Youth T-Ball/Coach Pitch Registration Form

Bottineau Park District
Summer 2017
Youth T-Ball and Coach Pitch
Andrea Ketterling Coordinator
T-Ball and Coach Pitch Information
It’s finally here . . . Get ready for some fun in the sun!! Time to register your child for T-ball and/or Coach
Pitch! Please read though this information carefully! Our schedule is simple.... we will start Tuesday June
6th . We will have practice or games every Tuesday and Thursday through July 13th. The only days we will
not be scheduled are July 4th and June 15th. T-ball times are 6-7PM and Coach Pitch times are 7-8 PM at
the Tommy Turtle Park Fields. See you on Thursday June 6th our 1st night!
5 to 7 year olds T-Ball (players must be 5 by June 1st)
7 to 11 year olds Coach Pitch
7 year old playing both (since many of our 7 year olds have been playing ball for a while,
they are now ready for Coach Pitch. Since they can still benefit for T-ball we are encouraging 7 year olds to
play both.)
Registration Costs are below:
Early Bird Special – (registration and fee received before May 12th)
$25.00 Per participant playing 1 sport
$35.00 Per participating 7 year olds playing T-ball and Coach Pitch
Registration after May 12th
$30.00 Per participant playing 1 sport
$40.00 Per participating 7 year olds playing T-ball and Coach Pitch
NO CHILD WILL BE TURNED AWAY. We want your child to be able to play, if you can not afford the
registration fee please note that on the sheet or contact the summer coordinator at:
[email protected] .
All gear is provided, however, should participant provide their own helmet, helmet must meet NOCSAE
We will not turn away any child at any point of the season, but due to the timely matter of the T-shirt order,
if you do not turn in before May 19st you will need to make arrangements with coordinator Andrea
Ketterling to purchase a team t-shirt for the additional cost of the T-shirt.
Make checks payable to Bottineau Park District. Please Return the Registration Sheet with the Registration
Fee back to school or mail to:
Bottineau Park District
403 7th East Street
Bottineau, ND 58318
Attn: Andrea Ketterling
Registration Page is on 2nd Sheet
Bottineau Park District
Summer 2017
Youth T-Ball and Coach Pitch
Andrea Ketterling Coordinator
T-Ball / Coach Pitch Registration Form
Registering for:
Coach Pitch
(Circle One)
Child’s Name: _________________________ Age: _______ (as of _____) Male or Female (Circle One)
Child’s Shirt Size:
Adult S
Adult M
Adult LG
(Circle One)
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone (Work):___________________ (Home): _____________________ (Cell):______________________
E-mail address: __________________________________________________________________________
Does your child have any medical concerns YES or NO (Circle One) Describe: _______________________
I will help coach my child’s team YES or NO (Circle One) IF COACHING what is your shirt size? ___________
This program is coached 100% by volunteers. All of our children benefit from the help of volunteers so
please consider helping coach even if you are unable to attend all games. Include and e-mail address to be
notified of the upcoming Coaches Meeting. NO CHILD WILL BE TURNED AWAY. We want your child to be
able to play, if you can not afford the registration fee please note that on the sheet.
Bottineau Park District Summer 2017 Youth T-Ball and Coach Pitch
Release of Liability/Acknowledgment of Risk
I/We understand that the participation of the sport of Baseball/Softball constitutes a risk to me/us of
serious injury. We voluntarily and knowingly recognize, accept and assume this risk and thereby release the
City of Bottineau, Bottineau Park Board, their officers, administrators, coaches and employees from any and
all liability therefore.
Participant Name:______________________ Parent/Guardian Name (print): ________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________ Date:_______________________________
For office use only. Please leave blank.
Paid $ ___________
Check # ____________ or Cash Team Info ___________________________