Sydney West RRA Registration Form 2015

Sydney North Rugby Referees
2015 Registration Form
This page contains information you need to know prior to joining or registering with SNRR for the
2015 season. Please read it carefully before completing pages 2, 3, 4 and 5.
This registration form is comprised of two parts, which must be completed in full.
PART 1 is the ARU Membership Form. By completing this part you acknowledge your responsibilities in
relation to registration with the Australian Rugby Union and the NSW Rugby Union for the 2015 season. The
information you provide is used to update the ARU’s Rugby Administration database as well as SNRR
records. ARU membership ensures that you remain covered by the ARU’s national insurance scheme while
acting as a referee, assistant referee or referee coach or while involved in activities related to those
PART 2 is only for those members who are students or are new members. For those people, can you please
provide details of what institution you are studying at (for students), and what courses you have attended and
accreditations you currently have (for new members).
Refereeing Appointments: Refereeing appointments for the four Sydney-based referee associations are
made centrally by the NSWRU office, on the basis of your availability which you provide on and the Referee
Management System Portal:, and can be extremely complex. To limit the
domino effect that can occur when a referee withdraws after the weekly appointments have been issued,
please make sure you read the section on the RMS Portal very carefully.
Lodging Your Registration Form: When you have completed all relevant boxes in Parts 1 and 2, follow
the instructions on page 4 to firstly save and then lodge this form. So that we can get things moving, your
completed registration form should be forwarded to [email protected].
Annual Membership Fee: Details regarding the annual membership fee is listed on page 5.
Accreditations and Certifications: Without current SmartRugby certification and the correct refereeing
course accreditations in place, you may not be able to be appointed to referee matches or provided with
clothing or equipment. Read page 5 in relation to ensuring that your accreditations are up to date for the 2015
Changed Circumstances: If at any time during the season your circumstances change or you become
unavailable for appointment, it is important that you quickly update your Referee Management System record.
How you go about doing that is outlined on page 4. The sooner you’re able to update RMS, the better the
result for all SNRR members.
Nick Brown
Rory Amon
[email protected]
[email protected]
0402 596 611
0418 497 223
Part 1: ARU Membership Form
Association Name
Names of any other associations for
whom you intend to actively referee
Your MyRugby ID No. (as shown on the
latest ARU MyRugby Card issued to you)
Title Prefix
First Name
Middle Names
Date of Birth
Country of Origin (if not Australia)
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
Postal Address
State and Postcode
Telephone Numbers
Primary Email Address (compulsory)
Alternate Email Address (optional)
Name of School (if still attending)
Spouse or Partner’s Name (optional)
ARU Contact Information
ARU Contact Preferences
Parent or Guardian Information
(must be completed if the member is less
than 18 years of age)
Are the name and address and other
contact details shown above the same
as those shown on the last ARU
Membership Form lodged by you?
Sydney North Rugby Referees Inc.
(e.g. if you also referee or referee coach with NSWRRA, this is where you tell us)
(if you don’t know your MyRugby ID, simply leave this box blank)
The ARU, your Member Union and your Club may use your information to send
you Rugby related materials they consider may interest you (including
newsletters, priority ticketing and season pass offers). In addition, if you agree,
the ARU, your Member Union and your Club may use your information to send
you materials, offers and promotions from sponsors. If you would like to receive
these offers, please indicate your contact preferences below.
I wish to receive material from sponsors or licensees. My preferred
choice is by (select all that apply): Mail:
Parent or Guardian First Name & Surname:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Parent or Guardian Email Address:
Yes (the details above have not changed since last year):
No (some details have changed and need to be adjusted):
If you answered No, please specify:
I’m not sure (SNRR to check and adjust if necessary):
(to help keep our records up to date, please check the appropriate box above)
Release and Waiver: In consideration of the Australian Rugby Union Limited (the "ARU") agreeing to accept and register you as a participant, you undertake to be
bound by the Laws of the Game, the By-Laws (including the ARU Code of Conduct), rules and regulations of the IRB and ARU; warrant that you have fully disclosed any
suspension you may be serving imposed on you by any sporting body, and will disclose any suspension imposed in the future; undertake to pay all subscriptions and
fees; acknowledge that the Game is a potentially hazardous sport and that incidents can and may happen; and to the extent permitted by Law, and not withstanding any
ineligibility, you hereby waive all claims for liability against any participants and release every participant from all liability, provided that such liability arises while you are
participating in any football activity. You agree that the ARU will hold the benefit of the above release and waiver on trust for all participants. The ARU makes no
warranties regarding services associated with the Game or the fitness for purpose of materials provided. For the purpose of the release and waiver contained in this
clause: the "Game" shall mean the game of Rugby Football, which for the purpose of this release and waiver shall include Mini-Rugby, Midi-Rugby, Walla Rugby and the
game of Rugby Football under the special under-19 laws; "participants" shall mean the ARU and any other rugby union, rugby club or referees' association in Australian
and any member, officer, official, administrator, executive, coach, manager, selector, referee, touch judge, physiotherapist, trainer, ball boy or girl or unqualified first aid
officer associated with such body; liability shall mean liability in tort or contract for any death, personal injury or damage to property including vicarious liability for assault
but excluding other liability for assault; "football activity" shall mean playing the Game or engaging in training for the Game or in other sporting or physical activities as
directed or recommended by a participant.
