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The Collision of Strategic HRM on Small level companies with reference
to Paint Manufacturing firms in Anambra State of Nigeria
Submitted by :- Gunjan Jha
The study explored the effect of Strategic Human Resource administration on little and medium ventures
(An investigation of some chose Paint producing firms in Anambra State Nigeria). 106 respondents chose
from 17 Paint producing firms over the three Senatorial zones of Anambra State. The populaces of the
study were 128 laborers of chose Paint fabricating firms in Anambra State. The general goal of the study is
to explore the spot of Strategic Human Resource Management in enhancing corporate execution among
SMEs in Anambra State Nigeria. The study utilized distinct insights (frequencies, means and rates) to
answer the three examination questions postured for the study. The Spearman Rank Correlation
Coefficient was utilized to test the three theories that guided the study. The outcomes acquire from the
investigation demonstrated that there is a solid positive relationship between's vital HRM and execution
level of rivalry in SMEs. The real finding of the examination work is that SHRM is an essential and
fundamental device for any associations execution and for any association that needs to increase upper
hand over others. The concentrate thusly prescribes that further studies be done in Nigeria to explore the
reasons for non-reception of Strategic HRM in Anambra state specifically. The reasons for this when
known and controlled, little and medium scale commercial ventures in Nigeria may turn out to be more
aggressive in boosting the improvement of Nigerian economy.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
The vital human asset administration practices of little and medium undertakings (SMEs) have gotten
minimal particular consideration from specialists. As in numerous different ranges of schorlarly
investigation into business action, experimental exploration in vital human asset administration has tended
to concentrate on bigger concerns (e.g Gup and Whitehead 2000; Lenz, 1990; Leontiades and Tezzel,
1994; Hopkins and Hopkins, 1994, 1997; Miller and Cardinal, 2001; Haveman, 1993; Harris and Ogbonna,
2001). Lately while much consideration has been given to little scale organizations by Nigerian approach
creators, lawmakers, specialists and scholastics, little research has been done on key administration
rehearses inside of the little business segment of the Nigerian Economy. This is astounding in perspective
of the significance of little and medium scale business associations as basic motors of job and financial
development (Brouthers, Anderson and Nicolas, 1998). On account of Nigerian assembling area, more
than 90% of all organizations are SMEs as per for the most part acknowledged authority definition
(SMEDAN, 2009). The under representation of SMEs as far as vital administration research information
appears to be wrong when the size of this segment is considered. This, together with the key part that
assembling inescapability plays in monetary flourishing, emphatically recommends the significance of
expanding our comprehension of the administration of procedure in assembling SMEs in Nigeria. Given
late government strategy with respect to the recognizable proof and support of high-development SMEs in
Nigeria, an essential crevice in the surviving writing is any solid exact confirmation concerning
conceivable linkages between business execution and the systems used by SMEs. The essential goal of this
concentrate thusly, is to uncover the aggressive, business level of systems that are being used by these
organizations and the effects of such procedures on the execution of the inspected endeavors.
1.2 Significance of SMEs
By (2009), a business is characterized as little in the assembling area on the off chance that it utilizes less
than 100 representatives. While there is no official meaning of what constitutes a medium-sized endeavor,
organizations with somewhere around 100 and 199 representatives are for the most part thought to be
medium-sized (McMahon, 2001). Subsequently SMEs in the assembling area might be considered as
associations utilizing under 200 specialists. The vital significance of SMEs in the financial improvement of
any country is all around perceived. Kilby (1965) watches that little and medium scale ventures are the
spring sheets for creations, adjustments and general innovative advancement. By), SMEs speaks to 90% of
the undertakings of Africa, Carribean and Pacific (ACP) nations. They likewise give 70% of business
chances to the residents and advance the improvement of nearby innovation. Kuratko and Hodgetts 92001)
have watched that little organizations utilize 53% of the private workforce and records for 47% of offers
and 51% of private part total national output.
