
Shop Floor and Workforce Management
Bo Schroeder
Managing Director / CEO
Email: [email protected]
Agenda – in this session you will learn…
 Application overview [ general ]
Standard NAV interface
Registration clients
 Live demo [ employee registration scenario ]
Attendance, absence
Job registration on productions, projects, service orders
Registration using the PC client and the App
 Application overview [ time calculation ]
Components of the time calculation engine
 Live demo [ time calculation and approve for payroll ]
 Application overview [ generate payroll transactions ]
Components of the payroll rules engine
 Live demo [ generate payroll transactions ]
Application overview [ modules ]
Clock In/Out for work using personalized PC client or App
Handle absence (both absence registered at terminal and planned absence)
Register break time
Flexible setup of time schedules and rules for calculating time
Calculation and approval of paid time, overtime, break time, flexi time, absence etc.
based on pre-defined time schedules and automated rules
Register time on production orders, projects, service orders and internal work
View documents and notes attached to orders, jobs and items on the registration client
Report good and scrap quantities, and consume raw material in BOM (and not in BOM)
Work on several jobs at the same time
Work and register as a team – minimizes number of registrations
Set up data rules for generating payroll transaction
Highly flexible – handling even very advanced payroll rules
Integrated with HR module – e.g. Using Qualification codes in applied payroll rules
Setup Pay-Types, Pay-Codes and Pay-Rates
Generate payroll transactions and transfer/export to PayRoll system
Apply ”real cost price” to job registrations based on paid salaries
Application overview [ standard NAV interface ]
Generate payroll
Apply real cost
Time Calculation
Approve for PayRoll
Posting of net job time
and material
comsumption after
Project journals
Job table
NAV Production
NAV Project
NAV Service
Application overview [ registration clients ]
The PC Registration Client
Uses 1 Dynamics NAV Limited User
per PC
Partners responsibility to
validate and secure
correct user licensing
Optimized for handling error
Reset error messages without
using keyboard
Timer controlled info-box
appears instead of prompting
user to press F5
UI can be configured per NAV user
UI changes ”on the fly”
….and even per employee
Adapting to employee when
employee-ID is entered on
E.g. hides production
functionality for employees
that only work on projects
Application overview [ registration clients ]
The PC Registration Client
Uses 1 Dynamics NAV Limited User per
Optimized for handling error scenarios
Reset error messages without
using keyboard
Timer controlled info-box appears
instead of prompting user to press
UI can be configured per NAV user
Partners responsibility to validate
and secure
correct user licensing
IN ROADMAP….and even per
IN ROADMAP UI changes ”on the fly”
Adapting to employee when
employee-ID is entered on
E.g. hides production functionality
for employees that only work on
Application overview [ registration clients ]
The JobManager App
Extends all registration functions to your mobile device
Offers same registration functions as PC client
Register and report time and quantity, and deduct items represented in BOM (and represented
not in BOM) from inventory
HTML-5 application
Easy ”connect and go”
Runs in browser on Windows, iOS, Android
Enter URL and ”Add to homescreen”
Enter username and password
Start registering
View historical data
See total time registered on jobs
See own registrations back in time
View job information
Exciting development roadmap
See notes applied to jobs
Take Pictures and attach to registration
for documentation purpose
View attached documents
LIVE DEMO [ Registering ]
In this demo you will see the following:
 Annette will clock-in for work using the PC client. Annette will also register an absence reason when
attending work, because she arrives late.
 Annette will start work on a production order, and draw rawmaterial for the production.
She also checks job notes and documents attached to a job.
 Annette will work on several production orders at the same time.
 Linda will clock-in for work, and start working on a service order, using the JobManager App.
 Linda will draw items for the service order, using the JobManager App.
 Configuring a perzonalized registration client for Mary who only works on projects.
 Mary attends work, and register work on project jobs.
 All employees clock out from work to complete the work day
Application overview [ Time calculation ]
Time Calculation Engine
A comprehensive time calculation engine,
handling even complex time scenarios.
Build several rules configurations that fits
different types of companies.
System auto selects the correct work
schedule and shift based on employees
clock-in times.
All schedules and rules are set up as data
rules (no programming)
User defined “Time counters”
User defines “Schedule types”
User defined “Time schedules”
User defined “zones” for selecting correct
Enables the employee to select different
time scenarios, based on the company
policy e.g.:
Register job code that will change overtime
into saved “leave time”
Drop a scheduled break, and get
paid overtime.
Handling of flexi time scenarios
Flexible clock-in and clock-out times.
Extra hours worked will be saved in a “time
bank”, for later use as “leave time”
Export and import a full time rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Time calculation ]
Time Calculation Engine
A comprehensive time calculation engine,
handling even complex time scenarios.
Build several rules configurations that fits
different types of companies.
System auto selects the correct work schedule
and shift based on employees clock-in times.
All schedules and rules are set up as data
rules (no programming)
User defined “Time counters”
User defines “Schedule types”
User defined “Time schedules”
User defined “zones” for selecting correct
Enables the employee to select different time
scenarios, based on the company policy e.g.:
Register job code that will change
overtime into saved “leave time”
Drop a scheduled break, and get
paid overtime.
Handling of flexi time scenarios
Flexible clock-in and clock-out times.
Extra hours worked will be saved in a
“time bank”, for later use as “leave time”
Export and import a full time rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Time calculation ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive time calculation engine, handling
even complex time scenarios.
Build several rules configurations that fits different
types of companies.
All schedules and rules are set up as data rules (no
User defined “Time counters”
User defines “Schedule types”
User defined “Time schedules”
System auto selects the correct work schedule and
shift based on employees clock-in times.
