Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association Code of Conduct COACH

Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association
Code of Conduct
The coach will maintain the role of coach professional and will keep the role of coach in proper perspective by:
Developing skills and teaching the players about the game, while ensuring that the players
have fun.
Developing and communicating clear and specific goals for the team and individual players
throughout the season.
Being organized and maintaining open and honest communication with players, parents, and
other coaches.
Promoting and enforcing the KMGSA code of conduct and reporting violations.
The following standards must be observed for one to continue as an active coach for KMGSA, KLASSICS or
1. Coaches are expected to treat all players, opponents, umpires, parents and spectators with good
sportsmanship, courtesy and respect.
2. Coaches shall give positive comments that motivate and encourage.
3. Coaches shall not ridicule a player at anytime for making mistakes during a game.
4. Coaches shall not use foul language, nor harass players, coaches, umpires, parents and spectators.
5. Coaches shall support all efforts to remove abuse; verbal, physical and written.
6. Coaches shall conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and will not to bring disgrace or danger
to the players, parents, spectators, umpires or themselves. They not only represent KMGSA but the
City of Kitchener, but most importantly themselves.
7. Coaches shall operate within the rules and spirit of the game and will teach their players the same.
8. Coaches shall refrain from consuming alcohol between games.
9. Coaches are expected to be prepared for practices by arriving with a practice plan ready to be
10. Coaches shall report to the division Convener or KMGSA Executive any actions that are in violation
of the Player/Coach/Parent standards of conduct.
11. Coaches are to avoid being alone with any player at any time (on and away from the field). If a
player wishes to talk privately, do so in an open area and in the sight of other adults. In case of ride
sharing a coach should not be alone with a player and must have written/verbal consent from a
12. Coaches are to minimize physical contact with players. Contact should be appropriate for the
development of a sport skill and permission shall always be sought from the player. Congratulatory
gestures shall be limited to fist pumps, high fives, handshakes and pat on shoulder.
I have read a copy of the Coaches Standards of Conduct and agree to the terms.
Printed Name of Coach
Signature of Coach
Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association
Code of Conduct
Player is expected to sign up for the full “season” and are expected to participate in all practices, scrimmages,
games and tournaments as scheduled. It is the player’s/parent’s responsibility to notify the coach as early as
possible if they cannot attend a scheduled event. Failure to do so may result in less playing time or suspension.
The following standards must be observed for one to continue as an active member of a KMGSA, KLASSICS or
KOBRAS team;
1. Each player is expected to treat all opponents, teammates, coaches, umpires, parents and
spectators with good sportsmanship, courtesy and respect.
2. Players shall listen to the coaching staff with respect and follow their instructions.
3. Players are expected to consistently work on their own to raise the level of their physical condition
and skill.
4. Players will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and will not to bring disgrace or danger to
teammates, coaches, parents, spectators, umpires or themselves. They not only represent KMGSA
but the City of Kitchener, their family and most importantly themselves.
5. Players must be on time for all team commitments (this means cleats on and ready to go).
6. All players are required to pursue all physical conditioning activities and drills unless excused by a
doctor or the coach.
7. Players must report all physical injuries or illness to the coaching staff immediately.
8. All players are required to keep the playing area clean, including picking up the area and dugout
after each practice/game.
9. During any overnight travel the coach will determine curfew. Violations which result in players not
performing to their best ability the following day may result in reduced playing times.
10. Players shall report to the division Convener or KMGSA Executive any actions that are in violation of
the Player/Coach/Parent standards of conduct.
I have read a copy of the Player Standards of Conduct and agree to the terms.
Printed Name of Player
Signature of Player
Kitchener Minor Girls Softball Association
Code of Conduct
The following standards must be observed by the parents/guardian for a player to continue as an active member
of the a KMGSA, KLASSICS or KOBRAS team;
1. Each parent is expected to treat all players, coaches, umpires, parents and spectators with good
sportsmanship, courtesy and respect.
2. Parents shall respect the coaching staff and are requested to use the 24 hour rule before discussing
issues with the coaching staff.
3. Parents will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and will not to bring disgrace or danger
to players, coaches, other parents, spectators, umpires or themselves.
4. Parents must be made aware that players must be on time for all team commitments. Continued
violations will result in loss of playing time for their daughter.
5. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited at any PWSA or OSSTA sanctioned tournament (Zero Tolerance
in which the head coach will be ejected from the event). Violation of this rule will result in the
immediate suspension of the parent’s daughter for 1 game. A second violation will result in the
immediate dismissal of the parent’s daughter from the team.
6. Parents shall report to the division Convener or KMGSA Executive any actions that are in violation of
the Player/Coach/Parent standards of conduct.
I have read a copy of the Parent Standards of Conduct and agree to the terms.
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent /Guardian
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent /Guardian