CORE - Duval Teachers United

Creating Opportunities that
Result in Excellence
What is C.O.R.E.?
C.O.R.E. stands for Creating Opportunities
that Result in Excellence. This initiative is a
collaborative venture by the Duval County
Public Schools, Duval Teachers United, and
business partners to assist in turning around
schools not meeting state academic
expectations through the empowerment and
support of school based academic and
leadership teams.
Why Is the C.O.R.E. Initiative
Stable, highly qualified staffs are needed in all schools but most
of all in academically challenged schools. Over the years, it has
been difficult to place and retain high quality staffs at
academically challenged schools. This initiative provides the
opportunity and incentives for instructional and leadership
teams to voluntarily transfer to schools where they are most
Provisions in Florida’s A+ plan as well as the new federal
government’s ESEA “No Child Left Behind Act” address
educational accountability. Both pieces of legislation allow for
public school sanctions and state take over where students are
not meeting acceptable levels of performance. C.O.R.E. Is an
effort to prevent such negative consequences in Duval county.
C.O.R.E. Mission Statement:
Our mission is to recruit and
retain the best instructional and
leadership teams in order to
improve student performance in
challenged schools.
C.O.R.E. Vision Statement
Within four years, the academic
performance of students in seven
select elementary schools will meet or
exceed the average district
performance on key academic
indicators. This will be accomplished
through the creation of individual
school communities where all
stakeholders are competent,
committed, caring, and held to a
higher standard.
C.O.R.E. Program
Rigorous screening procedures for selection
of instructional and leadership teams for
Teachers and leaders will agree to teach in
identified challenged schools for four years
Yearly leadership and instructional staff
performance assessments with staffing
adjustments made as necessary
Program Highlights (cont.)
Coalitions with community stakeholders to
encourage parental and community
participation in the educational process.
Higher performance standards for leadership
and instructional personnel
Intensive training in team–building and best
instructional practices
Collegial, culturally sensitive school
environment nurtured to facilitate student
Program Highlights (cont.)
Contract waivers for initiatives that may
interfere with objectives
Close monitoring of schools including
feedback from stakeholders on what is and
isn’t working
Single DTU staff consultant assigned to
address needs and concerns of all C.O.R.E.
Wellness checks for staff
Program Highlights (cont.)
Monetary incentives of up to $2500 yearly for
teacher and leadership personnel who
demonstrate their contribution toward
improving student achievement
Technological support for teachers
Additional perks as available through vendors
Selection of C.O.R.E.
Criteria for selection:
 Past and projected school performance
(school grade)
Level of difficulty in maintaining quality staff
Educational load factors (free and reduced
lunch percentages)
Criteria for Teacher
Preferred background experience:
Prior experience in urban setting or
teaching low performing
National Board Certification
Professional services contract or tenure
Formal training in literacy, math, or
possess other special certifications
Additional Teacher Criteria
Required teacher criteria:
 Certified in area of instruction
 Four- year commitment
 Acceptance that continued placement at the
CORE School is contingent upon outstanding
performance in the annual teacher
assessment and annual progress of student
Additional Teacher Criteria
Show measurable academic student gains
each year
Document evidence of student growth in
academics through use of portfolios.
Integrate subject areas
Utilize current research, implement standards
based instruction, and best instructional
practices effectively
Additional Teacher Criteria
Effectively manage student discipline in the
Effectively involve parents and volunteers to
assist students in the educational setting
Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences
Committed to problem solving resulting in
win-win solutions
Additional Teacher Criteria
Experience in participating in the shared
decision making process
Willing to waive identified contractual
Willing to attend meetings and participate in
training beyond contractual limitations
Criteria for Principal
Proven evidence of leadership in instruction
Knowledge of best instructional practices,
current research, and effective
implementation of standards
Able to effectively use data, assess student
progress and teacher effectiveness
Additional Principal
Team builder – able to create an effective and
professional learning community
Able to effectively use the shared decision
making process for school governance,
building consensus, school improvement
planning, and the change process
Committed to problem solving resulting in
“win win” solutions
Additional Principal
Able to organize and manage an effective
school wide discipline plan
Able to involve all stakeholders, especially
parents, community organizations, and
businesses in the school improvement
Acceptance that continued placement at the
C.O.R.E. School will depend on annual
progress in student achievement and
maintaining a positive school climate
Selection of Staff
A memorandum of understanding will be in
place to allow for transfers beyond the
regular transfer process deadline
Instructional and leadership staff will be
selected through the interview process using
the criteria set forth
Principals will be selected first by the
Superintendent with input from the Regionals
and DTU. Interview teams for instructional
personnel will include DCPS, DTU, and
selected C.O.R.E. School Principals
Commitments to C.O.R.E.
Commitments to C.O.R.E. Schools:
In order to ensure C.O.R.E. Schools are
effectively meeting the requirements of the
program and the needs of the students, we
will review the budget and program of each
school for adequacy in the following areas:
Commitments (cont.)
Guidance counseling and /or behavioral
intervention staff to assist students who are
not complying with school conduct
Administrative and/or professional
development personnel to support teacher
training and coaching (TIS, Vice-Principal, or
lead teacher)
Commitments (cont.)
Paraprofessionals to work in self-contained
exceptional education classrooms to help
students meet academic and behavioral
expectations and to help in the cafeteria and
other general supervision of students
Class sizes to ensure that teachers can
effectively assist all students in meeting high
Commitments (cont.)
School-wide discipline plan for effectiveness
to ensure the behavior of students meets
high expectations
Testing and placement procedures for
students being considered for special
programs to ensure that the process receives
priority status