Resource Book Inventory

WH Questions
 216 Fold and Say “WH” Question Scenes : By- Molly DeShong , Christina
Haislip and Nancy J Fulton
 Ask and Answer “WH” Fun Sheets : By- Sharon G. Weber
 Language Activities for Developing Questioning Skills : By- Larry J Mattes and
Debe Eddo
 “Say and Do” Grammar Fun Sheets – BY: Joanne DeNinno
 100% Concepts Building blocks for Vocabulary – By: LinguiSystems
 100% Curriculum Vocabulary – By: Lynn Eggleston
 100% Curriculum Vocabulary grades 6-12 – By: Lynn Eggleston
 100% Grammar lite – By: Carolyn LoGiudice
 500 prefixes, suffixes, and stems – By: Becky Spivey
 Activities for Children involving everyday vocab Ithaca Binder
 Basic Vocabulary – By: Al Bullock
 Core Curriculum Vocabulary Cards Level 2 – By: Super Duper
 Core Curriculum Vocabulary Cards Level 3 – By: Super Duper
 Core Curriculum Vocabulary Cards Level PreK-K – By: Super Duper
 Daily Starters Word of the Day – By: Dave Wisniewski
 Fun Deck & Do – By: Kim Gill
 Fun Deck & Say – By: Kim Gill
 Fun Deck Four – By: Kim Gill
 Functional Vocabulary for Adolescents and Adults – By: Beverly Plass
 Grammar gumballs 2 – By: Michelle Ostrow
 Grammar Tickle Stories – By: Susan Simms
 Handtalkers for Grammar – By: Treva Erck
 HELP for Grammar – By: Andrea Lazzari
 Hidden Pictures for Vocabulary Development- By: Thomas Webber
 Hooray for Homonyms Heteronyms and Homophones – By: Helen Zeitzoff
 Just For Me! Grammar – By: Margaret Warner
 Metaphor Magic – By: Katy Preston
 No glamour grammar – By: Suzanna Mayer Watt
 SeaMantics Thinking Activities for Semantic Development – By: Elaine
 Spotlight on Figurative Language Multiple Meanings – By: Linda Bowers
 Spotlight on Grammar Compound and Complex Sentences – By: Carolyn
 Spotlight on Grammar Verbs – By: Carolyn LoGiudice
 Spotlight on Vocabulary Associations Level 1 – By: Kate LaQuay
 Spotlight on Vocabulary Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes – By: Carolyn LoGiudice
 Synonyms Galore – By: Helen Zeitzoff
 The Grammar Processing Program – By: Sandra McKinnis
 Vocabulary Building – By: Jo Ann Gordon
 Yesterday’s verbs Regular and Irregular- By: Marian Vanden
 “Say and Do” Apraxia Fun Sheets: By- Shanda Gaunt
 Childhood Apraxia of Speech Resource Guide : By- Shelley Velleman (2)
 Early Apraxia of Speech Stories : Things People Do : By – Linda Bowers
 Early Apraxia of Speech Stories: Yummy Things to Eat : By – Linda Bowers
 Easy Does It For Apraxia and Motor Planning Materials Book : By- Robin
Strode and Catherine Chamberlane
 Easy Does It For Apraxia and Motor Planning Therapy Manual : By- Robin
Strode and Catherine Chamberlane
 Just For Kids Apraxia : By- Martha Drake (2)
 The Apraxia Profile
o Binder of photocopied Apraxia activities and information
 EEES into Writing: By- Molly Lyle Brown
o Exercises for teaching emergent, early and elementary writing skills
 Whats your story?: By – Judy Montgomery and Nancy Kahn
o Evidence based narrative strategies for adolescents
 “Help Me Write”- By- Peg Hutson- Nechkash
o frames and rubrics for classroom grades 4-9
 Ten Steps to Writing Better essays – Nancy Kahn and Judy Montgomery
