Slotted Batting Rule

District #8
Travel League
Rules Interpretation Meeting
April 23, 2017
Season Preliminaries
Meetings & Fees
• Meetings
• Tonight- Rules & Registration
• Registration for Scheduling Workshop
• Next Week: April 30th- 7:00pm
• Scheduling Workshop--- MANDATORY ATTENDANCE
• League Fee:
• $350.00 Per team Registration Fee
• Paid by Check payable to District 8 Little League’
• Please bring to Next Week’s Meeting
Season Preliminaries
Roster’s and Eligibility
• Roster Size
• Minimum size 12,
• recommended 14
• Maximum 16
• Age Eligibility
• Junior Baseball- Ages 13 and 14
• Senior Baseball- Ages 13 through 16
• NOTERoster will be input to website
• Changes permitted
• No formal “certification”
Season Preliminaries
Substitute Players
• Any player on ANY team NOT in your own division may be a substitute
player on another team.
• A player may not be used as a substitute if his team has a game
scheduled on the same day as the team for which he would called to
play for.
• To be eligible to used substitute players, a team must have at least
seven (7) regular roster members in attendance.
• A team may use a maximum of 3 substitute players for any game.
• Minimum Play: Defense: Substitute players are required to be in the
starting lineup and can not be removed from the game defensively
before the 5th inning.
Season Preliminaries
Substitute Players
• Equal Play Clause: No Player in attendance shall play less than
the substitute player. Offense: The substitute player may not
be slotted in the batting order with another player.
• Restrictions: The substitute player may not pitch.
Season Preliminaries
Movement of Players
• The Purpose is to avoid forfeits.
• Movement is allowed from Juniors to Seniors, or from Seniors
to Juniors provided that the Substitute player is age eligible to
compete in the division.
• You must declare these players prior to the game.
• Players cannot be “slotted” per the Slotted batting rule.
• Players are treated as a “Substitute” player
Season Preliminaries
• Use Common Sense
• Juniors / Seniors
• Pants, Jersey, Socks, Hats
• District 8 Logo Rule in Effect
• Patches Required
• Manager’s and Coaches
• No Cut-off shorts
• No sandals or open toe shoes
• No Tank tops
Season Preliminaries
• Catcher’s Gear
• Each Team must have own gear
• “Dangling” throat guards are required
• Batting Helmets- NOCASE embossed
• Bat Rules • Juniors• 2 ¼ Barrel (LL Bats) must have BPF 1.15
• 2 5/8Max Barrel
• Alum or Alloy- No marking Required
• Composite Barrel- BBCOR - See Approved List on LLB Website
• Seniors• 2 5/8 Max Barrel + All must have BBCOR marking – See approved List on
LLB Website
Season Preliminaries
Each team must have a Home Field
Grass must be regularly cut
Regulation Mound & Base Length
Break-a-way bases required
• School Fields
• Use throw-downs if break-aways aren’t available
• If throw-downs aren’t allowed, must submit in writing for
approval to use site.
Season Preliminaries
Umpire Fees
• $50 per game / per Umpire (each team pays 1 umpire)
• $80 per game for a Single Umpire
• Teams split cost ($40 each)
• Fee is payable in cash before the game starts
• Continuation games are a full fee
The Season
Regular Season
June 1st Start Date
12-15 games
Unplayed/Unreported = LOSS
Head to Head
RAR between tied teams
RAR for all Divisions
Coin toss
• League will NOT stop for All-Stars
• Accommodations in schedule will be made for teams entering
The Season
• Coaches Create own Game schedule
• No changes allowed except for:
• Weather
• Unforeseen School Conflicts- must submit evidence
• Other changes as approved by me
• Official Schedule is Website- No exceptions
• League will NOT stop for All-Stars
• Accommodations in schedule will be made for teams entering
The Season
Playoffs & Tiebreakers
• Regular Season Tiebreakers
Unplayed / Unreported = LOSS (for seeding / tiebreak)
Head to Head
RAR between tied teams
RAR for all Divisions
Coin toss
• Playoffs
• Optional
• Regular Season rules in force, except pitching rules
The Season
Game Start Times
• Weekday Start times- NOT BEFORE 6PM !!!
• Weekend-
• If multiple teams share site, 9A, 12P, 3P, 6P
• Sundays Not before 11am
• 15 Minute Grace Period
• If a team doesn’t have 9 or is late
• After 15 minutes, at Umpires and Opposing Coach Discretion
The Season
• Game Day Cancellations
• 90 minutes prior- minimum
• Contact Mark White Directly by Phone
• 469-0236 (H) 447-2956 (C)
• Schedule Changes
• All must be submitted to website
• Once approved, are auto-posted and auto-sent to Umpires
• Result Reporting
• All Submitted through Website
The Season
Player Conduct
Manager’s responsible for conduct of their teams
All ejections are subject to automatic suspension
All ejections (including your own) must be reported to me.
