Grants for Good - Arkansas Community Foundation

Grants for Good
The Community Foundation invites you to consider these proposals by recommending a grant
($100 minimum) to one or more of the following projects. You can recommend grants through
your Donor Central account or with the enclosed grant recommendation form.
UACCM Finish Line Fund
Financial Support for Degree Completion
Summary: The University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton
(UACCM) is a two-year, public college, which offers courses, certificate
programs and associate degree programs that provide the general
education and technical skills needed to be successful in the workplace
or transfer to four-year institutions. Our comprehensive curriculum
includes adult education, workforce education and community outreach
programs. Many UACCM students face financial barriers beyond
tuition and fees. Things like childcare, transportation or other personal
expenses hinder their academic success. UACCM seeks to create a
Finish Line Fund to assist students in the last half of their program who
need financial support to successfully complete their degree.
Geographic Footprint: Conway, Pope,
In Their Own Words: Samantha faced issues similar to many UACCM
students: She grew up in a financially unstable home but had the drive
and independence to seek a better future for herself. Grades and
determination were not a problem, “I was doing well in school, but it
meant working two or three jobs to get by, and then going home to
study.” With the help of her college’s Finish Line Fund, Samantha was
able to graduate and start her career as a legal assistant.
Faulkner, Perry, Van Buren & Yell
Partners: Financial aid, academic
advising & enrollment management all
seek to increase the 3-year graduation
rate by addressing obstacles preventing
students from completing degree
Bridge of Hope
Children’s Home
Safe Housing for Children
Number Served: BOH houses abused &
neglected children ages 6-18 from all counties
in the state. They are licensed to house 24
children & typically serve 100 children each
year, depending on a child’s length of stay.
Community Partners: Arkansas Department of
Human Services
Summary: Bridge of Hope Children’s Home, located in Cross County, provides a safe, secure and loving home
for children. BOH is unique in that the home allows sibling groups to remain together rather than being split
up. The children come from homes where they have been abused or neglected or the parents lack the skills
necessary to care for them. BOH seeks to provide an environment where these children can grow physically,
emotionally and spiritually.
In Their Own Words: BOH has repurposed the former school in Vanndale to serve this need. Children enjoy
playing basketball inside the gymnasium and visits from the local fire department. All funding helps
transition the school into living quarters that help provide normalcy for these displaced children.
Depaul USA & Jericho Way
Low-Cost Housing for the Homeless
Number Served: 250 unique individuals per month
and growing
Community Partners: Settled Souls & other Catholic
churches in Little Rock, the St. Vincent East Clinic,
Little Rock Eye Clinic and the City of Little Rock.
Geographic Footprint: Housing will be located in
Little Rock to serve Pulaski County.
Project Budget: $200,000 to develop 4 units of
Summary: Depaul USA operates Jericho Way, a day/resource center in Little Rock that serves homeless and
very-low income men and women. Jericho Way provides breakfast and lunch, showers, laundry facilities and
case management services to more than 100 people each weekday. Depaul USA now intends to develop highquality, low-cost housing for low-income and homeless individuals on empty land in the neighborhood
surrounding Jericho Way. Rogue Architecture has developed a prototype duplex that can be built for $100,000.
The duplex contains two 500 square foot apartments, each with a separate entrance and a full kitchen and
living area, a bedroom, bathroom and front porch. Depaul USA plans to develop two duplexes (4 units) on
land donated by the City of Little Rock. This project has the potential to be expanded to serve more
In Their Own Words: Depaul USA aims to end homelessness and change the lives of those affected by it.
Building housing will allow Depaul USA to offer a full range of homeless services in Little Rock. Clean, safe
and affordable housing is the ultimate cure for homelessness. Once people are housed, they can make progress
in other areas of their lives including education, health and employment.
Bridge of Peace
Miller’s Kitchen Feeds Syrian Families
Community Partners: Bridge of Peace constructed
Miller’s Kitchen with a generous donation from a
family member in memory of 10 month old Miller
Hill whose tragic passing in Fayetteville, Arkansas
inspired this project half way around the world in
Geographic Footprint & Number Served: Based out
of Fayetteville, operating in the Al Waleed
Refugee Camp in northern Syria; Miller’s Kitchen
feeds daily meals to ~140 displaced families
(widows, orphans and the destitute) forcefully
relocated from Aleppo, Homs, Idlib and Hama.
Since opening March 7th, the kitchen has served
more than 5,000 meals, and the number of families
arriving at the kitchen door has steadily climbed.
Summary: Bridge of Peace is a humanitarian aid
organization, dedicated to providing material support of
food, clothing, education and supplies for Syrian refugee
children, women and their families who have been
displaced because of the war in Syria and have little or no
access to these essentials for life. In addition to operating a
school in the Al Waleed Refugee Camp in northern Syria,
Bridge of Peace recently constructed Miller’s Kitchen: a
program that serves one nutritious meal each day to the
camp’s poorest members, primarily children. The kitchen
has been constructed and fully equipped with cooking pots
and cooking utensils, but needs funding for continuous
supply of food.
In Their Own Words: Since 2011, the brutal war in Syria,
has devastated the country and its people. The civilian
population has been subjected to bombing, mass violence,
terror, starvation, forced displacement and thousands of
disappearances. Bridge of Peace has had a presence in the
Al Waleed Refugee camp since 2014 helping to address the
urgent needs of food, water, shelter, clothing and
education. Due to the influx of refugees arriving every day,
there is a shortage of food for all of the displaced. Miller’s
Kitchen is an answer to the prayers of hundreds of people,
who need to eat at least one meal a day in order to meet the
daily challenges of life in a refugee camp.