Carlton Girls` Cricket Team Win National Award / Winter 2016 / Issue Ten
Supporting Marie Curie
Student Performs at
Heaton Primary
Carlton Girls’ Cricket Team Win National Award
Excellence for All
Record Results Again!
Headteacher’s Introduction
As we reach the end of another year, the school is still
continuing its definite path of improvement. Our results at GCSE
were our best ever, being amongst the very best in the city and
in the top quarter of schools nationally. Sixth form performance
was also very strong, with Vocational results in line with the very
best in the country and A level performance over a grade higher
on average per entry than just two years ago.
In this context we can rightly look ahead with some excitement
to the new building, which opens in September next year, with a
full and vibrant sixth form now resident in the recently developed
Post-16 Centre.
Other exciting developments include the new Carlton Police
Boxing Academy, which will be situated in the former Duke of
Edinburgh centre on the land immediately adjoining the school.
Here the school has joined forces with the long-established
and respected Bradford Police Boxing Club, offering them new
purpose-built premises to further enhance their reputation within
the city and region. This is an initiative primarily aimed at the
wider community surrounding the school, where people can
go to keep fit or train to become the champions of tomorrow.
Not only will this help people lead healthy, purposeful lives but
become a beacon of excellence to showcase the area and help
raise the aspirations and ambitions of all young people.
Can I finish by once again thanking you for your support – it
requires the staff, students, parents and community working
together to make a great school – and wish you the very best
for 2017.
Adrian Kneeshaw
The structure of the new school is now
complete and work continues inside
with the contractors on target for the
September 2017 opening.
Staff have been busy looking at
internal design of classrooms and
communal spaces to create a first
class learning environment for our
students. The aim is to achieve a state
of the art school with a ‘wow factor’
for Carlton Bolling and our community
and a lot of investment is being made
into ensuring this happens.
The Student Council have been
discussing aspects of the new school
which they would like to see, such
as the restaurant and standards of
uniform and will work on putting
together their proposals in the coming
The photograph shows a Food
Technology classroom almost ready
to be fitted out under the expert
guidance of Mrs Girt and Miss Pickles.
Getting On
Together 3
All students in school took part in workshops for ‘Getting
On Together’ recently, Carlton Bolling’s unique programme
to protect our students from all forms of extremism and to
understand and celebrate our similarities and differences.
Nationally recognised as a ground-breaking piece of work,
students learn how to identify potential issues and deal with
any situations they feel uncomfortable with.
The GOT Programme is developed and delivered by a
specialist team of school staff who have become advisors to
various organisations as well as the Government policy makers.
The workshops include a section on our origins and students
were shown a video of people receiving the results of DNA
testing which proved that we are all much more closely
related than we may think.
Marie Curie
In November Year 13 Health & Social Care
students visited the Bradford Marie Curie
Hospice. Tanisha and Saaisha give their
account of the visit and the impact it had on
“Although we were all apprehensive about
the visit, we found it an inspirational and
peaceful place to be and were so moved by
the work the volunteers and nurses undertake
that we just had to fundraise for them. We
wanted to raise as much money as possible
to support the patients of the hospice and
were delighted to be able to present a
cheque for £561 following two days of
selling pizzas and cakes in school. We
hope our contribution goes some way to
making someone’s last days of life a bit more
Students who organised the fundraising were
Tanisha Khan, Shahreen Saleem, Saaisha
Mirza, Amber Mirza, Marya Nosheen,
Ayesha Begum, Sabah Nisa, Nusrat
Choudhury, Kainaat Malik, Huma Tariq and
Iqarah Hussain. Well done girls – we are all
very proud of you at Carlton Bolling!
Carlton Police
Boxing Academy
In the previous issues of ‘Connect’ we reported on the
opening of the Carlton Academy of Boxing. Over the last
few weeks we became aware that the Bradford Police
Boxing Club were looking for new premises and we are
delighted to announce that we have joined forces to bring
their expertise into our new premises to create a first class
facility for the community of BD3 and beyond.
Julian Cyprien, known in boxing circles as Gentleman Jim, has
been the driving force behind the Bradford Police Boxing Club
and he will bring his skills and knowledge to the new venue.
