Aviva Stadium – Event Day Smoking Policy

Aviva Stadium – Event Day Smoking Policy
Aviva Stadium is a no smoking stadium for all pitch related events.
Smoking is not permitted inside the stadium including in the arena, this means that once beyond a
turnstile or inside a premium entrance door smoking is prohibited.
Members of the public are only allowed to exit the building to smoke at certain times during an event
taking into consideration crowd movement and safety management. Smoking is only permitted outside
the building and then in designated area’s only. (see attached map)
If you encounter a person in the stadium building that is smoking, please refer this matter to a steward or
security officer.
If you would like to consider trying to quit smoking and support Aviva Stadiums efforts towards a Tobacco
Free Environment you can get more details by visiting http://www.giveupsmoking.ie/ or call the National
Smokers’ Quitline on 1850 201 203.
If you would like to discuss any of the items in this policy or offer feedback please don’t hesitate to
contact a member of the Operations Team.
Bill Enright
Operations Manager
Aviva Stadium
Aviva Stadium Event Day Smoking Policy – April 2012
Aviva Stadium Event Day Smoking Policy – April 2012