grants - University of Virginia

Department of Economics
CB# 3305, 208A Gardner Hall
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3305
TEL: 919-966-2156/5392/2383
FAX: 919-966-4986
E-Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Norfolk, VA., USA
Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, 1978
Dissertation: Essays on Growth, Distribution, and Development.
Post-undergraduate study in Economics. London School of Economics and Political
Science, 1974-75
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Honors in economics and political science, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island, 1974
Inequality by Race, Class, and Ethnicity
North-South Theories of Development and Trade
History of Economic Thought/Political Economy
The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Industrial Revolution
Social Psychology Effects of Unemployment Exposure
Director, Institute of African-American Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
1999Research Professor of Public Policy, African and African-American Studies, and Economics,
Duke University, 1999External Faculty, Duxx, Centro de Excelencia Empresarial; Monterrey, Mexico, 1996
Co-Editor, Recent Economic Thought Series, Kluwer Publishers, 1994-.
Director, Minority Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, Institute for Arts and Humanities,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994-2001
Visiting Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Grinnell College, Fall 1994.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 2
April 2005
Faculty Fellow, Institute for Arts and Humanities, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Summer 1992.
Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Economics and Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991Director, Undergraduate Honors Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 19911994.
Fellow, National Humanities Center, 1989-90.
Director of Graduate Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988-89
Professor of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1987-1991.
Academic Visitor, Department of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, June 1986
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Tulsa, Fall 1984
Visiting Scholar, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Summer 1984
Adjunct Research Associate, Southern Center for Public Policy Studies, 1983-87
Associate Professor of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1983-87
Associate Professor of Economics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1981-83
Staff Economist, National Urban League Research Department, Spring-Summer 1980
Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Maryland at College Park, Spring 1980
Assistant Professor of Economics, The University of Texas at Austin, 1978-81
Instructor in Economics, Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, 1977-1978
Books Published
Economics, Economists, and Expectations: Microfoundations to Macroapplications” (with Warren Young and Robert Leeson) London: Routledge 2004.
Persistent Disparity: Race and Economic Inequality in the United States Since 1945 (with Samuel Myers, Jr.) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998. 191pp
The Black Underclass: Critical Essays on Race and Unwantedness (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr.,
Emmett Carson, and William Sabol), New York: Garland Publishing, 1994. 281pp
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 3
April 2005
Macroeconomics (with James K. Galbraith), Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994. Japanese and
Chinese translations published in 1998 by TBS Britannica. 505pp
The Loan Pushers: The Role of Commercial Banks in the International Debt Crisis (with Bobbie
L. Horn), Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing, 1988. 203pp
Books Edited
Boundaries of Clan and Color: Transnational Comparisons of Inter-Group Disparity (with
Ashwini Deshpande), London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group 2003.
Economics and Discrimination, 2 Volumes, Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1995. 626 pp
Labor Economics: Problems in Analyzing Labor Markets, Hingham: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. 308pp
The Question of Discrimination (with Steven Shulman), Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,
1989. 394pp
Race, Radicalism and Reform: Selected Papers of Abram Harris, Jr., New Brunswick: Transaction, 1989. 521pp
Labor Economics: Modern Views, Hingham: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1984, 296 pp
"Stratification Economics: The Role of Intergroup Inequality" Journal of Economics and Finance
Vol.29:2 Summer 2005, pp.144-153.
"African American Family Life” Ecological and Cultural Diversity" (with Melba J. Nicholson) in,
Vonnie McLoyd, Nancy Hill and Kenneth Dodge, (eds.) African American Life in the 21st Century: Changes, Challenges and Opportunities, New York: Guilford Publications pp.78-85 forthcoming.
"Africa, Europe, and Origins of Uneven Development: The Role of Slavery" in Cecilia
Conrad, John Whitehead, Patrick Mason and James Stewart (eds.) African Americans in the U.S.
Economy Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield 2005 pp.14-19.
"Is There Racism in Economic Research?" (with Patrick L. Mason and Samuel L. Myers
Jr.) European Journal of Political Economy Vol.21 2005 pp.755-761.
"The Economics of Identity: The Origin and Persistence of Racial Identity Norms" (with Patrick
Mason, and James Stewart) *Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization* forthcoming
"Africa, Europe and the Origins of Uneven Development: The Role of Slavery" in C. Conrad, J.
Whitehead, P. Mason, and J. Stewart (eds.) African Americans in the U.S. Economy (Lanham:
Rowman and Littlefield) 2005 pp.14-19.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 4
April 2005
"'It's Not a Black Thing': Understanding the Burden of Acting White and Other Dilemmas of
High Achievement" (with Karolyn Tyson and Domini Castellino) American Sociological Review
Vol. 70, August 2005, pp. 582-605.
“Growth, Trade and Uneven Development" (with Lewis Davis) Cambridge Journal of Economics
Vol.29:1 January 2005, pp.141-170.
"Race, Class and the Economics of Identity: A Theory of Racism" (with Patrick Mason and
James Stewart) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming
"Bleach in the Rainbow: Latin Ethnicity and Preference for Whiteness" (with Jason Dietrich and
Darrick Hamilton) Transforming Anthropology, Vol. 13:2, October 2005, pp. 103-109.
"The Wellspring of Racial Inequality" The Review of Black Political Economy, Vol.32:2
Fall 2004 pp. 61-8.
"Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality: A Cross-National Perspective" in C. Michael Henry
(ed.) Race, Poverty, and Domestic Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press 2004 pp.83-95.
