rule update - Fairfax Adult Softball

Fairfax Adult Softball
Umpire Training
ASA RULE 4 – Players, Coaches, and Substitutes
ASA RULE 5 – The Game
Players, Coaches, and
Rules Hierarchy
League Rules
FAS Rules
ASA Rules
• Players must be PRESENT to be in lineup
• At the scheduled field NOT parking lot.
• At least 8 players to begin and continue a
• Game is forfeited if the number drops below 8
• Maximum: 14 players
• No females in a male lineup (except Reston
Church) – NOT EVEN MEN’S 35 & Over or IF
both teams agree!!!
• No males in a female lineup
• Lineups exchanged upon request: last
name and first initial
• Managers may make changes prior to
1st pitch without penalty of substitution rules
• Uniforms and numbers are not required
• FAS RULE 124: Should a lineup be reduced for any
reason, the spot becomes vacated. Each time the
vacated spot occurs in the batting order, it shall result in
an out.
• Should an eligible rostered player become available,
they can be added to the vacated spot.
• If the spot was vacated due to INJURY, and the injured
player is removed from the lineup and NOT permitted to
re-enter for the balance of the game, then the OUT is
taken only ONCE when the player’s subsequent spot in
the line-up occurs
• EXCEPTION: In coed play, if the vacated spot requires
a male to follow a male, then EACH time the vacated
spot occurs, it shall result in an out. A MALE does NOT
need to leave the game when an injured female is
Lineups – COED
(not Social or Corporate)
• A legal lineup will consist of at least 8 players,
including no less than 2 males and 3 females at
all times.
• Starting with the 1st position in the lineup, the
batting order must alternate between males and
females or females and males, until you can no
longer alternate.
• Males may never follow males in the batting
order, and first and last batters cannot both be
• No vacant spots when the game begins except
at the end of the lineup.
Lineups – COED
• 5 males and 3 females. The team will be charged an out in
the lineup at each of the missing female positions. The team
may add female player(s) to fill the FIRST vacant position in
the lineup.
• 5 males and 4 females. The team will be charged an out in
the lineup at the missing female position. The team may
add a female player at the vacant position.
• Any other combination of a least eight players will not result
in an out being charged to the team.
• More females than males. Females may follow females in
the batting order. Males may never follow males in the
batting order. If a game begins with more females than
males, the team may later add male player(s) between the
first two consecutive female players in the lineup.
Lineups – COED
Lineups – COED
Lineups – COED
• Players may be positioned ANYWHERE in the defense
as long as no more than 5 males play defense at any one
• If discovered using the wrong number of females or
males in the field and brought to the umpire’s attention by
the offended team:
• After a pitch legal or illegal
• All action stands
• Before the next pitch, before the defense has left the field, or
before the umpire has left the field
• If the batter hits the ball and reaches first base safely, and all other
runners have advanced at least one base – ALL action of the batted
ball stands.
• If all runners, including the batter runner, do NOT advance at least
ONE base, the manager has the option of taking the result of the
play, or awards the batter first base and advanced all runners, if
• After applicable penalties are enforced, the defensive team must
correct the situation to a legal defensive team.
Case Book
• PLAY: A team starts the game with 6
male and 6 female players. In the fifth
inning, B6 hits a fly ball to F5. The
batting team brings to the umpire’s
attention before any pitch to B7, that
the team is playing with 6 males and 4
females in the field. The umpire
corrects the male/female numbers
immediately and continues play.
Case Book
• RULING: INCORRECT. Because it was
brought to the attention of the umpire before
the next pitch to B7, and because all runners
did not advance at least one base, the
umpire asks the manager of the batting team
if a) he wants to take the result of the play, or
b) he wants to award the batter first base and
advance any runners that are forced. After
applying the applicable penalty, the umpire
will then correct the proper male/female
numbers immediately and continue play.
• A legal lineup shall consist of at least 8
players, (no less than 2 males and 3 females).
• If at any time there are less than 2 males or
less than 3 females, the game is forfeited.
• No more than 7 males and at least 3 females
must play defensively at all times.