The official opening will be early in the New Year and the
community will be invited along to view what’s on offer.
Julian, working closely with his nephew Tony Griffith, said of the
new venture, “I want to develop quality boxers who are good
ambassadors, not only for the sport and the club, but mostly for
themselves. We have a code of conduct that demands boxers
respect themselves, their families and other people. The vision is
that the club will develop into a health and training centre with the
space and facilities for further community involvement. Women
are especially encouraged to use the gym both for fitness and for
boxing.” It is Julian’s dream to produce a world class boxer out of
the new gym, and with Julian’s determination and commitment we
say “watch this space”!
- - - - - STOP PRESS - - - - Monday 30th January 2017 – Year 8 Options and
Parents Evening 4pm to 6pm –
Carlton Girls’
Cricket Team
Win National
More wonderful news for our girls’ cricket team as they were invited to Lord’s
Cricket Ground to receive a national award along with their coach Mr Jaffary.
The girls were presented with the Chance to Shine Special Recognition Award
as a result of their amazing success over the past year. They were able to meet
many England players and experienced VIP treatment during the evening.
Eagle eyed viewers would also have seen the team live on Look North last
month when they gave a fantastic account of their journey from being unable to
throw a straight ball to where they are now. The video of the TV appearance
is available to view on the school website
Congratulations again to our talented team – looking forward to
your future success!
Student Performs
at Heaton Primary
Bradford Festival of Talent 2016 winner Satkiran Kaur, and
former Year 13 student at Carlton Bolling, was requested to
perform at Heaton Primary School’s end of term assembly. A
teacher from Heaton saw Satkiran at the Festival of Talent in
March and was so impressed and moved by her amazing
performance, commenting that it “touched her heart”, that she
asked her to sing Faydee’s ‘Unbreakable’ for their students.
The song is extremely poignant and emotive and tells the
story of a young person who is being bullied and fighting
back. Satkiran first performed at the Carlton Bolling
Christmas show in 2015 and almost everyone was moved
to tears, not only by the lyrics, but by Satkiran’s interpretation
of them.
Here is a flavour:
“Times like this, I wish I never existed”
“I just want to move on and stand up on my own”
“Don’t tell me I’m not good enough”
Satkiran commented, “One of my friends was being bullied
for being overweight and people used to tell her she wasn’t
good enough. As soon as I heard the song lyrics I knew I
wanted to get the message out there about the consequences
of bullying and how it can destroy someone’s life. The song
is about fighting back and believing in yourself.”
Satkiran is now studying accountancy at Bradford University
and hopes to continue performing on the university radio
Carlton’s Business
Participate in Micro
Tyco Challenge!
Ten Post 16 students participated in the Micro Tyco challenge
during the month of November.
The Micro Tyco Challenge was set up to encourage young
entrepreneurs to develop their business skills and the aim is to
grow £1 seed capital into as much money as possible over a 30
day period. Our students managed to raise a worthy amount of
£427.44 by holding a badminton tournament in school and selling
refreshments. The funds will go to a fantastic charity Wildhearts,
which gives the opportunity to young people to start businesses all
over the developing world and to gain vital employability skills, to
date transforming over 100,000 lives.
Well done to all the students who took part and know that you
will be making a huge difference to someone’s life chances.
Women of the
World Visits
2016 saw the Women of the World Festival visit Bradford
and teacher Miss Waheed took an active role by taking
part in ‘speed mentoring’, where experts from different
fields such as science, journalism and arts mentor others
on their ambitions and address other challenges they face
in life. Issues such as body image, the concept of shame,
celebrating Muslim sporting figures and music and dance
were covered at the event which was attended by MP Naz
Shah; Jasvinder Sanghera from Karma Nirvana; writer Kay
Mellor OBE; Fiona Macaulay from Bradford University’s
Peace Studies department; Kersten England, Chief
Executive of Bradford Council and spoken word artist and
basketball coach, Asma Elbadawi.
Visitors hoped to meet Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala
Yousafzai but, unfortunately, she was taken ill on the
morning of the event. She has, however, promised to be
at the next Bradford gathering in 2017.
