Bringing solutions home Defining the scope for an “Action

International Organization
for Standardization
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home
Defining the scope for an
“Action Plan”
Train the trainers
Paris, France
20-25 February 2009
Acknowledgements to: Association française de normalisation (AFNOR), ISO/COPOLCO
training team co-chairs, BSI and Consumers International
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Outline
Setting Priorities for maximum impact
What is an “Action Plan”?
What are the main elements?
What can NSBs and Consumer organizations do?
Actions for today; actions for the future
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Looking forward
This Final Session is about ‘Looking Forward’
It will encourage you to build on:
The range of presentation material
The discussions and feedback from the dialogue
Supporting Information available
Together with:
The knowledge you have of your local national situation
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Building blocks
The Key Building Blocks provided include:
Key characteristics of the standards process
Benefits of standards for consumers
Consumer representation
Nationally, regionally & internationally
Resources available to support consumer representation
Networking nationally, regionally & internationally
COPOLCO & CI’s support and networking activities
Developing capacity
Relevant case studies (e.g. from the region)
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – a good Action Plan
A good action plan - practical and realistic
Activity and output based
Contributes to a longer term vision
States who does what
Takes account of resources available
Clear timetable with dates and targets
Agreed by the parties involved
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Actions for an NSB
Provide an annual plan of priorities and actions
Consult with consumers in developing the plan
Appoint a liaison person to communicate with
Consumer organizations
Join COPOLCO, ensure appropriate contact person
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Actions for an NSB
Develop consumer involvement in NSB governance
Encourage consumer participation in standards
Train consumers about standards and how to engage
Network with other NSBs in the region
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Actions for a
Consumer organization
Evaluate where consumer priorities overlap with national
standards activities (review NSB action plan)
Evaluate issues of greatest consumer detriment where
standards may help
Liaise with other COs and NGOs
Review where consumer participation in priority
standards issues would be most effective/useful (vs.
legislation/relates to testing agenda)
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Actions for a
consumer organization (continued)
Provide realistic and practical information to NSB
regarding consumer participation to facilitate a joint
action plan
Investigate funding and resource opportunities for
Evaluate CO potential resources to participate
(financial & human)
Appoint a liaison person to co-ordinate with NSB and
other COs/NGOs
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Joint actions
Joint actions standards bodies and consumer
organizations might consider include:
Activities to support World Standards Day
Develop an ongoing dialogue (meetings, seminars)
Involve each other in topics of mutual interest
Promote good use of standards in consumer protection
Develop mechanisms to enable consumer priorities for standards to
be developed
COPOLCO members meet with consumers to consider the papers,
to brief delegates and/or submit e-mail comment.
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Actions for today
What to consider today
When should we meet (again)? /
Whom should I contact?
First draft of a vision for consumer participation
A draft plan, inevitably with gaps
Information needed to fill gaps/ progress a plan
(Who will do this?)
Actions for the NSB representative
Actions for the consumer representative
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home – Actions for the future
What to consider in 6 months
Do we have a draft action plan?
If not what needs to happen to make progress?
It will take initiative and co-operation ultimately from both
parties to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan
Bringing solutions home
Making standards work for consumers
February 2009
Bringing solutions home: Defining the scope for an action plan