SMEs are for the most part viewed as critical to world economies (Pirch, 1989; Story, 1994). Indeed, it has
been contended that SMEs make up the biggest business part in each world economy (Culkin and Smith,
2000). For a long time now, governments in various parts of the world are progressively advancing and
supporting the development of SMEs as a piece of their general national improvement procedure
(Abdullah, 2000; and Lin Bakar, 2000). Aside from the way that they rule regarding total individuals,
SMEs are essential since they are the key drivers of job and financial development (Wang, Walker and
Redmon, 2008). At a macroeconomics level, SMEs are considered by governments as a cornerstone to
territorial financial and group recovery in light of the fact that such firms retain once more into the
workforce the representatives that are made excess by the rebuilding, legitimizing scaling back and
outsourcing occurring in expansive firms (Story, 1994; Frank and Landstorm, 1998). This gives salary to
district in this way animating nearby financial action and driving riches and further production of
occupation (Walker and Webster, 2004). SMEs are additionally regularly noted for adding to monetary
development through their imaginative exercises in spite of their for the most part restricted limit for
innovative work (R and D) speculations (Acs and Andretch, 1990). For instance Peacock (2004) reported
that SMEs in Australia contributed 54% of all critical innovation developments despite the fact that their
offer of R and D ventures spoke to only 20% of specialized advancement consumption. It has additionally
been contended that SMEs add to the advancement of the general public through the redistribution of
political force emerging from the responsibility for and medium scale organizations by more individuals in
a nation (Deakin, 1996; Story, 1994). What's more, SMEs offer purchasers a more noteworthy open door
for decision by working in divided or corner markets which bigger firms either can't financially enter or
are hesitant to enter due to "ugly" hazard return thought (Brouthers, et al., 1998). Nigeria SMEs presents a
special setting for the investigation of the act of vital administration. Not at all like SMEs in western and
Asian economies, most SMEs in Nigeria by and large need access to finance and organized government
support in spite of the presence of a few foundations set up for this reason. Accordingly, the majority of
them battle for survival in the midst of exceptional rivalry and competition with bigger firms, thus might
try to utilize systems that are intended to offer them some assistance with competing and explore the
troublesome environment in which they work.
1.3 Statement of Problem
The execution of associations has been the center of concentrated examination exertion as of late. How
well an association executes its arrangements and programs and finishes its key expectation regarding its
central goal and vision is a principal concern. Proprietors of little and medium undertakings are turning out
to be progressively mindful that a basic wellspring of upper hand regularly originates from indigenous
item and administrations, best advertising procedure, condition of-workmanship innovation and having a
suitable arrangement of pulling in and dealing with the associations HR. Numerous little and medium
ventures invest the greater part of their energy acknowledging and responding to sudden changes and
issues as opposed to expecting and get ready for them. This is called emergency administration.
From the previous, and taking a gander at today's pattern, it is clear that the pace of progress in our
business surroundings introduces crisp difficulties every day. Along these lines, a panacea must be found
for the SMEs and extensive firms, on the off chance that it should satisfactorily meet its difficulties.
Different little firms, along these lines, need to think of the use of imaginative thoughts to make one of a
kind brands, client amicable items/benefits that will realize upper hands regarding brand inclination and
client certainty. Thus, the application methodologies planned and customized for the accomplishment of
the target of the association must be designed out such that it won't just help in holding the piece of the pie
controlled, additionally, the general endeavor execution in type of expanded profit at least expenses.
In spite of these, no examination work has focused to research the effect of key human asset administration
on little and medium estimated ventures and association capacity in Nigeria. Existing studies in Nigeria
went for human asset advancement (e.g. Oladipo and Abdulkadir, 2010; Oladipo and Abdulkadir, 2011;
Abdulkadir, 2012; Muogbo, 2013). Related studies on this study were on key arranging (an off shoot of
vital administration) (see Ilesamni, 2011 and Akinnyele and Fashogbon, 2007). Of these studies in Nigeria,
none evaluated the effect of vital human asset administration on little and medium firms and its
cooperation with substantial enterprises in Nigerian's economy.
To this impact, this study endeavors to experimentally dissect how key HR administration can be utilized
by SMEs as a part of Anambra State to viably infer arrangements for development and advancement.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study is to investigate the place of strategic human resource management in
improving corporate performances among SMEs in Anambra State Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:
To determine the extent to which strategic Human resource management is practiced by small and medium
enterprises in Anambra State.
To determine the relationship between the level of competition and adoption of SHRM.
To determine the level of commitment of SMEs in adoption of strategic human resource management.
