Choose your care centre

Applies from 2012
Information about the choice of care in Norrbotten
Choose your care centre
Everyone who lives in Norrbotten is free to choose
his or her care centre – this is known as making a care
choice. The care centre you choose is the one you will
normally visit. This applies to all contact with the care
service, for example:
• Taking specimens
• Visits to the doctor
• Maternal health care
• Child health care
• Visits to the district nurse
The choice is yours
The choice of care does not involve any change when
you visit a hospital, private doctor or private physiotherapist, but you will choose which care centre you and
your family want to visit. Would you like to go to a care
centre near your home or maybe your workplace? With
the choice of care in Norrbotten, the choice is yours.
Make an active choice
We recommend that you make an active care choice,
i.e. that you choose your care centre. Anyone who does
not make an active choice will automatically be listed
at a care centre near his or her address in the population
register. Are you unsure which care centre you belong
to? Ask the staff at a care centre; they can help you.
How to choose
Contact the care centre where you want to be listed.
Don’t forget to give your name and personal code
number when you make your choice. You have several
-- My Care Contacts: with this service, you can easily communicate with your care centre. All care
centres in Norrbotten offer the service. To make
a care choice via My Care Contacts, you must
create a personal account. Read more at:
-- Call the care centre. If you are not given personal
help, follow the instructions via the interactive
voice response function.
-- Write to the care centre. A form for making
your choice can be downloaded from the county
council’s homepage. Send it to the care centre.
-- Personal visit. Inform the staff and they will help
Applies from 2012
For persons who have recently moved to
the area
If you would like to change care centre
Everyone who moves to Norrbotten will automatically
be listed at a care centre near his or her address in the
population register. The same rule applies if you move
within the county. If you would like to change care centre, you can easily make a care choice. Contact the care
centre where you want to be listed for help.
If you would like to change care centre, it is easy to
make a care choice. Do so at the care centre where you
would like to be listed. You can also use the e-service
My Care Contacts. Read more on the county council
website. The choice is personal and you can make a new
choice at any time. Everyone will be allocated the care
centre he or she chooses.
Newborns, children and young people
A common graphic symbol
For newborn babies, the following applies: the child
is automatically listed at the same care centre as the
mother. If you as a parent or guardian would like to
choose another care centre for your child, it is easy to
change. We recommend that you also make an active
care choice for your child.
You do not need to choose the same care centre for the
child as for yourself. Children who are not actively listed will be listed at the same care centre as their mother.
Everyone over the age of 18 can make his or her own
care choice.
Would you like to find out more?
Every care centre – regardless of whether it is private
or owned by the county council – uses the same graphic symbol. The care choice symbol is a quality stamp
that shows that your care centre has been inspected and
approved by the county council.
Ask at your care centre. Alternatively, you can visit the
county council’s website.