draft agenda

December 10, 2016 9:30 AM
Washington State Fire Commissioners Association
Conference Room, James R. Larson Forum Bldg.
605 11th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501
1. Call to Order and Welcome Guests
2. Approval of September 19 & 20 Board Meeting minutes
3. Approval of September 20, 2016 Annual Membership Meeting minutes
4. Secretary/Treasurer Report
a. Treasurer’s Report
b. 2016 Year-to-Date Budget Report
c. Membership Renewals - Status
d. 2016-2017 Personal Services Contract
e. Proposed 2017 Budget
4. Presidents Report –
a. Welcome Newly elected Board for 2017. Pres- CMc, VP – Adam Rosenlund
(December 3 suggested we look for a replacement for VP – no official
Resignation letter submitted as of December 4th at 7:30 pm)
Secretary – Barry Orth
b. WFCA Conference went well. Approximately a dozen or so potential new
members made contact with us at the Eye to Eye exposition
d. WA. State Legislative Day (January 28, 2016)
e. Seeking New NAEFO Webmaster
f. Oregon State NAEFO Rep yet to be named for 2017
g. Washington State Representative again in 2017 - Gerry Gustafson
5. State Association Reports:
IllinoisOregon –
Washington – Jerry Gustafson
6. Committee Reports
a. Bylaws- *Bob Skaggs – no longer seated commissioner - Monte Olsen?
b. Communications- VACANT Website, Facebook, emails? Calls & letters
c. Conference & Workshops- VACANT
d. Legislative- VACANT
e. Membership- Larry Howell & Monte Olsen?
f. Sponsorship- Candy McCullough
g. Education- VACANT
7. Other Business
a. Website domain renewal annually? $120 in 2016
b. Membership Dues & Billing 2017
2016 New policy – consider every membership as new membership
Membership 1st year, second year, 3rd year 3 Member Board $100, $150, $200
5 Member Board $200, $300, $400, 7 Member Board $300, $450, $600
c. NAEFO Website Updates Needed-Officers, Committees, mailing & email addresses
d. Bylaws issue: Bylaw revision proposal from Candy McCullough at the September 20,
2016 General Membership Meeting for ex-elected officials who are still NAEFO
Members the right to vote.
e. Bylaw Revision Proposal December 10, 2016 by Candy McCullough
Article XIV General provisions Section 4 Standing Committees
(a) committee Chair must be current individual members in good standing with the
Corporation. Associate members, Former NAEFO members, Retired members and
Sponsors shall not hold a Chair position. (Propose change to all but Sponsors can
be Chair with voting rights)
e. Mailchimp – Minutes, agendas, membership, etc.
f. 2017 NAEFO Conference September 18 & 19, 2017 CSFI - Bill Webb suggested
Clark County Fire Department Training Center in Las Vegas – Monday & Tuesday
4425 W. Tropicana Avenue Las Vegas NV.
Host Hotel: Orleans Hotel & Casino 4500 W. Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV.
g. Bank signature authorization to be revised. Remove Ray Lamoureux and add Barry
Orth – 2017 Secretary
g. Suggestion that a Charter be created for each of the Committees – mission & duties
h. Strategic plan update h. Increasing NAEFO membership involvement discussion
Hold events in conjunction with trade shows, Chiefs Associations, National
Leadership conferences, Ambulance Companies, etc.
7. Next Board Meeting Dates: March/April 2017
8. Adjourn