Scatter Ball Rounders

TGfU/Warm Up:
Scatter Ball Rounders
This is a good warm-up game to get the kids to ‘burn some energy”!
Set up a softball pitch diamond with the tee hitting zone as home base, and 3 cones as the
other bases.
3. Divide players into 2 teams: swingers and fielders.
4. The swingers hit 3 balls (tennis balls to be used only!) in succession, then runs around the
bases until all 3 tennis balls are back in the bucket at home base.
5. Each base passed counts as 1 point.
6. Like softball the player can’t hit the tennis ball outside the foul-line, therefore the player
needs to take some time to aim.
7. If the swingers ball is caught, they continue to hit all 3 tennis balls. If all 3 balls are caught
then no points are received.
8. All players on the swingers team have a turn then teams swap positions.
9. Winning team has the most points
10. Consider all safety issues.
You could ask any question that relates to the skills you are focusing on during the session.
Ask the swingers where they should hit the ball to give you more time to run around the
Ask the fielders where they should stand to field the ball quickly.
Bring the fielders in closer
Bring the bases in closer
Throw the tennis ball
Move the fielders further out
Moves the bases further apart
Time limit the players