Gradebook - Sulis - University of Limerick

Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
If you don’t have this tool in your site, you can add it from Site Editor>Edit tools.
Home Page ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Viewing Grades............................................................................................................................... 3
Creating a Gradebook Item ............................................................................................................ 7
Changing a Gradebook Item .......................................................................................................... 8
Deleting a Gradebook Item ............................................................................................................ 9
Entering and Editing Grades ......................................................................................................... 9
Importing Grades.......................................................................................................................... 11
Exporting Grades to Date ............................................................................................................ 16
Calculating and Exporting Course Grades................................................................................. 17
Overriding an Auto-calculated Course Grade ............................................................................ 17
Reverting Back to Auto-calculated Grades ................................................................................ 19
Setting up Your Gradebook ......................................................................................................... 19
Setting Grade Display and Conversion Options ........................................................................ 21
Setting Grade Display and Conversion Options for UL grading .............................................. 22
Assigning Special Grading Permissions to Teaching Assistants ............................................ 23
For Students: Viewing the Gradebook........................................................................................ 24
For more information, tips or advice; or if you are experiencing technical problems; please log a
call with ITD Service Desk (ext 2999/2334, or online in NetDesk http://inside/itdservicedesk/).
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
If you are an instructor, the Gradebook tool allows you to calculate, store, and distribute grade
information to students online. Using the Gradebook, you may do all of the following:
Auto-calculate course grades and override course grades as needed.
Choose point-, percentage-, or letter-grade-based grading. Correlate letter grades to a 100 percent scale.
Create categories that organize items in the gradebook and enable you to weight grades.
Work with grades for a specific section or group.
Add, view, edit, and release point values of assignments and assessments to students.
Enter, view, edit, and release scores, comments, and grades to students.
Prevent assignments from being released to students. The student view of the Gradebook tool does not include any
information on unreleased assignments.
Export scores and grades to Microsoft Excel in .csv format.
Import scores saved in .csv format.
Give individual teaching assistants unique permissions within the gradebook.
Allow students to view their own scores and grades after you have released them.
The Gradebook tool is integrated with other tools as follows.
Scores from the Tests and Quizzes tool are automatically sent to the Gradebook tool if the Grades Sent to
Gradebook option is checked in the Tests and Quizzes tool.
Scores from the Assignment tool are sent to the Gradebook tool if the Grade Scale entry is "Points" and the
Add Assignment to Gradebook option was checked when the assignment was created.
Scores from the Assignment tool are associated with an existing item in the Gradebook tool if the Associate with
existing Gradebook entry option was checked, and the appropriate item in Gradebook selected, when the
assignment was created.
Scores from the Forums tool are sent to the gradebook if a forum has been associated with an existing item in the
Gradebook tool.
Scores from the Discussion Forums tool are sent to the gradebook if the Send to Gradebook option has been
checked in the Discussion Forums grading screen.
Warning: If, you used the Assignments, Discussion Forums, or Tests & Quizzes tool to create an item and if you checked
the option to add this item to the gradebook, then you must enter scores via the Assignments, Discussion Forums, or Tests
& Quizzes tool; you cannot enter scores for this item via the Gradebook tool.
Home Page
To access this tool, click the word Gradebook in the tools menu on the left side of your screen. Sulis
displays the Gradebook home page.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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The screen above shows the instructor's view of the Gradebook home page. If you are a student, your
Gradebook home page looks different. To see the student view, refer to For Students: Viewing the
The home page is also called the Gradebook Items page. It contains a list of the assignments and
assessments entered for your course and associated with the gradebook. If you have entered categories
for the various items in the gradebook, each item is shown within its category.
For each gradebook item, the list shows the following:
Assignment or assessment title
Average grade
Due date
An indicator showing whether the item has been released to students
An indicator showing whether the item is included in course grade calculations
The source of the data (Tests & Quizzes, Assignments, Discussion Forums, or blank); if blank, the data were
entered manually via the Gradebook tool and grades must be entered here as well.
Viewing Grades
You may view grades for any assignment or assessment or for the course to date.