"IS-LM-BP: An Inquest" (with Warren Young) in Michael DeVroey and Kevin Hoover (eds.)
The IS-LM Model: Its Rise, Fall and Strange Persistence, Durham: Duke University Press 2004
“Racial Discrimination in the Labor Market” (with Patrick Mason) in David Colander, Robert
Prasch, and Falguni A. Sheth (eds.) “Race, Liberalism, and Economics” Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press 2004, pp. 182-204.
“The Labor Supply Consequences of Perceptions of Employer Discrimination During Search and
On-the-Job: Integrating Neoclassical Theory and Cognitive Dissonance,” (with Arthur Goldsmith, Stanley Sedo, and Darrick Hamilton), Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 25:1 February 2004, pp. 15-40.
“The Economics of Reparations” (with Dania Frank) American Economic Review Vol. 93:2 May
2003, pp. 326-329.
"Feminist Theory and Racial Economic Inequality" (with Lisa Saunders) in Marianne Ferber and
Julie Nelson (eds.) *Feminist Economics Today: Beyond Economic Man" Chicago: University of
Chicago Press 2003 pp.101-114.
“Employment Discrimination, Segregation, and Health” American Journal of Public Health,
Vol. 93:2, February 2003, pp. 226-231.
“Passing on Blackness?: Latinos, Race and Earnings in the USA” (with Darrick Hamilton and Jason Dietrich) Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 9:13, October 2002, pp. 847-854.
“Intergroup Disparity: Why Culture Is Irrelevant?” Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 29:4,
Spring 2002, pp. 77-90.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 5
April 2005
“Racial/Ethnic Disparity and Economic Development” in Paul Davidson (ed.) A Post-Keynesian
Perspective on Twenty-First Century Economic Problems, Northampton: Edward Elgar 2002, pp.
“The Functionality of Market-Based Discrimination” International Journal of Social Economics,
Vol. 28:10, 11, 12, 2001, pp. 980-986.
“End of Race?” Transforming Anthropology, Vol. 10:1, 2001, pp. 39-43.
“The Early History of Rational and Implicit Expectations” (with Warren Young)
History of Political Economy Vol. 33:4, Winter 2001, pp. 773-814.
“Working Hard for the Money? Efficiency Wages and Worker Effort” (with Arthur H. Goldsmith and Jonathan R. Veum) Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 21, 2000, pp. 351-385.
"Persistent Advantage or Disadvantage?: Evidence in Support of the Intergenerational Drag
Hypothesis" (with Jason Dietrich and David K. Guilkey) The American Journal of Economics
and Sociology Vol.60:2 April 2001 pp.435-470.
“Racial Economic Inequality in the USA” (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr.) In Judith R. Blau (ed.) The
Blackwell Companion to Sociology, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 2001, pp. 178-195.
“Reply to Ahiakpor” (with Warren Young), History of Political Economy, Vol. 32:4, 2000, pp.
“Give Affirmative Action Time to Act” The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 1, 2000,
p. B18.
“Languishing in Inequality: Racial Disparities in Wealth and Earnings in the New Millenium”
(with Samuel Myers, Jr.) In James S. Jackson (ed.) New Directions: African Americans in a Diversifying Nation, Washington, DC: National Policy Association, 2000, pp. 86-118.
“Intergroup Economic Inequality Across Countries: An Introductory Essay” (with Ashwini Deshpande) Review of Social Economy, Vol. 58:3, September 2000, pp. 273-276.
“Motivation and Labor Market Outcomes” (with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum) Research in Labor Economics: Worker Well-Being Volume 19, 2000, pp. 109-146.
“Economic Aspects of the British Trade in Slaves: A Fresh Look at the Evidence from the 1789
Report of the Lords of Trade” in Heather Cateau and S.H.H. Carrington (eds.) Capitalism and
Slavery Fifty Years Later: Eric Eustace Williams—A Reassessment of the Man and His Work
New York: Peter Lang, Inc. 2000, pp. 137-153.
“The Impact of Labor Market Prospects on Incarceration Rates” (with S.L. Myers, Jr.) In Robert
Cherry and William M. Rodgers III (eds.) Prosperity For All? The Economic Boom and African
Americans. New York: Russell Sage Foundation 2000, pp. 279-307.
“Secular Changes in the Gender Composition of Employment and Growth Dynamics in the North
and the South” (with Korkut Ertürk) World Development, Vol. 28:7, July 2000, pp. 1231-1238.
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April 2005
“Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality: The International Record” (with Jessica Gordon
Nembhard), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 90:2, May 2000, pp.
“Tracing the Divide: Intergroup Disparity Across Countries,” (with Ashwini Deshpande) Eastern
Economic Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1, Winter 2000, pp. 75-85.
“Evidence on Discrimination in Employment” in Thomas Swartz and Frank Bonello (eds.) Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Economic Issues (9th Edition). Reprinted in abridged
form as Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw Hill, 2000, pp. 54-68.
“Harris, Abram Lincoln, Jr.” entry in Juliet E.K. Walker (ed.) “Encyclopedia of African American Business History” Westport: Greenwood Press 1999, pp. 290-292.
“Who Loses From Unemployment?” Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 33:2 June 1999, pp. 491496.
“Unemployment and Well-Being” (with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum) in Peter Earl and
Simon Kemp (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Consumer Research and Economic Psychology,
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999, pp. 582-90.
“History, Discrimination and Racial Inequality” in William Spriggs (ed.) The Impact of ColorConsciousness in the United States: The State of Black America, 1999, New York: The National
Urban League 1999, pp. 153-166.