Examples of Penalties
Arguing/Foul Language:
First Offense:
2 Offense:
3 Offense:
Ejection & 1 game suspension
Ejection & 3 game suspensions
Equipment Throwing
(Before or after ejection)
First Offense:
2 Offense:
Ejection & 1 game suspension
Inciting an Altercation: (Verbal Only)
First Offense:
2 Offense:
Ejection & 3 game suspension
Fighting (Punch, shove, wrestle, etc)
First Offense:
Ejection & 3 game suspension
Trash Talk (“Jawing”)
First Offense:
2nd Offense:
3rd Offense:
4th Offense:
Warning (No ejection)
Ejection & 1 game suspension
Ejection & 3 game suspension
Highlight Playing Rules
• Game Preliminaries
• Home plate meeting topics
• Ground rules, declare subs, declare ineligible pitchers, etc
• Pay umpires
• Slide Rule- 7.08(A)
• “Slide or Avoid”
A runner is out who does not slide or attempt to get around a fielder
who has the ball and is waiting to make the tag. If the fielder does not
have the ball, the runner does not have to slide, but still must make
every attempt to avoid contact. This runner could also be ejected from
the game, if in an umpire’s judgment the intent was to injure the
defensive player making the tag.
A fielder who does not have the ball must not impede the runner's right
to the base or the base path. Any Fielder who obstructs a runner and
causes a collision will be subject to ejection from the game
Highlight Playing Rules
• Mercy Rule
• If the Home team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 4 and ½
innings of play, the game is over.
• If the visiting team is ahead by 10 or more runs after 5 complete
innings of play, the game is over.
• Minimum Play
• 12 Players or Less
• 6 consecutive defensive outs
• 1 at-bat
• 13 players or more
• 6 defensive outs (does not need to be consecutive)
• 1 at-bat
Highlight Playing Rules
• Pitching Rules
• Maximum Pitches per Day: 95
• Ages 13 – 16
• Rest Requirements:
League Age 13 & 14
1-20 pitches 0 days
21-35  1 day
36-50  2 days
51-65  3 days
66 & up  4 days
League Age 15 & 16
1-30 pitches 0 days
31-45  1 day
46-60  2 days
61-75  3 days
76 & up  4 days
Highlight Playing Rules
• Pitching Rules (cont’d)
• Pitcher once removed, but remaining in the game, can return
to the mound, but only per game.
• Pitcher must be removed when threshold reached.
• Can Finish the batter
• Pitch count reported as the threshold amount
• Players may not pitch in more than 1 (one) game in a day
Highlight Playing Rules
• Batter’s Box Rule
• Batter Must stay in the box- new 2017
• Exceptions Apply:
Passed Ball
Missed Bunt attempt
Forced out by a Pitch
Time Called
• Courtesy Runner Rule
• May be used only for Catcher w/ 2 outs
• Only used when catcher is not slotted
• Must be inserted immediatley after 2nd out is recorded
Highlight Playing Rules
• Base Coaches
• 2 adults permitted
• Only if 1 adult is in dugout
• Defensive Subsititutions
• Unlimited Free Defensive Substitution
• Exception Pitcher
• Time-Outs
• One Offensive per Inning
• Manager must ask for all time and time must be granted
Highlight Playing Rules
All protests must be declared on the field
Umpires shall sign the book
Exact point of Game must be recorded
• Count on batter, etc
• Written Protest must be recv’d in writing
• Curfew
• Weekdays No new inning may start after 8:25pm
• Lighted Fields Local rules apply.
Highlight Playing Rules
Slotted Batting Rule
10 positions
Each position occupied by up to two players
Players interchangeable
• IE-- 1 can run for the other
• Independent of Defensive alignment/Substitution
• No requirement to alternate between the two players
Highlight Playing Rules
Slotted Batting Rule
• Scenario#1‐ Standard At‐Bat
The No. 2 position in the batting order
is due up to the plate. The manager
may choose which player (Clinton or
Taft) will hit. Both Clinton and Taft
must take a turn at bat at least once
during the game to meet minimum
play. (in addition to 6 consecutive outs
(12 players or less) OR 6 outs (13
players or more) There is no
requirement to “alternate” at bats
between Clinton and Taft. For
example, if the No. 2 position comes
due5 times during a game, Taft may
bat 4 times, while Clinton only bats
Highlight Playing Rules
Slotted Batting Rule
• Scenario #2‐ Slotted Runner
Clinton (No. 2 position) reaches
base. Taft may be sent in to run
for Clinton. The change must be
made before the1st pitch to the
next batter. Likewise, if
Washington (No. 3 position)
reaches, there is no other
person in the No. 3 position.
Therefore, Washington must
stay in the game as the runner.
Highlight Playing Rules
Slotted Batting Rule
• Scenario #3‐ Injured Player
• Ford (No. 5 in the order)
becomes injured and must
leave the game. Ford is alone
in thenumber5 position. The
manager must choose a
player from the No. 2, 6, 7,8,
or9 position in the order to
move to the number5
position to take Ford’s place.
Note‐ only a single move can
be made. No double switches.
Highlight Playing Rules
Slotted Batting Rule
• Scenario #3‐ Injured Player
• Ford (No. 5 in the order)
becomes injured and must
leave the game. Ford is alone
in thenumber5 position. The
manager must choose a
player from the No. 2, 6, 7,8,
or9 position in the order to
move to the number5
position to take Ford’s place.
Note‐ only a single move can
be made. No double switches.
Highlight Playing Rules
Slotted Batting Rule
• Scenario #4‐ Late Arriving Player
• Carter (a player on your team)
arrives late to the game and was
not included in your initial lineup
provided at the start of the game.
You may insert Carter in the lineup,
but he can only be added to the
No. 1, 3, 4, 5, or 10th positions in
the order. No player can move
from a position in the order to
accommodate his insertion. NOTE‐
While you may insert him to the
lineup, he still must meet
minimum play, regardless of at
what point in the