Viewing Grades for a Given Item
For any assignment or assessment, you can view the maximum points possible, the class average
score, and the score of each student. To view this detail for any given item, access the Gradebook tool
and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Filter and sort the gradebook items as you like. For basic information on filtering and sorting, see Working with
Find the item you want and click its title. Sulis displays the Gradebook Item Summary screen for the item you
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
This screen shows the maximum number of points for the item (Points), the average score of the class (in points or
percentages, depending on how you have set up the gradebook), the due date, and the point or percentage score
for each student in the class.
For information on sorting, filtering, searching, and paging through this list, see Working with Lists. In addition:
To see the next item in the gradebook, click Next Gradebook Item.
To see the previous item in the gradebook, click Previous Gradebook Item.
To see the history of the grade for any student, click the Log icon ( ) for the student. Sulis displays a
window identifying the student and including the date, score, and grader. If the score has been changed, that
information is included as well.
To return to the Gradebook home page, click Return to Gradebook Items.
Viewing Grades for the Course to Date
Warning: Please read the following explanation of course grade calculations carefully.
In the Gradebook tool, each student’s course grade is based on the points earned to date relative to the total
possible points for all graded items. If a student’s gradebook entry for a particular item is null (that is, if no grade
has been entered), the point value for it is not included in the total possible points for the student’s final grade. (This
is the default gradebook configuration, but you can change it if needed.)
When calculating course grades, this tool does not round up. A student who has an overall grade
of 89.8 will receive a grade of 89 rather than 90. When number grades are converted to letter grades, this rounding
down can result in a lower final letter grade than the student deserves unless the instructor manually changes it.
The average course grade is the average of all course grades (sum of the % course grades / total # course grades).
Only students who have received grades are included in the calculation. Students whose work has not yet been
graded are ignored.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
To view grades for the entire course, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button. Notice that an Average Course Grade
is displayed.
In the topmost menu bar on the screen click Course Grades. Sulis displays the Course Grades screen.
This screen shows the total points possible for the course, the average score of the class, and the course grade for
each student. For each student, the display includes the person's points earned so far along with a letter grade and
percentage, both of which are based on the total points available for the entire course. A grade override may be
displayed as well.
Your options for changing the display and displaying other pages of names and grades are the same as for viewing
grades for an assignment. For more information about these options, see Viewing Grades for a Given Item.
Tip: To automatically enter zeros for all null values in the gradebook and calculate the final grade at any time, select the
Calculate Course Grades button.
Viewing Grades, by Student
For any student, you can view the grade for each item to date and the student's cumulative points. To do
so, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the menu bar near the top of the screen, click the All Grades button. Sulis displays the All Grades screen.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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This screen lists all students in the course. For each one, it shows a grade for each gradebook item to date. You
may need to scroll right to see all items and scroll down to see all students.
Your options for changing the display and displaying other pages of names are much like those for viewing grades
for a gradebook item. For more information about these options, see Viewing Grades for a Given Item.
To display greater detail for a student, as well as enter or edit grades for that student, click the student’s name.
Sulis displays the Student Summary screen.
Choose any of these options:
To see the student’s view of his or her grades, click the link for [Student Name’s] View of Grades in
the upper right. To return to the Student Summary screen, click Return to Instructor’s View of
Grades for [Student Name].
To save any changes to grades for the student, click Save Changes. Or, to clear any changes, click Clear
To save any changes to grades for the current student and then move to the Student Summary screen for the
previous student, click the Save and View Previous Student button.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
To save any changes to grades for the current student and then move to the Student Summary screen for the
next student, click the Save and View Next Student button.
To return to the All Grades screen, click the Return to All Grades button.
Creating a Gradebook Item
To create a gradebook item in this tool, access the Gradebook and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the menu bar in the Gradebook Items section, click Add Gradebook Item(s). Sulis displays the Add
Gradebook Item(s) screen.
Referring to the table below, enter information for the item.
Field Name
Enter a name for the gradebook item; required; maximum length is 255 characters.