In 2015 HRH the Duchess of Cornwall became the president
of WOW and the festival, which aims to give women
around the world a voice, has a bright future ahead.
- - - - - STOP PRESS - - - - Year 9 Parents’ Evening
4pm to 6pm – opportunities
to speak to teachers, tutors
and heads of year.
S-T-R-E-T-C-H Yourself
Stretch is the school’s extra-curricular and intervention programme
which runs for one hour after school most days. Students in the
higher year groups use this time for intervention and revision prior to
exams but there are also lots of other activities available from sport
to music and drama to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The table
below shows ‘what’s on’ and the activities are designed to give
students the opportunity to experience more of what they already
enjoy or take up a completely new interest within the structure of the
school environment led by teachers.
Please encourage your child to come along to try a new activity –
that’s what our cricket girls did and look where they are now!
With Post-16 students now firmly established in their new building, we report below on just a few of the activities they have been involved in recently:
Nuffield Research Placement
During the summer holidays Year 13 student
Aliza Kazmi undertook a placement in the
mechanical engineering department at the
University of Leeds. Aliza’s project was
‘understanding how lubricants reduce friction
in engine components’, and she worked on
the project with minimal support from PHD
students. Aliza commented, “This experience
has inspired me to look at doing more research
in the future, possibly on environmental issues.
I also met some new friends and improved
my communication, independence and report
writing skills. I also learnt a lot about university
life over the four weeks of the project and I
am looking forward to possibly doing my own
PHD in the future.”
Progression Module
All Post-16 students are able to participate in
the Leeds Beckett University Progression Module
which equips them with invaluable information,
advice and guidance. They learn how to
compile a CV, techniques to use at interview,
research careers and university options.
Students commented, “I wasn’t expecting to
be awarded an Excellence Award but this has
boosted my confidence and my willingness
to progress further.”, and “This was a great
experience and it is vital for students to be
equipped for their future in this way.” At the
end of the programme students are invited back
to the university for the graduation ceremony.
Houses of Parliament Visit
Restart a Heart
Students had the opportunity to receive
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and
First Aid Training as part of the European
Start a Heart Day, run by St. John
Ambulance. The fact is that if someone
suffers a cardiac arrest their chances of
survival double if a trained first aider
immediately administers CPR and many of
our students are now trained to assist
in the event of an emergency.
Mr Laher and eight Post-16 students visited
the Houses of Parliament recently and were
delighted to meet Stuart Andrew, MP for
Pudsey and Baroness Eaton of Bradford.
Once again we must send our sincere
thanks to Dayal Sharma of the Centre
for Politics and Public Participation for
facilitating this visit and to Josh Wong from
D L Piper for providing lunch. It was an
amazing experience for our students to see
the House of Commons, the House of Lords
and democracy in action and to explore
the history of the Palace of Westminster.
News In Brief:
Bradford City player Nathaniel Knight-Percival came into school to meet the newly
formed Year 7 and 8 football team. Students, especially Bradford City fans, were
somewhat star-struck to see a professional player in their school.
For a day in November our
hall and gym were transformed
into a careers fair to which
primary schools, parents and
Carlton students were invited
to meet further and higher
education providers, trainers
and employers. Universities
attended from Huddersfield,
Bradford, York and Leeds as did
local colleges and employers.
It was a highly successful event
and we would like to thank all
the exhibitors who spent the
day advising our students.
Year 11 students took part in the Retail ICE
Challenge and came away with the winners’
trophy. Business leaders visited school to guide
students through a series of challenges which
they excelled at.
Introducing our New Student Editors
Our existing student editors moved on to university during the summer so the recruitment of six new student editors; Bushra Zainab, Yasmin Ahmed, Idara Udoffia,
Ammaar Ali, Jihadul Haque and Amirah Nawaz have been recruited from Year 10 and below are their first published articles:
World Kickboxing Champion at Carlton Bolling
Mr Kneeshaw Inspiring Young People
We were amazed and proud when we heard that our Head of Year, Mr Kennedy had won the
World Kickboxing Championship in Dublin last month, we just had to interview him to find out
about his journey to be the best in the world!
Mr Kneeshaw has delivered a series of assemblies to the whole school in the past few weeks with
a really useful and inspirational message. “Bushra Zainab reports on the impact to students”.