1.5 Research Questions
1. Is Strategic human resource management practiced by small and medium enterprises in Anambra State?
2. How does SHRM affects the level of competition of SMEs in Anmbra state?
3. How does SHRM affects the level of commitment of SMEs in organizational growth?
1.6 Hypotheses
The following null hypothesis guided the study
1. Adoption of strategic human resource management does not have any significant effect on performance of
2. Adoption of SHRM does not have significant effect on the level of competition of SMEs and partnership
3. Adoption of SHRM does not have significant effect on level of commitment of SMEs in organizational
1. Scope of the study
The extent of this study is restricted to the proprietor directors and administration staff of little and
medium endeavors in Anambra State. The way of the study blocks the staff of little and medium ventures
that are not anticipated that would be included in administration choice making procedure of the study
bunch. Issues for examination are ones identified with the utilization of the asset based hypothesis in
taking upper hand, enhancing execution and auxiliary advancement of the association.
2. Review of Related Literature
The way of Strategic Human Resource Management Walker (1992) characterizes vital HRM as "the
method for adjusting the administration of HR system so that the last backings the achievement of the
previous and, to be sure, characterize it. Key HRM is additionally about even coordination, which means
to guarantee that the distinctive components of the HR procedure fit together and are commonly strong.
Brewster and Larson (1992) characterize SHRM "as the degree to which HRM is considered amid the
definition and usage of corporate/business systems". Key HRM has likewise been characterized as "the
example of arranged human asset arrangements and exercises expected to empower an association to
accomplish its objectives". (Wright and MCMahan, 1999). Verifiable in this definition, is that a definitive
objective of vital HRM is to add to hierarchical execution (ie the accomplishment of the authoritative's
objectives, however that execution is characterized. HR arrangement as caught in the above definition
mirror the focal suppositions behind the(positive) conceptualization of what HRM is and does; to be
specific, that it reacts precisely and successfully to the associations environment and supplements other
authoritative frameworks and possibilities. Budwah(2000) characterizes vital HRM as an idea that
perspectives human asset as resources for speculation, and the administration of HR as vital as opposed to
receptive, prescriptive and regulatory. Vital HRM includes outlining and actualizing an arrangement of
proactive HR approaches/rehearses that guarantees that an association's human capital adds to the
accomplishments of its corporate goals (David, Chin and Victor, 2002).
Key HRM is basically an incorporated procedure that means to accomplish "key fit". A vital HRM
approach produces HR techniques that are incorporated vertically with the business technique and are
preferably a vital part of that procedure, adding to the business arranging process as it happens. Vital
HRM, in this way, concentrates on a few issues including the fit between human asset administration
hones and hierarchical vital objectives, the joining of HR administration in the authoritative vital
administration, the contribution of human asset capacity in senior administration groups, the advancement
of human practices to line chiefs and taking of key way to deal with worker choice, pay, execution
evaluation and the quality that is added to the hierarchical execution by HRM.
2.1 Integration of HRM with corporate strategies and management
Joining of HRM alludes to the association of HRM in the definition and execution of hierarchical systems
and the arrangement of HRM with the key needs of an association (Schuler and Tackson, 1999). Buyens
and De Vos (1999) contend that with the end goal HR should be a vital accomplice, HR supervisor ought
to be included in vital choice making close by other senior administrators, giving more noteworthy chance
to adjust HR objectives, systems, theories and practices with corporate targets and the usage of business
methodology. This contribution would incorporate the participation of HR administrators in the most
senior administration groups in the association. This would give a chance to HRM to speak to its worry
and impact business system from the start of choice making. The odds of coordinating and esteem creation
might be further expanded if the senior HR director and the CEO have a chance to build up a relationship.
In this part, HR chiefs need learning of center markets, contenders, costs, benefit pointers and partners to
be viewed as equivalent business accomplices (Chaddie, 2001). The contribution of senior HR chief in an
association's senior administration group gives a critical channel to intuitive data stream and
correspondence. To accomplish key mix and arrangement of HRM with business methodologies, an
archived HRM procedure would likewise be helpful (Budhwar, 2000; Teo, 2002) as it can make more
concrete the part and power of HR chiefs in corporate choice making and expand ability to adapt to
externalities, for example, tight work market (Cunnigham and Deborah, 1995). A recorded HRM
methodology helps the association to build up a HRM vision and destinations and to screen execution.