Gradebook Item Point Value or
Grade Book Item Relative
You will see one field or the other, depending on the setup you have selected for your
gradebook. This entry is required.
If you are entering grades as points, enter a value greater than zero; required; decimals
are permitted, with up to two decimal places allowed.
If you are using categories with weighting, enter the point value of this item relative to the
other items within this category.
For more information on setting up the gradebook, see Setting up Your Gradebook.
Due Date
Enter a date manually in mm/dd/yy format or click the
date; optional.
Displayed only if you have set up your gradebook to include categories. Select a category
from the pulldown list. The default entry is Unassigned.
Release this item to Students
Check to display this item to students; clear to hide this item from them.
Include this item in course
grade calculations
Check to include; clear to calculate the final grade without considering the grade on this
calendar icon to select a
To add another item to the gradebook, click Add Another Gradebook Item and repeat step 3. (At this point,
you may delete any item by clicking the red X to the right of its title.)
To post this item or items for students, click Add Item(s). Sulis displays the Gradebook home page. The
assignments list now includes the new assignment(s) and this message:
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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Or, to return to the Gradebook home page without creating this assignment, click Cancel.
Changing a Gradebook Item
Note: You can use this tool to change assignments only if you have created them here. You cannot use the Gradebook tool
to change assignments created in the Tests & Quizzes, Discussion Forums, or Assignments tool.
To change a gradebook item in the Gradebook tool, access the item you want to change (see Viewing
Grades for a Given Item) and follow these steps:
Click the title of the item you want to change. Sulis displays the Gradebook home page.
In the Summary section of the screen, click Edit gradebook item settings.
Sulis displays the Edit Gradebook Item screen.
Make changes as needed. For more information, see Creating a Gradebook Item, step 3.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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To complete your work, click Save Changes. The Gradebook Item Summary screen is displayed. The screen
includes this message:
Or, to return to the Assignment Summary screen without changing this assignment, click Cancel.
Deleting a Gradebook Item
Warning: You cannot delete a gradebook item after student submissions have been received. Furthermore, you cannot use
the Gradebook tool to delete items created in the Tests & Quizzes, Discussion Forums, or Assignments tool. You must use
the tool in which the assignment or assessment was created.
To delete an item from the Gradebook, access the item you want to delete (see Viewing Grades for a
Given Item) and follow these steps:
Click the title of the appropriate item. Sulis displays the Gradebook Item Summary screen.
In the Gradebook Item Summary section of the screen, click Remove gradebook item from gradebook.
Sulis displays a remove confirmation screen.
To proceed to delete the gradebook item, check the box for Remove this gradebook item and all
associated scores from the gradebook and click Remove. Sulis displays the Gradebook home page
and a message confirming that the item has been deleted.
Or, to return to the Gradebook Item Summary screen without deleting this gradebook item, click Cancel.
Entering and Editing Grades
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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Note: You may also enter and edit grades for a single student’s work on multiple items by accessing the Summary screen
and entering the grades there. For information on accessing that screen, see Viewing Grades, by Student.
Entering Grades for a Gradebook Item
Warning: You can use the Gradebook tool to enter scores only if the item to be graded was created in this tool. You cannot
use the Gradebook tool to enter scores for items created in the Tests & Quizzes, Discussion Forums, or Assignments tool.
You must enter grades in the tool used to create the item being graded.
To enter student grades for work on a gradebook item, find the item for which you want to enter grades
(see Viewing Grades for a Given Item) and follow these steps:
Click the title of the appropriate item. Sulis displays the Gradebook Item Summary screen.
Following the instructions in step 2 under Viewing Grades for a Given Item, find the section or group of students or
an individual student for whom you want to enter a grade.
Enter each student's score for the gradebook item in the Points or Percentage box for the student.
Scores must be greater than or equal to zero. Point scores may contain up to two decimal places (for example,
To enter a comment, click the Edit Comments button in the header above the list of student names. Sulis
displays a Comments box for each row.
Enter your comment in the appropriate box.
Enter grades for other students in the same manner.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
To save the grades you have entered, click Save Changes. The system displays the gradebook item Summary
screen. Or, to return to that screen without entering grades, click Cancel Changes.