Mr Kennedy’s daughter was a huge inspiration for him to take up kickboxing. He had become
a dad for the first time and he wanted to be the best dad he could possibly be so he began
to keep fit in order to maintain his health and to encourage his daughter to do the same. His
friend, who was interested in kickboxing, dragged him along and showed him the way. At that
time he was only 23 and after only 4/5 years he’s earning gold medals at the WKC World
Championships. This indeed is a truly inspiring story for everyone, especially Carlton students!
At his first fight, Mr Kennedy had to face an opponent who was of a much bigger size than
him. He felt quite intimidated and nervous. However, these nerves didn’t stop him from pushing
on and he persevered and gave it his all.
The most important thing Mr Kennedy wants to
happen is to keep the tradition of kickboxing
alive. He would also like to be known across
the world.
The best piece of advice Mr Kennedy would
give to anyone is to be respectful, grateful and
to appreciate life.
Our headteacher, Mr Kneeshaw, has amazing plans to help students at Carlton Bolling aspire
and achieve. He strongly believes that his assemblies revolved around careers will inspire young
people to open doors for themselves by them putting in the hard work and effort required to
climb their ways to the top and reach success. He is also a firm believer that success doesn’t
come easy and it isn’t difficult to lose sight of our goals in this pressurising society, which is why
he will be talking about figures such as the founder of the Honda Corporation Soichiro Honda.
By explaining the story of how many setbacks he had, Mr Kneeshaw is aiming to promote
growth mindset, an ethos Carlton Bolling uses to keep young people making progress no
matter what obstacles may come in the way. Another example of a famous figure is Arnold
Schwarzenegger, who despite being well known due to his many talents has a largely unknown
story the Headteacher would like to use as an example of success.
As well as talking to us himself about people who may seem like they’re from another world of
riches and glamour, Mr Kneeshaw hopes to invite MP Imran Hussain and barrister Bilal Hussain,
two locals who will inspire and motivate students.
A key theme in all his assemblies is to go for it - however far your dreams may be, they can
soon become a reality with hardwork, resilience and effort. Mr Kneeshaw expressed his passion
in helping young people through saying that he would never want anyone to waste time like he
did just because they didn’t have any other routes to go down except what he had been told to.
Students at Carlton Bolling are lucky to have encouragement from staff all the time, making sure
that nobody has a “huge inferiority complex” like he had, which he feels was a major reason he
didn’t know how to go about his career choices.
Mr Kneeshaw is passionate about shaping and impacting students’ lives and says it is satisfying
and humbling that he has this opportunity every day in a job which he is passionate about.
Record Results Again!
Carlton Bolling is delighted to report that the school
has placed in the top 20% of all secondary schools
in the country and above 45% of all outstanding
Mike Hain
to continue to raise aspirations and improve
opportunities for our young people to equip them
for a successful life and career in modern Britain.”
Mr Kneeshaw added.
Progress 8 scores, released by the Department for
Education, confirm that with a score of +0.24 Carlton
Bolling is well above national average and has
performed particularly well at GCSE.
David Hain
A Level results are over half a grade up on just
3 years ago and Vocational results are in the
top 1% in the country!
Headteacher Adrian Kneeshaw commented, “The
whole school community are very proud of what
we have achieved and credit goes to every single
member of the school for making this incredible
improvement in results possible. “We are on an
extremely exciting journey at Carlton Bolling and we
will never be complacent, always striving to raise
standards further in all areas, year on year, to ensure
each and every one of our students can access the
very best education possible, which they clearly
“There has never been a brighter future for students
of Carlton Bolling and the school will endeavour
- - - - - STOP PRESS - - - - Monday 6th February 2017 – Year 10 Parents’ Evening
4pm – 6pm – check on your child’s GCSE progress and targets.
Visit from Mike Haines
Not everyone will recognise the name, but most will be familiar with
the story of Mike’s brother David Haines who was kidnapped and
subsequently murdered by ISIS in September 2014 whilst working for
a humanitarian charity in Syria. David was married with two young
children and the atrocity was broadcast across the world.