Anti-Doping: The ARU condemns the use of performance enhancing substances in Rugby Football as both dangerous to health and contrary to the ethics of sport, and
prohibits the taking or use of drugs or stimulants or involvement in other doping methods prohibited by World Anti Doping Code. Refusal to provide a sample for testing
also incurs sanctions. A copy of the ARU's Anti-Doping By-Laws is available on both ARU's website and on request from the ARU. You agree to observe the ARU's AntiDoping By-Laws, to provide samples for testing wherever requested by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority or the ARU (both in and out of season), and to
observe the protocols for taking and verifying samples and for providing whereabouts notifications. You also agree to the publication of the results of any sample tested
and of any findings of fact by an ARU judicial committee or Board and its decision whether or not to impose a sanction and release the ARU and the members of the
judicial committee and Board from liability as a result of, and waive all claims you may have as a result of or in relation to, the publication of their findings of fact and
decisions as to sanctions. Minors: In the case of the participant being a minor, a Parent or Guardian is requested to read and complete this form. In executing this
document, the Parent or Guardian of the above minor (the "Minor"), agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified all participants in respect of any claims for the liability
arising while the Minor is participating in any Rugby football activity and acknowledges that the ARU will hold the benefit of this indemnity on trust for all participants.
Privacy Statement : The ARU respects the privacy of the individuals on whom the ARU collects, uses and discloses personal information. The ARU is bound by the
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and has a Privacy Policy that safeguards your privacy. For full details of the ARU Privacy Policy please see our website or
contact the Privacy Officer, Australian Rugby Union, Level 6, 29-55 Christie Street, St. Leonards NSW 2065 or via email at [email protected]
I agree to abide by the Laws of the Game as issued by the International Rugby Board and the articles of the NSW Rugby Union. I also
give permission for my personal contact details to be passed to my referee coach.
By completing and returning this form you acknowledge acceptance of the conditions described above.
Part 2: Referee Information
Question 1: If you are a student, please show the name of the school or tertiary institution that you attend and the year
of study you are undertaking in 2015 (e.g. Killara HS Year 10; North Sydney TAFE Graphic Design; UNSW B of Com. 3rd
To become an active referee or assistant referee you must first attend an appropriate ARU course and pass the
relevant online law and game management exam. Before appointing new members to matches, we need to know
exactly which ARU courses you have attended and the exams that you have passed.
Question 2: Have you attended any of the following ARU courses? (please answer Yes or No for each course listed)
(a) The Foundations of Rugby Course (Foundation Course)
(b) The Refereeing Kids’ Rugby U8-U12 Course (RKR / Pathway Course)
(c) An Assistant Referee Course (Assistant Referee or Touch Judge Course)
Question 3: Have you passed any of the following ARU online exams? (answer Yes or No for each exam listed)
(a) The level 1 referee or level 2 referee law and game management exam
(b) The Refereeing Kids’ Rugby law and game management exam
(c) The level 1 assistant referee or level 2 assistant referee law exam
• Question 1 needs to be answered only by members who are students.
• Questions 2 and 3 need to be answered only by new members.
The following paragraphs contain information necessary to finalise your registration. Several matters all Sydney North
RR Inc members need to be aware of are also outlined. Please ensure that you read each of the instructions below
fully and carefully before proceeding.
Prior to returning your registration form, please check to ensure that Parts 1 and 2 all been completed in full.