• Up to 14 batters, in any order (alternating
batters is not required) shall constitute the
batting order PROVIDED, at no time, shall
males exceed females in number by more than
• EXCEPTION--NEW: In corporate coed, a
game may be played with 2 females and 6 or 7
males, however, an out must be taken in the
missing female position each time that missing
female position occurs in the batting order. The
out must be recorded as the first position in the
EXCEPTION: Lockheed Corporate requires only
2 females and Booz Allen requires only 1
female but 2 automatic outs and all 3 females
must be in the first 10 batters of the lineup.
Physically Challenged Players
• A physically challenged player
(determined by the Americans with
Disabilities Act) participates either on
offense OR defense only NOT both.
• The physically challenged player can
not count toward making a team legal
(i.e.; cannot be the 8th player).
• Permanent, not temporary, disability.
FAS Extra Hitter Rule
• Utilized in all FAS leagues.
• Teams may add 11th/12th/13th/14th player to the
lineup at any time.
• EHs may bat anywhere in the order
• If added during the game, EHs must be
inserted at the end of the lineup
• EHs may switch roles with other players in the
lineup and become a fielder during the game
Extra Hitters
• The player replaced in the field becomes the
EH with no change in the batting order; both
players remain in the game and bat in their
original positions.
• This switching is unlimited with multiple
• In each half inning, any 10 players from the 14
player line up may go play any defensive
• The EH may be removed from the game and
replaced by a new player.
Extra Hitters – COED
• Up to four (4) extra hitters can be used:
1 female and 1 male,
1 female and no males,
2 females and 2 males,
2 females and 1 male,
2 females and no males,
3 females and 1 male,
3 females and no males, or
4 females and no males.
• Any player in the lineup may be substituted or
• Any player, a starter or a substitute, may reenter ONCE in the SAME position in the lineup.
• The starting player and their substitute may
NEVER be in the lineup at the same time.
• A substitute is only considered legal when
reported to the umpire by the team coach or
• If a substitute enters the game on offense or defense
without reporting to the umpire, it is an unreported
• If discovered by the offending team prior to the
offended team, there is no violation, all action
• If discovered after a pitch, legal or illegal, or a play
made, the player is officially in the game and all
action stands.
• If discovered while at bat, the player is officially
in the game and assumes the ball and strike
count and all action stands.
– If discovered after completing a turn at bat (on offense)
or after making a play (on defense) and BEFORE THE
NEXT PITCH, and before defense or umpire has left
– ON OFFENSE, runners return to their original base and
the illegal substitute is officially in the game BUT
called out. All other outs that occurred stand.
– ON DEFENSE, the unreported substitute is officially in
the game and the offensive team has the option to:
• Take the result of the play, or
• Have the last batter return to bat and assume the ball and
strike count; all runners return to the last base occupied prior
to the play.
Case Book
• PLAY: After Sub1 hits a double and is
standing on 2B, the opposing team asks
for “time” and informs the umpire that
Sub1 is an unreported substitute. The
umpire verifies that Sub1 did not report
and asks the coach to re-enter the starter
or to enter a legal substitute.
Case Book
• RULING: INCORRECT. The unreported
substitute, Sub1, is officially in the game
BUT called out. All runners return to the
last base occupied prior to the batted ball.
Any outs would stand.
Case Book
• PLAY: B1 is due up to bat in the bottom
of the third inning. Sub1 enters to hit for
B1 and reaches first base safely but
twists his ankle. Sub2 enters the game
for Sub1. In the top of the sixth inning
Sub1 enters the game for Sub2.
Case Book
• RULING: Legal. Any player can re-enter
one time regardless of the number of
substitutes that have played for them.
• B1, Sub1, and Sub2 may each re-enter
providing they occupy the same position
in the lineup and they are never in the
lineup at the same time.
Case Book – Play A
• PLAY: Jones, an unannounced
• A) is standing in the batter’s box with
a 2-2 count and
• 1) Notifies umpire before defense
questions his sub; or
• 2) Does not notify and defense
questions the umpire.
Case Book – Ruling A
• A-1) and A-2) Jones is officially in
the game after a pitch, no
penalty and all action stands.
Case Book – Play B
• B) Jones steps into the batter’s box and
no pitch is thrown and the coach wants to
replace Jones with Smith
Case Book – Ruling B
• B) Smith may enter. Since no
pitch had been thrown, Jones
was never considered as a
substitute IN the game
Case Book – Play C
• C) Jones is standing on first safely after a
base hit and defense appeals before the
next pitch.
