Uncovering your Default Beliefs

Uncovering your
Default Beliefs
Secrets that Are Stealing
your Happiness &
Sabotaging Your Inner Peace
Author & Facilitator: Tom Wakechild
General instructions and logistics
for accessing this online class,
Uncovering Your Default Beliefs
Session #1
Class Overview
Common Beliefs and their
Surprising Consequences for
Your Own Disempowerment
Goal of class
To uncover your active, though perhaps
hidden beliefs
Determine if these beliefs are serving
Are they grounded in fear?
Then possible alternative viewpoints that
will serve you.
Replace your fear based thought system
NOTE: The term God is utilized for
simplicity. Depending on your
orientation, you might be more
comfortable calling God, Jehovah, Allah,
Spirit, Mind, a Higher or Cosmic
Consciousness, your Higher Self, Source,
Divine Energy, Universal Law, etc. Feel
free to substitute any word that is right
for you.
Consider perhaps, God as Unlimited Creative Power
that extends Itself as the good, the beautiful and
the holy.
The term good referring to God as a supportive
force for love with no intent to harm.
The term beautiful references that being a
“Oneness of All That Is” there is nothing outside
itself to be viewed as frightening. An effect cannot
change its source.
The term holy references the wholeness of the
holographic Mind of God.. To make holy is to make
Beliefs limit what we are willing
and able to experience.
Conscious surface beliefs are often
rooted deep within our
subconscious mind.
Our goal to get to the core beliefs
that are running us.
Core beliefs are just assumed to be the
unchangeable “truths” that govern our world.
They fly below the radar screen and thus are never
These beliefs are our assumed reality. We resign
ourselves to our “lot in life.”
We attempt to minimize the effect of these core
beliefs but we never question the core belief itself.
We create a corollary belief that is designed to
carve out an exception to the general rule.
Thus, we fail to address the core belief that is the
true source of the problem.
Webster's dictionary defines FEAR as:
a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension;
Fear arises anytime you feel you lack the
creative power to handle a given situation.
The source of fear arises from
how you answer these two
Who am I?
What do I value and why?
Exercise #1
Exploring your Current
Self- Identity
& Values
Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I?
When am I?
How am I?
Why am I?
People define themselves in many ways.
Did you define yourself based on…
what you own?
what you’ve accomplished?
your job or what you do?
by some preconceived role that you feel you
must play?
Are you your past or your “history?”
Is it “thing based“ or character based?
Is your identity associated or defined by your
relationship to things or people?
Is your identity stagnant or dynamic and ever
Is it expanding or just plain stuck?
Is it past, present or future oriented?
Are you more than just flesh and bones?
What do you value and why?
Pick three items that you value & explain why each it is
important to you.
1A) What I value
1B) Why I value it
2A) What I value
2B) Why I value it
3A) What I value
3B) Why I value it
You are not a who, what or when?
You are a series of relationships.
It is your relationships that will
define you.
When everything is said and done,
it will be your relationships that
will determine your “quality” of
Real Vs. Unreal
Knowledge Vs. Perception
How would a “normal person” define,
“What is REAL?”
Webster Dictionary: REAL = 1) actual,
true, or objectively so; #2) Not merely
seeming, pretended, imagined, or
UNREAL would be the opposite of REAL
Thus, UNREAL would be what is not
actual, not true and not objectively so.
Unreal would be what is merely seeming,
pretended, imagined, or fictitious.
Quantum Physics is redefining what we
perceive to be real and questioning the
reality of the world as it seems to be.
What we believe to be solid, we now are
told is comprised of mostly empty space.
Everything is vibrational and seems to be
in a constant state of change.
Although conservation of energy is the
underlying principal, the form the energy
appears to take is in a constant state of
In quantum physics,
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
states that our consciousness actually
impacts what we will experience at
any given moment in time. And that
it is our consciousness that locks in a
particular experience from an endless
array of possibilities. It is only after
we determine what we expect to
observe , does the event eventually
play out.
Scientists and research psychologists
tell us that a person's internal beliefs
system is critical in determining how a
person will handle or experience a
given situation. Beliefs are the
governing factor in what you are willing
to experience in your life. Your beliefs
color how you view your world. They
skew everything you observe and think
in a predetermined way.
Quantum physicists tell us that entire
galaxies exist only because somewhere
there is a astronomer that wants to
observe that galaxies. And they have
the mathematical equations to prove
that they are right. If an astronomer can
create whole galaxies, what is the true
power of your own mind?
Question: What is knowledge?
Webster’s dictionary: KNOWLEDGE = 1)
awareness, understanding; 2) all that has
been perceived, or grasped by the mind
Question: What is definition of perceive?
Webster’s dictionary: PERCEIVE = 1) to grasp
mentally, recognize, observe, and take note
of: 2) to become aware through sight,
hearing, touch, taste or smell
Photograph and your
Perception, Knowledge
Christopher Columbus
Dreams, Perception
For video in person
Example: Photo
Question: What is necessary for perception?