Some experimental confirmation from past exploration shows that the full effect of HR practices on
authoritative execution happens when HR practices are deliberately compatible and steady with one
another( (Khatri, 1999).
2.2 Theoritical Framework
Ulrich (2007) contend that early endeavor to connection human asset administration with authoritative
execution depended on the sound judgment conviction that enhancing the way individuals were overseen
unavoidably prompted upgraded firm execution, without looking to legitimize this linkage in hypothetical
terms. Today, it was contended that the subject was no more a hypothetical, that an assortment of various
speculations, including general frameworks hypothesis, part conduct hypothesis, institutional hypothesis,
asset reliance hypothesis, human capital hypothesis, exchange cost hypothesis, office hypothesis and asset
based hypothesis of the firm had been utilized to clarify the HRM and authoritative execution linkage
9Jackson and Schuler, 2005; Wright and Mc Mahan, 2002).
This study would examine two noteworthy speculations that turn into the setting of the SHRM and
hierarchical execution research: human capital hypothesis and asset based hypothesis. Human Capital
Theory has for quite some time been contended as a basic asset in many firms (Pfeiffer, 2004). The quest
for wellsprings of maintainable upper hand progressively pointed internal towards authoritative ability and
all the more particularly to the vital administration of human asset (Dyer, 2003; Cappelli and Sigh, 2002;
Wright and Mcmahan, 2002), as capital and innovation turn out to be progressively accessible to for all
intents and purposes anybody anyplace 9Ulrich and Lake, 2001). Human capital alludes to the beneficial
abilities of individuals (Becker, 1964), aptitudes, experience and learning have monetary quality to
associations since they empower it to be profitable and versatile; therefore individuals constitute the
associations human capital (Schuler, 2005). From miniaturized scale financial aspects viewpoint, human
capital hypothesis recommends that individuals have aptitude, information, and capacity that can possibly
create monetary rent. Monetary rent alludes to benefits in abundance of formal financial returns (Coff,
2007) . Like different resources, human capital has esteem in the commercial center, yet dissimilar to
different resources, the potential estimation of human capital can be completely acknowledged just with
the participation of the individual, since firm speculation to expand representative aptitudes, information,
and capacities convey expense to the association, they are just advocated in the event that they deliver
future returns by method for expanded efficiency and general firm execution (Duncan and Hoffman, 1981;
Rumberger, 2007; T sang, 2007; Youndf et al., 2006). Jackson and Schuler (2005) contend that
"Consequently, all costs identified with evoking gainful conduct from representatives including those
identified with inspiration, observing and holding them, constitute human capital speculation made in
expectation of future returns". Individuals have information, aptitudes, and capacities (KSA"S) that are of
financial quality to the firm and, in this way, firm speculations to expand these, eg. Through preparing
projects, are just advocated on the off chance that they deliver future comes back to the firm as expansion
efficiency. Thusly, the higher the possibilities for workers to add to the firm, the more probable it is that
firm will put resources into human asset administration exercises (Youndf et al., 2006) particularly went
for expanding singular profitability and general firm execution. Award (2006) recommended that
information is the most basic focused resources that a firm has. Then again, Resource-Based Theory
(Barney, 1991, 1995) is for the most part acknowledged as a foundation for comprehension the
relationship between key Human asset administration and hierarchical execution (Cappelli; and Singh,
1992; Lado and Wilson, 1994; Wright and Mc Mahan and Mcwilliams, 2004). Three sorts of assets
connected with association (Jackson and Schuler, 2005) are (a) physical assets (plant; innovation and gear)
9b) HR (representatives experience and information), and (c) authoritative assets (structures, framework
for arranging, checking, and controlling exercises; social relations inside and in the middle of association
and outer possibilities). Kanoche (2006) alludes HR as the gathered supply of learning, aptitudes, and
capacities that individual have, which the firm has incorporated up additional time with an identifiable
skill. Wright, Dunford, and Snell (2001), talked about finally the effect of the asset construct hypothesis
with respect to SHRM hypothesis and practice. A central presumption of this perspective is that
associations can be effective in the event that they pick up and keep up upper hand (Porter, 2005). The
asset based hypothesis of the firm depends on the idea that an organizations HRM framework can
constitute one wellspring of upper hand (Becker et al., 2007; Wright et al., 2005; Lado and Wilson, 2004;
Pfeiffer, 2004; Barney 1991). An asset can thought to be a wellspring of maintained upper hand on the off
chance that it meets the criteria of worth, irregularity, non-substitutability, and matchlessness 9Wright et
al., 2004; Barney, 1991, 1995; Wright and McMahan. 2002; Delery, Gupta and Shaw, 2007).
