University of Melbourne Student Union

University of Melbourne Student Union
Meeting of the Clubs & Societies Committee
3pm, Monday 30th April 2007
Meeting 8/07
Union House
1. Procedural Matters
Election of Chair & Minute Taker
Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners
Adoption of Agenda
2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Room bookings investigation
Club Resource Access
4. Correspondence
Music Therapy Students Society
5. Office Bearers’ Report
6. Getting membership lists from clubs
7. New Regs Changes
6.1.0 is the subject of a complaint that the clubs actions breach
University Regulations, or Union House and North Court policy.
New Spreadsheet regs
Other regs to make you cry
8. Final Affiliations:
Urban Yoga - R.O. & President.
China Business Council
9. Music Therapy wind up
Funds to Music SS?
10. Petition to Discipline
If the below mentioned clubs have not sent the UMSU email to their
membership by the time that the C&S Committee next meets (Monday
30th April) we move to discipline them according C&S Regulation
section 6.1.n, to the effect that they will be have their available funding
reduced by $200:
 Medical Students Society
 Music Therapy Students Society
Moved: Dave-o Mulholland
Seconded: Tristan Clack
11. New Clubs
Archon Leadership
Engineering Students Club
Nintendo Enthusiasts Society
12. Grant Applications
13. Other Business
14. Next Meeting
15. Close
Meeting opened by Goldie Pergl at 3.25pm
1. Procedural Matters
1.1 Election of Chair
Motion: That Goldie Pergl be elected as Chair
Moved: Tim Liersch
Seconded: Kelly Hughes
Election of Minute Taker
Motion: That Fiona Sanders be elected as Minute Taker
Moved: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Tim Liersch
1.2 Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners
So acknowledged.
1.3 Attendance
Kelly Hughes, Goldie Pergl, Tim Liersch, Cristina Musumeci, Michelle
Kovacevic, Tristan Clack, Bridie Allanadale, Fiona Sanders, Penguin,
Immanuel Gunaseelan
1.4 Apologies
Dave-o Mulholland
1.5 Proxies
1.6 Membership
We’re all members
1.7 Adoption of Agenda
Motion: That the agenda be adopted
Moved: Goldie Pergl Seconded: Kelly Hughes
2. Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes from the C&S committee meeting from April 16th be
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Goldie Pergl
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Room bookings investigation is ongoing.
Tristan has looked into possible venues that clubs can use:
ILFR common room: ILFR are willing to have clubs to use
their common room, as long as it is a regular
weekly/fortnightly booking between 2pm and 11pm.
Union House Basement Lounge
Frank Tate: closed
Club resource access – presidents have been emailed the final
4. Correspondence
Music Therapy Students Society
The MTSS wishes to wind up and we have begun preliminary talks
with them about how to go about starting this process.
5. Office Bearers’ Report
Fiona was away but we still managed to get a lot of work done. We processed
all the applications for payments, we wrote emails, answered the phone, went
to Student Council, and went to various clubs AGMs. The penguin drank
tequila and wasn’t very helpful. Our wall is blue.
6. Getting membership lists from clubs
Committee directs the C&S Officers/Administrator to send reminder email to
clubs and advise them that they can’t access UMSU/MUSUL resources until
they submit a membership list.
7. New Regs Changes
6.1.0 is the subject of a complaint that the clubs actions breach
University Regulations, or Union House and North Court policy.
Motion: That the amended version of 6.1.o be recommended to the
Students’ Council for addition to the C&S regulations:
6.1.o is the subject of a complaint that the club’s actions breach
University rules, departmental policy, Union House or North Court
Tim Liersch Seconded: Michelle Kovacevic CWD
New Spreadsheet regs
Motion: To recommend to Students’ Council to add the Member
Benefits – Club Resources as an Appendix to the C&S regulations:
Moved: Michelle Kovacevic
Seconded: Kelly Hughes
Appendix 2:
Motion: to recommend to Students’ Council that “Appendix 2 Member
Benefits – Club Resources” be added to the Title Page of the C&S regs.
