Umbc tke - The Upsilon-Theta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon

Monty’s Crew
[Edition 1, Volume 1]
We would like for you to get to know us
Our Chapter began with Brian Paul Windsor, on our
campus he is the man, the legend, and the legacy. During
a brief interview we begin to understand a bit about his
character. BPW decided to pursue a colony of TKE
because as an undergrad he was building bonds that
would last; even after graduation! He felt inclined to
pursue TKE because the morals of these bonds and
friendships coincided with the principles of TKE. Tau
Kappa Epsilon provided a basis in which lead him in the
right direction to exceed expectations and become
recognizable amongst the Greek Community. Brian
described the colonization period as difficult because the
school was and has not really been open to Greek Life.
Yet, through his persistence, diligence, and readiness he
was able to propose a case in which the school had no
choice but to listen to and proceed with. Using only one
word he described TKE during his time as determined.
TKE, at this point was only a group of young men that
were willing to work together for one common purpose,
one common goal.
The Troubles, the Lineage, and the New
Next, we would like to introduce the new face of TKE,
Tommy Mason. Tommy serves as our current Prytanis.
While wrapping up his second term or final semester as
Prytanis, he would like everyone to know more about
our chapter. During his interview, he started off by
describing TKE in a bad place; where Upsilon Theta
had three members disaffiliate. While these bad times
were before his initiation, his information is limited. Yet,
that didn’t stop oppression from effecting TKE in the
Greek community and propose hardship for the
following semesters. The following semester we didn’t
receive any interest from any potential new members.
However, since our last Prytanis and Tommy’s
upcoming as Prytanis, TKE has flourished. Our last
Prytanis, Micha took a good, hard look at our chapter
and was able to get a grasp on the financial struggles
that postpone and inhibit our chapter. Yet, Tommy was
very pleased with Alpha Alpha class, bringing new faces,
they assisted in making each social we had that semester
entertaining! Tommy leaves us with this message: Dope
guys, fly high, UMBC TKE will NEVER die!
What’s up everyone? As we initiate a new group of kids, Alpha Beta class, into our chapter we would like to
extend our welcoming hands to Alumni such as yourself.
Now, that you know a little about us we would like to know a bit about you. Therefore, we invite you out to join us
for our biannual Alumni vs. Active game.
We have an Alumni vs. Active flag football game on Sunday, December 13th, 2015 at 1:00pm on Erickson Field.
Alumni dress in black and Active bro’s dress in red for the game.
Also, Frater Max Frangenberg has spent numerous hours working hard and conducting research to find the most ideal
location for the Red Carnation Ball. The venue for Spring Formal 2016 will be in Solomons, Maryland at the Calvert
Marine Museum. This enormous museum has a great reception hall with many aquariums and artifacts from the
Maryland area. It is going to be an incredible formal and I hope everyone can attend.
Frater Ronnie Kumar is working to charter the Upsilon-Theta Alumni Association. This will serve as a group of
Upsilon Theta alumni working together to foster the TKE spirit among alumni of many generations. Our main
purpose will be to communicate with Upsilon Theta alumni, host social events with alumni, perform community
service, mentor the Upsilon Theta chapter, create scholarship opportunities for members of the Upsilon Theta
chapter. He has recently spoken with other fraters such as Kevin King, Wes Roberton, Ali Shariati, and Chris Caldwell
about establishing an official Alumni Association and they all agree with the cause. Ronnie Kumar said that when he
was an undergraduate, it would have been great to have an official Alumni Association to help guide the chapter
during difficulties and contribute with alumni experience. Now that the chapter has been around for more than 10
years and as alumni approach their late 20s and early 30s, he thinks they would want to contribute to the chapter since
they are also more well establish in their careers and personal lives. Therefore now would be an appropriate time to
charter the Alumni Association and he is also working to create the first annual scholarship opportunity in honor of
Frater Salmaan Sultan who passed away in the summer of 2011. He has reached out to Salmaan’s older brother and
his family and they expressed interested in gifting an annual endowment in his honor. The exact details are being
worked out with Ronnie, the Sultan family and UMBC to legitimize this scholarship.
Chartering the Alumni Association costs $200 every 2 years or a lifetime fee of $1,000. Ronnie Kumar is going for the
lifetime fee of $1,000 and has already raised $200 between three alumni, and therefore needs $800 more to charter it.
He also needs at least 20 alumni names to write down when sending the document to Nationals. He believes he can
make this possible within 1 month since there are 100+ alumni. Any extra money raised would be going towards the
association’s events, and help provide long-term assistance to the Upsilon-Theta chapter. If you would like to help
establish the Upsilon Theta Alumni Association or if you have any questions regarding it then please contact Frater
Ronnie Kumar at [email protected] or 410-300-7761.
But wait, there’s MORE…
One thing is for certain, the Upsilon Theta chapter of TKE is well known for its close knit
community, we have each other’s back whenever conflict arises and we like to acknowledge our Alumni
accomplishments by giving them a huge UMBC shout out!
Let’s give three huge barks for the UMBC TKE alumni for:
 Frater Arian Zohdi was engaged on November 6th, 2015.
 Frater Rohit Jamisetti’s wedding is on November 22nd, 2015 in India!
 Frater Lance Orr’s wedding in May 2015!
 Frater Wes Robertson and his wife Heidi are expecting a baby girl in January 2016.
Her name will be Charlotte!
 Frater Chris Dockery was engaged in May 2015.
 Last but not least Frater Brian Windsor on his soon to be wedding in the Fall of 2016!
Congratulations fraters!
Included: Top Row: Frater Brett Everhart, Frater Tavien Kimbrough, Frater Tommy Mason, Frater Alex King, and Frater Alex Pelaia
Bottom Row: Alpha Beta class: Al Maghsadi, Donovan Lawrence, Tory Van Dine, Nate Bell, Klaus Kim
Aaron Good
Phone: 443-895-0664
TKE is a brotherhood for life! Yet, all of us experience TKE in different ways. As a brother who attended
Conclave 2015, I realized that each brother differs from one another. Besides being brothers bonded
together by the bond, the majority of us are professional and are looking to improve our legacy.
Please call if you have questions