1 D-KEFS Data Entry Form (Compatible with School Neuropsychology Report Shell Version 17.1 (October 8, 2010 Revision) Take D-KEFS data from the D-KEFS Scoring Program printout or hand scores and transfer to this form as the first step in data interpretation and analyses. STANDARD SCORE SCALED SCORE % RANK >130 121-130 111-120 90-110 80-89 70-79 <70 >16 15-16 13-14 8-12 6-7 4-5 0-3 >98% 92-98 76-91 25-75 9-24 2-8 ≤2 LABEL Well Above Expected Above Expected Slightly Above Expected At Expected Slightly Below Expected Below Expected Well Below Expected NEPSY-II SCALED SCORE NEPSY-II % RANK LABEL 13-19 >75 Above Expected 8-12 6-7 4-5 1-3 26-75 11-25 3-10 ≤2 At Expected Slightly Below Expected Below Expected Well Below Expected The codes in the “Type of Score to Report” Column indicate what type of score should be entered into the table in the proper column: STDS = Standard Score (mean=100, SD = 15) (SS) – Scaled Score (mean = 10, SD = 3) PR – percentile rank PRR – Percentile rank range (from the NEPSY-II) CPR – Cumulative Percentile Rank (from the NEPSY-II) After you have transferred your D-KEFS scores into this Data Entry Form, type the scores for each D-KEFS measure into the proper column based on level of performance into the School Neuropsychology Report Writing Shell. Sensory-Motor Functions Sensorimotor Functions Instrument: Subtest Well Below Expected Level Type of Score to Report Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level Psychomotor Speed D-KEFS: Trail Making Condition 5 - Motor Speed: (SS) Tracing a dotted line as quickly as possible. Note: Standard scores appear in normal font. Scaled score appear in (parentheses). Percentile rank ranges appear in italics. Attentional Processes Shifting Attention Instrument: Subtest Type of Score to Report Well Below Expected Level Below Expected Level Verbal Shifting of Attention D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Condition 4 – Inhibition/Switching: Completion time as the child rapidly switches back and forth between naming the dissonant ink colors and reading the words. D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test: Inhibition/Switching Total Errors: Total uncorrected and corrected errors. D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency Condition 3 – Category Switching: Total Correct Responses: Switching between verbalizing fruits and pieces of furniture. Verbal Fluency Condition 3 – Category Switching Total Switching Accuracy: The correct number of switches between verbal categories. (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) Visual Shifting of Attention D-KEFS: Design Fluency Condition 3 – Switching: Switching between connecting solid dots and empty dots. D-KEFS: Trails Condition 4 – Number-Letter Switching: A psychomotor task that requires switching between number and letter sequences (e.g., 1-A-2-B…). (SS) (SS) Slightly Below Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level 2 D-KEFS: Trail Making Condition 1 (Visual Scanning): All of the number 3s on a page are marked as quickly as possible. Trail Making Condition 2 (Number Sequencing): (SS) Quickly connecting lines between consecutive numbers. Trail Making Condition 3 (Letter Sequencing): (SS) Quickly connecting lines between sequential letters. Trail Making Conditions 2 & 3 Combined: (SS) Time taken across number and letter trials. Trail Making Condition 5 - Motor Speed: (SS) Tracing a dotted line as quickly as possible. Note: Standard scores appear in normal font. Scaled score appear in (parentheses). Percentile rank ranges appear in italics. If there is a low score on the D-KEFS: Trails Condition 4 – Number-Letter Switching or D-KEFS: Design Fluency Condition 3 – Switching or D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Condition 4 – Inhibition/Switching you cannot assume a shifting attention problem. You must look at each test’s contrast score which compare the previous conditions on each test to the Switching condition to interpret the findings accurately. Visual-Spatial Processes Visual Scanning/Tracking Type of Score to Report Instrument: Subtest Well Below Expected Level Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level Primary Measure of Visual Scanning/Tracking D-KEFS: Trail Making Condition 1 (Visual Scanning): All of the number 3s on a page are marked as quickly as possible. (SS) Language Processes Oral Expression Instrument: Subtest Type of Score to Report Well Below Expected Level Verbal Fluency D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Condition 1 (Color Naming): Naming the color of colored squares rapidly. Color-Word Interference Condition 1 Total Errors: Total number of uncorrected and corrected errors. D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Condition 2 (Word Reading): Naming color