Reaching Out – Empowering Young People

Reaching Out Empowering Young People
2.15 pm
Overview of Reaching Out:
Empowering Young People
Overview of other Big Lottery Fund
Q & A Session
3.30 pm
Networking / opportunity for discussion
with BIG staff
4.00 pm
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Big Lottery Fund
The Big Lottery Fund is committed
to bringing real improvements to
communities and to the lives of
people most in need.
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Reaching Out –
Empowering Young People
Programme Outcome
More young people at risk have the necessary
support structures, capacity, improved personal
development and improved skills to help them
negotiate the transitions in their lives.
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Reaching Out – Empowering
Young People
• Budget £20m
• Northern Ireland wide
• Programme launched 22nd June 2010
• Open for two years
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Reaching Out – Empowering
Young People
• Focus on young people aged between 8 and 20
• Projects last from three to five years
• Involve young people in designing, developing
and running projects
• Target young people ‘at risk’
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Reaching Out – Empowering
Young People
‘At risk’ means young people who are:
• In care, leaving care or who have been in care
• Engaging, or at risk of engaging, in criminal activity
• Disengaged from education
The projects we fund must target at least one of these ‘at
risk’ groups.
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Beneficiary and Community
Identifying the need
Planning the project
Designing the project
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Overall aim
Young people in
care will be
positively engaged
in the community
An extra 70 young people in care will be
involved in community activity annually
20 young care leavers trained as peer support volunteers
by March 2010
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Reaching Out – Empowering
Young People
Who can apply?
Voluntary or community organisations
Grant sizes:
15 April 2008
to £500,000
Programme Guidance
– Available on our Website:
1. Guidance Notes
2. Questions and Answers
3. Application Walk Through
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Revenue costs
– Eligible revenue costs e.g. salaries of project
– Overheads (full cost recovery)
– Ineligible revenue costs e.g. loans
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Capital costs
– Eligible capital costs e.g. minor refurbishment and
equipment necessary for the delivery of the project
– Ineligible costs e.g. routine maintenance and
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Reaching Out
How to apply
Two stage process:
1. Outline Proposal Form - Decision within 20 days
2. Full Application Form - Decision within six months
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Outline Proposal Form
– This is a decision stage, so plan it well
– You can only submit one Outline Proposal Form at a
– We will check if your organisation is eligible to apply
– We will check that your initial project costs are
– We will identify if your project meets the programme
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Outline Proposal Form
– Have you identified and involved the At Risk groups?
– Are they involved in the planning, delivery and day to
day running of the project?
– Provide clear, recent evidence of need (e.g. audits,
research, pilot projects, statistics, evaluations)
– Provide recent evidence of consultation (e.g.
surveys, focus groups, public meetings)
– Provide outcomes that clearly show the difference
your project will make to the At Risk groups
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How will we respond to the
Outline Proposal Form
1. An invitation to submit a full application plus:
 Outline of areas of concern and suggestions for
improvements to your project, which you will need to address
in your full application form
 Capital check list (if applicable)
 Full application form
2. An explanation as to why we have decided not to invite you to
submit a full application.
 If unsuccessful, you must wait three months before submitting
another OPF
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The Full Application
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Completing the Full Application
Make sure you consider:
• Project planning, including beneficiaries
• Project budget/costs
• Relevant policies and procedures – see
“Equality Matters” and “Good Governance
• Need for the project and how the project will
address that need
• How the project will achieve its outcomes,
milestones and fulfil monitoring requirements
• How the project meets the programme
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Completing the Full Application
– Application Forms will not be accepted unless
preceded by a successful Outline Proposal Form
– We will check to see that you have taken on board
the feedback provided at Outline Proposal Stage
– Your project must not have changed significantly
from the project you proposed in your Outline
Proposal Form
– Enclose your most recent approved annual accounts
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Applications will be assessed against the following
1.The proposed project outcomes meet an
identified need and help achieve the
programme outcome
2.The organisation can deliver the project well
and achieve the proposed project outcomes
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Decision Making Committee
Decision Making Meetings at regular intervals
Young People involved
Advertisement in Belfast Telegraph
Closing date mid-October
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After we have assessed your
– Successful applicants must be in a position to begin
the project within 6 months of accepting their offer
– Unsuccessful applicants will be told why they were
– Organisations can only hold one grant from this
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Development and Support
– Grant holders’ seminars
– Post award development and support will be
– Focus on supporting learning, collaboration and
– Support for new technologies for virtual networking
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Help and Assistance
– Big Lottery Fund Enquiry Line
– Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
– Community Evaluation Northern Ireland (CENI)
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Other Programmes
– Reaching Out: Connecting Older People - Other
programme in the Reaching Out suite
– Awards For All
– Healthy Minds
– Energy Efficient Venues
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UK open programmes
– Heroes Return (UK wide)
– Community Wildlife (UK wide)
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NI Programmes coming up
– Impact of Alcohol
– Space and Place
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More information
Big Lottery Fund
1 Cromac Quay
Cromac Wood
Ormeau Road
Belfast BT7 2JD
Contact the Information Team
Tel: 028 9055 1455
Fax: 028 9055 1445
Textphone: 028 9055 1431
Email: [email protected]
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