Healthy You for Life Newsletter Fall 2015 Back to School Cool! Now

Healthy You for Life Newsletter
Fall 2015
Back to School Cool!
Now that you have overcome the whirlwind that is back to school, let’s start focusing on how
and when to fuel the bodies of your buddying brainiacs, as well as the importance of brain
breaks for physical activity and adequate sleep for success!
School lunch or Packed lunch --The great debate!!
School Lunch
Whether to choose school or packed lunch during the school year is often a great debate for
families but please remember both a healthy and unhealthy school and home packed lunch are
possible—it’s all about the options given and chosen. All public schools in Hampton Roads and
those private schools that receive USDA funding for breakfast/lunch meals must abide by USDA
National School Lunch and School Breakfast program guidelines to include meats/meat
alternates; grains; fruit; vegetables; and fluid milk. A student must take at least three
components in the required serving sizes. One selection must be at least ½ cup from either the
fruit or vegetable component.
At breakfast, schools must offer students all three required food components in at least the
minimum required amounts. The components at breakfast are: grains (with optional meats/meat
alternates allowed); juice/fruit/vegetable; and milk.
The guidelines have improved dramatically over the last few years to increase whole grain
intake, decrease salt intake, and increase fruit and vegetable intake in your children.
As schools work to make these changes you need to review menus together and help your
children plan a balanced healthy plate to include fruit, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and lean
proteins. If you are unsure how to access your school districts menus please click on links
Newport News
Virginia Beach
National School Lunch program
Packed Lunch
If you choose to pack your child’s lunch please don’t let it resemble the images below!
When packing your child’s lunch please remember the MyPlate and its main ideas of variety,
balance and color. As you pack think through all 4 quarters of the divided plate and don’t forget
to add a dairy. Don’t feel intimidated to make it fancy with bento box creations unless it is your
desire-remember kids will always ask for more snacks, chips, cookies etc. so please don’t
overdo the grain section!
choose whole grains
go lean with protein
delicious dairy
Last but not lease slurp sensibly-choose water to wash down all those great foods
Brain Breaks
Physical activity throughout the day is necessary for children to reenergize themselves and to
be able to maintain focus. Brain breaks are a quick and effective way of changing or focusing
the physical and mental state of your children. They are also a useful tool for students to use to
help activate, energize and stimulate their brains. Research indicates that brain breaks also
improve students’ concentration and relieve stress. Students should have a kinesthetic brain
break every 25-30 minutes. Brain break activities take about 1-3 minutes of time to complete.
Just dance- turn on the radio and dance to one fast beat song
Pencil jumps-put a pencil on the floor, jump over and back for 1-3 minutes
Run in place-freeze when music stops
Keep beach ball/balloon up
Have them do crossover exercises such as: touch their left elbow to the right knee and
then do the reverse
The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is a vital need, essential to a child’s health and growth. Sleep promotes alertness,
memory and performance. Children who get enough sleep are more likely to function better and
are less prone to behavioral problems and moodiness. The #1 tip for good sleeping habits in
children is to follow a nightly routine. A bedtime ritual makes it easier for your child to relax, fall
asleep and sleep through the night. Make bedtime the same time every night.
Make bedtime a positive and relaxing experience without TV, video games, tablets, or screens
of any kind. TV viewing prior to bed can lead to difficulty falling and staying asleep.
Keep the bedtime environment (e.g. light, temperature) the same all night long.
0 - 2 months
2 - 12 months
1 - 3 years
3 - 5 years
5 - 12 years
13-19 years
Hours Of Sleep
10.5 - 18
14 - 15
12 - 14
11 - 13
10 - 11
8 - 10
National Sleep Foundation
Recipes from the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge Cookbook
Vegetable Quinoa Salad with Chicken
Alexander Aylward, age 8
“These are my favorite foods, and we came up with this when we put them all together,” says
Alexander. “This is my actual lunch a lot of the time.” While the recipe calls for grilled chicken,
you can use any type of cooked chicken or even slices of turkey breast. Alexander likes to have
this with milk and some blueberries or raspberries for dessert. Makes 4 to 6 servings
2 cups cooked quinoa
6 ounces grilled skinless boneless chicken or turkey deli meat, cut into bite-size pieces
2/3 cup chopped fresh spinach
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
1/2 cucumber, peeled and diced
1/2 red pepper, seeded and diced
3 tablespoons homemade or purchased olive-oil vinaigrette
PREPARATION In a large bowl, combine the quinoa, chicken or turkey, spinach, tomato,
cucumbers, red pepper, and vinaigrette. Toss to combine, and season to taste with salt.
Sushi for Kids
Ariana Lugo, age 9
Ariana’s mom, Tania, says, “Sushi for Kids is a recipe that I have been trying with my kids, and
they love it. It’s easy to make, healthy, and fun to prepare with the kids,” she says. “They usually
prepare it and serve a papaya shake on the side.” Makes 1 serving
2 slices lean oven-roasted ham
4 ounces low-fat cream cheese
1 cup cooked white rice
1/2 avocado, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced
1 small tomato
PREPARATION On a plate, evenly spread the cream cheese on the ham slices. Divide the rice
between the slices and press it into the cream cheese. Place the avocados and tomatoes in the
center of each slice of ham. Roll the ham tightly around the filling, and cut each roll into 4