“Race, Cognitive Skills, Psychological Capital, and Wages” (with Arthur H. Goldsmith and Jonathan R. Veum) Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 26:2, Fall 1998.
“Revisiting Occupational Crowding in the United States: A Preliminary Study” (with Karen J.
Gibson and Samuel Myers, Jr.) Feminist Economics Vol. 4:3 Fall 1998, pp. 73-96.
“‘If It Shall Seem Just and Proper’: The Effects of Race and Morals on Alimony and Child Support Appeals in the District of Columbia” Journal of Family History Vol. 23:4 October 1998.
“Racial Earnings Disparities and Family Structure” (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr. and Chanjin
Chung) Southern Economic Journal Vol. 65:5, July 1998, pp. 20-41.
“Intergroup Disparity: Economic Theory and Social Science Evidence” (1997 Presidential Address to the Southern Economic Association) Southern Economic Journal Vol. 65:4, April 1998,
pp. 805-826.
“Evidence on Discrimination in Employment: Codes of Color, Codes of Gender” (with Patrick L.
Mason) Journal of Economic Perspectives Vol. 12:2 Spring 1998, pp. 63-90. Reprinted in
abridged form as “Evidence on Discrimination in Employment” in Thomas Swartz and Frank
Bonello (eds.) Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Economic Issues (9th Edition).
Guilford: Dushkin/McGraw Hill, 2000, pp. 54-68.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 7
April 2005
“Eric Williams and Slavery: A West Indian Viewpoint?” Callaloo: A Journal of AfricanAmerican and African Arts and Letters, Vol. 20:4, 1998, pp. 801-816.
“Why I Work” in Michael Szenberg (ed.) Passion and Craft: Economists at Work, Ann Arbor:
The University of Michigan Press, 1998, pp. 57-68.
Reprinted in German as “Keynes’ Politische Philosophie--Die Verbingdun mit Gesell” in
Zeitschrift für Sozialökomie Vol. 116, March 1998, pp. 3-12.
“Formally Modeling a Gender-Segregated Economy: A Reply to Campbell and Warner” World
Development Vol. 25:12 December 1997 pp. 2159-2162.
“Gesell, Silvio” in Thomas Cate (ed.) An Encyclopedia of Keynesian Economics Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar 1997 pp. 208-209.
"The Impact of Psychological and Human Capital on Wages" (with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum) Economic Inquiry, October 1997, Vol. 35:4, pp. 818-829.
“Reparations” in Samuel Myers, Jr. (ed.) Civil Rights and Race Relations in the Post ReaganBush Era Westpoint: Praeger 1997 pp. 231-242.
“Reply to ‘Hawtrey and the Multiplier’ by Robert W. Dimand” (with Warren Young) History of
Political Economy Vol. 29:3 Fall 1997 pp. 557-559.
"Unemployment, Joblessness, Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem: Theory and Evidence"
(with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum), Journal of Socioeconomics, Vol. 26:2, 1997, pp.
"Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the USA: A Secular Perspective" (with Jason Dietrich and David
Guilkey) American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 87:2, May 1997, pp. 301305.
"Keynes, Employment Policy and the Underclass" in Paul Davidson and Jan Kregel (eds.) Improving the Global Economy: Keynesianism and the Growth in Output and Employment: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp. 190-196.
"On Rewriting Chapter 2 of The General Theory: Keynes' Concept of Involuntary Unemployment (with Warren Young) in G.C. Harcourt and Peter Riach (eds.), A 'Second Edition' of the
General Theory: Volume 1, London and New York: Routledge, 1997, pp. 20-27.
"Marx, Keynes, and Sraffa: Conflicting Attitudes Toward Political Economy" in Philip Arestis,
Gabriel Palmer, and Malcolm Sawyer (eds.) Capital Controversy, Post-Keynesian Economics and
the History of Economic Thought London: Routledge 1997, pp. 169-186.
"Soundings and Silences on Race and Social Change: Abram Harris, Jr. in the Great Depression"
in Thomas D. Boston (ed.) A Different Vision: African American Economic Thought (New York:
Routledge) 1997, pp. 230-249.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 8
April 2005
"Lewis, William Arthur (1915-1991)" in David Glasner (ed.) Business Cycles and Depressions:
An Encyclopedia New York: Garland Publishing 1997, pp. 394-396.
"Increasing Returns and Intensification: A Reprise on Ester Boserup's Model of Agricultural
Growth" (with William Winfrey), Metroeconomica: International Review of Economics, Vol.
48:1 1997, pp. 72-92.
"PreKeynesian Economics in the Periphery" in Philip Arestis (ed.) Employment, Economic
Growth and the Tyranny of the Market: Essays in Honour of Paul Davidson, Volume 2 Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 1996, pp. 77-87.
"Explaining Differences in Economic Performance Among Racial and Ethnic Groups in the USA:
The Data Examined" (with David K. Guilkey and William Winfrey), American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 55:4 October 1996, pp. 411-426.
"The Impact of Labor Force History on Self-Esteem and Its Component Parts, Anxiety, Alienation and Depression" (with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum) Journal of Economic Psychology Vol. 17 1996, pp. 183-220. (Article received Citation for Excellence by ANBAR Electronic
"The Psychological Impact of Unemployment and Joblessness" (with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum), Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 25:3 1996 pp. 339-358.
"Social Psychology, Unemployment and Macroeconomics" (with Arthur H. Goldsmith), Journal
of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 10:1 Winter 1996 pp. 121-140.
