Age Director - EMSA Mill Woods

Age Director
Mill Woods Soccer Association Age Director Handbook
Team Officials Meeting Preparation ................................................................................................ 4
U4 to U8 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
U10 to U18 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Other Duties ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Liaison ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Player Evaluation Initiation and Monitoring U8 to U10...................................................................................................... 4
Equipment Distribution and Return Coordination.............................................................................................................. 4
Team Staff and Player Assignment System Instructions .................................................................. 5
Generate Volunteer List ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Search for Coach or other Team Staff................................................................................................................................. 5
Assign Staff to a Team ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Assigning Players to a Team ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Sending Emails to Players, Coaches etc .............................................................................................................................. 9
Player Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 11
Searching for Players......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Editing a Player.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Team Maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 11
Searching for a Team ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Adding a Team to a Division.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Editing a Team Setup ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Viewing the Players Assigned to a Team .......................................................................................................................... 12
Coach Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 12
Editing a Coach .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Viewing the Teams a Coach is assigned to........................................................................................................................ 12
Sample Text for Emails ................................................................................................................... 13
Coach/Assistant Coach/Team Manager Solicitation Email ............................................................................................... 13
Coach Welcome Email U4 to U8 ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Coach Welcome Email U10 to U18 ................................................................................................................................... 14
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2012 Beaumont Soccer Association
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Mill Woods Soccer Association Age Director Handbook
Team Creation/Staff and Player Assignment Process
The following process is suggested when setting up the teams and doing player assignment:
1. The teams will be created by the Administrator
2. Get your coaches
a. Generate Volunteer List Note: The Volunteer List will also include the Player(s) they are associated with.
b. Contact the Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers for your Age and confirm that they are still
willing to do it.
i. Ask them to fill out the online Team Staff Application form on the Coaches page, Apply to be
Coach/Staff if they have not already done so
3. If you do not have enough head coaches you can always ask an Assistant Coach volunteer to step up –
remember to mention that they can attend a coaches course appropriate for the age group, at the expense of
MWSA, and there are additional coaching clinics available. The information on the coaches courses in on the
Coaches web page. If you are still short of Team Officials, notify the Registrar. There is also a sample of a Team
Official solicitation email in this document Search Coach and other Team Staff to see if they have done their
online form. Use the steps in Sending an email to a Player or Group of Players to email the team that you need
the required team staff person.
4. The Team Staff Application must be approved before they can be added to a team so email
[email protected] to request the approval of the required team staff. The team staff login will also
be created at this time. They will be notified of their login details
5. When you have a confirmed Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager and they have been approved, Assign
Team Staff to a Team. Make sure you update the Team Name
6. Use Assign a Player to a Team – General: to assign the players associated with the team staff to the team.
7. Use Assign a Player to a Team – General, or Assign Players to a Team – U4 – U8. Note: If you have a player
requesting to play-up, skip that player and email [email protected] and the Registrar will get the
approval for the player to play-up.
8. Once all the teams are set up use the Sending an Email to a Group of Coaches to email all the team staff that
they can now access their team lists and send an introduction email to their team. (This is a Beaumont Process
not ours)
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Mill Woods Soccer Association Age Director Handbook
Team Officials Meeting Preparation
U4 to U8
The following needs to be completed for packaging for the Team Officials meeting, please notify the Administrator once
these are complete:
1. Team Official assignment
2. Player assignment
U10 to U18
The following needs to be completed for packaging for the Team Officials meeting, please notify the Administrator once
these are complete:
1. Team Official assignment
2. Player assignment
Other Duties
Executive Liaison
While the MWSA system supports the various MWSA Executives, Directors and the Administrator emailing the coaches
and players. In some situations the communication is required to come from the Age Director so that the response can
be monitored and acted upon.
Player Evaluation Initiation and Monitoring U8 to U10
At the end of the season, and possibly mid-season, the coaches will be required to perform player evaluations. The Age
Director is responsible for ensuring that every player in their Age Group has an evaluation. These evaluations are
important for the formation of teams in the U10 and up age groups. (This is a Beaumont Process not ours)
Equipment Distribution and Return Coordination
Dates will be distributed by the Equipment Director
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Mill Woods Soccer Association Age Director Handbook
Team Staff and Player Assignment System Instructions
Generate Volunteer List
To find, for example, who volunteered to be a coach, assistant coach or team manager.
Go to the Admin menu and in the Spread Sheet (to Excel) section select Volunteer List.
Enter the criteria, for example, Division and Age Group and select Post.
Depending on your browser and version of Excel, you may have to select ok or yes a couple of times before the
spreadsheet is displayed.
Search for Coach or other Team Staff
To search for an individual coach or a group of coaches go to the Admin menu and in the Player/Team/Coach
Administration section select Coach Administration.
Enter the search parameters you wish to use and select Search.
If you cannot find an existing record for the team staff person select the Coach Application radio button on the search
screen to see if they entered their application.
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If you cannot find one call them and ask them to enter it. The online form can be accessed from the web site > Coaches
page, Apply to be Coach/Staff menu option.