Case Book – Ruling C
• C) Jones is officially in the
game BUT called out. All outs
stand and all runners return to
the last base occupied prior to
the batted ball.
Case Book
PLAY: Smith, an unannounced
substitute, is playing shortstop.
Offense protests:
1) Before a pitch; or
2) After catching a line drive and
before the next pitch.
Case Book
1) No penalty. Replace with the correct player or
enter Smith as a legal substitute.
2) Smith is officially in the game and the
offensive teams has the option to:
a) Take the result of the play, or
b) Have the last batter return to bat and assume the
ball and strike count. All runners return to the last
base occupied prior to the play.
Coaches / Managers
• Responsible for team’s actions
• Represents the team in communications
with the umpire and opposing team
• Base coaches:
• Do not have to be the official coach
• May keep score
• No cell phones or cigars/cigarettes
Case Book
• PLAY: Jones hits a pop fly in foul territory
near third base that F5 tries to catch.
The coach, in the coach’s box, does not
move and F5 is unable to make the
Case Book
• Ruling: This is coach’s interference. The
coach’s box is not a sanctuary.
• The ball is dead, the batter out, and all
runners must return to the base occupied
at the time of the pitch. The coach must
vacate the coach’s box to allow the
defensive player to make a play on a
batted ball.
FAS Profanity Rule
The judgment of profanity is determined by the umpire.
The umpire may eject on an egregious first offense or
1st offense (not at pre-game):
• Warning to BOTH teams.
2nd offense and after:
• If by the team at bat and less than 3 outs after the
violation, an out is charged to the team at bat.
• If by the team at bat and 3 outs after the violation, an
out is charged to the team at their next at bat.
• If by the team in the field, an out is charged to the
team (not a batter) in their next at bat.
• FAS will not tolerate misconduct or any acts
which are judged to be detrimental to the game
of softball.
• Any player, coach, spectator can be ejected for
misconduct and failure to leave results in forfeit.
• Misconduct may include, but is not limited to,
physical and verbal abuse, and arguing the
judgment of balls and strikes.
• The judgment of misconduct is determined by
the umpire at the time of the incident.
• A good umpire solves the problem, does not
add to the problem, converse, defend, or
justify his ejection, and moves on with the
• Warn ONLY once, then take action.
• Warnings are NOT required but when given,
they are given to the coach and not the
Example: Walk to the coach, not yelling across the field, and say,
“Hey coach, your shortstop is out of control, please help me
keep him in the game. Talk to him to keep him in the game.”
• If control is not maintained by a player, and
an ejection is warranted, then:
• Do NOT discuss directly with ejected player.
• DO Discuss the ejection thru the coach ONLY.
• Let coach know he has 2 minutes to remove the
player from the field and playing area (at least
150 yards from the field-out of sight and sound).
• Then walk to the opposite baseline and wait for
the ejected player to leave.
• Failure to do so within 2 minutes of being
informed shall result in an immediate forfeit of
the ejected person’s team.
• In the umpire’s judgment, the umpire may:
• Eject the person for the remainder of the game,
• Eject the person for the remainder of the day,
• Eject the person for the remainder of the day and
ask FAS (or tournament director) to take
additional action, and/or
• Make a written request to FAS that further action
be taken.
• The ejected person shall not confront the umpire
DURING or AFTER the game – Report to FAS.
• Umpire shall identify the ejected person and report
the ejected person(s) on your umpire results page
within 72 hours.
Unloading of Benches
• In a confrontational situation, if a team
comes to the aid of its player, en masse,
it shall result in game forfeiture.
• If both benches unload, it’s a double
Disqualified vs. Ejected
• Players can be disqualified for a rule
violation that is not related to conduct.
• Players are ejected for conduct-related
• Disqualified players may remain in the
playing area. If found playing, the game
is forfeited.
• Ejected players must leave the playing
area (at least 150 yards from the field).
• If a player is injured and cannot return:
• The team may insert a rostered player in that
spot, or
• an out will be taken only once when that
player’s subsequent spot in the lineup occurs.