"Harris, Abram" entry in Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History, Volume 3 New
York: Macmillan 1996 pp. 1226-7.
"Reparations," entry in Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History, Volume 4 New
York: Macmillan, 1996 pp. 2315-8.
"Are Being Unemployed and Being Out of the Labor Force Distinct States?: A Psychological
Approach" (with Arthur Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum), Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol.
16, 1995 pp. 275-295.
"A Guide to the Deficit" (with James K. Galbraith) Challenge Vol. 38:4 July-August 1995, pp. 512.
"The Formal Structure of A Gender-Segregated Low-Income Economy" World Development Vol.
23:11, 1995 pp. 1963-1968.
"Mr. Keynes, the New Keynesians and the Concept of Full Employment" (with Arthur H. Goldsmith) in Paul Wells (ed.) Post-Keynesian Economic Theory Boston: Kluwer 1995 pp. 73-95.
"Review of Melvin Leiman's Political Economy of Racism" Journal of Economic Literature Vol.
33, September 1995, pp. 1374-1376.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 9
April 2005
"Comment on Moggridge" in Allin Cottrell and Michael Lawlor (eds.) New Perspectives on
Keynes Durham: Duke University Press 1995 pp. 243-6.
"Ethnicity, Race, and Earnings" (with David Guilkey and William Winfrey), Economics Letters,
Vol. 47:3-4, March 1995, pp. 401-408.
"IS-LM: An Inquest" (with Warren Young), History of Political Economy, Vol. 27:1, Spring
1995, pp. 1-41.
"Keynes' Political Philosophy: The Gesell Connection," Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 21:1,
Winter 1995, pp. 27-42. Reprinted in German as “Keynes’ Politische Philosophie--Die Verbingdun mit Gesell” in Zeitschrift für Sozialökomie Vol. 116, March 1998, pp. 3-12.
"Family Structure and the Marginalization of Black Men: Policy Implications" (with Samuel
Myers, Jr.) in Belinda Tucker and Claudia Mitchell-Kernan (eds.), The Decline in Marriage
Among African Americans: Causes, Consequences and Policy Implications, New York: Russell
Sage Foundation, 1995, pp. 263-308.
"The Undesirables, America's Underclass in the Managerial Age: Beyond the Myrdal Theory of
Racial Inequality," Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol.
124:1, Winter 1995, pp. 145-167. Complete version printed in Obie Clayton, Jr. (ed.) An American Dilemma Revisited: Race Relations in a Changing World New York: Russell Sage Foundation 1996, pp. 112-137.
"Review of Lance Taylor's Income Distribution, Inflation, and Growth" Journal of Development
Economics Vol. 44:3 October 1994, pp. 172-174.
"Interethnic Disparity Across Census Divisions, 1980-1990" (with William Winfrey), Cityscape:
A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 1:1, August 1994, pp. 153-92.
"A Classical Theory of the Terms of Trade for Newly Industrializing Countries" (with Sumana
Dhar) in Amitava Dutt (ed.) New Directions in Analytical Political Economy, Aldershot: Edward
Elgar 1994, pp. 231-246.
"Who Owns Maynard Keynes?," History of Political Economy, Vol. 26:1, Spring 1994, pp. 155164.
"Loaded Dice in The Labor Market: Racial Discrimination and Inequality" in Susan Feiner (ed.)
Race and Gender in the American Economy: Views From Across the Spectrum, England Cliffs:
Prentice hall, 1994, pp. 18-21.
"The Impact of Unemployment on Perceptions of Personal Efficacy: Do Gender and Race Differences Exist?" (with Arthur H. Goldsmith and Jonathan Veum) in Paul Davidson and J.A. Kregel
(eds.) Employment, Growth, and Finance: Economic Reality and Economic Growth, Aldershot:
Edward Elgar 1994, pp. 19-33.
"What's So 'New' About the 'New' Theories of Technical Change?: Adam Smith, Robert Lucas,
Jr. and Economic Growth" in Paul Davidson and J.A. Kregel (eds.) Employment, Growth and Finance: Economic Reality and Economic Growth, Aldershot: Edward Elgar 1994, pp. 97-112.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 10
April 2005
"Many Roads to Extinction: Early AEA Economists and the Black Disappearance Hypothesis,"
History of Economics Review, No. 21, Winter 1994, pp. 47-64.
"Race and Inequality in the Managerial Age" in Wornie L. Reed (ed.) African-Americans: Essential Perspectives, Westport: Auburn House, 1993, pp. 33-80.
"Rational Expectations, Rational Belief, and Keynes' General Theory" (with Bobbie L. Horn) Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 11, 1993, pp. 17-47.
"Unemployment, Social Psychology and Unemployment Hysteresis" (with Arthur Goldsmith),
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 16:1, Fall 1993, pp. 55-71.
"Commentary on `Saving and Distribution'" in James H. Gapinski (ed.) The Economics of Saving,
Hingham: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993, pp. 232-8.
"Social Psychology, Unemployment Exposure and Equilibrium Unemployment" (with Arthur
Goldsmith), Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 13, September 1992, pp. 449-471.
"Financial Instability Hypothesis" entry in Peter Newman, Murray Milgate, and John Eatwell
(eds.) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, Volume 2, London: Macmillan
1992, pp. 75-6.
"A Model of `Original Sin': The Rise of the West and the Lag of the Rest" American Economic
Review, Vol. 82:2, May 1992, pp. 162-167.
"Review of Wallerstein's Modern World System III" Journal of Economic History Vol. 52:1
March 1992, pp. 261-2.