words (e.g., “red”) rapidly. Color-Word Interference Condition 2 Total Errors: Total number of uncorrected and corrected errors. D-KEFS Color-Word Naming and Reading Completion Time Combined: Total time needed to name both the name of the colors and the color words combined. (SS) CPR (SS) CPR (SS) Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level 3 Executive Functions Concept Recognition and Generation Type of Score to Report Instrument: Subtest Well Below Expected Level Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level Concept Recognition D-KEFS: Sorting Test - Combined Conditions 1 + 2 Description: Accuracy in describing sorts either completed by self or by the examiner. Free Sorting Description (Condition 1): Ability to describe sorting concepts or rules used in sorting the cards. Sort Recognition Description (Condition 2): Ability to describe sorting concepts or rules used by the examiner to sort the cards. Combined Conditions 1 + 2 Description (Verbal Rules): Tendency to rely on verbal descriptions of the sorts. Combined Conditions 1 + 2 Description (Perceptual Rules): Tendency to rely on perceptual descriptions of the sorts. D-KEFS: Twenty Questions Initial Abstraction: Level of abstract reasoning in the first questions asked. D-KEFS: Twenty Questions Total Questions Asked: The fewer the questions asked the better. D-KEFS: Twenty Questions Total Weighted Achievement: This score used if the child guesses the correct answer quickly. (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) Concept Generation D-KEFS: Sorting Test – Condition 1 (Free Sorting) Confirmed Correct Sorts: The number of confirmed correct sorts made on the two card sets Confirmed Correct Verbal Sorts: The tendency to rely on verbal descriptions for explaining the cart sorts. Confirmed Correct Perceptual Sorts: The tendency to rely on visual-spatial details for explaining the cart sorts. Condition 1 Confirmed/Unconfirmed Target Sorts: The ability to correctly verify the reasons for the card sorts. (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) Problem Solving, Fluid Reasoning, & Planning Type of Score to Report Instrument: Subtest Well Below Expected Level Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level Verbal Problem Solving, Fluid Reasoning, & Planning D-KEFS: Word Context Total Consecutively Correct: Verbal abstract deductive reasoning. Repeated Incorrect Responses: A low score indicates many repeated incorrect responses which reflects an impairment in flexibility of thinking. Consistently Correct Ratio: Low score indicates increased distractibility and stimulusbound tendencies. D-KEFS: Proverbs Total Achievement: Free Inquiry: Knowledge of verbal proverbs. Common Proverb Achievement Free Inquiry: Ability to explain common proverbs. Uncommon Proverb Achievement Free Inquiry: Ability to explain uncommon proverbs. Accuracy Only: Ability to provide accurate interpretations. Abstraction Only: Ability to provide accurate abstractions. D-KEFS: Proverbs Total Achievement: Multiple Choice: Recognition of verbal proverbs. Common Proverb Achievement Multiple Choice: Ability to recognize the meaning of common proverbs. Uncommon Proverb Achievement Multiple Choice: Ability to recognize the meaning of uncommon proverbs. (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) CPR CPR CPR 4 Total Correct Abstract Choices: Ability to correctly identify abstract statements that describe a proverb. Total Correct Concrete Choices: Correctly identify statements that describe a proverb but at a concrete level. Total Incorrect Phonemic Choices: Incorrectly identify statements that describe a proverb based on a statement that sounds the same. Total Incorrect Unrelated Choices: Incorrectly identify statements that describe a proverb based on a statement that is unrelated in any way. Total Incorrect + Unrelated Choices: Total of all incorrect choices. CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR Visual Problem Solving, Fluid Reasoning, & Planning D-KEFS: Tower Total Achievement: Overall quality of tower building within time limits. (SS) Response Inhibition Type of Score to Report Instrument: Subtest D-KEFS: Color-Word Naming Condition 3 (Inhibition): Rapidly naming the color of the ink a color word (“red”) is printed in. An inhibitory task. D-KEFS Color-Word Interference Test: Inhibition Total Errors: Total uncorrected and corrected errors. Well Below Expected Level Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level At Expected Level Slightly Above Expected Level Above Expected Level Well Above Expected Level (SS) (SS) Retrieval Fluency Type of Score to Report Instrument: Subtest Well Below Expected Level Verbal Retrieval Fluency D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency – Letter Fluency Total