Mike is a very humble man and spoke extremely proudly and fondly
of his brother. Amazingly, Mike now visits schools and groups to tell
his family’s story and to try to bring peace and understanding to others
and he is determined to bring good to the world out of the evil which
destroyed his family.
Unfortunately, not all students were able to meet Mike, but those who
did were immensely moved and gained an insight into how evil can
be turned around to bring hope and peace.
National Citizen
October in Paris!
We reported in previous issues of ‘Connect’ the success of the NCS
at Carlton Bolling and which resulted in a number of our students
being appointed ambassadors for the scheme.
We were delighted to receive a mention from Rob Wilson,
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for
Culture, Media and Sport, singing our praises.
We always knew our students were something special!
During October half-term Miss Pujol, Miss Chomanicz
and Mr Singh took a group of students to Paris. All the
students are currently studying French and they had the
perfect opportunity to practice their language skills.
In Aqeela Hussain’s words:
Friday 21st October
The ferry arrived in Paris and I had a lot of fun singing
along to ‘my heart will go on’ and looking at seagulls.
Now the coach needs to reach the outskirts of Paris
where we will find our hotel. The journey was very
enjoyable as well!
Saturday 22nd October
It has been such a busy day! We have been walking
around Paris and first we went to the Notre Dame
cathedral and it was so beautiful! We went to the
Louvre and it was amazing! There was also a small
garden near it and although we had a short time to
explore it, it was made clear that they love art! Another
thing that was made apparent was how people like to
sell the same things. THE SAME THINGS!!! Miss Pujol
advised us to ignore them for the sake of time.
Sunday 23rd October
I absolutely loved Disneyland! It had beautiful shops
and something for everyone! There were also some
items that were much cheaper than I expected. The
parade was magical! There were so many characters
interacting with the crowd and Mickey sent me a blow
kiss! We have to rest because we have a very long
day tomorrow.
Monday 24th October
I honestly don’t want to leave!!! It would be a lot of
fun if I could come back again.
My review
The stay was absolutely amazing and I would highly
recommend anyone to go regardless whether or not
they can speak French. The staff at the hotel were
lovely and since it was with school, I had a lot of
fun as well as having the opportunity to broaden my
What is your role in Carlton
Deputy Headteacher – as Deputy
Head I tend to need an overview
of many aspects of school and
get involved with many different
things on a daily basis. However,
a lot my time is spent devising the
school’s curriculum and writing
timetables and am currently heavily
involved with the planning of the
new school building.
What is the best part of your job?
Seeing children succeed and
achieve things that they previously
thought they were incapable of
doing. This could be a Year 7
student making the perfect pizza, a
year 9 student presenting to a group
of employers or a year 13 student
getting a place to study at university.
I also love working with such
inspirational and dedicated staff …
no two days are the same!
Why did you decide to become a
I loved all aspects of school
when I was a teenager and was
fortunate to be taught by some
great teachers. I had loads of
opportunities to experience activities
and learning outside my comfort
zone. I wanted to be able to give
other children the chance to love
learning and achieve in life.
What do you like to
do outside school?
I enjoy spending time with my family
who no longer live at home. I ski in
the winter and camp in the summer.
I love watching lots of different
sports and I run a Guide Unit. I
enjoy eating out with friends and
trying different types of food.
What is your favourite food?
Sun dried tomatoes.
Where do you like to travel and
I love to travel in Europe and further
afield. Through travelling I have
been able to experience different
cultures and ways of life. I have
visited a lot countries in Europe
as well as travelling to Uganda,
Kenya, Turkey, America, Cuba, and
the Dominican Republic.
What is the best advice you would
give to your students?
Work hard, ask if you don’t
understand and ensure that you take
opportunities that are offered to you
to try new things.
Carlton Bolling College Undercliffe Lane, Bradford BD3 0DU
T: +44 (0) 1274 633111 E: [email protected]
Year 11 and
Year 13
At the end of the summer term students
from Years 11 and 13 organised their
own proms supported by their Heads of
Year. From choosing the venue, deciding
on food options and what to wear for this
prestigious event, they learnt a lot! The
evenings were a huge success after a lot
of hard work and, as always, we were
extremely proud of our students.