Path Dependency theory consists of policies that are develops overtime and cannot be simply purchased
in the market by competitors (Becker and Gerhart, 2006). Social complexity is arises when it is beyond the
ability of competing firms and, ultimately, the resource-end-owed firms itself, to systematically manage
and influence the resource such as interpersonal relationships among managers, culture and reputation
(Barney 1986; Amit and Shoemaker, 1993). Non-substitutability; it should not be possible for the same, or
strategically equivalent, resources, to be deployed by other firms (Barney, 1991; Dierickxx and Cool,
1989; Lado and Wilson 2004). Based on Resource-based theory, all four criteria must be met for a
resource to be considered as a source of sustained competitive advantage (Barney and Wright, 1998).
Whilst some commentators argue that the practices used to manage human resources as a potential source
of sustained competitive advantage (Becker et al., 2007; Wright et al., 2005; Lado and Wilson, 2004;
Pfeiffer, 2004; Barney, 1991; Schuler and MacMillian, 1984; Ulrich, 1991; Becker and Gergart, 1996).
Other argue that it is the human resource themselves that meet the four resource criteria (Wright et al.,
1994: 318-9), it is through the human capital pool and employees behavior that human resources can
constitute a sustained competitive advantage. HR practices, they argued, are possible to be imitated across
organization, but still their effect may vary across contexts. Barney (2001) argued that the individual HRM
practices or HRM systems which developed over time may be unique to that particular organization which
contributes to the inimitable specific human capital skill.
2.3 Empirical Literatures
In their near investigation of 137 extensive assembling firms, Budhwar and Boyne (2004) separates the HR
hones out in the open and private part organizations in India. Their discoveries propose that against the set
up idea, the hole between the Indian private and open segment HRM hones (structures of HR office, part
of HR in corporate change, enlistment and determination, pay and advantages, preparing and
improvement, worker relations and key HRM techniques) is not exceptionally critical but rather in a
couple of utilitarian ranges (pay, preparing and advancement), private-area firms have received a more
judicious methodology than their open division partners.
Green et al., (2006) reported that associations that vertically adjusted and on a level plane coordinated HR
capacity and practices performed better and created more dedicated and fulfilled HR capacity workers who
displayed enhanced individual and authoritative execution. Tessember and Soeters (2006) inspected how,
when and to what augment HR hones influences execution in Eritrea, Africas most youthful and poorest
nation. They reported that effective execution of HR practices could improve individual and common
administration association of Eritrea, yet the monetary and political environment inside of which HR hones
work are not favorable. Their study attempted to reveal some insight in the HRM execution discuss inside
of the setting of a creating nation.
In another study, Adeyeye (2009a) explored the relationship between human capital advancement
rehearses and a few measurements of hierarchical adequacy in the Nigerian keeping money commercial
enterprises. Information were created by method for two arrangements of inquiries managed to somewhere
in the range of ten(10) chose banks in Lagos, Nigeria. He found a moderate relationship between's human
capital advancement and hierarchical adequacy.
Adeyeye (2009b) inspected the relationship between size of the association and HRM hones that have been
appeared to add to hierarchical execution. The study guessed that huge colleges operationalized as having
more noteworthy than 1000 scholarly and regulatory staff can be separated from little colleges,
characterized as utilizing under 1000 scholastic and authoritative staff in their utilization of HRM
practices. He found that as opposed to former exploration discoveries, size did not correspond with the use
of HRM best practices. Both of all shapes and sizes colleges utilized comparable and indistinguishable
HRM rehearses.
In another study, Gray and Shasky (2007) additionally utilizing various relapse investigation analyzed the
effect of vital HRM hones on the execution of state Governments offices. The outcomes demonstrates that
when associations utilizes such work force rehearses as inside vocation stepping stools, formal preparing
framework, result-arranged execution evaluation, occupation security, worker voice and execution based
remuneration, they are more ready to accomplish their authoritative objectives and goals.
