CDQ #2 Monday, November 23rd

Class Discussion
Friday, November 22nd
In your opinion, what
“should” the USA’s policy on
immigration be? What are the
pros / cons to your position?
After today…
 Students will explore both sides of the USA
immigration debate.
 Students will look at migration patterns
within and from Latin America
 Students will find and analyze political
cartoons on immigration.
 Find 3 current events stories over the 5 day Thanksgiving
These stories can be from a variety of sources: print, radio,
internet, television.
Provide Mr. Henry with a copy or link to the site where you
found the story.
Write a short synopsis (5 -7 sentences) of the story.
Be prepared to discuss the story AND your feelings about the
story when you return.
Class Notes
 The 1960’s and 1970’s were a time of
tremendous population growth in most parts of
Latin America.
 The 1990’s and 2000’s have generally seen
declining rates of fertility in this region due to
factors like increased urbanization & education.
 Exceptions: Guatemala & Bolivia – two rural
countries with high Amerindian populations.
 President Evo Morales is one
of the few indigenous
Americans to lead a Latin
American country.
 He is a socialist who
advocates land reform and
redistribution of wealth.
 He is often critical of the
USA and its policies.
Political Cartoon
Class Notes
 After gaining their independence from
Iberian (European) countries many of LA
new leaders sought to increase
immigration from their former Colonial
 From the 1870’s to 1930’s large numbers
of Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, and
Germans immigrated to Southern Cone
 The DeKirchner’s of Argentina – Former
and current President.
Class Note
 Between 1908 and 1978 a
quarter million Japanese
immigrated to Brazil which
is now home to 1.3 million
people of Japanese descent.
 In more recent years much
of this immigration has come
from South Korea.
 Former President of Peru –
Alberto Fujimori
Political Cartoon
Class Notes
 Migration occurs
within the region of
Latin America due to
shifting economic and
political realities.
 PUSH EG – Civil War
in El Salvador
Venezuela’s oil boom.
 Americans are most familiar with
immigration INTO the United
States from Latin America.
 While the majority of Hispanic
immigrants in the USA are
Mexican - not all immigrants
from this region are Mexican.
 Hispanics are the fastest growing
segment of the USA’s population.
Political Cartoon
Border crossing gone bad…
Agricultural Workers
 Transnationalism is the phenomenon
whereby many migrants maintain
close ties with their home countries.
 Remittance Payments are transfers of
money from one country to another.
According to the NY Times about 50
billion dollars “leaves” the USA
annually in recent years.
 This is an important source of
income for many LDC’s
Build a bigger wall????
Background Research
 GO TO:
 SEARCH: Arizona Immigration Law
 ASK: Do you agree with this law? Why or Why
 HAS your opinion on immigration been
influenced by anything you have heard today?
 GO TO:
 Take the shorter version
of the test and record
your score.
After today…
Students will look at LA
immigration patterns.
Students will find and analyze
political cartoons on immigration.
Students will explore both sides of
the USA immigration debate.