Editing Grades for a Gradebook Item
Warning: You can use the Gradebook tool to enter scores only for items that were created in this tool. You cannot use the
Gradebook tool to enter scores for items created in the Tests & Quizzes, Discussion Forums, or Assignments tool. You must
always enter grades in the tool used to create the item being graded.
To change a grade, find the appropriate gradebook item (see Viewing Grades for a Given Item) and
follow these steps:
Click the title of the appropriate gradebook item. Sulis displays the Gradebook Item Summary screen.
Following the instructions in step 2 under Viewing Grades for a Given Item, find the group of students or an
individual student for whom you want to enter a grade.
Change the entry in the Points or Percentage box for the appropriate student's name. Point scores must be
greater than or equal to zero and may contain up to two decimal places (for example, 9.25).
To add comments, click the Edit Comments button in the header above the list of student names. When Sulis
displays a Comments box for each row, enter your comment to this student. Or, if the Comments boxes are
already displayed, simply enter comments in those boxes.
To save your changes, click Save Changes. The system displays the gradebook item Summary screen. Or, to
return to that screen without changing the grade(s), click Cancel Changes.
Note: Sulis creates a grade history log for each score. This log indicates the date entered, the recorded score, and the
submitter. The log is also used to record any future changes made to this grade, along with information on the grader, the
date, and the score.
Importing Grades
The Gradebook tool allows you to import grades both for a new gradebook item (that is, an item that
doesn’t exist in the gradebook yet) and for existing Gradebook items.
Importing Grades for Existing Items
If you have created an item in the Gradebook tool, you have the option of grading it in a spreadsheet on
your desktop and then importing the grades into your gradebook. To do so, access the Gradebook tool
and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Click the Import Grades button in the topmost menu bar. Sulis displays the Import Grades screen.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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Click on a link to download the spreadsheet template in the desired format. You have two choices:
Download Spreadsheet Template for Excel
Download Spreadsheet Template as CSV
Save the template on your desktop. It will have a name in this format: gradebook-[course ID]-[date].
Open the template with the appropriate spreadsheet application, and add grades for the appropriate item(s).
If desired, add additional columns and grades using the appropriate format (see the top row of the template file for
the gradebook item and point value format).
Save the file in either .csv or .xls format.
Back on the Import Grades screen, click the Choose File button. Sulis displays the “Upload a spreadsheet (csv
or xls format) to Loading Dock” screen:
Select the file to upload. You may do so in one of the following ways:
Click the Browse button and select the file from your desktop.
If you’ve added the file in the Resources tool, find the file and click Attach a copy.
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Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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Next, click Continue. Or, to cancel the operation, click Cancel. If you click Continue, Sulis once again displays the
Import Grades screen.
Click Import Spreadsheet. Sulis displays the Verify Grade Import screen.
10. Review the data for the appropriate item to be sure it is as expected. Use the scroll bars as needed to view all of the
relevant data.
11. Click OK; or to return to the previous screen to select another file, click Back. If you are proceeding, Sulis
displays the Import Grades screen along with a message confirming that the spreadsheet has been imported.
Importing Grades for Items Not Yet in the Gradebook
The Gradebook tool enables you to import grades and comments for items that don’t yet exist in your
online gradebook. First, however, you must enter all appropriate information into a spreadsheet file.
Using the Gradebook tool, you then upload this file and import the data for the new item(s) into your
Uploading a New Item with Grades
The file you upload must meet these requirements:
It must be saved in .csv or .xls format.
The first row must contain column headings.
The first column must contain student usernames.
If you include both grades and comments, they must be in different columns.
Your spreadsheet file might look something like this:
After creating and saving the file, upload it by accessing the Gradebook tool and following these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
Click the Import gradebook item from spreadsheet button in the menu bar beneath the screen name.
Sulis displays the Import Gradebook Item screen.
Click the Upload spreadsheet (csv or xls format) to Loading Dock link. Sulis displays the “Upload a
spreadsheet (csv or xls format) to Loading Dock” screen.
