Panhellenic Council Minutes Template.doc

Minutes of Panhellenic Council of the University of Central Arkansas
April 4th, 2017
The regular meeting was called to order by President Carly Jo Riggins at 1:40 in Student Center 207E.
The roll was called by Secretary Bailey Diprima.
ROLL CALL: All Present
GUESTS: none
PREVIOUS MINUTES: The minutes of the March 28th meeting were approved as distributed.
President - Read Greek Announcements
Vice President - No report
Secretary/Treasurer Executive Board Meeting Report: Set the date for preview day sign up (May 1) and recruitment sign up
(June 1). Approved outfits that were submitted.
Beginning balance on March 28th
Revenue $8.88
Expenses $50.00
Ending balance on April 3rd
Recruitment Director - no report
Asst. Recruitment Director - no report
Social Chair - Spa Day Mixer is tomorrow, April 5th at the Sigma Kappa house 8pm-10pm
Scholarship Chair – no report
Historian – Needs DZ women of history for the Instagram page.
Philanthropy Chair – Made outline for the cookout for Haven. Have participants park in BBA. DZ would
have cups, plates, drinks. AST have appetizers. ASA and SK can decide to do hotdogs or hamburgers or
both. SSS can have dessert and extra donation jars. Have Banners made before the Monday of the
cookout with date time, something about Haven and Panhellenic. $5 with a cookout design. The cookout
will be 4-6 on April 20th.
PR Chair – Will post spa flier. Remind girls to send in Greek unity photos.
Judicial Board - no report
Recruitment Committee - Pi chi training planning.
DZ withdrew previous notice to pass the 2017 Pre-Recruitment and Welcome Week document with the
amendment that each of the five Panhellenic sororities will send one representative to Conway Daze to
represent her sorority at the Panhellenic Council PR table in place of each sorority setting up their own PR
SK motion to reconsider the amendment of the Conway daze portion of the 2017 Pre recruitment
Welcome Week document to read that a member of each sorority will be at the Panhellenic table at
Conway Daze, which was postponed from the last meeting, was taken up. The motion Passed. Voting in
the affirmative: all.
The motion to pass the 2017 Welcome week and pre-recruitment document, which was postponed, was
taken up. The motion Passed. Voting in the affirmative: all.
DZ moves to bring the previous notice of adding a Bid Day section to the recruitment rules and the first
rule added in this section to read: On bid day, before running out to their chapters, women who accepted
bids will receive their perspective chapters bid day shirt inside Old Main, was taken up. The motion
Passed. Voting in the affirmative: all.
SK withdrew previous notice of adding "Chapters should distribute their bid day shirts to Panhellenic
when coming to sign bid cards, in order for Panhellenic to distribute to the new members before leaving
Old Main." to the Recruitment Rules.
DZ moves to bring the previous notice of adding the following rule of the standing recruitment rules: A
PNM is any woman who is signed up for the recruitment process either through registration for Formal
Recruitment or registration for Continuous Open Bidding. ASA Seconds. Postponed to April 11th.
SK moves to bring the previous notice of House Tours/ Open House tours on the table. Discussion was
AST moves to amend to have the second bullet to read: “There will be one Pi Chi to greet the PNMs at
the door, the house will have three affiliated members and one Panhellenic exec member inside, and then
there will be ten affiliated members outside on the patio with the PR table set up. SK moves to postponed
to next week. SSS second. Postponed to April 11th.
DZ moves to bring the motion on house tours being during the second round of recruitment back to
discussion. DZ moves to postpone to next week. ASA seconds. Postponed to April 11th.
Chapter news - AST is having a golf tournament! All proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity! SK is having
a chipotle fundraiser on the 10th from 5-10th. ASA is having a Hollys on the 12th 5-8. DZ Hike for Hearing
April 9th.
Advisor Announcements – Dustin is leaving his position. Just to clarify He is still here until the next the
end of the semester.
Next Meeting Tuesday, April 11th at 1:40pm.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 2:30.