Unit 5

Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2
Unit 6:
Key words
Places: at work, at home,
at school, at the library,
at the park, at the store,
at the zoo, at the movie.
in the restaurant, in the taxi
on the bus, on the train
Language Items
 Where is he/ she?
He/She’s at the park.
 Is he/ she at home?
Yes, he/ she is.
No, he/ she isn’t.
 Where are they?
They are at the park.
 Are they on the bus?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
Social Language
Hi Kate! This is Jenny.
Where are you?
I’m at home.
Can you come to the
Extra activities
My favorite
My story book
Book a ticket
at the movies
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
 Week 4: LET’S START: LET’S TALK, LET’S MOVE – Period 1 + 2
OBJECTIVES: Ss ask and answer about locations
Emphasizing on Speaking skill.
Topic – Key
Resources and
Integrated skill:
Listening, Speaking,
Reading, Writing
at home, at the park,
in the gym, in bed,
on the bus,
in Japan/Brazil
Sentence Pattern:
1. Where are you? I
am at home.
2. Can you come to
the park? Sure
Pronunciation tip:
“Where are you?” stress
can be placed on are or
 Toys: 2 cell phones
 Character cards:
Scott, Kate, Jenny
 CD1-71, CD2-24, 26
 T Cards 144,147,
 10 copies (of the
picture) of locations.
 Workbook, Skills
book – Page 10+11
Hoïc kyø 2
Key Activities for Lesson
Weather song + Sts sing “Where are the books?” song - page 27 CD1 track 71.
T gives some commands with “Please”: (get up, get out of bed, make breakfast. Then use
the let’s move-afternoon activities several times: study English…) and T speeds them up.
Who’ s faster?: T sticks on the board a picture of rooms in a house or T cards 73-76 to asks
Ss about where the furniture locate.(Ex: Where is the bed? It’s in the bedroom)… The
winners are ones who say correctly the locations.
Ss listen to the song CD2 track 26 twice. T explains new words and uses T cards 144,147,
152 to illustrate. Sts clap to keep the beat. Ss sing the song line by line then the whole song
Presentation: T gives a meaningful context to lead in the dialogue (I often go to the zoo at
weekends. Where do you go?... Where do Jenny and Kate go at weekends? Do you want to
know? Let’s listen and tell me the answer… )
T uses two cell phones and model the dialogue twice or more with volunteer Ss while
playing the audio (CD2 track 24 )
Sts repeat the dialogue several times (whole class, groups, pairs)
T invites some volunteer pairs to practice in the front.
 Step Away Lines: T gives each S a copy of the locations. Sts stand in two opposite lines and
ask their friends about the locations (Where are you? I’m at the park./ I’m in Brazil.)Then
they pass their cards to the right and continue to ask aloud… (Note: Ss stand far away from
their partners.)
 Where are they? T invites 10 Sts to the front and give each of them a copy of location (at
home, in the gym…).The rest Sts asks their friends: Where are you, Lan? Lan answers: “I’m
at the park.” T asks the Sts again to check their memory.
 Guessing: Sts work in two groups. A student stands in the front and acts out the activities
he/she does at that place. 2 groups have to guess the correct locations (Mai is at the park... )
 Creative Dialogues: Sts work in groups of six, make and practice their own dialogues with
the location from 10 volunteers above, add telephone numbers... Then they perform those in
front of the class.
 Exercises in workbook (p 46 + 47), Skills book (p 46 + 47) + Story time
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
 Week 4: LET’S LEARN – Period 3 + 4
OBJECTIVES: Ss ask and answer about locations with he/ she.
Emphasizing on Reading skill.
Topic – Key
Resources and
Hoïc kyø 2
Key Activities for Lesson
Integrated skill:
Listening, Writing
Speaking, Reading
Key Vocabulary:
(at school, at home,
at the park), at work,
at the library, at the
Sentence Pattern:
1. He/She’s at
2. Where’s he/she?
He/She’s at the
3. Is he/she at
home? Yes,
he/she is./ No,
he/she isn’t.