Enter a meaningful title for the file in the Title box. This entry is required and must be unique within the gradebook.
Click the Choose file button. Sulis displays an expanded version of the “Upload a spreadsheet (csv or xls
format) to Loading Dock” screen.
Select the file to upload. You may do so in one of the following ways:
Click the Browse button and select the file from your desktop.
If you’ve added the file in the Resources tool, find the file and click Attach a copy.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
Next, click Continue. Or, to cancel the operation, click Cancel. If you click Continue, Sulis displays the
initial version of the “Upload a spreadsheet (csv or xls format) to Loading Dock” screen, with the file’s name
displayed in the Filename box.
Click Save. Or, to cancel the operation, click Cancel. If you click Save, Sulis displays the Verify Upload
screen, along with the details showing the data to be uploaded.
Review the information on the screen to be sure it is as expected.
To continue, click OK; or, to abort the upload and select another file, click Back and return to step 4.
If you click OK, Sulis displays the Import Gradebook Item screen along with a message confirming that the data
has been uploaded. The file you have uploaded is now listed in the Loading Dock table on the screen.
Importing an Uploaded Item into the Gradebook
After uploading a file, import its contents into your online gradebook. You may import grades for only one
item at a time. To import grades and comments for a single item, follow these steps:
If you are not on the Import Gradebook Item screen, display it as described in Uploading a New Item with Grades,
steps 1-2.
In the Loading Dock table, find the title of the appropriate uploaded file and click the Import link for it. Sulis
displays the Import Preview screen.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
In this table, each graded item and comments for each graded item (if entered in the spreadsheet file) are displayed
in separate columns.
Click the radio button next to the name of the graded item you want to import.
To import the item and its grades, click the Import Selected button; or to abort this procedure, click Cancel. If
you are continuing the import, Sulis displays the Import Gradebook Item and Scores screen.
The screen is similar to the Add Gradebook Item with the addition of a pulldown list from which you select a column
of comments to import.
Enter appropriate data in the fields as indicated in the table in Creating a Gradebook Item.
If appropriate, add comments from the spreadsheet by choosing an appropriate column from the pulldown list for
Select a column to import comments.
Click the Submit button; or, to abort the operation, click Cancel. If you click Submit, Sulis displays the Import
Gradebook Item screen along with a message identifying the item that has been added.
To import other items, repeat steps 2-7.
Exporting Grades to Date
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
Note: Sulis exports all available class data. If you filter your roster by section or category before exporting, Sulis will still
export all data, not just the filtered data.
To export a course roster and the grades to date for each student, access the Gradebook tool and follow
these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Click the All Grades button in the Gradebook menu. Sulis displays the All Grades screen.
Depending on the file format you would like to export, click either the Export as CSV or Export for Excel button
and proceed to download the file as usual for your computer system. Sulis creates a file with a file name in this
format: gradebook-[courseID]-[date].
If you open the file with a spreadsheet program such as MS Excel, the spreadsheet looks like this:
The names of the column headers are "Student ID," "Student Name," and "[item name and total point value]." The
data includes full student names and item percentages or point values up to two decimal places. For each student,
the "[item name]" column contains scores.
Calculating and Exporting Course Grades
Calculating Course Grades
Warning: This tool may not calculate course grades quite the way you expect.
Warning: Course grade calculations are irreversible.
To calculate course grades, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the menu bar near the top of the screen, click Course Grades. Sulis displays the Course Grades screen.
Click the Calculate Course Grades button near the bottom of the screen. Sulis displays the Calculate Course
Grade screen.
To confirm that you want Sulis to make this irreversible calculation, click Continue. Sulis displays the Course
Grades screen again, along with a confirmation message. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Exporting Course Grades
To export course grades, follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the topmost menu bar on the screen click Course Grades. Sulis displays the Course Grades screen.
Display the information for the appropriate section or group, if desired (see Exporting Grades to Date ).
Click the Export Course Grades as CSV button and proceed to open or save the file as usual for your
computer system. Sulis creates a file with a file name in this format: course_grade- [courseID]-[date].csv.