o Evidence based program for teaching expository essay writing
( grades 6-12)
 125 Writing projects : By- Paul F Johnson
 Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Care Professional : By- Doreen
and Lorraine Villemaire
 A Coursebook on Scientific and Professional Writing for SLP- By- M.N Hegde
 No Additives No Preservatives Just 100% Writing : By- Dave Wisniewski
o Fortified with essential strategies to develop serious writing skills
Early Intervention
 Early Developmental Milestones : By – Jean Scott
o A tool for observing and measuring a child’s development
 Early Language Development : By- Linda Mawhinney and Mary Scott
o Handouts and Activities with bonus CD-ROM
 Helping Babies Learn : By- Setsu Furuno
o Developmental profiles and activities for infants and toddlers
 Speech Disorders Research Guide For Preschool Children : By- A. Lynn
Auditory Processing
 “ Say and Do” Auditory Lessons : By- Diane Hyde
 100% Language Activities for Language Comprehension ( intermediate) – By:
100% Language Activities for Language Comprehension(primary) – By:
100% Listening
122 Fold and Say Auditory and Story Comprehension Activity Booklets – By:
Diane Hyde
50 Quick Play Listening Games: By- Kelly Malone
Around the Home Word Retrival Fun and Games : By- Joanna P. DeNinno
Auditory Adventures Lessons and Activites : By- Kim Gill
Differential Processing Training Program Acoustic Tasks : By- Kerry Winget
Handbook of Excersises for Language Procession HELP for Auditory
Processing : By- Andrea M. Lazzari and Patricia M. Peters
Handbook of Exercises for Language Processing –By- Andrea M Lazzari
HearBuilder Following Directions Instruction Booklet and Fun Sheets (ages
4-9) : By: Beth Holland
HearBuilder Sequencing Manual and CD-ROM : By- Christopher Jones
Help 1 Handbook of Exercises for Language Processing – By: Linguisystems
HELP 1 handbook of Exercises for Language Processing: By – Andrea M.
Lazzari and Patricia Peters
Leap into Listening : By- Thomas Weber
Listening to Go – By: Mary Schulz
No Glamour Auditory Processing
No Glamour Listening Comprehension : By- Linda Mulstay-Muratore
Sequences Galore : By- Sharon G. Weber
The Processing Program Level 1 ( ages 4+) – By: Sandra McKinnis
The Processing Program Level 2-3 ( Ages 6-13): By: Sandra McKinnis
Oral Motor
 “Can Do” Oral-motor Fun and Games : By- Joanne P. DeNinno
 A 3 part treatment plan for oral-motor therapy : By- Sara Rosenfeld- Johnson
 Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw: By- Sara Rosenfeld- Johnson
 Oral Motor Assessment and Treatment Ages and Stages : By – Diane
Chapman Barr
 Oral Motor Exercised for Speech Clarity: By- Sara Rosenfeld- Johnson
 Oral-Motor Activites for Young Children : By- Elizabeth Mackie
 Orogacial Myology: Beyond Tongue Thrust
 Smile- Systematic Intervention for Linugual Elevation : By- Robyn MerkelPiccini
o A fun therapy program for tongue thrust remediation
 Take- Home Oral Motor exercises : By- Lisa Loncar-Belding
 The Tongue Thrust Book : By – Marcelle Richardson
 Augmentative Communication in the Medical setting : By- Kathryn M.