"Racial Earnings Inequality into the 21st Century" (with Samuel L. Myers, Jr.) in Billy J. Tidwell
(ed.) The State of Black America Washington, DC: National Urban League, 1992, pp. 119-139.
"IS-LM Under Increasing Returns" (with Allin Cottrell) Journal of Macroeconomics Vol. 13:4
Fall 1991, pp. 675-91.
"Underclass and Overclass: Race, Class, and Economic Inequality in the Managerial Age" in
Emily P. Hoffman (ed.) Essays on the Economics of Discrimination Kalamazoo: W.E. Upjohn
Institute 1991 , pp. 67-84.
"Banking on Capital Flight" in Jan Kregel and Paul Davidson (eds.) Economic Problems of the
1990s (Aldershot: Edward Elgar) 1991, pp. 31-40.
"Review of The Collected Papers of James Meade, Vols. I and II" History of Political Economy
Vol. 23: No. 3 Fall 1991, pp. 554-8.
"Efficiency Wage Theory: Critical Reflections on the Neo Keynesian Theory of Unemployment
and Discrimination" in Richard R. Cornwall and Phanindra V. Wunnava (eds.) New Approaches
to Economic and Social Analyses of Discrimination New York: Praeger 1991 , pp. 39-54.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 11
April 2005
"Some Repressed Aspects of the Case for Financial Reform in LDCs" (with Bobbie L. Horn) in
Hans Singe, Neelamber Hatti, and Rameshwar Tandon (eds.) Adjustment and Stabilization in the
Third World New Delhi: Vedams Books International 1991 , pp. 361-85.
"Growth and Trade With Asymmetric Returns to Scale: A Model For Nicholas Kaldor" (with
Patrick Conway) Southern Economic Journal Vol. 57: No. 3 January 1991 , pp. 745-59.
"The Fundamental Determinants of the Terms of Trade Reconsidered: Long Run and Long Period
Equilibrium" American Economic Review Vol. 80:4, September 1990, pp. 816-27.
"Abram Harris Jr.: The Economics of Race and Social Reform" (with Julian Ellison) History of
Political Economy Vol. 22:4 Winter 1990 , pp. 611-28.
"Impacts of Violent Crime on Black Family Structure" (with Samuel Myers Jr.) Contemporary
Policy Issues Vol. 8 October 1990 , pp. 15-28.
"Racial Inequality in the Managerial Age: An Alternative Vision to the NRC Report" American
Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings Vol. 80: 2 May 1990, pp. 247-51.
"Forty Acres and a Mule: Placing A Price Tag on Oppression" in Richard F. America (ed.) The
Wealth of Races: The Present Value of Benefits From Past Injustice Westport: Greenwood Press
1990, pp. 1-13.
"Review of Brendan Brown's The Flight of International Capital" Southern Economic Journal
Vol. 57: No. 2 October 1990 , pp. 557-8.
"British Industry and the West Indies Plantations" Social Science History Vol. 14:1 Spring 1990,
pp. 117-49. Reprinted in J.E. Inikori and S.L. Engerman (editors) The Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Economies, Societies, and Peoples in Africa, the Americas, and Europe Durham: Duke
University Press 1991 , pp. 247-79.
"Review of Boston's Race, Class and Conservatism" Journal of Economic Literature Vol. 28:1,
March 1990, pp. 117-9.
"Profitability of the British Trade in Slaves Once Again" Explorations in Economic History, Vol.
26, 1989, pp. 380-384.
"Is to Forgive the Debt Divine?" in John Weeks (ed.) Debt Disaster? Banks, Government, and
Multilaterals Confront the Crisis New York: NYU Press 1989, pp. 233-41.
"The Terms of Trade From the Long View" in Paul Davidson and Jan Kregel (eds.) Macroeconomic Problems and Policies of Income Distribution: Functional, Personal International Hants:
Edward Elgar 1989 , pp. 159-73.
"Reply to `A Common Error'" Journal of Macroeconomics Vol.11:1, Winter 1989, , pp. 149-50.
"What's Left of the Economic Theory of Discrimination?" in S. Shulman and W. Darity Jr. (eds.)
The Question of Discrimination, Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1989, pp. 335-74.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 12
April 2005
"The Simple Analytics of Aggregate Demand Price and Supply Price Analysis," in Jan Kregel
(ed.) Inflation and Income Distribution in Capitalist Crisis: Essays in Memory of Sidney Weintraub London: The Macmillan Press 1989, pp. 9-24.
"Review of Reynolds' Political Economy" Southern Economic Journal, Vol.55:3, January 1989,
pp 786-7.
"Marx, Malthus, and Wages" (with Allin Cottrell), History of Political Economy, Vol. 20:2,
Summer 1988, pp. 173-90. Reprinted in Mark Blaug (ed.) Karl Marx (1818-1993) (Pioneers in
Economics 23), Hunts: Edward Elgar, 1991, pp. 277-294.
"The Williams Abolition Thesis Before Eric Williams," Slavery and Abolition, Vol. 9:1, May
1988, pp. 29-41.
"Review of Bridel's Cambridge Monetary Thought," History of Political Economy, Vol. 20:4,
Winter 1988, pp. 690-694.
"Review of Collier and Lal's Labour and Poverty in Kenya 1900-1980," Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 26:1, March 1988, pp. 104-6.
"Involuntary Unemployment Independent of the Labor Market" (with Bobbie Horn), Journal of
PostKeynesian Economics, Vol. 10:2, Winter 1987-88, pp. 216-24.
