations Research
Mechanisms for value extraction have changed
Finance capital dominates economic and financial activity
beyond financial markets – e.g., PE portfolio companies
Financial actors actively assert and manage claims on
production and wealth creation
Do this as owners, not as managers – accounting value, not
economic value via production, dominates decisions
Rent seeking not wealth creation
Default on implicit commitments
Increased debt not sustainable
Bankruptcy as strategy to reduce pension liabilities
Challenges to Employment Relations Research
May challenge Varieties of Capitalism approach
PE operates across borders => to what extent is acquired
firm’s behavior constrained by interlocking national
institutions ?
PE ownership alters governance of firms – moves firms
away from embeddedness in national business system
What does country of origin tell us about operation of firms
Can we still speak of the “Britishness” of EMI, Cadbury?
Conclusion: Challenges for Researchers
Realization of value, not creation of wealth, dominates
decision making by PE-owned firms
May need to examine assumptions – e.g., importance of productivity
agenda, influence of country of origin
Firms governed by PE less able to keep bargains
Breach of trust may realize value for owners, but at expense of workers,
vendors, other stakeholders
Divergence of interests of owners, managers and workers
intensified by PE ownership
Who should unions bargain with in PE-owned firms, who
should researchers interview and study?