 Character cards:
Scott, Kate, Jenny
 CD2- 26,30,34,36
 T- Cards 143-148
 copies of objects,
people and locations
 Workbook, Skills
book – Page 48,49
 Weather song
 Walk Stop and talk: T sticks the locations (on the bus, at the park, in Brazil…) on the wall
around the class. Play CD2 track 26, Ss walk around. When the music is paused, T asks:
“Where are you?” Ss read the paper on the wall and answer “We are at the park…(the
locations that they are standing by)”
 Presentation: T gives a meaningful context to lead in the dialogue ( Gogo wants to go to
play soccer but he doesn’t know where he can play. Can you help?...Yeah, go to the park to
play soccer… Today we learn more places (called locations) then we can help Gogo the right
places to go to...) Ss listen to CD2-track 30 while T shows T-cards and sticks them on the
T numbers the T- cards and says the locations, Ss say the number. T says the number, Ss say
the words then T speeds it up.
Matching: T draws two columns on the board: The 1st one: writes he and she, the 2nd one
:locations. Sts listen to CD2 track 34, number and connect the correct subjects and the
T and Gogo ask and answer the 2nd pattern, using CD2 track 34 again. Ss listen and practice
in pairs.
 Domino game: Ss play dominoes game in 4 groups. They have to read and put the same
picture to the correct words together. The winners are who get fewest points.
 Read and Guess: T writes on the board sentences about things or people (The comic books.
Tina is flying a kite. Helen is sick today…) Ss work in groups, read the information and write
on their notebooks the best locations. T asks Ss why they chose those. T uses 3rd pattern then
shows the correct answers.
Ss listen to CD2 track 36 and answer the questions
 Find your partner: (Follow the above activity) T gives each S a copy (of objects or
locations) (The book is + in the library. Hellen is sick today. She is + at home …) so Sts have
to walk around, ask and find their partners.(Where’s the book? What’s in the library? Is Helen
at home?...)
 Exercises: Workbook (p48+49), Skills book (p48+49)
 Story time
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Week 4: Station Work – Period 5 + 6
Hoïc kyø 2
Objective: Review vocabulary of locations and occupations based on speaking skill.
Save the princess an the prince
There are 6 stations in this station work. Each station is a level (from easy to hard). Satisfactory and Need to be improve Ss have to pass 4
levels, Fair Ss have to pass 5 levels and Good and Outstanding Ss have to pass all. T gives each Ss a (blue, orange or yellow) passport depend
on their level. (For example: Good Ss have yellow cards, the Fair ones have the orange and the rest have the blue ones.) Ss can start at any level
they like. There is a student-guard at each station. When Ss move to a station, they have to answer or do what the guard requires them to do. If
they pass, the guard will write on their passport the number of that level but if not they have to try again later. When they finish enough or more
levels they are required, they win the game and they can save the princess and the prince and get a present.
Level 1: Do the commands: The guard gives each S four or five commands: Study English, talk on the telephone, watch TV, practice the
piano, wake up, get out of bed, make breakfast, get dressed, ...
Level 2: Occupations: The guard asks each S to say out loud four or five occupations.
Level 3: Spelling: T prepares 10 word cards about occupations and locations: in the car, on the bus, at work, at home, at school, at the park,
in the gym, in the class, in Japan, in Brazil. The guard asks each S to spell 2 words/phrases.
Level 4: Where is he/she? What do they do? T prepares T- cards 138-148. The guard asks pairs of Ss to ask and answer with T cards. Each S
has to ask and answer 3 questions. (Ex: Where is he/she? He/she’s at home. What does he/she do? He/she talks on the telephone…)
Level 5: Where is it? T prepares 10 T-cards: in the car, on the bus, at work, at home, at school, at the park, in the gym, in the class, in
Japan, in Brazil and writes the definition. (The place you can see lions and bears. The place you can see Tokyo. The place you can watch TV
and sleep, the place you can jump rope, the place your father and mother can work, the place you can study, the place you can see good soccer
players as Ronaldo…) The guard asks each Ss 2 questions about the pictures.