Correct: Naming as many words within a time limit that start with a specific letter. D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency – Category Fluency Total Correct: Naming as many words within a time limit that all fall in the same category (e.g., fruits). (SS) (SS) Nonverbal Retrieval Fluency D-KEFS: Design Fluency: Total Correct Condition 1 + 2: The total number correct across Conditions 1 & 2. Design Fluency Condition 1 (Filled Dots): Connects filled dots to create as many different designs as possible in 60 seconds. Design Fluency Condition 2 (Empty Dots): Connects empty dots to create as many different designs as possible in 60 seconds. (SS) (SS) (SS) Executive Functions: Behavioral/Emotional Regulation Executive Functions Qualitative Behaviors Type of Score to Report Instrument: Subtest Well Below Expected Level Below Expected Level Slightly Below Expected Level Set-Loss Errors (Failure to Maintain the Directions) D-KEFS: Design Fluency: Total Set-Loss Designs D-KEFS: Sorting Test Condition 1 Set-Loss Sorts D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 2 – Number Sequencing SetLoss Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 3 – Letter Sequencing SetLoss Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 4 – Number-Letter Switching Set-Loss Errors D-KEFS: Twenty Questions: Set-Loss Questions CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR 5 D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency: Set-Loss Errors D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency: Percent Set-Loss Errors D-KEFS: Word Context: Total Correct-to-Incorrect Errors (SS) (SS) CPR Repetition Errors (Close Together = perseveration, Far Apart = memory weakness) D-KEFS: Design Fluency: Total Repeated Designs D-KEFS: Proverbs Repeated Responses D-KEFS: Sorting Test Condition 1 Repeated Sorts D-KEFS: Sorting Test Combined Repeated Descriptions Condition 1: Free Sorting Repeated Descriptions Condition 2: Sort Recognition Repeated Descriptions D-KEFS: Twenty Questions: Repeated Questions D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency: Repetition Errors D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency: Percent Repetition Errors D-KEFS: Word Context Repeated Incorrect Responses (SS) CPR (SS) CPR CPR CPR CPR (SS) (SS) (SS) Corrected Errors (Good Self-Monitoring) D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Test: Condition 3 – Inhibition D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Test: Condition 4 – Inhibition/Switching CPR CPR Uncorrected Errors (Poor Self-Monitoring) D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Test: Condition 3 – Inhibition D-KEFS: Color-Word Interference Test: Condition 4 – Inhibition/Switching CPR CPR Omission Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 1 – Visual Scanning Omission Errors CPR Commission Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 1 – Visual Scanning Commission Errors CPR Sequencing Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 2 – Number Sequencing: Sequencing Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 3 – Letter Sequencing: Sequencing Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 4 – Number-Letter Switching: Sequencing Errors CPR CPR CPR Time Discontinuation Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 2 – Number Sequencing: Time Discontinuation Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 3 – Letter Sequencing: Time Discontinuation Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 4 – Number – Letter Switching: Time Discontinuation Errors D-KEFS: Trail Making Test: Condition 5 – Motor Speed: Time Discontinuation Errors CPR CPR CPR CPR Initiating Behaviors (Reflective or Impulsive) D-KEFS: Tower Mean First-Move Time D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency First 15” Interval Correct D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency Second 15” Interval Correct D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency Third 15” Interval Correct D-KEFS: Verbal Fluency Fourth 15” Interval Correct (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) Rule Violations During Task Performance (Impulsive Response Style or Oppositional Response Style) D-KEFS: Tower Total Rule Violations D-KEFS: Tower Rule Violations-Per-Item Ratio CPR (SS) D-KEFS: Twenty Questions: Spatial Questions CPR Spatial Questions Total Attempted Items D-KEFS: Design Fluency: Total Attempted Designs D-KEFS: Sorting Test: Attempted Sorts (SS) (SS) D-KEFS: Design Fluency Percent Design Accuracy D-KEFS: Sorting Test: Condition 1 Percent Sorting Accuracy D-KEFS: Sorting Test: Condition 1 Time Per Sort Ratio D-KEFS: Sorting Test: Condition 1 Percent Description Accuracy (SS) (SS) (SS) (SS) Percent Accuracy
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