Utilizing a stratified irregular inspecting by industry, Kai et al, (2007) reviewed 231 firms recorded on the
Australian stock Exchange (ASE) utilizing unmistakable insights and connection investigation, results
shows that vital reconciliation and improvement of HRM were honed to a moderate degree in the
organizations tested, and that the level of arrangement of HRM with business goals and procedures had a
positive association with saw firm monetary execution. Som (20080 inspected 69 Indian organizations
with a perspective to looking at the effect of inventive SHRM rehearses on firm execution. Utilizing
illustrative measurements and relapse investigation, results show imaginative enrollment and remuneration
rehearses have a positive critical association with firm execution. Their outcomes likewise demonstrate
that enlistment, part of the HR office and remuneration hones appear to be altogether changing inside of
the Indian firms in the setting of Indian financial liberalization. The cooperative energy between inventive
HRM practices was not observed to be critical in improving execution amid the liberalization process.
Dimba and K'Obonyo (2009) explored the way of the impact of SHRM practices on hierarchical execution.
The study tries to figure out if the impact of human asset administration rehearses on authoritative
execution is immediate or backhanded through worker inspiration, and whether representative social
introductions direct the relationship between key human asset practices and representative inspiration. 50
multinational assembling organizations in Kenya were examined. One HR supervisor, 2 line administrators
and 3 representatives from every association were decided for the study. The study received the measures
created by Hofstede and Huslid. Utilizing relapse examination, the outcome shows that every one of the
variables of SHRM practices, aside from enlistment and choice were certain and essentially corresponded
with execution; relationship between SHRM practices and firm inspiration did not rely on upon worker
social introductions when social qualities were considered; inspiration intervened the relationship between
SHRM practices and firm execution and inspiration influenced firm execution.
3. Methodology
3.1 Research Design
This study utilized an expressive study outline. The motivation behind utilizing spellbinding reviews was
to gather point by point and accurate data that portrays a current marvel. Information was gathered taking
into account the ideas characterized in the exploration models and speculation tried. The study is a clear
review since it embraced the utilization of surveys went for finding the effect of vital HR administration on
little and medium Enterprises.
3.2 Population
The number of inhabitants in the study was proprietor chief of little and medium paint fabricating firms
and they were situated crosswise over Anambra State Nigeria. A database on little and medium makers
held by the Nigeria Association of little and medium scale industrialists (NAMSI) gave the specimen
outline from which the last pool of south East proprietor directors of little and medium paint producing
firm was drawn. The last pool of proprietor chiefs to whom polls were sent was 128. Out of 128 surveys
issued out 106 usable polls were returned. This gives a compelling reaction rate of 83%
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique
This examination is concerned just with little and medium paint producing organizations in Anambra state
Nigeria. There are two explanations behind this. In the first place, in the course of the most recent couple
of years, the execution of the little and medium scale fabricating part in Nigeria has been a noteworthy precontrol of arrangement creators and government offices managing industry and exchange. The division has
been described as non- aggressive by global models and it is considered to have fizzled in performing the
customary and advanced social and financial parts of the area (Oshagbemi, 1997; Ogundele 2007). The
second reason is that it is profoundly likely that cross-industry contrasts in the way of business exercises
could puzzle discoveries identifying with SME techniques and to SME development and execution all the
more by and large. Such impacts are, to a sensible degree, controlled for by analyzing a solitary industry.
The essential worry in this examination is with SME procedure, development and execution, and it is more
probable that these will be obvious in organizations that are lawfully sorted out as exclusive organizations
(Freedman and Godwin 1994; Gray 1992; Hughes and Story 1994).
3.4 Instrument for Data collection
The above estimated connections were tried utilizing information gathered through self-directed, organized
polls containing basically close-finished inquiries. The surveys were controlled on CEOs and showcasing
executives, or now and again different chiefs inside of the 92 haphazardly chose little and medium scale
paint producing organizations in Anambra state Nigeria. Keeping in mind the end goal to value the study
setting and test the poll preceding its utilization, a pilot study including eye to eye interviews with five
little entrepreneur chiefs was embraced. The survey was then refined in the light of experience. The poll
was comprised of four segments A, B, C, and D. Segment A contained six principle addresses that
arrangement with demographic attributes of the respondent's proprietor director and their organizations.