Level 6: Free Questions: the guard asks each S to answer 5 questions about:
1. Spell one family member’s name: How do you spell your father/mother/grandma’s name?
2. The occupations: What does your mother/father/ brother do?
3. Locations: Where is he/she now?
4. Favorite: Does he/she like his/her job?
5. Favorite: What do you want to be?
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
 Week 5: LET’S LEARN MORE – Period 1 + 2
OBJECTIVES: Ss ask and answer about locations with they.
Emphasizing on Writing skill.
Topic – Key
Resources and materials
Hoïc kyø 2
Key Activities for Lesson
Integrated skill:
Listening, Writing
Speaking, Reading
Key Vocabulary:
at the movies, at
the store, in the
restaurant, on the
bus, on the train,
in the taxi
Sentence Pattern:
1. They are at the
2. Where are
They’re in the
3. Are they at the
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
4. Is there a
student at the
Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
Grammar Tip: being At a
general location (at school,
at work). In buildings (in
the library). Transportation:
on large vehicles (on the
bus, on the airplane. In
smaller vehicles (in the car,
in the taxi)
Cultural tip: At the
movies: be in a movie
theater, watching a movie.
Character cards: Gogo
CD2- 26, 37, 41
T Cards 143-154
Workbook, Skills book
– Page 50+51
 5 different forms:
(Interviewing Game)
1.Ha and
At the park
2.(Nhi and (On the
 Weather song
 Ss Sing the “Where’s Tim?” song
 Board race: Ss stand in three lines, listening to T, then take turns running to the board and
write the words or phrases about locations as fast as they can.
 Presentation1: T gives a meaningful context to lead in the Grammar (T uses Gogo) T
asks: Where is your father, Gogo ? Gogo looks at the watch and answers: It is 5 o’clock, he
isn’t at work. He is in the train. T: You mean: He is on the train?. Now Everybody, there
are some tips for you. T explains the grammar tip and says: today we learn more about
locations )
T teaches the new words by sticking the T-cards on the board while playing CD2 track37
Ss practice the new words and 1st pattern. (whole class, each group, then individual)
T puts T cards 149-154 on the board in random and asks Ss to listen to CD2 track 41.Then
Ss go to the board and write the number under the correct cards.
Sts work in pairs: ask and answer six pictures in the books p 51.
 Spelling game: S work in groups, Ss take turns writing down a location or an occupation
and say it aloud ??. The next group has to spell it and ask the others to spell their words.
 Interviewing game: T gives each St an interview form with a name (plural) and location.
They have to move around the class and ask four other Sts to fill in his/her form.(What are
their names in number 2? Where are they?
 Guessing game: Sts work in groups, discuss, then choose names and locations. Next they
take turns writing on the board two names or more (Ex: Mai and Hien) and ask (Where are
Mai and Hien now?) Other Ss have to discuss, write one answer and use the 3rd pattern to
guess the locations. They get one point if they have a correct guess.
 Exercises: Workbook (p50+51), Skills book (p50+51)
 Story time
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
 Week 5: LET’S BUILD – Period 3 + 4
OBJECTIVES: Ss ask and answer about locations, occupations, prepositions.
Emphasizing on Listening skill.
Topic – Key
Resources and
Hoïc kyø 2
Key Activities for Lesson
Integrated skill:
Listening, Writing
Speaking, Reading
Review Vocabulary:
prepositions of place
Sentence Pattern:
1. Where is the
The shopkeeper is
at the store.
- Where are the
The Students are
at school.
2. Where’s the cook?
He/She’ s in the
kitchen./under the
- Where are the
- They are in the
taxi/ at the
 CD2- 26, 44, 45, 46
 T- Cards 143-154
 Workbook, Skills
book – Page 52+53
 Weather song
 Ball game: Ss sit in a big circle. T asks them to sing along with CD2 track 26 Where’s Tim
song and gives them 4-8 balls. They pass the balls when music’s on but when it is paused, Ss
who are carrying the balls have to ask or answer 1st pattern.
 Describe the pictures: Ss look at the pictures on their books p.52A and describe the people
there. T writes on the board the sentences in random. Then Sts listen to CD2 track 44 and
write the numbers on their own boards.
 Pairs Work: Ss look at their books p.52B, ask and answer about the pictures (groups A ask,
group B answer) .Listen to CD2 track 45 and repeat.