If you wish to display a list of coaches in Excel you can use the Excel button.
Assign Staff to a Team
Make sure all your team staff has entered a team staff application form by following the Search for a Coach or other
Team Staff steps.
Email the [email protected] to have the coaches approved. Once they are approved you can add them to
the team.
Perform the steps in Searching for a Team, locate the team in the search results and select Edit. Scroll down the team
details to the Team Staff, and select Add beside the role required. If you are assigning a second (or more) Assistant
Coach, use Alt Contact and enter a Title of ‘Asst. Coach’. Make sure you Post to save your changes.
Once you have the head coach on the team you will also need to change the Team Name and Post. The team names are
formatted that same as how they will appear in EMSA’s My Soccer Office so the format must be correct in the MWSA
System. Update the team name from (for example) Beaumont (Team 1 TBD) to Beaumont (Smith) – where Smith would
be the head coaches last name.
Assigning Players to a Team
Assign a Player to a Team - General
To assign a player to a team first they must be assigned to a division that has a team created.
Go to the Admin menu and in the Player/Team/Coach Administration section select Player Team Assignment. Enter
the required search criteria including the Division and Age Group and select the Post button. Note: Division is a
mandatory search field on this screen.
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To assign the player to a team, select the required team from the drop down list. If you wish to edit the player you can
also do that by selecting Edit.
Once you have done your team selections for the players displayed, select Post. Note: You can select the team for
multiple players on this screen before you select Post.
If you have done team selections but you want to do an Edit on a player first, it would pay to Post your team selections
Assign Players to a Team – U4 – U8
To assign a player to a team first they must be assigned to a division that has a team created.
The goal of these instructions is to help you assign players evenly across the available teams according to Age and
Go to the Admin menu and in the Player/Team/Coach Administration section select Player Team Assignment.
Select the Division that includes your Age Group.
Select the Age Group you are working on.
Select the required Age Group.
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Select a Sort by of Birth Date and select the Post button.
NOTE: If you are just starting to assign players you can leave the Team Name as All, if you have already assigned several
players you can change the Team Name to Unassigned (as per above screen shot).
Once you select Post, the system will find all the players that meet the criteria, sort them and display them.
The Team drop down list will show the team name and after the name it will show you how many girls and how many
boys are currently assigned to the team i.e. Beaumont (Kruger) 2/3, means 2 girls and 1 boys have been assigned to the
Note: the Team drop down list will include all the teams in the Division, this is so that you can select a team in a high age
group if the player is playing up.
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To assign the player to a team, select the required team from the drop down list. If you wish to edit the player you can
also do that by selecting Edit.
If you come across a player with a team or coach request (see Requests: in screen example above), open up another
browser session and go to the Player Team Assignment screen, do not enter any selection criteria except the name of
the player, then Post to find the player. If the player is already assigned to a team then assign the player you are working
on to the same team (as long as they are in the same age group). If the requested player is not assigned to a team and
they are in the same age group, assign them both to the same age group. Leave the second browser window open in
case you have more player requests.
Note: You can select the team for multiple players on this screen before you select Post. The counts on the Team drop
down list will be updated when you select Post, so it would pay to do that every screen of players.
If you have done team selections but you want to do an Edit on a player first, it would pay to Post your team selections
Sending Emails to Players, Coaches etc
IMPORTANT: There is a timeout on the system and if you take too long to type in your email you may lose it. If you are
typing in a lengthy email, or you need of decide what to say, it would be best to type it up in word and then copy and
paste the text in.
Sending an Email to a Player or Group of Players
To send an email to an individual player, go to the Admin menu and in the Email Functions section select Player Group
Enter the criteria you wish to use to select the players and select Post.
Enter the Email Subject, and Reply to email address (x 2). Enter the body of the email and upload images if required,
select Send.
Note: The list of the players that the email will be sent to is at the bottom of the screen.
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Sending an Email to an Individual Coach
To send an email to an individual coach, go to the Admin menu and in the Email Functions section select
Coach/Manager Group Email.
Enter the First and Last Name of the Coach and select Post.
Enter the Email Subject, and Reply to email address (x 2). Enter the body of the email and upload images if required,
select Send.
Note: The list of the coaches that the email will be sent to is at the bottom of the screen.
Sending an Email to a Group of Coaches
To send an email to an individual coach, go to the Admin menu and in the Email Functions section select
Coach/Manager Group Email.
Enter the criteria you wish to use to select the coaches and select Post.
Enter the Email Subject, and Reply to email address (x 2). Enter the Email Body Text of the email and upload images if
required, select Send.
Note: The list of the coaches that the email will be sent to is at the bottom of the screen.
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Player Maintenance
Searching for Players
To search for an individual player or a group of players go to the Admin menu and in the Player/Team/Coach
Administration section select Player Administration.
Enter the required search criteria and select the Post button.
Editing a Player
To edit a player, first search for the player you wish to edit (see Searching for Players). In the search results list locate the
player you wish to edit and select Edit.
Change what you need to change and select Post.
If you decide that you don’t want to change anything select Admin at the top right of the screen.
Team Maintenance
Searching for a Team
To search for an individual team or a group of teams go to the Admin menu and in the Player/Team/Coach
Administration section select Team Administration.
Enter the required Division and Age Group and the teams in that Division/Age Group will be displayed in the search
Adding a Team to a Division
To add a Team to a Division go to the Admin menu and in the Player/Team/Coach Administration section select Team
Make sure the Registration Year is correct and select Add. Enter all the required fields and select Post.
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Note: If you are creating an FC team, make sure you tick the Select? tick box.
Editing a Team Setup
To edit a team setup, first search for the team you wish to edit (see Searching for a Team). In the search results list
locate the team you wish to edit and select Edit.
Change what you need to change and select Post.
If you decide that you don’t want to change anything select Admin at the top right of the screen.
Viewing the Players Assigned to a Team
If you want to view the players assigned to a Team, first search for the team you wish to view (see Searching for a
You can view the players assigned to a team in two ways:
1) In the team definition: Locate the team in the search results list and select Edit, scroll down to the bottom and
you will see the team list.
2) In excel: Locate the team in the search results and select Team List. This will open a dialog box for you to select
to ‘Open with’ or ‘Save File’. Select the method you want then select OK. If you select to ‘Open with’ you may
get a message ‘The file you are trying to open…….’ You should be ok to select Yes.
Coach Maintenance
Editing a Coach
To edit a Coach, first search for the coach you wish to edit (see Searching for a Coach). In the search results list locate
the coach you wish to edit and select Edit.
Change what you need to change and select Post.
If you decide that you don’t want to change anything select Admin at the top right of the screen.
Viewing the Teams a Coach is assigned to
If you want to view the team(s) a coach is assigned to, first search for the team you wish to view (see Searching for a
Coach), and select Edit to view the coach details.
Select Show Teams.
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Mill Woods Soccer Association Age Director Handbook
Sample Text for Emails
Coach/Assistant Coach/Team Manager Solicitation Email
You have registered you child to play soccer with Mill Woods Soccer Association which shows you understand how
important and invaluable participating in a team sport and exercise in general is for children.
However, we do not have enough Coaches/Assistant Coaches/Team Managers in this age group. When this happens we
send 1 email to request that more people volunteer to fill the required positions. If the required positions are not filled
within 1 week of this email, as a last resort, we will have to reduce the number of teams accordingly. This can only be
done by cancelling registrations, starting with the most recent registrations.
If you are prepared to be a Coach/Assistant Coach/Team Manager please let me know and go to the Coaches page and
Apply to Coach/Staff..
Please do consider this a wonderful opportunity to be involved in your child’s soccer experience, and get some exercise
for yourself at the same time.
Please contact me if you have any questions about the positions.
Coach Welcome Email U4 to U8
I am ?????????, I am the Age Director for the U? Age Group. You can contact me using [email protected] or
for an urgent matter you can call me on nnn-nnnn-nnnn.
Thank you for your generous offer to be a Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager of a U? team. Without the
commitment from yourself and others BSA would not be able to offer community and competitive soccer in Beaumont.
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The Team Officials meeting is scheduled to be held on ?????????? at ?????????. This is a mandatory meeting for all
Team Officials. If for some reason you are unable to attend, please ensure that the other Team Officials for your team
are going to be present and ask them to pick up anything that is intended for you.
I will be sending you and the other Team Officials an email identifying who the other Team Officials on your team are.
Once you receive this email you will be able to access your team list using the access that you will receive in a separate
email from the Registrar.
I am currently assigning players to teams. Team/Player assignment at this level is done using the following process:
Team Official assignment
Team Official associated player assignment
Player assignment and associated friend/coach request – players are sorted according to date of birth and
assigned to teams ensuring an even allocation according to age and gender.
Note: Skill level and experience is not taken in to consideration at this age level
Please contact me if you have any questions about the positions.
Coach Welcome Email U10 to U18
I am ?????????, I am the Age Director for the U? Age Group. You can contact me using [email protected] or
for an urgent matter you can call me on nnn-nnnn-nnnn.
Thank you for your generous offer to be a Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager of a U? team. Without the
commitment from yourself and others BSA would not be able to offer community and competitive soccer in Beaumont.
The Team Officials meeting is scheduled to be held on ?????????? at ?????????. This is a mandatory meeting for all
Team Officials. If for some reason you are unable to attend, please ensure that the other Team Officials for your team
are going to be present and ask them to pick up anything that is intended for you.
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I will be sending you and the other Team Officials an email identifying who the other Team Officials on your team are.
Once you receive this email you will be able to access your team list using the access that you will receive in a separate
email from the Registrar.
I am currently assigning players to teams. Team/Player assignment at this level is done using the following process:
Team Official assignment
Team Official associated player assignment
Player assignment and associated friend/coach request – as teams in this age group are tiered, players are
assigned to teams according to skill level.
Please contact me if you have any questions about the positions.
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