Area B contained inquiries that arrangement with the key Human Resource administration of the
structures. In this segment, firms were requested that depict or pick their techniques for taking care of
rivalry utilizing a progression of things that secured the separation and minimal effort approaches.
Segment C contained inquiries that arrangement with the business development, downright salary/income
development, rate/recurrence of client dissensions in the organizations, and development in client base.
These parameters were utilized as measures of execution. Area B to D utilized an organized 5-point
adjusted Likert scale battery of emphatically Agree (5) Agree (4) Undecided (3) Disagree (2) and
unequivocally Disagree (1) in accordance with Atiku, Genty and Akinlabi (2011). The respondents were
requested that show the degree to which they concur/can't help contradicting different articulations.
3.5 Method of Data Analysis
The illustrative insights, for example, frequencies, rates and charts are utilized for the investigation of the
exploration questions while the theories testing were finished with Spearman Rank Correlation
Coefficient. SPSS (Statistical bundle for sociologies) PC programming was utilized to run the
examinations. The speculations were tried at 0.05 level of centrality. At 5% level of hugeness, reject
invalid theories for test with likelihood gauge lower than 5% (0.05) and infer that they are measurably
critical. Else, we acknowledge 0.05 (when likelihood assessments are above and reason that there is no
general measurably hugeness).
4. Presentation and Interpretation of Result
Of the 128 questionnaires distributed to 17 paint manufacturing firms, a total of 106 completed and usable
questionnaires representing a response rate of about 83% are returned.
4.1 Social-Demographic Characteristics of the study
Table 1: Results from the investigation of the socio-demographic attributes of the respondents showed that
lion's share of the respondents are male proposing that the greater part of the administration group of Paint
assembling firms is male. Besides, the respondents concentrated inside of the age section of under 35 years
to 45years or more. The vast majority of the respondents were persons with first degree, graduate degree
taking after by persons with auxiliary training. This suggests a large portion of the paint producing firms in
Anambra state are overseen by persons with center level instructive foundation.
Table 1: Socio-Demographic characteristics of the Respondents.
Source: Field survey (2013)
About 44 percent of paint manufacturing firms in Anambra state have below 50 employees.
About 9 percent of the firms have stayed at least 5 years in the business. 74.5 percent have single-line
product while 25.5 have multi-line products. In general, the study gives a favorable picture
concerning the level of education of the respondents. Majority of the respondents have at least first
degree. This is an indication that the respondents are composed of educated people.
4.1 Analysis of Research Questions
Usage of strategic HRM by SMEs
Research question 1: Is strategic HRM practiced by SME s in Anambra state?
Table 2
S/n Variable
Structured planning 4
Sales growth/low cost 0
10 Mixed
strategy/ 0
revenue growth
Source: Computation from SPSS 17 Analysis.
Poll things 7, 8, 9, and 10 were utilized to address research question one. The reactions to research
question one is appeared in table 2 above. The study demonstrated that dominant part of the SMEs in
Anambra state Nigeria does not embrace key HRM. This is obvious from the outcomes which sign that
lion's share of the respondent's staff of the SMEs was in contradiction that their assembling firms does
not have organized arranging instrument, separation system, ease technique/deals development and
blended procedure. Ticking difference to these variables infers that these organizations don't receive
them in their administration forms. This similarly implies vital HRM is not being used in these tested
Universities and too influence their execution level.
Research question 2: How does SHRM influence the level of rivalry in SMEs?
Table 3
S/n Variable
11 Do things that gives us 25
edge over our rivals
(23.6) (56.6)
(7.5) (12.3)
Frequency of customer 0
(28.5) (58.5)
13 Growth
in customer 12
(11.3) (61.3)
(14.2) (9.4)
Source: Computation from SPSS 17 Analysis.
The exploration question two tries to discover how SHRM influences the level of rivalry in SMEs.
Poll things number 11, 12 and 13 were utilized to dissect research question two. The respondents
were of the perspective that selection of key HRM will improve the capacity of SMEs to do things
that gives them edge over others and also empower them to experience development in client base.
The outcome from the inquiry thing 12 demonstrated that none of the SMEs is best as far as
achieving client protestations; thus none of them could fulfill clients require adequately.