Guessing Game (Ss do it): Ss work in groups and create their own 5 -8 sentences with
People and Locations then they match them. Each group takes turns to the board, draws two
columns and read aloud the sentences. Other groups have to listen, match and get marks if
they are correct. (Ex: Ss say: The teacher is at the park. The nurse is at home. The cooks are
at the store. The others match: The cooks
at the park
The nurse
at the store
The teacher
at home…
Sts find out the differences between the pictures A and B. Then they listen to CD2 track 46
and circle the correct answers.
Dice game: T numbers the names of the boys and girls (Student book p.53D) from 1 to 6. Sts
work in pairs, practice the 2nd pattern. When they get 10 marks, they win the game.
Hide and Seek: one S (Mai) stands in the front and closes her eyes. The rest run and hide
around the class. Mai calls a name and asks “Nam, where are you?” Nam answers: “I’m
under my chair.” Mai has to decide that Nam’s answer is right or wrong. Then she opens her
eyes to check the answer. It will be Nam’s turn if Mai has a correct choice or she has to close
her eyes again…
The longest sentence: T says a sentence (Ex: Mai is at home.) and Ss take turns making it
longer. The one who can say the longest sentence is the winner.
Exercises workbook (p52+53 ), Skills book (p52+53)
Story time
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2
 Week 5: Station Work – Period 5 + 6
Objective: Review vocabulary of locations, occupations based on Reading comprehension.
* Station 1:
 What are their names? Look at the police officer, his activities and his tools then guess his name. (Write down all information and collect
the first letters of each word to find his name)
 Read, match color and write:
1. The nurse is at the library.
2. The students are at school.
3. The train conductor is at home.
4. The farmer is at the park.
5. The cook is at work.
6. The taxi driver has a yellow car.
7. The train conductor has blue tickets.
8. The cook has a red hat.
9. Write number twenty- five on the taxi driver’s car.
10. Write “welcome” on the plane.
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2
* Station 2:
 What are their names? Look at the shopkeeper, her activities and the objects then guess her name. (Write down all information and collect
the first letters of each word to find her name)
Read, match color, write and draw:
The nurse is at school.
The students are at home.
The train conductor is at the library.
The taxi driver has a purple car.
The train conductor has pink face.
The cook has an orange and green hat.
Write number thirty- four on the board behind the teacher.
Write number one hundred and one on the zoo picture.
Write “Wet paint” on the chair in the park.
Draw a small cat in front of the house.
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2
* Station 3:
 What are their names?
A. Look at the shopkeeper, her activities and the objects then guess her name. (Write down all information and collect the first letters of
each word to find her name).
B. Say/ Write a new job and give information to find his/her name.
 Read, match color, write and draw:
1. The pilots are at school.
2. The teachers are at the library.
3. The train conductor is at the park.
4. The students’ desk is yellow and gray.
5. The nurse’s hair is brown.
6. The trees next to the library are green and brown.
7. Write number one hundred and eleven on the giraffe’s head.
8. Write “Nguyen Hue” on the office.
9. Draw a pink lion on the chair in the park.
10. Draw a boy in front of school.
He has a bag and an ice cream.
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2
OBJECTIVES: Ss review the locations, learn the names of the four seasons and talk about seasonal activities
Topic – Key
Integrated skill:
Listening, speaking,
reading, Writing
Sentence Pattern:
1. Where is he/she?
He/She ‘s at
2. Where are they?
They’re at the
3. What can you do
in the spring?
I can fly a kite.
4. Where’s your
She’s at home.
I don’t have(any)
5. The teacher isn’t
at the store, he is
in the train (now).
Resources and
CD2 track 47+48
4 big posters of 4
4 long strings, 4 wordcard sets
Key Activities for Lesson
 Activity 1 : Listen and circle: Sts finds out and tell the differences between the pictures, then
they listen to CD2 track 47 and circle the correct answers.
