“Can Do” Goal Game

“Can Do” Goal Game
Get 3-4 paper bags or baskets and put a label on each outlining some of the
activities that the girls might want to do during the rest of year. (Examples:
attending a council program event; visiting the zoo; planting a tree). Place the
bags/baskets at different spots about 3—6 feet away—make some closer and
easier to reach. Put the baskets with the most ambitious goal the furthest away
with the goals hidden from the girls. Using small erasers, have each girl try to get
3 erasers in the baskets.
In most cases, your girls will try to go for the closest (the easiest). Once you have
finished the game, turn the baskets around.
Lead a discussion about the goals:
- If the girls had known the “better” goal in advance, would they have tried
harder to reach it?
- Was it more fun or exciting to try to go for the farther basket?
- Would trying for bigger goals be more fun?