Social Media Strategy - PMI Central Illinois Chapter

PMI-Central Illinois Chapter Social Media Strategy
This social media strategy document outlines some of the best practices and purpose of the PMI-CIC Social Media
Program. This program is designed to provide member retention, engagement, and interaction. Social Media is in
every home. PMI-CIC intends to maximize their impact in the local community from awareness, integration, and
contribution. The following recommendations are in draft and iteratively updated to maintain relevance and
maximize member value.
An added channel of communication social media may tend to member acquisition as membership rewards are
earned through online interaction, volunteers, and support of the chapter initiatives. These members that cannot
travel to the local meetings should be provided the means to attend remotely and potentially increase engagement.
The following outlets have been formed and begun initial tests of information and engagement.
Our primary objective for social media at the Central Illinois Level are initial and designed to be reviewed iteratively
as well. We will assume the challenge of the following:
 Increase monthly engagement from existing members in the community already present on Facebook and
already a member of the chapter.
 Add new members through improved presence and brand integrity in the local marketplace
 Integrate each of the offices into the social media behavior models to maximize strategic relationship
forming, organizational benefit, and partnership opportunities within the PMI® Communities of Practice.
 Drive member value with every purposeful decision.
 Increase traffic and interaction of our website to allow for member contribution to the site content, design,
and social media engagement initiative
The following represent some of the types of information PMI-CIC will support, but not limit itself to:
 Facebook is a new way to integrate and identify with our members. Facebook allows us to engage
community for organization and locations throughout the city as a Project Management community. Reiterating links and information regarding the project management industry at large. This tool will
emphasize important dates and event invitations.
 The community already exists. Notifications and mentions on strategic documentation, website locations,
email newsletters, and social media usage will make the regional economy aware of the presence.
 Facebook provides an avenue for growth and maturity through other social channels, such as video,
webinar, online learning, and other value added applications. These should be discussed iteratively to
ensure the content is relevant to the current shifting market.
 LinkedIn provides a secure location for member only content distribution.
 LinkedIn promotes each community member with contribution and recognition in the professional’s social
media network as a member value-add.
 LinkedIn provides an avenue and central location for the posting and maintenance of jobs in local areas
from either recruiting offices, person-to-person, and business-to-business opportunities.
 Establishing links to other organizations allows PMI-CIC to leverage information network of their
connections. This provides a connection for community members to more information on any given
subject beyond our own experiences.
 Twitter serves as the 140-character update and voice channel of the PMI-CIC marketing strategy.
 Some of uses for twitter are:
o Chapter Meeting reminders
o Links and backlink support other PMI® organizations (Global, virtual communities of practice, etc.)
o Local updates and NFP support announcements
o Volunteer, training, and professional development opportunities and announcements
You Tube
 You Tube allows for digital media, conference, speaker, and topic support when video was engaged.
 The chapter will leverage YouTube for content repository until the media program become more mature
always looking to engage membership in the video and retrospective markets.