Overriding an Auto-calculated Course Grade
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Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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Because course grades can potentially be misleading until the end of a term (this will happen if and only
if you have selected the Calculate Course Grades button to enter zeros for all non-submitted
gradebook items), you may choose to override the auto-calculated grades at any time.
To override the auto-calculated course grade, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the menu bar near the top of the screen, click Course Grades. Sulis displays the Course Grades screen.
In the Grade Override column, enter a grade that accurately reflects each student’s graded work to date.
Note: Sulis accepts entries only if they are the appropriate grade type for the Gradebook in which you are working. Therefore,
when manually entering a course grade, you must use the appropriate grade type. For example, if the course is graded on a
simple letter grade scale, you may enter only the letters A, B, C, D, or F. If the course is graded on a standard letter grade
scale, you may add a + (plus sign) or - (minus sign) to the letter grade. If the course is graded on a pass/fail scale, you may
enter only the letters P or NP.
To save your changes, click Save Changes. Sulis displays the Course Grades screen again, along with a
confirmation message. Or, to cancel your changes, click Clear Changes. Sulis displays the original data on the
To display course grades to students now, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the menu bar near the top of the screen, click Course Grade Options. Sulis displays the Course Grade
Options screen.
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Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
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Check the Display course grade to students now box.
Save this setting by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Or, to exit without saving your work, click
Cancel. Sulis displays the Gradebook home page.
Reverting Back to Auto-calculated Grades
If you have overridden a course grade and want to revert back to the auto-calculated grade, access the
Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
In the menu bar near the top of the screen, click Course Grades. Sulis displays the Course Grades screen.
In the Grade Override column, delete each grade entered in the Grade Override column.
To save these changes, click Save Changes.
Setting up Your Gradebook
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Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
The Gradebook tool allows you to customize your gradebook in these ways:
Specify whether grades in your gradebook are to be entered and displayed as points or as percentages.
Specify whether graders have the option to release grades to students for a graded item or prevent item-by-item
grades from being released.
Note: This tool also allows you to control whether students can see their course grades or not. For information on setting this
option, see Setting Grade Display and Conversion Options.
If desired, create categories within your gradebook, assign items to them, and assign percentages to the
categories, in order to weight them and the items they contain.
To customize your gradebook in any of the above ways, access the Gradebook tool and follow these
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Click the Gradebook Setup button in the topmost menu bar or click the Change course grade options
link in the upper part of the home page. Sulis displays the Gradebook Setup screen.
In the Grade Entry section, click a radio button to indicate whether grades are to be entered and displayed as point
values or percentages.
In the Gradebook Items Display section, choose one of these options:
To indicate that no gradebook items may be released to students, clear the box for Display released
Gradebook Items to students.
To indicate that gradebook items may be released to students, check the box for Display released
Gradebook Items to students.
Note: Checking this box does not automatically cause any grades to be released. Instead, it presents the option for you to
release grades for any given graded item whenever you decide to do so. To release an item, you must edit the individual item
as indicated in the table in Creating a Gradebook Item.
In the Categories & Weighting section, specify whether you want to use categories or not and whether you want to
weight categories.
If you check No Categories, proceed to step 6.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
If you check Categories Only, Sulis displays the first row of a category table. Enter a category name. To
add more categories, click Add a Category and enter another name. After adding all categories, proceed
to step 6.
If you check Categories & Weighting, Sulis displays the first row of a category and weighting table.
Enter a name for the first category in the Category column and specify the relative weight of this category in
the % column. To add more weighted categories, click Add a Category and enter another category name
and percentage. Sulis displays a running total of the percentages you have added. After adding weighted
categories that add up to 100.0%, proceed to step 6.
To complete your work, click Save Changes. Sulis displays a confirmation message on the screen. Or, to exit
without making changes, click Cancel. Sulis displays the Gradebook home page.
Setting Grade Display and Conversion Options
The Gradebook tool allows you to control whether course grades are displayed to students or hidden
from them. It also allows you to change the type of grading scale used for the course and set a minimum
percent value for a passing grade in a pass/fail grading scheme.