Note: If the player is unable to continue
playing BOTH offensively and
defensively, they must be substituted for
and removed from the game. They
cannot play only offense or only defense.
• Coed – If a female is injured and there are
no replacements available, this will result
in a vacated spot in the lineup (a male
does not have to leave the lineup).
• During a LIVE BALL situation, if a player is
injured and in the judgment of the umpire,
it requires immediate attention, the umpire
shall call DEAD BALL and award any
bases that would have been reached in his
Blood Rule
• A player, coach, or umpire who is bleeding or
whose uniform is wet with blood is prohibited
from participating further in the game until the
appropriate treatment can be administered.
• If it is red, you must act; brown generally
indicates old blood which requires no action.
• If medical care or treatment is administered
in a “reasonable” length of time, the person
will not have to leave the game.
Case Book
• PLAY: A men’s team began a game with
8 players. F7 receives a cut on the arm
while diving to catch the third out of the
fourth inning. F7 misses his turn at bat
in the top of the next inning due to
extended medical treatment and an out is
recorded. F7 returns to play in the
bottom of the fifth inning.
Case Book
• RULING: Incorrect Procedure. Under no
circumstances shall a team be permitted
to bat less than 8. The game would be
forfeited; however, provide that warning
to the manager prior to forfeiting the
Blood Rule
• The length of time considered reasonable is left
to the umpire’s judgment.
• The umpire shall:
• Stop the game and allow treatment if the injured
person would affect the continuation of play,
• Immediately call a coach or other authorized person
to the injured player, and
• Apply the rules of the game regarding substitutions,
re-entry, and shorthanded play, as necessary.
The Game
The Field
• Make use of the 15 minutes before the game.
• The umpire shall review the status and decide
the fitness of the field prior to the game.
• Notify coaches of any ground rules (temporary
and established)
• If the umpire feels that the game should not be
played, he may:
• Delay the game,
• Cancel the game, or
• Cancel the entire playing cycle on that field.
The Field
• If both managers and the umpire agree, the
game need not be cancelled and rescheduled,
but could be played under mutually agreeable
terms including, but not limited to:
• 1) completing the game playing one- or twopitch for the balance of remaining time;
• 2) completing the game playing six outs at a
time for the balance of remaining time;
• 3) add the time remaining in game one with the
time allowed for game two to play at least five
innings of each game which constitutes a legal
The Field
• Manager(s) may request a game be
terminated if they believe the conditions
surrounding the playing of the game
jeopardize the safety of the players.
• If the umpire does not take remedial action,
the manager may file a protest and withdraw
the team from play.
The Field
• If a team fails to appear for any game
(including make-up games) and the umpire
declares the field playable, a forfeit will be
awarded to the appearing legal team.
• Fields should include home plate and three
bases properly secured and dimensioned or
the game will be postponed; however, again
be creative before canceling the game.
Umpires may substitute another object for a
missing base, in order to play game.
Field Playability
Umpires will be the SOLE judge to determine
whether fields should be closed if any of the
following are present (DO NOT consult with
managers and players to make the decision):
• Standing water that cannot be removed
without causing damage to the field.
• Severe muddy conditions present that will not
dry by the start of the game.
• Excessive water gathers around the sole of a
shoe on any portion of the field.
• Any impression of your footprint is left in the
surface of ½” deep or more.
Game Time
• Umpire keeps the official time and updates
managers prior to the start and throughout the
game, as requested.
• Game time begins with the first pitch (delivered
or called).
• A game may begin before scheduled start time
if umpires and both managers agree. NOTE:
Teams get the extra time for game play.
Game Time
• Scheduled game time is forfeit time.
• Exception: WEEKNIGHT games scheduled to begin
before 6:45 have a forfeit time 15 minutes past
scheduled start time.
• GRACE PERIOD comes out of the game time.
• In order to be granted the grace period, a team must have at least one
player from their team at the field at scheduled start time to be awarded
any grace period.
• Games must begin as soon as both teams meet minimum requirement
of a legal lineup.
•After 5 minutes of grace period being used, one out will be recorded to
the offending team(s); after 10 minutes of grace period being used, two
outs will be recorded to the offending team(s); after 15 minutes of grace
period being used, a forfeit will be imposed to the offending team(s).
