Restaurants Are Cashing In on Pokémon Go Madness

Restaurants Are Cashing In on Pokémon Go Madness
A Doduo appears at Huge Cafe in Atlanta, GA.
Credit: Derek Fridman via
“It’s a beautiful day for retail—and for Pokémon,” said Derek Fridman,
group creative director of Huge Atlanta, a digital agency that happens to
run a public-facing coffee shop (Huge Cafe) in a perfect location…across
the street from two Pokémon Go PokeStops.
If your feeds haven’t been blowing up with adults going bonkers for a new
smartphone-based, virtual reality-esque new Pokémon game called
Pokémon Go, you are lucky. The rest of us have not been able to escape
friends looking down at their phones and taking the least ine䈙낤icient
footpaths from point A to point B just so they can collect items at
designated PokeStops and eventually catch ’em all.
A pokémon, Krabby, appears at Le District in New York. Photo: Wajeeha Ansari
But Fridman and Michael Koziol, president of Huge, aren’t mad about it.
Instead, they are eagerly awaiting today’s lunch rush, when a gaggle of
workers from the 13th 䐨훙loor of the bank across the street will drop by,
catch some Pokémon at the cafe, and probably leave with a few extra
coffees and pastries.
Fridman and Koziol paid $49 in real currency to buy in-game “coins” and
traded those in for 40 in-game “lures,” in-game modules that serve as a
smoke-signals to attract Pokémon and users. They attach those lures to
the PokeStops across the street—each Lure works for 30 minutes,
attracting rarer and more powerful Pokémon to the area. Where the hardto-䐨훙ind Pokémon go, Pokémon Go players go for glory (and buy things).
“We’re expecting a good turnout today,” Fridman said.
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Steve Lubitz Follow
From outside the restaurant where we ate dinner tonight. There
was a Pokestop next door with lure constantly active.
8:58 PM ­ 10 Jul 2016
15 41
This weekend, the runaway success of the reboot of the Pokémon
franchise became a big boon for IRL businesses worldwide, especially
when those restaurants, bars, and coffee shops are conveniently also
PokéStops. Flying Saucer Pizza in Salem, Massachusetts had the good
fortune of being designated by the Pokémon Go-Google Maps game as a
PokeStop (speci䐨훙ically at a life-size Star Trek Locutus of Borg mannequin
decorating the sci-䐨훙i-themed restaurant)…that also enables customers
sitting in one of the booths to hit three other PokeStops in one go.
“We’ve had a non-stop 䐨훙low of people coming in, and sales are through
the roof,” said Nicole Spirito, the pizza restaurant’s general manager, who
was not comfortable sharing exact numbers (though some reports have
indicated Pokémon Go has increased sales as much as 10 percent). “So
we’ve embraced the craze.”
Flying Saucer is incentivizing players to drop by. If a customer catches a
Pokémon in the restaurant, posts that picture to social media, and tags
Flying Saucer, they’re automatically entered into a daily ra䈙낤le that yields
gift cards to the restaurant. There are team-speci䐨훙ic promotions, too.
Today is “Yellow Day” and anyone on the game’s Team Yellow gets 10
percent off their bill. What’s good for the players is good for business.
But restaurants are only as engaged as their staff. At Flying Saucer, Spirito
said that as much as 95 percent of the staff at the restaurant has been
actively playing the game since its launch last week. And at Huge Cafe,
the owners excited because the staff is on board.
Management at Palmer’s Fresh Grill in Lexington, Kentucky is less thrilled.
On Thursday, it put up a sign saying “No Pokémon Go Players” to deter
non-paying customers from stopping by just to catch Pokémon, take up
space, and not buy anything, a manager at the restaurant told us.
“It’s not that they won’t be let in,” she said. “But we’ve had a lot of people
just coming to stand around on the patio to catch Pokémon. It’s crazy that
we even had to put up a sign like that.”
Rosine's Restaurant @RosinesMonterey
Evan #Pikachu can't get enough of our desserts! #PokemonGO
#Pokemon #Rosines #Monterey #Dessert #family #cake
10:28 AM ­ 11 Jul 2016
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Indeed. Although, at least for this week, Pokémon Go cannot be ignored.
As far away as Australia, restaurants are aligning themselves with the
phenomenon while it’s hot, saying that new variations on old dishes have
“evolved.” Sydney’s KIN by us. may not be a PokeStop, but it let Instagram
users know that its “Wa䈙낤le Belly” evolved into “Mega Belly”.
So, when—not if—you see people clustered outside of a restaurant,
looking at their phones with increasing excitement, you’ve found it: You’re
at a restaurant (or bar or coffee shop) that doubles as a Pokémon Go
PokeStop, and you’ve hit the jackpot.
Less into Pokémon Go, and more into lingering at cafes
with your laptop? Follow this etiquette guide to make sure
you’re not a loitering jerk.
Or just avoid the Go-ers altogether and stay home.