Greenpark Tball 2015 Term 4 GP Dodgers T

Greenpark Tball 2015 Term 4
GP Dodgers T-ball Team
Rm Yr
Jeffrey Dean
17 3
Joshua Dean
30 1
Tyrell Garrow
Kacia Garrow
Lailah Garro
16 4
Cameron Wonnocot
27 1
Mia Wonnocot
15 4
Cortez Paroa-Mitchell 25 1
Caleb Andrews
29 2
ManagerCoach: Michelle 027 484 6259
Practices: Practices are optional. Michelle will be on the school field Wednesdays 3:15 – 4:15
beginning 14th October.
Games Start: Saturday 31st October
Start Time: 8:30am (be at the venue by 8:10am).
Venue: Carlton Reserve, 412 Ngatai Road, Bellevue, Tauranga
All teams must have an umpire and scorer (parents will need to help out).
Game rules available on WBOP website & Softball NZ website.
If your child is unable to play this term could you please let me know ASAP
Darren Leef
(Sports Coordinator)