Example: View of hand
Question: Is perception constant?
Question: Must perception be true? Or can it be either
true or false?
Example: Christopher Columbus
Question: Do perceptions, which are tied to beliefs, affect
my actions?
Question: Does my perception change the truth?
Question: Do my perceptions and beliefs place selfimposed limits on what I believe is possible for me to
Question: Must perception be true? Or can it be either
true or false?
Conclusions About
Perception &
Conclusion about perception
Perception requires at least two items. It needs an observer
and something to observe.
Perception implies both separation and individuality.
Perception cannot be a Oneness. Perception always
requires something for the perceiver to perceive.
Perception can change based on the individual’s shifting
viewpoints, beliefs and experiences.
Perception is unique to the observer and may be true or
Based on the observer’s past beliefs, experiences,
judgments and understandings, perception can and will
place limits on what the observer believes is possible.
Perceptions are not fixed and can be changed by the
observer simply by changing their thinking, or their mind.
Must Knowledge be
For our purpose knowledge must be true.
What we call common knowledge that is
later discovered to be false was not
common knowledge, but rather common
For this class, when I use the term
KNOWLEDGE, I want you to associate that
term with truth.
When I use the term PERCEPTION, it may or
may not be true.
Some Common Societal
and Their Resulting
Default Beliefs
Some Common Societal Rationalities
& Their Resulting Default Beliefs
Follow the logic and see where it takes you.
Do these beliefs empower you or confirm
you are a victim?
Disempowering Belief #1
You believe that you are reactive
and not causative in your world of
individuated perception.
What you perceive, you believe is true.
You claim that what you perceive is the direct result
of outside experiences.
You claim that your beliefs were developed based on
these perceived outside experiences.
Thus, you claim that beliefs are the result of
experiences. Experiences thus are causative of your
beliefs. You claim that your beliefs are the direct
effect of your experiences. Thus, experiences come
first and beliefs are the logical, secondary
consequences of those experiences.
Thus, you believe that you are reactive and not
causative in your world of individuated perception.
Disempowering Belief #2
You are a limited ego-body in
competition with other ego-bodies.
Your perceptual experiences tell you that you
are a body.
A body has limits. A body has needs.
Your body is separate from the rest of your
You exist within a finite world of time and
space struggling for the limited resources
that you need.
Therefore, you are a limited ego-body in
competition with other ego-bodies.
Disempowering Belief #3
You believe being right is more
important than you being happy.
Truth just is.
Truth is stable and does not change from person to
person or from moment to moment.
Based upon your physical perception, you believe
that both you and I live in the same world.
You believe that your perception of this world is
real and correct and thus “correct perception”
should be the same for everyone.
You claim that since this is the same shared world,
truth must be the same for everyone.
Since what you perceive you believe to be true, you
claim to have the right and, perhaps, a duty, to
share or correct anyone who does not agree with
your “truth” as you know the “truth” to be.
Thus, you are the self-appointed arbitrator or
defender of “truth.” (form prior slide)
You are the sole prosecutor, judge and jury who
decides how your brother or sister should correctly
behave in your world.
You have developed a master plan for their proper
conduct in your world. Any noncompliance to your
plan results in conflict, guilt, blame, doubt and fear.
In order to restore stability to your world of
perception, you must argue for your rightness. This
requirement that you must be right costs you your
inner peace.
Thus, your being right becomes more important
than your being happy.
Disempowering Belief #4
You are a innocent victim of outside
Forces that are beyond your control.
Since you perceive yourself to be a separate limited egobody with needs, lack is part of your world..
This sense of lack demonstrates that you are not
perfect, whole and complete.
You are vulnerable to outside forces that are beyond
your control.
Therefore, you must seek outside yourself if your needs
are to be met.
Without obtaining these required outside resources,
you would cease to exist.
Thus, you are a innocent victim of outside forces that
are beyond your control.
Common Societal Beliefs
Being a Victim
Disempowering Belief #5
You believe the reward or “payoff” for being
a “victim" is that you get to play both
the “blame game” and have a “pity party.”
Perceiving yourself to be limited and vulnerable, you seek
outside yourself in hopes of minimizing this vulnerability.
You develop an egoic plan to protect and preserve your own
separate survival. This plan confirms that you are not the
master of your own fate.
Claiming that you are dis-empowered, you must rely on
outside forces. You now claim that you must rely upon
something or someone else to do your bidding. You claim to
be a victim powerless to control your destiny.
If your desired goal fails to materialize, you get to blame
another and claim you are an innocent victim. You get to say,
“It's not my fault. I'm not guilty.”
Thus, you confirm your belief in victim consciousness.
The reward or “payoff” for being a “victim” is that you get to
play both the “blame game” and have a “pity party.” When
you argue for your limitation, you get to keep them.
When you argue for your limitation, you
get to keep them.
“Whether you think you can or you
think you can’t, you’re right.”