When you are satisfied that all required details are present and correct, save this form to your computer as a Word
document. To assist with subsequent processing, please incorporate your surname and your preferred first name —
in that order and separated by an underscore — as the file name of the saved document. For example, someone
called Humphrey Bear would give his form the file name “bear_humphrey.doc” when saving it in Word format.
To facilitate subsequent processing, please do not save the document as a PDF or JPEG unless absolutely
Attach the saved Word document to an email message and forward it as soon as possible to [email protected]. Upon
receipt of your form, we’ll get the registration process underway.
To enable referees to take responsibility for the timeliness and accuracy of appointments-related information held for
them, a self-service web portal has been developed that allows members to input particular data items direct to the
Referee Management System. After we have registered you and activated your RMS record for the 2015 season, you
will be able to log in to RMS via the web portal and carry out the following tasks yourself while online:● Input details of any days or times that you are not available for appointment (i.e. to allow you to quickly and easily
“opt out” from being appointed on certain dates or at particular times). In this regard, please ensure that you read,
understand and follow the directions provided below under the heading “MOST IMPORTANT:”.
● Update any team relationship you have with a club or school as a player or as a parent that needs to be taken into
account when your refereeing appointments are being considered (i.e. to allow you to be appointed to fit in around
your playing commitments or to fit in around your child’s playing commitments). Team relationship information must
be adjusted in the event that the team in question is subsequently re-graded or withdrawn from the competition.
● Adjust your venue preferences (i.e. to allow you to expand or contract the areas to which you are willing to travel in
order to carry out refereeing assignments).
The portal can be found at:
To gain entry into the portal you will need your MRA number, your surname and the email address you have provided
to MRA. Once you are logged in you can enter all of the details discussed above. This information will then be used by
the system to ensure you are appointed appropriately to your wishes. Some things to remember:
• Availability is an opt-out process.
If you do not blank out the playing days and times you are not available the system assumes you are
available for every Friday night, every Saturday and every Sunday and will appoint you to games you might
not be available to do. You cannot opt-out using the portal less than 2 weeks from the event date as the
appointment process may have already started. To opt-out inside 2 weeks email Scott at
[email protected]. I suggest that you go into the portal and do all of your standard un-availabilities
for normal playing days only before the season starts, and then use the portal throughout the year to put in
additional dates as you become aware of them.
• Venue Preference will be taken into account when appointing you.
Too many restrictions will restrict the ability of Scott to appoint you regularly. Too few restrictions will mean
that you may be appointed to games that require some travel. Please carefully address this issue. Remember
the IT dictum, “garbage in, garbage out”.
If you put the wrong information in the portal it will affect your appointments.
Should it become necessary for you to withdraw after the appointments for that weekend have been issued, you must
immediately phone or SMS the Central Appointments Officer and let him know that you are not able to accept that
particular appointment.
Your SNRR membership fee is two (2) match payments, which will be deducted from your end of season payment.
Your membership fee will cover:
All gear (including jersey, shorts, socks and hoodie).
Referee Coaching.
Food and drinks at our monthly Education Night, and at our Season Launch.
Costs of the Annual Dinner (as a SNRR member, you will be entitled to two (2) tickets to the Annual Dinner).
Please note that regardless of your level of participation within SNRR, two (2) match payments will be deducted from
your end of season payment as a membership fee.
The ARU Membership Form you completed in Part 1 asked you to quote the ID number shown on the latest MyRugby
Card issued to you. That card also shows the expiry date for each accreditation and certification you hold. If any of
these have expired, they will need to be renewed as early as possible in 2015. Without current SmartRugby
certification you may not be covered by the ARU’s national insurance scheme and we may not be able to appoint you
to matches or provide you with clothing or equipment.
If your SmartRugby or some other accreditation is no longer current then it is essential that you take action to remedy
that deficiency. If you need to attend a SmartRugby session, you must pre-register for and attend a course as soon
If you need to pass an online exam as part of the Smart Rugby re-accreditation process, please l our Secretary at
[email protected] and ask for the link to the appropriate law exam to be forwarded to you. Directions on how to
register for and access that exam will be emailed to you ASAP.
The matters above are your responsibility and must be attended to without delay. Ideally, we’d like to have every
SNRR member fully accredited and with all required certifications in place by the time the 2015 season gets
Should there be something on any of the pages above that needs clarification, a phone call to Rory Amon (0418 497
223) or Nick Brown (0402 596 611) will quickly resolve the matter.