Game Time
No new inning shall begin after 60 minutes from scheduled
start time or the actual start time, whichever is later, unless
a game starts early.
• Any inning begun shall be played to completion, unless
injury, weather, or field conditions necessitate otherwise.
• Examples of the effect of this rule:
•Scheduled 7:35 game begins at 7:35 - No new inning begins after 8:35
•Scheduled 7:35 game begins at 7:25 - No new inning begins after 8:35
•Scheduled 7:35 game begins at 7:45 - No new inning begins after 8:45
Game Time
• There must be 5 minutes between games (unless both
managers and umpire agree to shorten break)
• The final game of the cycle on lighted fields shall not
continue past:
• 11:30 pm at Sharon Sealock Complex - SHARP
• 10:30 pm at Poplar Tree and Bready - SHARP
• 11:00 pm at all others - SHARP
• All fields have timers which turn lights off, but
umpires must turn lights on at all fields.
Game Time
Any game delayed 20 minutes at any point shall be
rescheduled unless you are creative with your
teams and they agree to play under special time
rules for that game.
Note: If both managers and the umpire agree, the
game need not be cancelled and rescheduled, but
could be played under mutually agreeable terms
including, but not limited to: 1) completing the game
playing one- or two-pitch for the balance of
remaining time; 2) completing the game playing six
outs at a time for the balance of remaining time; 3)
add the time remaining in game one with the time
allowed for game two to play at least five innings of
each game which constitutes a legal game.
Seniors Game Time Addenda
Senior’s Five-Run Rule.
For each half inning, a
team may score no more than five (5) runs. The
half-inning is over once a team scores five runs or
has three outs. With 10 minutes of play left in
game time, the umpire will announce that the
inning in progress is the last five-run inning and that
the FAS slaughter rule will no longer be enforced
for the subsequent inning. One more inning will be
played and either team may score an unlimited
number of runs. The game will be over at the
completion of that one inning of unlimited number
of runs even if time remains on the clock or the
inning ends with a tie. Exception: If a game is tied
after the one inning of unlimited number of runs
AND the time limit has NOT expired, the game will
continue for a single extra inning of one-pitch.
Forfeited Games
Forfeit: one team forfeits
Double Forfeit: a cause when
both teams are recorded with a
The same team forfeits a 6:30
and 7:35 game is not a double
forfeit, but just 2 forfeits.
Forfeited Games
Games are forfeited if:
Team fails to appear
Team fails to take the field
Team number drops below 8 for any reason
Female number drops below 3 in ALL COED
(below 2 in Lockheed and Corporate)
Team noticeably delays or hastens the game
After a warning, team willingly violates any
Team refuses to comply with an ejection
Umpire is severely threatened by misconduct
Forfeited Games
• If a team forfeits the first game of a
doubleheader and knows they will not be able to
field a team for the second game, the umpire
may declare both games a forfeit at the forfeit
time of the first game (following games are
played at their scheduled times).
• During a scheduled doubleheader, if NO ONE
from one team is present at forfeit time for the
first game, the second game is forfeited at that
time too (present team must show a legal
FAS One-Pitch Extra Inning
If a game is tied after a completed inning AND the
time limit has expired, the game will
continue for a single extra inning using the 1pitch rule (NOTE: If the game is tied and
there is time left, a regulation inning(s) is
played before the inning of one-pitch.):
Each batter gets one pitch:
•If the pitch is a ball, the batter is awarded a
•If the pitch is a strike or is hit foul, the batter
is out
If the game is tied after the extra inning, game ends
FAS Loan-A-Player
• At the legal team’s option to avoid a forfeit by
opposing team, the legal team may loan only
enough players to opposing team to bring their
lineup to 8 players for that scheduled game only.
• Players shall return to their team immediately
upon arrival of the late players.
• Players returning to the loaning team may be
added to their own team’s lineup and must be
inserted at the end of lineup.
• Players arriving late to team avoiding forfeit enter
their own team’s lineups in the place of the
opposing team’s players.
Run Scoring
• One run scores each time a runner:
• Touches 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and home plate
• Hits an over-the-fence home run
• No run scores if:
• Runner forced out
• Runner is out by a tag and live ball appeal
play PRIOR to the runner touching home
• Preceding runner is out on an appeal play
Run Scoring
No Run Scores if a 4th out is the result of an
appeal of a base missed or left too soon on a
runner who has scored.