"Equal Opportunity, Equal Results, and Social Hierarchy," Praxis International, Vol. 7, July
1987, pp. 174-85.
"Debt, Finance, Production and Trade in a North-South Model: The Surplus Approach," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 11:3, September 1987, pp. 211-28.
"Public Policy Trends and the Fate of the Black Family" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.) Humboldt
Journal of Social Relations, Vol. 14:1 and 2, Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer 1987, pp. 134-64.
Reprinted in Floyd W. Hayes III (ed.) A Turbulent Voyage: Readings in African American Studies, San Diego: Collegiate Press, 1992, pp. 432-51.
"Surplus People and Expendable Children: The Structure of Apartheid and the Mortality Crisis in
South Africa" (with Thomas DeGregori), Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 15:4, Spring
1987, pp. 47-62.
"Was Keynes A Chapter Two Keynesian?" (with Michael Lawlor and Bobbie Horn), Journal of
PostKeynesian Economics, Vol. 9:4, Summer 1987, pp. 516-28.
"The Hume Process, Laws of Returns, and the Anglo-Portuguese Trade," Southern Economic
Journal, Vol. 54:1, July 1987, pp. 119-33.
"Abram Harris: An Odyssey From Howard to Chicago," Review of Black Political Economy,
Vol. 15:3, Winter 1987, pp. 4-40.
"Meade's General Theory Model: A Geometric Reprise" (with Allin Cottrell), Journal of Money,
Credit, and Banking, Vol. 19:2, May 1987, pp. 210-21.
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April 2005
"Do Transfer Payments Keep the Poor in Poverty?" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 77:2, May 1987, pp. 216-22.
"Book Review: Controversies in Political Economy by Geoffrey Harcourt," Southern Economic
Journal, Vol. 53:4, April 1987, pp. 1057-9.
"Distress vs. Dependency: Changing Income Support Programs" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.), Urban League Review, Vol. 10:2, Winter 1986-87, pp. 24-33. Reprinted in Michael K. Brown (ed.)
Remaking the Welfare State: Retrenchment and Social Policy in America and Europe Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1988.
"Postlethwayt, Malachy," entry in New Palgrave Dictionary of Political Economy, London:
MacMillan, 1988.
"Welfare and Work: Microeconomic vs. Macroeconomic Considerations" (with Samuel Myers,
Jr.), The Cato Journal, Vol. 6: No. 1, Spring/Summer 1986, pp. 245-50.
"Book Review: Reconstructing Marxian Economics by Spencer Pack," Southern Economic
Journal, Vol. 53: No. 1, July 1986, pp. 280-82.
"The Managerial Class and Industrial Policy," Industrial Relations, Vol. 25: No. 2, Spring 1986,
pp. 212-27.
"Did the Commercial Banks Push Loans on the LDCs?" in Michael P. Claudon (ed.), World Debt
Crisis: International Lending on Trial, Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1986, pp.
"Losing Ground--Myths and Realities" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.), Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 14: Nos. 2-3, Fall- Winter 1985-6. Reprinted in Margaret C. Simms and Julianne
Malveaux (eds.) Slipping Through the Cracks: The Status of Black Women, New Brunswick:
Transaction, 1986, pp. 167-77.
"Book Review: List, The Natural System of Political Economy, 1837 and Henderson, Friedrich
List: Economist and Visionary, 1789-1846," History of Political Economy, Vol. 17: No. 3, Fall
1985, pp. 493-6.
"The Numbers Game and the Profitability of the British Trade in Slaves," Journal of Economic
History, Vol. 45: No. 3, September 1985, pp. 693-703.
"How Do We Reach the Civil Rights Goals in the 1980s?: Comment," Rutgers Law Review, Vol.
37:4, 1985, pp. 977-83.
"Hilferding: The Dominion of Capitalism and the Dominion of Gold" (with Bobbie L. Horn),
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 75:2, May 1985, pp. 363-68.
"Peddlers Forever?: Culture, Competition, and Discrimination" (with Rhonda M. Williams),
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 75:2, May 1985, pp. 256-61.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 14
April 2005
"On Involuntary Unemployment and Increasing Returns," Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics,
Vol. 7:3, Spring 1985, pp. 363-72.
"Does Welfare Dependency Cause Female Headship? The Case of the Black Family" (with
Samuel Myers, Jr.), Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 46:4, November 1984, pp. 765-80.
"Review of Kenneth Dam's The Rules of the Game," Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 65:3, September 1984, pp. 893-895.
"Rejoinder to Danziger" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.), Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 13:12, Summer-Fall 1984, pp. 191-93.
"Public Policy and the Condition of Black Family Life" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.), Review of
Black Political Economy, Vol. 13:1-2, Summer-Fall 1984, pp. 165-87.
"Review of W. Arthur Lewis' Selected Economic Writings," Journal of Development Economics,
Vol. 12:1, 1984, pp. 266-73.
"Contemporary Marxism: Ideology or Science?: A Review Essay on Research in Political
Economy, Vol. 1-3," Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 15:4, December 1983, pp. 13648.
"The Managerial Class and Surplus Population," Society, Vol. 21:1, November-December 1983,
pp. 54-62.
"Remarks on Racial Economic Inequality: Reply to Sowell," Journal of Ethnic Studies, Vol.
11:3, Fall 1983, pp. 128-30.
"Changes in Black Family Structure: Implications for Welfare Dependency" (with Samuel Myers, Jr.), American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 73:2, May 1983, pp. 59-64.