Henry Ford
Adopting a New Paradigm for Change:
A Thought System Without Fear
Adopting a new paradigm for change:
Beliefs without fear
If we are to change our viewpoint, we
need to be willing to change our
beliefs about:
our world,
who we are &
how they all interrelate.
We do not have to change our world.
Instead, we need to change our beliefs
and then all we perceive will
automatically realign with our new way
of thinking.
Our mind is the power source for what
we choose to call into our awareness.
We can construct a new paradigm or
model for who, what and how we relate
to our world.
You are the creator of your world of perception.
You are the decision-maker.
You write the computer program that determines the beliefs
that will govern how you will interact with life.
It is the decision-maker who asks the question, “What am
It is this same decision-maker that then fills in the answer.
The answer to the question, “What am I?” forms the basis for
your beliefs that become the thought system which governs
and limits what you believe you are and how you are capable
of relating to your world.
This belief system, we could call your ego.
The ego, like a computer, can only run programs.
Your ego, like a computer has no power to write
the program.
Yet, when we choose to forget that the decisionmaker in our mind originally wrote
the program, it will appear as if our mind is
powerless to control the experience.
These experiences that become our awareness
in this lifetime are the natural effect
of which computer program we choose to run.
Consciousness is like a computer screen.
It is on this computer screen that consciousness
appears to be independently displaying the
images that have been originally conceived by
the computer program and then run through
the computer.
The images appear real upon the screen and
yet, they are actually created by our
mind, which then projects these vibratory
patterns upon the computer screen of
We fail to remember that our mind
writes, holds, runs and projects the
images upon the field of
These images seem to be caused by
some mysterious external force. Yet,
it is the mind that is projecting
these images.
It is this same mind that forgot it ran
the program that also made the
Forgetting that our mind is the
computer operator, it appears that
the events being viewed on
the screen of consciousness have no
relationship with our mind.
We now believe that we can only
respond to what we observe on the
screen of consciousness rather than
simply choosing to run a different
By deciding to forget that we control the
computer input, our incorrect memory
leads us into victim consciousness.
Only when we remember
that we are the decisionmakers can we realize that
we also have the power to
choose differently.
In this world of perception, our field of
consciousness is played out in time
and space.
Time and space become our playschool
for the rediscovery of who we
We get to play and imagine anything we
want in our quest to rediscover what
we truly are.
It is on the field of consciousness that we
get to experiment with the question of,
“What am I?”
We are not a finite limited ego-body.
Instead, we are unlimited eternal Spirit or
Mind. Being invulnerable unlimited Spirit,
we are perfectly safe in time and space to
experience anything we want in total
We are the Children of a God of
Unconditional Love.
Like begets like.
God created us in Its own image and thus,
we must be love.
Yet, on the field of consciousness, God
being unconditional love allows Its children
the total freedom to imagine or create any
experience that they would like.
Any fantasy can be imagined in the game
of “What am I?”
If children believe that experimenting with the
concept of opposites would be helpful in their
learning process, Spirit allows it.
It is difficult to understand and appreciate the
full qualities of light if you have no concept of
darkness. Even the idea that a Child of God
could be a finite, physical body, limited and
separate from Its Source could be a helpful
learning device.
Another useful tool would be the idea that we
could be something other then love.
This Higher Self allows Its
Children whatever experiences
that they believe will aid them in
their quest of rediscovering their
full spiritual magnificence.
Time is the measure of change and only in time
can we imagine that we are something that we
are not.
Time makes learning possible because in time,
we can change old beliefs and learn new beliefs.
In time and space, we can change our belief
that we are a limited ego-body and replace it
with the truth that we are God’s beloved Child
with whom She is well pleased.
In the game of “What am I?”, it is
the power of our mind’s imagination
that works out the various “what if
This workout process ultimately
involves moving from a fear based
thought system into one founded
upon love.
By favorably resolving these “what
if scenarios”, we create new beliefs
about ourselves.
We rediscover that although we
can pretend that we are something
different and separate from our
Creator, we remain as God created
us, perfect, whole and complete.
Only in time and space can we
pretend we are something that
we are not.
Only in time and space can the
Formless demonstrate being love
in form.
In changeless eternity, we remain
part of the holographic Oneness
that is the Mind of God.
God is cause.
We are Its Effect.
We complete God
and God completes us.
Together we form two sides
of one inseparable coin.
This Week’s Exercises,
and Coaching Session
Redefining Yourself Exercise
Based on the above paradigm how could you
change your core beliefs so that they would
create and support a thought system that
was love based instead of driven by fear?
Hint - All the core beliefs must be rooted in
love, not fear.
Homework for next week
1) Complete WK #1 Handout #2 EXPLORING YOUR
2) Review & ponder the Common Societal
Rationalities & new paradigm for Living Without
3) Complete and review the Redefining Yourself
Exercise mentioned above.
4) If possible, attend or listen into this week’s
coaching Q&A session.
We will discuss these issues in this week’s coaching
session and the upcoming class sessions.
The Clay Buddha
& You