A Speech Guide For teachers and Clinicians of Hearing Impaired Children –
By: Sandra Waling
 Geriatric Audiology : By- Barbara E. Weinstein
 Hearing in Aging :By – Raymond H. Hull
 Introduction to Audiology : By- Fredrick M. Martin
 Living with Hearing Loss – By: Marsha B. Dugan
Reasoning, Problem Solving, Sequencing
 Exercises for Descriptive Language
 Scissors, glue and Concepts Too! –By: Susan Boegler
 Basic Concept Stories –By: Beverly Foster
 Story Sequencing Activity Resource
 Functional Sequencing Activity Sheets for Daily Living Skills
 Predictable Stories for Language – By: Norma Jean Prater
 Elementary Tasks of Problem Solving – By: LinguiSystems
 150 “What’s wrong with this picture?” Scenes : By- Thomas Webber
 Reasoning and Problem Solving Making Predictions and Inferences : By- Paul
F Johnson
 No glamour inferences – By: Lauren Kanefsky
 No-glamour Language and Reasoning
 Category Cut-ups –By: Jennifer Larson
 Say and Glue Photo Classifying Sheets –By: Alyson Price
 Webber Classifying Fun Sheets ( Prek-5)
 Listening for Language All Year Round
 Make-n-Takes 8 Great Storybooks for Sound and Language Play – By: Christi
 No-glamour idioms – By: Carolyn LoGuidice
 No-glamour sentence structure – By: Monica Gustafson
 Read Between the Lines Learning Idioms by Themes – By: Mary Conger
IEP and Lesson Plans
 Students are Responding to Intervention 100 lesson plans for 28 Childrens
Books – By: Suzie Hill
 The Ultimate Handbook For Connecting Language to Current Events (
primary and intermediate) –By: Linguisystems
 The SLP’s IDEA Companion – By: Shaila Lucas
 The LD Teacher’s IDEA Companion ( grades k-5) – By: Molly Lyle
 The SLP’s IEP Companion –By: Carolyn Wilson
 S-MAPS Rubrics for Curriculum-Based Assessment and Intervention – By:
Elisabeth Wiig
Social Skills
 “Say and Do” Positive Pragmatic Game Boards and Fun Sheets : By- Kim Gill
 “Say and Do” Social Scenes for Home, School, and Community : By – Susan
Rose Simms
 “Say and Do” Social Scenes for Daily Living Skills and Feelings : By- Susan
Rose Simms
 “Say and Do” Social Scenes for School : By- Susan Rose Simms
 Preschool Social Language Therapy – By: Tina K Veale
 204 Fold-and-say Social Skills : By- Dina Mahler
 Explore Social Skills : By – Judi Kinney
 Explore Social Skills Teachers Manual : By- Judi Kinney
 Scripting Junior Social skill Role Plays ( elementary): By- Lynda Miller
 Simply Social at School 7 ( ages 7+): By- Angie Meal
 Social Language Training (adolescent) : By- Linda Bowers
 Social Language Training (elementary) : By- Linda Bowers
 Autism a Guide for Educators, Clinicians, and Parents: By- Robert Buckendorf
 Autism and PDD Abstract Concepts ( Level 1) : By- Linda Mulstay- Muratore
 Autism and PDD Abstract Concepts ( Level 2) : By- Linda Mulstay- Muratore
 Autism and PDD Adolescent Social Skills Lessons ( Health and hygiene ) : ByPam Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Adolescent Social Skills Lessons ( Managing Behavior) : ByPam Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Adolescent Social Skills Lessons (vocational) : By- Pam
Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Basic Reading Comprehension Kit : By- Pam Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Concept Development ( Toys and Entertainment): By- Pam
Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Concept Development (food) : By – Pam Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Concept Development( clothing) : By- Pam Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Intermediate Social Skills Lessons(communication) : ByPam Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD More Picture Stories and Language Activities : By- Patricia
Snair Koski
 Autism and PDD Social Skills Lessons for Primary (“getting along”) : By- Pam
Britton Reese
 Autism and PDD Social Skills Lessons for Primary (community) : By- Pam
Britton Reese
 Autism for Parents and Professionals – By: Kathie Harrington
 Snooky the Snail’s Preschool Fluency Worksheets: By- Monica Gustafson
 Working With School Aged Children Who Stutter Basic Principle Problem
Solving : By- Kristin A. Chmela
Easy Does It Fluency ( preschool/primary) : By- Barbara Roseman
Easy Does It 1 Fluency Activites for Young Children : By- Barbara Heinze