Enables the employee to select different time
scenarios, based on the company policy e.g.:
User defined “zones” for selecting correct schedule.
Register job code that will change overtime into saved
“leave time”
Drop a scheduled break, and get paid
Handling of flexi time scenarios
Flexible clock-in and clock-out times.
Extra hours worked will be saved in a “time bank”, for
later use as “leave time”
Export and import a full time rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Time calculation ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive time calculation engine, handling
even complex time scenarios.
Build several rules configurations that fits different
types of companies.
All schedules and rules are set up as data rules (no
User defined “Time counters”
User defines “Schedule types”
User defined “Time schedules”
System auto selects the correct work schedule and
shift based on employees clock-in times.
Enables the employee to select different time
scenarios, based on the company policy e.g.:
User defined “zones” for selecting correct schedule.
Register job code that will change overtime into saved
“leave time”
Drop a scheduled break, and get paid
Handling of flexi time scenarios
Flexible clock-in and clock-out times.
Extra hours worked will be saved in a “time bank”, for
later use as “leave time”
Export and import a full time rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Time calculation ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive time calculation engine, handling
even complex time scenarios.
Build several rules configurations that fits different
types of companies.
All schedules and rules are set up as data rules (no
User defined “Time counters”
User defines “Schedule types”
User defined “Time schedules”
System auto selects the correct work schedule and
shift based on employees clock-in times.
Enables the employee to select different time
scenarios, based on the company policy e.g.:
User defined “zones” for selecting correct schedule.
Register job code that will change overtime into saved
“leave time”
Drop a scheduled break, and get paid
Handling of flexi time scenarios
Flexible clock-in and clock-out times.
Extra hours worked will be saved in a “time bank”, for
later use as “leave time”
Export and import a full time rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Time calculation ]
LIVE DEMO [ Time calculation ]
In this demo you will be see the following:
 Foreman enters a planned absence cause on an employee
 Foreman calculates time for his department
 Foreman handles deviations and handles missing absence causes
 Foreman approves for payroll, and checks system posting of calculated time and
reported quantities on productions, projects and service orders.
 Foreman explores employees absence statistics
Application overview [ Generate trans. for PayRoll ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive rules engine, that generates
transactions for PayRoll systems - handling even
complex PayRoll scenarios.
Integrated with NAV HR module
All rules are set up as data rules (no programming)
User defined “Pay counters”
User defined Wage Types and Rates
Construct rules for activating a wage Type, using logical
Set up bonuses and extra pay based on e.g. Qualification
codes in HR module
Export PayRoll transactions from JobManager for
import in a PayRoll system
Out-of-the-box integrated with Lessor PayRoll NAV –
delivers transactions in Lessor PayRoll journals
Export formats for several other PayRoll
Apply “real cost price” on job registrations based on
the paid salary
Generated payroll transactions will kick-back costs and
rates onto the different orders worked on
Export and import a full rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Generate trans. for PayRoll ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive rules engine, that generates
transactions for PayRoll systems - handling even
complex PayRoll scenarios.
Integrated with NAV HR module
All rules are set up as data rules (no programming)
User defined “Pay counters”
User defined Wage Types and Rates
Construct rules for activating a wage Type, using logical
Set up bonuses and extra pay based on e.g. Qualification
codes in HR module
Export PayRoll transactions from JobManager for
import in a PayRoll system
Out-of-the-box integrated with Lessor PayRoll NAV –
delivers transactions in Lessor PayRoll journals
Export formats for several other PayRoll
Apply “real cost price” on job registrations based on
the paid salary
Generated payroll transactions will kick-back costs and
rates onto the different orders worked on
Export and import a full rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Generate trans. for PayRoll ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive rules engine, that generates
transactions for PayRoll systems - handling even
complex PayRoll scenarios.
Integrated with NAV HR module
All rules are set up as data rules (no programming)
User defined “Pay counters”
User defined Wage Types and Rates
Construct rules for activating a wage Type, using logical
Set up bonuses and extra pay based on e.g. Qualification
codes in HR module
Export PayRoll transactions from JobManager for
import in a PayRoll system
Out-of-the-box integrated with Lessor PayRoll NAV –
delivers transactions in Lessor PayRoll journals
Export formats for several other PayRoll
Apply “real cost price” on job registrations based on
the paid salary
Generated payroll transactions will kick-back costs and
rates onto the different orders worked on
Export and import a full rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
Application overview [ Generate trans. for PayRoll ]
Time Calculculation Engine
A comprehensive rules engine, that generates
transactions for PayRoll systems - handling even
complex PayRoll scenarios.
Integrated with NAV HR module
All rules are set up as data rules (no
User defined “Pay counters”
User defined Wage Types and Rates
Construct rules for activating a wage Type, using
logical expressions
Set up bonuses and extra pay based on e.g.
Qualification codes in HR module
Export PayRoll transactions from JobManager for
import in a PayRoll system
Out-of-the-box integrated with Lessor PayRoll
NAV – delivers transactions in Lessor PayRoll
Export formats for several other PayRoll
Apply “real cost price” on job registrations based on
the paid salary
Generated payroll transactions will kick-back
costs and rates onto the different orders
worked on
Export and import a full rules setup
Export all rules from one customer
Import setup at another customer
LIVE DEMO [ Create payroll transactions ]
In this demo you will se the PayRoll administrator perform the following:
 Generates transactions for PayRoll
 Checks the generated transactions
 Prints specification of calculated time and generated payroll transactions as
 Export transactions to be imported in the PayRoll system
 Check that employees are market as ”Transferred” when export is complete
Thank you for your attention !