4.2 Test of Hypotheses
H0 1: Adoption of strategic HRM has no significant effect on performance of SMEs Hypothesis
one was testing with questionnaire item 7 and 8
Data 1
Data 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Calculating the Spearman Rank correlation coefficient of ranked data, R= 1-(6d2
)/n (n2-1)
Analysis of the result, Spearman rank correlation (calculated)=0.9 Spearman
rank (table) at p= 0.05=0.900
Degree of freedom (df)= 3
This represents strong positive correlation between strategic HRM and performance level of
SMEs in Anambra state. This implies that adoption of strategic HRM have significant effect on
performance level of SMEs in Anambra state Nigeria. Since the p value is below the 5% level of
significance for this study. Therefore, the study rejects the null hypothesis that adoption of strategic
HRM does not have any effect on performance level of SMEs in Anambra state Nigeria.
H02: Adoption of strategic HRM does not have significant effect on level of competition of
SMEs in Anambra state.
Hypothesis two was testing with questionnaire item 11 and 12
Data 1
Data 2
Rank 1
Rank 2
Using R= 1-(6d2)/n (n2-1)
Analysis of the result, the spearman rank correlation (calculated) =0.1 Spearman rank (table) at
Degree of freedom=3
These represent strong positive rank correlation between strategic HRM and SMEs competition
level. This implies that the adoption of strategic HRM influences competition in small and medium
enterprises. The p value is below the 5% level of significance for this study. Therefore, the study
rejects the null hypothesis that adoption of strategic HRM does not have significant effect on level
of competition of SMEs in Anambra state.
5. Summary of Findings
Concentrates on have demonstrated that accomplishing an upper hand position and upgrading
execution in an association in respect to their rivals/opponents are the principle target that business
association ought to endeavor to achieve. Additionally, the thought that procedure content impact
execution is a focal component of non specific administration hypothesis, to remain aggressively
advantaged, thinks about have similarly recommended the utilization of vital human asset
administration. This is on the grounds that vital HRM recognizes the motivation behind the
association and the arrangements and activities to accomplish the reason.
Regardless of these, some exploration work have focused to examine the effect of vital
administration on hierarchical development and improvement yet none have surveyed the effect of
key HRM on little and medium venture on paint producing firms in Anambra state Nigeria. Existing
studies in Nigeria, went for assessing vital HRM rehearses, and the effect of proprietorship sort and
Aghe 9eg Oladipo and Abdulkadir, 2010; Oladipo and Abdulkadir, 2011; Abdulkadir, 2012).
Related studies on this study were on key arranging (a branch of key administration) 9see Ilesaanmi,
2011 and Akinyele and Fashogbon, 2007). Moreso, meager studies have been done on key
administration in Africa (eg Raduan, Jegak, Hashinda and Alimin, 2009 in Malaysia) did not cover
without a doubt, the arears that the goals of this work covers.
In light of the above reason, the study researched the level of utilization and impact of stratefic
HRM on SMEs in Anambra state south east Nigeria. Expressive and spearman rank connection
demonstrated the accompanying discoveries
Strategic HRM is an essential and imperative instrument for any association execution and
for any association that needs to increase upper hands over others.
The study uncovers that a certified utilization of key HRM by SMEs will upgrade staff and
authoritative exhibitions.
Strategic HRM has impact on level of rivalry of SMEs in Anambra State.
6. Conclusion
The appropriation of vital HRM hones by SMEs in Anambra state is enormously impact by
separation technique, blended methodology, deals development and development in client base. The
vital HRM hone, SMEs receives is a component of whether the firm is little or medium estimated.
(Oladipo and Abdulkadir, 2011) Strategic HRM is not yet a typical practice among SMEs in
Anambra state. In any case, key HRM has been recognizes as a veritable apparatus for enhancing
the aggressiveness, execution level and duty level of little and medium undertakings in Anambra
state Nigeria.
7. Recommendation
The study prescribes that further studies be done in Nigeria to examine the reasons for nonappropriation of vital HRM in Anambra State specifically and Nigeria when all is said in done. The
reasons for this when known and checked, little and medium scale commercial enterprises in
Nigeria may turn out to be more focused in boosting the improvement of Nigeria economy. The
entrepreneurial focus and business colleges in Nigeria ought to join key administration standards
into their curricular. This will incite sound administrative ability and help the execution and
aggressiveness of firms in Nigeria.
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