 153 fold-and-say Artic stories – By: Chris Parker
 168 Seasonal and Holiday Open Ended Artic Worksheets – By: Thomas
 251 three to five minute artic and language activities – By : Barbara
 Artic Fun Sheets 3 : By- Ashley Drennan
 Artic Lab a Bilingual Response to Intervention Research Guide – By:
Joanne Wiechmann
 Artic Quickies Combo( ages 3+)
 Awesome Artic Worksheets For CH, SH, TH – By: June Victor
 Bubble Pop Game Sheets For Language and 16 Articulation Sounds Plus
Blends: By- Nancy Crist
 Dot to Dot and Color by Number Artic worksheets : By- M. Thomas Weber
 Easy Does it for Articulation An Oral Motor Approach Book 1 : By- Robin
 Easy Does it for Articulation An Oral Motor Approach Book 2 : By- Robin
 Games to Go (articulation, classification, grammer, location, description) –
By: Donna Tabacchi Gamble
 Instant Open Ended Articulation Worksheets : By- Sharon G Weber
 Jumbo Artic Drill Book Add on (992 phrase and sentence picture)( ages
6+) : By- Mark Bristol
 Jumbo Artic Drill Book Add-on ( volume 2) : By- Clint Johnson
 Month By Month Artic Carry-over Fun – By: Nancy Fulton
 The Big Book of S –Clusters : By- Beverly Foster
 The Entire World of Early Developing Sounds - By: Shannon Collins
 Developing Cross- Cultural Competence – By: Eleanor Linch
 Foreign Accent Modification –By: Myrthi Menon
 Multicultrual Communication Skills in the Classroom - By: Sol Adler
 Sources Multicultural Education – By: Jana Noel
Reading Comprehension
 Handtalkers for Reading Comprehension ( Main ideas, details, predicting, and
summarizing ) – By: Treva Stevens
 Homework Booklet Reading Comprehension Level 2 – By: Instructional Fair
 Homework Booklet Reading Comprehension Level 3 – By: Instructional Fair
 Just 100% Reading Decoding and Word Recognition ( book 3- primary) – By:
 Reading Comprehension Level 1 – By: Linguisystems
 No glamour reading Comprehension – By: Diane M Hyde
No Glamour Reading Syllables – By: Helen Zeitzoff
Reading Comprehension Comparing and Contrasting – By: Linda Bowers
Sound Reading Literature Lists for Phonology and Articulation – By: Angela
Sterling – Orth
Sound Reading Solutions for Emerging Readers
Sound Sense For Emerging Readers – BY: Kathryn Howlett
Sounds Abound – By: Hugh Catt
Spotlight on Listening and Reading Comprehension Level 2 Understanding
Everyday Information – By : Paul Johnson
Spotlight on Reading and Listening Comprehension Level 2 Making
inferences and Drawing Conclusions –By: Paul Johnson
Spotlight on Reading Comprehension Characters and Actions – By: Linda
Spotlight on Reading Comprehension Making inferences and Drawing
Conclusions – By: Linda Bowers
Spotlight on Reading Comprehension Paraphrasing and Summarizing – By:
Linda Bowers
Vowel Story – Instruction and Reinforcement Material
 Articulation and Phonology Source Guide ( School Aged- Adult ) – By: Ann
Bosma Smit
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Casey Cat – By: Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Fifi Firefly – By: Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Lucky Lenny – By: Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Mary Mouse – By : Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Poppi Porcupine – By: Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Rags Rabit- By: Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Sweet Sammy – By: Pat Tulloss
 Early Phonological Awareness Stories Tully Turtle – By: Pat Tulloss
 Funnel Toward Phonics – By : Judy Montgomery
 Intervention Resource for Phonological Processes – By: Academic
Communication Association
 Just for Kids Phonological Processing – By: Lynn Flahive
 Minimal Contrast Stories with Activities –By: Lynn Krupa
 Muddy Buddies an Interactive Reading and Rhyming Book – By: Julie
 Phonology Fold, Say and Do – By: B. Zee
 Photo Phonology Minimal Pair Cards Fun Sheets- By: Ashley Drennan
 Procedures for the Phonological Analysis of Children’s Language – By:
David Ingrim
 Say and Do Phonemic Awareness Stories and Activities – By: Patti
 Say and Glue Phonological Awareness Fun Sheets- By: Alyson Price
 Spelling Charts – By: Marilyn Flynn
 Tall Paul ( an interactive reading and rhyming book ) – By: Julie Wolter
 The Giant Book of Phonology – By: Beverly Foster
 The Late 8 – By: Ken Bleile