Moved: Michelle Kovacevic
Seconded: Kelly Hughes
Other regs to make you cry
Motion: That the following be recommended for adoption at Student Council,
as an addition to the Clubs and Societies Regulations, Part 5.6:
g. To show that a club is maintaining its minimum membership requirements
(thirty Melbourne University students), it must submit a membership list
containing names, UMSU membership numbers (if applicable), student
numbers and courses, by the 15th of March every year.
h. Clubs must not use club funds to pay for UMSU membership for their
executive members. Any clubs found doing this shall be subject to disciplinary
i. At least 2 members of the club executive must be UMSU members at any
time to maintain eligibility for funding.
Moved: Goldie Pergl
Seconded: Tim Liersch
8. Final Affiliations:
Urban Yoga - R.O. & President.
China Business Council
Both Urban Yoga and China Business Council DEFERRED due to
clubs having less than 30 members, which is the required minimum.
9. Music Therapy wind up
Transfer funds to Music Students Society?
DEFERRED, until we speak with both the MSS and MTSS.
10. Petition to Discipline
If the below mentioned clubs have not sent the UMSU email to their
membership by the time that the C&S Committee next meets (Monday
30th April) we move to discipline them according C&S Regulation
section 6.1.n, to the effect that they will be have their available funding
reduced by $200:
-Medical Students Society
-Music Therapy Students Society
Moved: Dave-o Mulholland Seconded: Tristan Clack
For: 3
Abstained: 1
11. New Clubs
Archon Leadership
Immanuel Gunaseelan was present to represent the interests of Archon
The difference to SALP: SALP is hands on whereas Archon is discussionbased, looking at character issues.
The year-to-year viability and scope of the club was questioned. Core
organisers are remain the same and each year a discrete group would
participate. They are charged $20 per person to do the 12 week program.
Potential for involvement in running the club is limited and there is no
formal democratic structure in place despite the current operation of the
Outside support was discussed, is there a link to any company: there is
not. Deakin had an Archon club last year.
Archon is looking for access to rooms, funding for guest speakers &
printing subsidies from affiliation.
Immanuel is involved with the club/course, but he’s not in charge, so
doesn’t really know what’s ahead. A non –student is largely responsible
for the group. He has some leadership experience and qualifications.
Archon is active at Kansas State University.
In camera:
Archon is a course, not a club.
Motion: To reject the initial application of Archon Leadership
Moved: Michelle Kovacevic
Seconded: Tim Liersch
Motion: To return the $100 to Archon Leadership from Orientation (03 60
605 3163).
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Kelly Hughes
Engineering Students Club
Motion: To accept the initial application for affiliation of the Melbourne
University Engineering Students’ Club.
Moved: Goldie Pergl
Seconded: Tristan Clack
Nintendo Enthusiasts Society
Application from Tim Liersch:
Other consoles should be included. Tim indicated there was much
conflict over the superiority of various game consoles. There is a problem
with Resources. The Union probably won’t want to buy a new Nintendo
Wii just for a particular club’s use and Test and Tagging will be required –
all consoles brought from home that need to be plugged in will need to be
“tested and tagged” to be used in Union House – a process which costs
around $50 per item.
The club is invited to reapply as a general games console/video games
Motion: to reject the Nintendo Enthusiasts Society application
Moved: Goldie Pergl
Seconded: Tristan Clack
Abstained: Tim Liersch
12. Grant Applications
Standard Grant Applications
Motion: that all standard grant applications are approved en bloc
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Goldie Pergl
Grants for Discussion
No certificate of currency.
Motion: to reject Fotoholics Venue Hire grant application.
Moved: Tristan Clack
Seconded: Bridie Allanadale
Purchasing a publication over $15 (DVD)
Motion: to approve the Purchase Publication (Black Coffee DVD) that will be
treated as a club asset.
Moved: Goldie Pergl
13. Other Business
14. Next Meeting
Monday May 14th, at 3.15pm
15. Close
Meeting closed at 4.45pm
Seconded: Tim Liersch