To set these options, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Click the Course Grade Options button in the topmost menu bar. Sulis displays the Course Grades options
In the Grade Display section, choose the grades you want to display to students:
To display course grades to students, check Display course grade to students now.
To stop displaying course grades, clear the box. (By default, the box is unchecked.)
To set or change the grading scale, in the Grade Conversion section, select the appropriate grading scale from the
Grade Type pulldown list and click Change grade type. Sulis redisplays the Grade Options screen with the
changed grade type.
To change the minimum percentage for any grade, in the Grade Conversion section, enter the desired value in the
Minimum % column for each grade.
Or, to revert to the default values for all grades, click Reset to default values.
Note: Sulis does not apply the percentages shown in the Grade Conversion section to any course grades you enter manually.
If you manually enter a course grade, Sulis displays the error message "You have changed the grading scheme. All manually
overwritten course grades remain unaffected."
To save your changes, click Save. Sulis displays the Gradebook home page along with the message "Grade
options have been saved."
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
Or, to return to that screen without making changes, click Cancel.
Setting Grade Display and Conversion Options for UL grading
To set up the Gradebook to display UL graces, access the Gradebook tool and follow these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Click the Course Grade Options button in the topmost menu bar. Sulis displays the Course Grades options
In the Grade Display section, choose the grades you want to display to students:
To display course grades to students, check Display course grade to students now.
To stop displaying course grades, clear the box. (By default, the box is unchecked.)
10. To set or change the grading scale, in the Grade Conversion section, Sulis Grade from the Grade Type
pulldown list and click Change grade type. Sulis redisplays the Grade Options screen with the changed grade
11. To change the minimum percentage for any grade, in the Grade Conversion section, enter the desired value in the
Minimum % column for each grade.
Or, to revert to the default values for all grades, click Reset to default values.
Note: Sulis does not apply the percentages shown in the Grade Conversion section to any course grades you enter manually.
If you manually enter a course grade, Sulis displays the error message "You have changed the grading scheme. All manually
overwritten course grades remain unaffected."
12. To save your changes, click Save. Sulis displays the Gradebook home page along with the message "Grade
options have been saved."
Or, to return to that screen without making changes, click Cancel.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
Assigning Special Grading Permissions to Teaching Assistants
If your site has users in the Teaching Assistant role, and if you have sections in your course and/or use
categories in the Gradebook tool, you may permit each teaching assistant to grade any or all sections
and/or categories. By default, a teaching assistant has permission to grade anything within his or her
assigned sections or groups. To restrict their capabilities further, access the Gradebook tool and follow
these steps:
If the Gradebook home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
Click the Permissions Settings button in the topmost menu bar. Sulis displays the Grader Permissions
Settings screen.
Use the pulldown list to select a teaching assistant’s name. Sulis displays additional fields.
Click the Add a rule link. Sulis displays two more pulldown lists.
In the Can pulldown list, select either View or Grade.
In the other pulldown list, select a section, group, or category in the gradebook that this user is to be permitted to
view or grade.
Repeat steps 4-6 to enter additional rules, if appropriate, for this user.
To remove a rule, click the
icon for it.
Sulis Support Documentation
Adapted from rSmart SULIS User Guide for version 2.7
Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick 13/07/2017
After entering all applicable rules for this TA, click Save Changes. Or to revert to the default permissions for this
grader, click Clear Changes. Sulis displays a confirmation message.
10. If desired, repeat steps 3-9 to restrict the activities of other TAs.
11. To revert to the default settings for a TA, delete all rules for this user and click
Save Changes.
For Students: Viewing the Gradebook
If you are a student, you may use the Gradebook tool to view your grades for a course. You see only the
grades your instructor has chosen to display to students. These grades may include your cumulative
score in a course, your course grade, and your grade for each item in the course.
When you access the Gradebook tool, Sulis displays the Gradebook home page. It looks like this:
To sort the gradebook items by title, due date, grade, or relative weight, click the header you want to sort
by. For basic information on sorting lists, see Working with Lists.