"Reaganomics and the Black Community," in Sidney Weintraub and Marvin Goodstein (eds.),
Reaganomics in the Stagflation Economy, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press),
1983, pp. 59-77.
"Involuntary Unemployment Reconsidered" (with Bobbie L. Horn), Southern Economic Journal,
Vol. 49:3, January 1983, pp. 717-33.
"The Goal of Racial Economic Equality: A Critique," Journal of Ethnic Studies, Vol. 10:4, Winter 1983, pp. 51-70.
"The End of Slave Trade and Indentured Immigration," Canadian Journal of African Studies,
Vol. 16:1, 1982, pp. 145-50.
"Economists, the Minimum Wage, and the Underclass," in Clement Cottingham (ed.), Race, Poverty and the Urban Underclass, (Lexington: D.C. Heath), 1982, pp. 133-56.
"The Political Economy of U.S. Energy and Equity Policy"(with Ronald Johnson and Edward
Thompson) in Hans Landsberg (ed.) High Energy Costs: Assessing the Burden, (Washington:
Resources for the Future and Brookings), 1982, pp. 170-219.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 15
April 2005
"On the Long Run Outcome of the Lewis-Nurkse International Growth Process," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 10, 1982, pp. 271-78.
"Beveridge and the New Search Unemployment," Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol.
4:2, Winter 1981-82, pp. 171-80.
"Mercantilism, Slavery and the Industrial Revolution," Research in Political Economy, Vol. 5,
1982, pp. 1-21.
"The Human Capital Approach to Black-White Earnings Inequality: Some Unsettled Questions,"
Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 17:1, Winter 1982, pp. 72-93.
"A General Equilibrium Model of the 18th Century Atlantic Slave Trade: A Least-Likely Test
for the Caribbean School," Research in Economic History, Vol. 7, 1982, pp. 287-326.
"The Simple Analytics of Neo-Ricardian Growth and Distribution," American Economic Review,
Vol. 71, December 1981, pp. 978-93.
"Distribution, Effective Demand, and the Orthodox Macromodel" (with Wanda Marrero), Journal
of Macroeconomics, Vol. 3:4, Fall 1981, pp. 455-87.
"Distributing the Fruits of Growth: Winners and Losers in the 'Sunbelt Boom,'" Adherent, Vol.
8:2, July 1981, pp. 63-95.
"The Class Character of the Black Community: Polarization Between the Black Managerial Elite
and the Black Underclass," The Black Law Journal, Vol. 7:1, 1981, pp. 21-31.
"Social Relations in the Workplace and Employer Discrimination" (with Barbara Bergmann),
Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Meetings, Industrial Relations Research Association,
1981, pp. 155-56. Reprinted as "Social Relations, Productivity and Employer Discrimination,"
Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 104:4, April 1981, pp. 47-49.
"Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume One: A Review Article," Journal of Economic
Issues, Vol. 15:1, March 1981, pp. 129-35.
"The Vintage Effect and the Illusion of Black Progress," Urban League Review (with Samuel
Myers, Jr.), Vol. 5:1, Summer 1980, pp. 54-65.
"The Theory of Racial Discrimination Revisited: Beyond the Ideology of Equality," Adherent,
Vol. 7:3, December 1980, pp. 91-119.
"Changes in Black-White Income Inequality, 1969-1978: A Decade of Progress?" (with Samuel
Myers, Jr.), Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 10:4, Summer 1980, pp. 355-79.
"The Boserup Theory of Agricultural Growth--A Model for Anthropological Economics," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 7, June 1980, pp. 137-57.
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April 2005
"Illusions of Black Economic Progress," Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 10:2, Winter
1980, pp. 154-68.
"Kalecki, Luxemburg and Imperialism," Journal of Post- Keynesian Economics, Vol. 2:2, Winter
1979-80, pp. 223-30.
"Economic Theory and Racial Income Inequality," Review of Black Political Economy, Spring
1975, pp. 225-48.
Principal Investigator, "Successful Students Project", African American Success Foundation,
2003-2004 $2000
Co-Pi, National Science Foundation (Economics Program) “Trust, Skin Shade and Competitiveness: Wage Determination of Black Americans Reconsidered,” Carolina Population Center,
2002-2004, $91,826.
Principal Investigator, Spencer Foundation, “Effective Schools, Effective Students,” Department
of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001-2004, $330,000.
Principal Investigator, Mellon Foundation grant to support the Minority Undergraduate Research
Assistant Program, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 20012003. $500,000.
Principal Investigator, N.C. Department of Public Instruction Grant “Increasing Opportunities to
Learn via Access to Rigorous Courses and Programs, 2001.
Principal Investigator, Mellon Foundation grant to support Sawyer Seminar on “The Concept and
Consequences of Race” University Center for International Studies, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, 1999-2000.
Principal Investigator, Mellon Foundation grant to support the Minority Undergraduate Research
Assistant Program, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 19982000
Co-principal Investigator, Mellon Foundation grant to support the Minority Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, Institute for Arts and Humanities, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, 1995-1997.
Principal Investigator, Mellon Foundation grant to support seminar on "Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality: A Cross-National Perspective," University Center for International Studies,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995-1996.
Co-investigator, Upjohn Institute study on racial inequality, 1992-3.
Co-investigator, New Jersey Transit Authority study on race-specific remedies for economic inequality, Afro-American Studies Program, University of Maryland at College Park, 1991-2.
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April 2005
Co-investigator, Health and Human Services grant for research on the underclass, Afro-American
Studies Program, University of Maryland at College Park 1988-1989.
