Create a Nearpod Lesson

Interactive Presentations Using Nearpod
Sarah Ryglicki ([email protected])
What is Nearpod: The teacher controls the presentation with
interactive features from a master device while students follow on
their own device.
Join a Session
 Go to and click “Join Session”
 Enter Lesson Pin shown on screen
 Practice a Nearpod Session with activities
Create an account
 Go to
 Press “Create Free Teacher Account”
 Fill in requested information > Click “submit”
Find lessons already created
 Go to “Explore”
 Search for lessons by filtering results
 Add a lesson that you like to your library (You can edit any
My Library
 All of your lessons will be in the main library
 You can organize lesson into folders
 No limit to number of folders
 Lessons can be placed in multiple folders
 Lessons can be removed from folders, but can only be
deleted from the main library screen
 You can move multiple lessons to a folder at once by going to
the folder and adding lessons
 You can search for a specific lesson in the search bar
Create a Nearpod Lesson
 Go to “Create”
 Click the pencil next to “Untitled Presentation” to provide the
presentation with a name, description is optional, and English
is the default language > click “Save”
Download already made powerpoint (may take awhile if it is a
large file)
o Dragging a powerpoint slide and dropping it on the
screen is easiest way
o Or you can upload a powerpoint by going to “add slide”
> add content > slide > image > and uploading it.
Presentations cannot begin or end with an interactive feature.
Make sure that the first two slides and the last slide are static,
non-interactive slides.
Adding slides:
o Add Content:
 Slide Editor: (new) Create a slide
 Slide: Each "slide" is really either a PDF or image
file. You can upload your premade slides here by
clicking on the image button.
 Video: Upload an an MP4. Can use a youtube
video. Video will play on all students’ screens at
once. Make sure that it does not exceed 20MB in
size or 3 minutes in length. (.mp4, .mov, .flv, .ogv,
.avi, .mpg)
 SlideShow: A series of images as a slideshow as
opposed to one per slide in the presentation
 Field Trip: (Gold Account) Virtual 360 Reality Tour
 Audio: Upload an audio clip (mp3, .wav, .aiff,
.ac3, .ogg, .aac, .zip)
 PDF viewer: (Gold Account)
 Live Twitter Stream: (Gold Account)
o Add Web Content: (Gold Account) Copy and paste
web address of webpage. Students will be able to click
and go to that website.
o Add Activity:
 Open Ended Question: Enter question and click
 Poll: Enter question and possible answers (use
ADD ANSWER to add more answer choices)
 Can share responses with students
 Quiz: Enter title > enter question > enter possible
answers > click check mark next to correct answer
> continue with questions and answers until quiz
is completed > click SAVE
 After students have submitted their answers,
share them with your class by tapping on the
Share button on the top-right corner.
 Up to 25 questions with 8 answers per
 Draw it: Students can draw answer to a question,
or you can upload an image, a matching
worksheet, or other document for students to draw
on. Choose which ones to share with the group.
Examples include: annotating over a passage,
drawing/labeling a map, solving a math problem,
balancing chemical equations, and more.
 Fill in the blank: (Gold Account)
 Memory Test: (Gold Account)
Slides may be rearranged by clicking and dragging it to
desired location
When presentation is complete, click DONE > click YES to
You can preview a lesson by tapping the preview button.
You can share an editable copy of your lessons by clicking
the 3 dots above your lesson in your library
Stream a Presentation
 First, test your lesson with a second device to check it.
 Live lesson: real time
 Student Paced: (Gold Account) students can go through
slides on own time
 Students enter pin and join session. You can also send them
the link.
 The Pin will always be on top of screen. If you click on it then
it will be magnified.
 Top left icon is the student list (green people).
o It will show you the number of students connected and
identify any students leaving the presentation.
o You can tell if students are all viewing the presentation
if student list icon is green. Red means that a student is
not on the nearpod page.
Click on the single student icon in the top left to hide student
You can delete students if they use a naughty name
Advance to the next slide in your presentation by swiping left,
or swipe right to go back.
On the Fly: Click on the Nearpod logo, located at the center
of the top toolbar, and several options will display.
o You can add a slide mid presentation by clicking each
of the options (Some are for Gold Accounts).
o Click on “Reports” and a pop-up will appear confirming
your request to have an assessment report emailed to
the email address you have on file.
Review Reports
 On the home screen click the red tab labeled “Reports”
 Click on the presentation that you want and the session that
you want
 You can download the report and share it through email
 Or click the Nearpod logo on the top center of the screen
during a presentation
Should you upgrade?
 If you have a free account (silver) then you have a limit of 30
students, limited storage, can create up to 10 lessons, and
limited availability to activities. It costs $10 a month to
upgrade to gold annually and $12 monthly.
 For a full list of the differences in accounts go to: