How Big are Your Agents? - SERVPRO of Central and North West

How Well Do You Know Your
Time for some SMR
Fire & Water – Cleanup & Restoration™
• Take a Quick Test
• The things we want to know about our
• How do we obtain the information that we
• What can we do with information we
The Easy Test
• Who is your number one COI for sending you referrals?
• In 2 sentences tell me their hobbies and a quick overview about
• Approx how many Insurance offices do you have in your territory?
• On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rank how well you know your
agents and their staff members?
• Can you tell me how many kids each of your State Farm agents
The Real Test
List the 5 Largest Insurance Offices in your territory.
Approx. how many Property policies does your top 2 Offices have written? (How big
is their book of business?)
How many State Farm Offices are in your territory? How many of them have sent
you a claim this year?
Can you tell me anything about your favorite insurance agents loss ratio over the past
2 years?
What is a loss ratio?
How many Hourly CE credits does a typical agent or staff member need per year?
List 5 Agents that you know you could get more referrals from.
What competitors are the 5 listed agents above sending their claims too?
Do you know who your owner place his/her insurance with? Does that agent send
you claims?
The Personal Information
Hobbies (Golf, Fishing, Shopping)?
Where they grew up and went to school?
Marital Status, Number of Children,
• Military experience?
• What foods, movies, soaps, etc. do they
Personal is Important
Helps build relationships
Establish Rapport
Start to build Trust
Time can lead to obligation
People enjoy talking about themselves
and they like an interested good listener
Time for the Recon Work
Settings for Recon
Everyone takes a lunch
And everyone likes to eat!
Bringing Breakfast to Staff meeting.
Taking a COI to Lunch
Conducting a Lunch and Learn
Networking Groups
How Big are Your
•How many property
policies does an agent
have written?
•How many years have
they been in business?
•How many new
homeowner policies did
they write last year?
•How many new
homeowner policies did
they write per year
during the housing
Firing Indirect
Questions can lead to
Direct Answers
•What percent of your
customers take advantage of
multiline discounts?
•What Ratio do you strive for
pertaining to auto policies to
home policies?
•How many of your customers
have only homeowners
•What is a normal ratio of auto
claims to auto policies in the
insurance business?
•How do you generate most of
your new business?
Leading Questions
Very few of our customers during the flooding last year had
flood policies on their home and it really surprised me…
Did you have any claims that were covered under flood
insurance last fall?
How many of your policy holders have flood insurance?
Wow, __ out of how may policy holders?
The Competition
Do you know your competition?
Do you know who your agents are
referring, other than you?
What is your competition selling
that you aren’t?
Is their a personal relationship
between your competition and a
staff member (cousin, brother, old
roommate, etc.)?
Does this agent insure commercial
fleets? Do they insure any of your
How to get past
competition smoke
Has there ever been a time when
another vendor exceeded your
expectations in handling a water or
fire claim?
Other than the claims that we
handle for you, has there been any
other property claims that you felt
the vendor did an exceptional job of
servicing your customer?
If one of your customers called
today with a fire and asked you for
3 possible vendors to help them,
who would you recommend?
If one of your family members
called you with a fire claim on their
home, what would you tell them to
Understanding Loss
•Ratio of losses paid or accrued by
an insurer to premiums earned,
usually for a one-year period.
•Understanding the importance of
Loss Ratios is a must!
•Being able to discuss how Servpro
has been able to improve loss
Leading Questions
How did the recent hail impact your loss ratio over the past
2 years?
How much impact do water claims have on your loss ratio
on an annual basis?
What have you done in the past to help lower your loss
How much of an agent’s performance is based on Loss
How are your companies Year-to-date ratios compared to
last year?
If you are able to understand and discuss loss ratios, you
will should be able to build value on what Servpro has to
Other Questions to
•If a customer called in to your
office with a water or fire claim, who
in the office would handle the
•How many CE credits to you need
this year? When was the last time
you attended one of our CE
•Do you remember who your last
customer was that had their claim
handled by Servpro? How did we
Use Your
You guys seem to have a really
good team. Are you one of the top
5 producing State Farm offices in
…that is awesome! Who are the 3
that you have to pass to be the
You can find out all sorts of
information about other agents from
their piers!
What to do with Recon Info
• By gathering this info you will learn more pertinent information about
your COI’s.
• The more you know the better you will be able address their needs
and add value to your services.
• You will know where you and management need to focus your
marketing efforts.
How well will you know your
agents next time we meet?