Institute for Research on Poverty small project grant, 1986-87.
American Council of Learned Societies research grant, 1986.
Arab Development Institute grant for the study of the Libyan economy, 1980.
University Research Institute summer research award, UT-Austin, to study the economics of the
Atlantic Slave Trade, Summer 1979.
University Research Institute grant, UT-Austin, to prepare a proposal for the study of black-white
income inequality over the business cycle, Spring 1979.
American Economic Association
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Eastern Economic Association
History of Economics Society
National Economic Association
Population Association of America
Royal Economic Society
Southern Economic Association
Academic Press
American Economic Review
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Eastern Economic Journal
The Economic Journal
Greenwood Press
Growth and Change
Industrial Relations
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Journal of Economic Issues
Journal of Economics and Business
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Macroeconomics
Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics
Midwestern Journal of Business and Economics
National Journal of Sociology
National Science Foundation
Quarterly Journal of Economics
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 18
April 2005
Review of Black Political Economy
Review of Social Economy
Social Science Quarterly
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Southern Economic Journal
University of Michigan Press
University of Texas Press
Westview Press
Editor-in-chief, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (Macmillan/Thomson)
projected publication in 2008
Member, National Advisory Board, Hogg Foundation, University of Texas at Austin, 2004Member, Executive Committee, National Economic Association, 2003-present
Associate Editor, Southern Economic Journal, 2003- .
Laura Thomas Memorial Award, 2003.
Associate Editor, Southern Economic Journal, 2003-present
Distinguished Teaching Award, Southern Economic Association, 2003
Laura Thomas Memorial Award, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
Distinguished Teaching Award, Southern Economic Association, 2003.
Laura Thomas Memorial Award for University Service, 2002.
Distinguished Invited Lecturer, History of Economics Society, Annual Conference, Vancouver
Canada, July 1, 2000.
Cornelson Lecture, Annual Distinguished Lecture, Davidson College, April, 2000.
Chair, Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics
Profession, American Economic Association, 2000-2002
Chair, Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession, American
Economic Association, 2000-2002.
W. Arthur Lewis Memorial Distinguished Lecturer, University of West Indies at Cave Hill, Barbados, April 1999.
Chair, Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession, 1999-2001
American Economic Association.
Associate Editor, Review of Development Economics, 1997-2003.
President, Southern Economic Association, 1997.
Associate Editor, Review of Development Economics, 1997-2003
President-Elect, Southern Economic Association, 1996.
Technical Work Group Member, National Head Start/Public School Transition Project, 19951998.
Associate Editor, Explorations in Economic History, 1995-present
Member, Editorial Board, Explorations in Economic History, 1995- .
Member, Task Force on Poverty, American Psychological Association, 1994- .
Member, American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Journals,
1994Member, Executive Committee, American Economic Association, 1993-1996.
National Advisory Panel member, National Head Start/Public School Transition Project 19911995.
Board Member, Eastern Economic Association, 1991-1994.
First Vice President, Southern Economic Association, 1989-90.
Member, Board of Editors, Eastern Economic Journal, 1988-1993.
William A. Darity, Jr. Curriculum Vitae 19
April 2005
Chair, Board of Editors, Review of Black Political Economy, 1988- .
Chair, Board of Editors, Review of Black Political Economy, 1988-present
Chairman, Nominating Committee, National Economic Association, 1987.
Member, AEA Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in Economics, 1986-90.
President, National Economic Association, 1986.
President-Elect, National Economic Association, 1985.
Member, Board of Editors, Review of Black Political Economy, 1984-1987.
Member, Board of Directors, National Economic Association, 1981-1984.
Danforth Scholar, 1975-1978.
Marshall Scholar, 1974-1975.
Elected to the Rhode Island Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, 1974.
Class of 1973 Award for Best Paper written by a Senior in Economics, Brown University, 1974.
J.R. Kim, "Education and Income Distribution: A Case Study of Korea," December 1987.
Jonathan E. Leightner, "Essays on the Compatibility of Increased Equality and Growth and on
Technology Transfer to Japan," May 1989.
Ann B. Sternlicht, "The Order of Liberalization and Policies in Argentina: Welfare Effects and
Macroeconomic Success of Reforms with Distortions in Financial and Labor Markets," December 1992.
Jeffrey M. Konz, "Interregional Capital Flows and Profit Rate Equalization,"
Soonhyun Kwon, "International Capital Mobility in Developing Countries," May 1995.
Ngina Chiteji, "Essays on Finance and the Economic Development Process," January 1997.
Vaishali Mamgain, “Efficiency and Productivity Changes In Developing Countries”, August
Geoffrey Schneider, “Economists and the Problem of South Africa: The Evolution of Liberal and
Marxist Thought on Capitalism and Apartheid,” August 1997.
George McCarthy, “The Role of Migration in Closing Wage Gaps,” May 1998.
Mohammad Saifur Rahman “Three Essays on the Political Economy of Development Policy,”
July 1998.
Roberto Mosheim, “Efficiency in Cooperatives: A Case Study of the Costa Rican Coffee Processing Sector,” November 1998.
Lewis S. Davis, “Three Essays on Endogenous Specialization and Economic Development,” December 1998.
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January 11, 2001
Darrick Hamilton, “A Decomposition and Comparison of Ethnic/Racial Inequality in Wages and
Infant Mortality,” December 1999.
Sumana Dhar, “Essays in Development: Trade and Labor Issues,” December 2000.
Timothy Diette November, 2005.