CI Assessment Kick

Critical Infrastructure Assessment Kick-Off Meeting
<Date / Time>
• Introductions
• Purpose of Workshop
• Video 1 – Basic Concepts
• Hazard Scenario Development
• Video 2 – Process Overview
• Tool Revision
• Practice Using Tool
• Video 3 – Next Steps
• Closing Remarks
Purpose of Workshop
• To identify which assets the local
government is dependent on in
delivering goods & services to
• To identify the level of
dependency each good & service
has on those assets
• Outputs of assessment inform
various planning activities
Video 1 – Basic Concepts
• Play Video 1 – Basic Concepts
Hazard Scenario Development
• Hazard Scenario is a narrative
description of a realistic hazard
that may impact the community
• Provides participants with
context for their discussions
• Focuses conversations on an
event that might damage assets
or disrupt goods & services
• See Hazard Scenario
Development Instructions
Video 2 – Process Overview
• Play Video 2 – Process Overview
Tool Revision
• Internal Dependencies should
show locally owned assets and
locally provided goods &
• External Dependencies should
show locally owned assets and
externally provided goods &
• Rows/columns can be hidden or
Practice Using the Tool
• Select a service on the Internal
Dependencies sheet, then
identify assets that are needed
for the service
• Mark a C for critical dependency,
or I for important dependency
• Select an asset on the External
Dependencies sheet, then
identify which services are
needed to support the asset
Video 3 – Next Steps
• Play Video 3 – Next Steps
The completed tool is used to create recommendations captured in the summary report.
Closing Remarks
• Each participant has
• Please return completed Tools to
Champion by <date>
• See Instructions for Completing
CI Assessment Tool for details