The University of Ulster Fund Gateway Scholarship (Full

The University of Ulster Fund
Gateway Scholarship (Full-Time Student)
Application Form
Funded by graduates and friends of the University of Ulster, the Gateway
Scholarship (Full-Time Student) will provide additional financial support to
a student from a disadvantaged background who has demonstrated a
commitment to Ulster. The Scholarship will provide financial support of
£1,000 for each academic year of the course, excluding work placement,
subject to the continued availability of funds. Second and third year
awards are conditional on the student being in good academic standing
and will be made at the discretion of the University of Ulster Fund
Disbursement Committee.
To apply students must:
 be in receipt of a University of Ulster Widening Access Bursary;
 be enrolled on the first year of a full-time undergraduate
 have their current course as their CF choice.
To ensure that the Scholarship is able to support students in
circumstances where the need is greatest, the University of Ulster Fund
Disbursement Committee will, in considering applications, give preference
to applicants who are able to demonstrate indicators of multiple
disadvantage, for example those who are first in family to attend
university or who grew up in a low participation neighbourhood. In
addition, attendance record at Ulster may be taken into consideration.
Application Form Deadline
Please complete this application form and return to the University of
Ulster Fund before 4pm on Friday 16th November 2012. Applications
received after this time will not be considered. Applications can be
submitted by email to [email protected] or by post to:
University of Ulster Fund
Room 08K04
University of Ulster
Jordanstown campus
Shore Road
County Antrim
BT37 0QB
It is your responsibility to ensure that all sections of the form are
completed. If there is any information missing when the deadline passes,
your application will not be considered by the University of Ulster Fund
Disbursement Committee.
Statement of Support
Applicants are asked to provide a statement of support from a teacher or
principal of their school. This statement will outline the student’s ability,
commitment and potential, demonstrated while at school. A template for
the statement of support is included at the end of this application form. It
is the student’s responsibility to contact their school to request
this statement of support, and to ensure that it is received by the
deadline. If you have any questions please contact the University of
Ulster Fund at [email protected] or 028 9036 8379.
This statement of support should be emailed to [email protected]
before 4pm on Friday 16th November 2012.
Application Form and Assessment
Eligibility will be assessed solely on the information provided in this form,
therefore please ensure that all relevant information that could affect your
application is included.
All applications will be subject to an initial assessment conducted by the
University of Ulster Fund staff. Applications considered eligible will be
forwarded to the University of Ulster Fund Disbursement Committee for
further assessment.
Your application will remain confidential between you, University of Ulster
Fund staff and members of the Disbursement Committee.
The award of the Scholarship is dependent upon funds being available and
will be at the discretion of the awarding University of Ulster Fund
Disbursement Committee. Competition for the Scholarship will be high, so
unfortunately meeting the eligibility criteria does not mean you are
guaranteed a Scholarship.
Presentation of Scholarships
The successful applicant will be notified by 1st December 2012. The
Gateway Scholarship (Full-Time Student) will be presented at the
University of Ulster Fund Annual Awards on Wednesday 12th December
2012 at the Jordanstown campus. The recipient of the Scholarship will be
encouraged to attend the presentation.
As a condition of the Scholarship, the successful applicant will be
expected to advocate for the University of Ulster Fund when necessary
and give a testimonial on the impact of the Scholarship.
Your Details:
Student ID
Course of study
Year of study
1. Please give contact details for the person providing your
statement of support:
2. Are you in receipt of a University of Ulster Widening Access
Yes / No
3. What school did you attend?
4. In no more than 250 words please tell us why you chose the
University of Ulster and your course of study. Why do you want
to undertake higher education?
5. In no more than 500 words please tell us what impact you
think your course of study will have on your future, in particular
any ambitions you want to achieve and how this Scholarship
would help you achieve your goals.
6. In no more than 500 words please outline any obstacles you
have overcome while working towards a university education.
(Obstacles include family problems, having little family experience of
university education, difficult personal circumstances.)
Declaration – please read carefully
I confirm that the information given on this form is true and accurate. If
any information is subsequently found to be inaccurate, the University
of Ulster Fund Disbursement Committee reserves the right to terminate
any Scholarship awarded to me and require the return of any money
Applicant signature:
This application form should be returned to the University of Ulster
Fund before 4pm on Friday 16th November 2012. Submit by email to
[email protected], or by post to
University of Ulster Fund
Room 08K04
University of Ulster
Jordanstown campus
Shore Road
County Antrim
BT37 0QB
Some of the information you have provided may be used anonymously
to help give potential donors an impression of the range of students
who apply to and receive funding from the University of Ulster Fund.
The information will be used in such a way that you will not be
identifiable at any point.
I do / I do not wish my data to be used in this manner.
(This will not affect your application)
The University of Ulster Fund
Gateway Scholarship (Full-Time Student)
Request for a confidential Statement of Support
Funded by graduates and friends of the University of Ulster, the Gateway
Scholarship (Full-Time Student) will provide additional financial support to
a student from a disadvantaged background who has demonstrated a
commitment to Ulster. The Scholarship will provide financial support of
£1,000 for each academic year of the course, excluding work placement,
subject to the continued availability of funds. Second and third awards are
conditional on the student being in good academic standing and will be
made at the discretion of the University of Ulster Fund Disbursement
To ensure that the Scholarship is able to support students in
circumstances where the need is greatest, the Disbursement Committee
will, in considering applications, give preference to applicants who are
able to demonstrate indicators of multiple disadvantage; for example
those who are first in family to attend university or who grew up in a low
participation neighbourhood. In addition, attendance record at Ulster may
be taken into consideration.
Please complete the following statement of support in as much detail as
possible, outlining the applicant’s commitment to study, their ability and
their potential, as well as their participation in extracurricular activities
while at school. Competition for the Scholarship will be high, so please
include all information which could affect this application. The statement
of support will remain confidential between you, University of Ulster Fund
staff and Disbursement Committee.
If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the
University of Ulster Fund on [email protected], or 028
9036 8379.
Please ensure that you return this statement of support to
[email protected] before 4pm on Friday 16th November 2012.
Statements received after this time will not be included in consideration of
Your Details:
Student’s name:
Please provide information regarding the applicant’s suitability
for the Gateway Scholarship (Full-Time Student).
To assist us in differentiating between students, please describe in as
much detail as possible the applicant’s potential, their ability and their
commitment to study. Include information on extracurricular activities
or extra classes taken etc.