Update no 1 adopt interim strategy.pub

Planning Scheme Review Update No. 1
Interim Land Use Planning Strategy Adopted
Council adopted an Interim Land Use Planning Strategy at its meeting on 13
September 2010 after considering public consultation comments received during July /
A copy of the Interim Land Use Planning Strategy is included with this update.
Thanks once again to those who commented on the draft Strategy. The project team was impressed
with the quality of the comments and the effort that went into preparing them.
Some of the more detailed zoning comments received have been recorded and will be considered
in the drafting of the new planning scheme. Other detailed comments relating to background discussion in the draft Strategy document will be considered in changing text (other than strategy
statements) in the full Strategy document.
The next stage of the planning scheme review
will be to prepare a draft interim planning
scheme. This will set out the proposed zonings
and other detailed planning rules. The draft
interim planning scheme will be placed on public exhibition once it is prepared.
We are waiting on the completion of work by
others before we can start to draft a new interim planning scheme; namely:
The “common key elements” template
being prepared by the Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC) – to contain the
basic standard planning scheme provisions.
The regional land use strategy being prepared by the Southern Tasmanian Councils Authority
(STCA) – with which planning schemes in the Southern region must be consistent.
Development of a range of schedules or codes by the TPC on bushfire, road and rail assets,
heritage, land stability, coastal inundation & flooding, water quality, attenuation and contaminated land.
Please watch out for public notice of separate consultation processes from the STCA
for the regional land use strategy and from the TPC for the common key elements
template (Planning Directive No. 1) in coming months.
Tony McMullen
Project Manager
22 September 2010
TELEPHONE (03) 6216 6420
[email protected]