Sts describe the locations and the people in the picture. Then they can ask their partners about
the picture using the 1st and 2nd patterns. Then Sts listen to CD2 track 48
 Activity 2: T teaches Sts the seasons and uses the 3rd pattern to interview them. Sts work in 4
groups - each group find out the activities they can do in the season. After five minutes, each
group present their activities they can do.(We can play soccer, we can watch TV in the
 Activity 3: (project) Our favorite seasons: (Objective: Ss can recognize the activities
during the seasons) Sts draw, color their favorite activities and write two sentences on a piece
of paper.(My favorite season is winter (because)I can play with the snow). T prepares four big
posters of the seasons and sticks Sts’ pictures on the correct seasons.
 Activity 4: String game: T prepares the separated cards (They/are/at the movies…) and
divides class into three/four groups and give each group a long string, a set of word cards. Sts
listen to the whole sentence, pick up the word cards and put them on the string. The winners
are the ones who are the fastest and give best answers.
Location cards:143154
 Activity 5: Interview game: T gives each St a copy of the chart, They complete the first
column and walk around, use the 4th pattern to interview their friends and fill in the blanks.
Me(Truc Anh) (Tung)
(At school)
At school
(At work)
(At the store)
(At school)
(At home)
 Activity 6: Where is she now? T puts on the board 10 location cards and word cards (He/ She/
They/ the teacher/…) in two columns. Sts look at the order, close eyes. Then T changes the
positions of the word cards. Sts open their eyes and identify what has been changed, use the 5th
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2
OBJECTIVES: Ss review the locations, names, occupations and numbers (to help them use these in real life).
Topic – Key
Integrated skill:
Listening, speaking,
reading, Writing
Sentence Pattern:
1. Is there a man on
the train in your
picture? Yes, there
is./No, there
2. Are there two
people in the taxi
in your pictures?
Yes, there are./No,
there aren’t.
3. Where are May
and Joe? They’re
on the bus.
4. Who’s in the taxi?
Mai is/Long and
Bi are.
5. What’s your
6. What do you do?
7. Where are you
8. What’s your
favorite number?
Resources and
Teacher’s book p185
A4 paper for each
Hand out
Handout + word cards
Key Activities for Lesson
 Activity 1: What’s different?: (Teacher’s book p185) Sts work in pairs(A+B) and practice the
1st pattern
 Activity 2: The information game: Sts works in 4 groups. Each group has to give a different
kind of information (Who group: gives occupation: a nurse…; What group: gives activities:
play tennis…; With group: gives names: mother, Minh… Where group: gives the locations: at
home… ) T collects all the information and says the whole sentences: (eg: A nurse is playing
tennis with my mother at home …) Sts will have fun. They may play with smaller groups if
they all understand the rules.
 Activity 3: (Project) Short Story (Objective: Ss can create stories in their imagination
and they will have a book which has different ideas for their class.) Sts work in groups of
4, they will create a strange short story about a person they like (T may give Sts the
occupations) (Ex: The train conductor is on the train. The train conductor likes trains. The
train conductor is happy because he always sees happy people…). T collects all the
worksheets to make a book .
 Activity 4: Bingo game: Each St has a handout with 16 blanks includes 6 white ones, so Sts
have to walk around, ask their friends about the information to fill the empty boxes. They use
the 2nd pattern to play the game. They will shout Bingo when they finish all the blanks.
May + Joe- (on the bus) Hoa – at the park
(Long+Bi)-in the taxi
 Activity 5: Find the differences: Sts work in groups. T gives each group a piece of paper
with 10 sentences and sticks on the wall 10 others but they have some differences. Each S in
groups takes turns running and reading one sentence. Then he/she runs back to their group and
says the sentence to their friends. The rest Ss listen, underline and write down the different
ones (A nurse is at the hospital A nurse is at the zoo…)
 Activity 6: Book a ticket from the movie theater: (Objective Ss can use different
structures and have fun with their jobs) There are 6 ticket boxes with 6 sellers. Each box
has an interesting film. Ss stand in lines in front of their favorite film and give the information
to buy a ticket. The sellers have to write down the information and sell the tickets. Ss use 5th,
6th, 7th, 8th pattern.
Chair’s number/Price
1. Me (Mai )
Police officer
At the park
25/ $12
2. …
Baøi soaïn tham khaûo - LET’S GO 2 – Unit 6: Locations
Hoïc kyø 2