Example: R1 on 3B, R2 on 2B and R3 on
1B with two outs, B6 hits a shot into
right centerfield. R1, R2 and R3 score
before B6 is thrown out at 2B for the
third out. F5 yells that R2 missed 3B
and ask for a fourth-out appeal. The
umpire rules R2 out on a fourth-out
appeal and declares the force back into
effect and no runs score.
Run Scoring for Seniors
Senior’s Scoring at Home Rule. Runners
must touch the second home plate located
adjacent to the right-handed batter’s box in
order to be safe at home. In lieu of a second
home plate being available, a runner must
pass a scoring line drawn adjacent to the
right-handed batter’s box in order to be safe
at home. Players must continue to home if
they have already passed the commitment
line which is drawn two thirds of the way
between third base and home plate.
Home Runs
Any untouched fair ball hit over fence is a home run.
The batter does not need to run the bases, touch 1st
base, or anything. They can walk directly back to the
dugout from the batter’s box.
• Men’s Leagues
• Top Men’s League to be designated: 8 home runs
and excess are singles
• FAS & Reston Men: 4 homes runs & excess are outs
• FAS & Reston Men: 1 home run & excess are outs
Home Runs
• All OTHER leagues use the FAS Five Limit
Home Run Rule.
• All home runs in excess of 5 over-the-fence
home runs per male batters, and five overthe-fence home runs per female batters, will
be scored as a single and each runner
advances one base, whether forced or not.
• “Inside the park” home runs do not count
against the limit.
Seniors Addenda
Senior’s Equalizer Option. The team scheduled to play
a regular league game against a team from a higher
division may elect to use ONE of the following options
provided the choice is declared prior to the first pitch
of the game, preferably at the pre-game umpire
a. One (1) additional run will be added to the lower
rated team’s run totals for each of the first five (5)
innings independent of the five (5) runs per inning
maximum; OR
b. The lower rated team may use 11 players on
defense, positioned anywhere on the field, provided
at least nine players are located behind the pitcher.
Case Book
• PLAY: With two outs, R1 on 3B, R2 on
2B, R3 on 1B, the home team is trailing
5-4 in the bottom of the seventh. B6 gets
a base hit to left field and R3, seeing the
runner from 2B and 3B score to win the
game, does not touch 2B and instead
runs to the 3B dugout area to celebrate.
The defensive team throws the ball to the
infield and properly touches 2B for the
appeal that the runner never touched 2nd.
Case Book
• Ruling: The appeal is granted, and it is a
force out, as R1 coming from 1B must
touch 2B on the hit. Since the third out of
the inning was a force out, no runs will
score and the visitors win the game 5-4.
Offensive Conferences
• Between a team representative and the batter
• Limited to 1 per half inning
• Ejection of the manager or team rep who insists on
another charged conference.
Defensive Conferences
• Between a team representative and any defensive
• Limited to 3 each game
(1 per inning after 7 innings)
• Any charged conference in excess of limit results in
removal of the pitcher from the pitching position for
the remainder of the game; the pitcher can play
another position on defense but cannot pitch again.
FAS Slaughter Rule
If after 4 innings (3 ½ if the home team is ahead,
a team is leading by 20 runs or more, the
game shall end and be considered a complete
If after 5 innings (4 ½ if the home team is ahead),
a team is leading by 15 runs or more, the
game shall end and be considered a complete
After a game has started, a team may concede
at any time, take a loss for the game, and the
score at the time of the surrender will be
considered official.
Dugout Conduct
• Coaches, players, substitutes, or other
bench personnel shall not be outside the
designated dugout or bench area and in
the field of play.
• The first offense is a team warning
• Any repeat offense shall result in the
ejection of that team member.
• Interference is called if any players are
hit by the ball or cause confusion to the
Dugout Conduct
• Participants may not smoke or use alcohol
beverages inside the dugout or on the playing
• FAS and umpires may inspect any beverage
container or cooler that is brought to the field
by a team participant or spectator.
• EFFECT for either:
• The first offense is a team warning.
• Any repeat offense shall result in the
ejection of that team member.