Newsletter - Oasis Academy Woodview

Oasis Woodview Newsletter
Friday 20th June 2014
Reception Class – September 2014
If your child is due to start school in September please ensure that you have
notified us of this. Reception Class is almost full and if parents have not
returned acceptance slips or telephoned to confirm their child’s place they may
have to go on the waiting list.
Phone Calls from School
Reception Class (September
Phone Calls from School
Halal Meat
Considerate Parking
World Cup Competition
Important Dates
As you are aware the school telephone number is 0121 440 4202 but when you
are contacted by us the number will register on your phone as 01992 655400, an
Enfield number. Please do not call this number back. You should continue to use
the number stated above.
Families & School Together
FAST is an award winning after school
programme which helps support children’s
learning at home so they are able to do their
best at school. It is run in conjunction with
the Save the Children Charity.
The FAST session gives you and your child the
chance to spend quality time together, taking
part in a range of fun, educational games and
You also get to eat a free home-cooked meal
together and meet other families.
Your can bring your whole family so there’s no
need to worry about childcare.
Halal Meat
Please note that halal meat is not
served in school. Menus are available
from the school office if you would
like to see the choice of food available
for your children.
Considerate Parking
Please ensure you show consideration for
others when parking your car as you leave
or collect your child/children from school.
Park in a safe area and do not block the
drives of local residents. Thank You!
We need some volunteers from parents and
members of the community to help us to run
our programme.
Would you be interested?
You would need to attend 2 full days training
in September and then give us your time for
2 1/2hrs per week for 8 weeks. If you think
you may like to do this please contact the
World Cup Competition
Mr Pickering, the Year 5/6 Class Teacher is
running a World Cup Competition for the
whole school. Years 1 and 4 have already
played their matches. Prizes will be
awarded to the winning House. Good Luck
Reception Open Day
10am - Wed 2nd July
Parents Open Evening
3.05pm - Wed 9th July
School closes - Summer
3.05pm-Friday 18th July
Children return to School
8.50am -Tuesday 2nd
| Issue #
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