 The S Book – Early Auditory Bombardment Stories – By : Linda Bowers
 Working out with Phonological Awareness – By: Linda Schreiber
Source Books
 The Source Book for Asperger’s Syndrome
 The Source Book for Autism
 The Source Book for Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Speech Disorders
 The Source Book for Counseling for SLPS
 The Source Book For Down Syndrome s
 The Source Book for Early Literacy Development
 The Source Book For PDD Assessment and Intervention
 The Source Book For Processing Disorders
 The Source Book for Reading Fluency
 The Source Book For Selective Mutism
 The Source Book for Social Competency
 The Source Book For Social Competency
 The Source Book for Stuttering ( ages 7-18)
 The Source Book of Phonological Awareness Activities Volume III (
grades 3-5)
 The Source Book with Bilingual Students and Language Disorders
 The Source for Oral- facial Exercises
 The Source Book For Syndromes 2
 /ch/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper (2)
 /f/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper(2)
 /G/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
 /K/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
 /L/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
 /L/ blends Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
 /r/ blends Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
 /s/ Artic Quickies : By- Super Duper
 /s/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper(2)
 /SH/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
 /th/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper(2)
 168 Seasonal and Holiday open-ended Artic Worksheets- By: Thomas
 216 Artic Tickle Stories : By- Susan Simms
 251 Artic and Language activities – By: Barbara Frimmer
 40000 selected words – By: Valeda Blockcolsky (2)
 Absolutely R-Tic : By- Rae Cuda
Artic Calendar Capers in English and in Spanish for S/R/L and blends : ByPamela Steckbeck
Artic Lab Resource Guide – By : JoAnn Wiechmann
Artic Lab Resource Guide for /k/ and /g/ : By- Joanne Wiechmann
Artic Pix Resource Guide : By- Rae Cuda
Artic Quickies – By: Super Duper
Articulation Takehomes : By- Holly Ridge
Awesome Artic /ch/ /sh/ /th/ worksheets – By: June Victor
Awesome Artic /L/ worksheets : By- June Victor
Awesome Artic /s/ worksheets – By: Super Duper
book of words – By: Valeda Blockcolsky
Bubble Pop Game Sheets – By: Nancy Crist
Chippy Visits the Farm; Articulation book for cleft palate speech /k/ and /g/:
By- Kristi Chamberlain
Core Curriculum Articulation S/R/L – By: Catherine Alexander
Cross Chat Reproducible Articulation puzzles – By: John Conrad
Dot to Dot and color by number artic worksheets – By: Thomas Webber
Early Articulation Roundup – By: Beverly Foster
Early Developing Sounds – By: Shannon Collins
Easy Does it Articulation an Oral-motor Approach book 1 – By: Robin Strode
Easy Does it Articulation an Oral-motor Approach book 2 – By: Robin Strode
Easy Does it for Articulation an Oral-motor approach – By: Robin Strode
Eliciting Sounds- By: Wayne Secord
Fold and Say Artic Stories – By: Chris Parker
Games to Go – By: Donna Tabacchi
Help for Articulation – By: Andrea Lazzari
Instant open-ended articulation worksheets – By: Sharon Webber
Jumbo Artic Drill book V.II – By: Jessica Horton
Jumbo Artic Drill Book V. III 3519 photo words : By- Sharon Weber
Jumbo Artic Drill book V. IV – By: Mark Bristol
Month by month Artic Carry-over Fun – By: Nancy Fulton
Pic-a-drill /s/ : By- Donna Reid
Pick – a- Drill /R/ articulation fun sheets : By- Donna Reid
Say and Do S/R/L worksheets – By: Sharon Webber
Sound Connections for /R/: By- Jane Urbelz
Sound Connections for /s/ and /z/ : By- Jane Urbelz
Sound Strategies for Sound Production : By- Kathy Swiney
Speech Steps – By: Andrea Herson
Spotlight on Articulation /s/ - By: Barb Truman
Step-up to /r/ - BY: Leslie Sparkuhl
The Big book of s- clusters – By: Beverly Foster
The entire world /r/ curriculum book – By: Christine Ristuccia
Treatment Protocols for Articulation and Phonological Disorders – By:
Adriana Pena-Brooks
Vocalic /r/ Artic Quickies: By- Super Duper
Webber Artic Fun Sheets 3 – By: Ashley Drennan
Webber Artic Fun Sheets S/R/L/Z – By: Ashley Drennan
Webber’s Jumbo Articulation Drill Book – By: Thomas Webber