Wrenthorpe Primary School

Wrenthorpe Primary School Complaints Procedure
We very much hope that you do not have cause for complaint. However, there may be times when
things happen in school which raise an issue. We are committed to solving all problems and
believe in working with parents and carers to resolve any problems.
Here is the procedure if you have a complaint:
1) Please come into school and speak to someone who knows about the problem and can
help you. This is your child’s class teacher in the first instance. They are usually
available after school to meet with you, but please first make an appointment by calling the
school office.
2) If you feel you are not happy with the outcome you may speak with either Mrs Sanders
(Assistant Headteacher) or Mrs Coyle (Headteacher). Please call the school office to
arrange an appointment. They will investigate your complaint and get back to you as soon
as they can.
3) If you feel the problem has not been resolved having been through the above stages you
must then put your complaint in writing to the Headteacher.
4) We hope that by this stage we will have worked together to reach a satisfactory outcome.
However, if you are not satisfied by the way your complaint has been dealt with then you
should write to the
Chair of Governors
Wrenthorpe Primary School
Imperial Avenue
Please hand your written complaint to the school office.
We follow the Model Complaints Procedure for Schools provided by Wakefield LA.
Very occasionally, parents or carers pursuing complaints or other issues, treat staff
and others in a way which is unacceptable. Whilst we recognise that some concerns
may relate to serious and distressing incidents, we will not accept threatening or
harassing behaviour towards any members of the school community and expect
courteous and polite behaviour at all times.
If you are abusive, aggressive or threatening during any part of the complaints
procedure then we reserve the right not to engage with you. You will then be referred
to the Governing Body who will review whether your complaint falls under the
‘Unreasonable or Persistent Complainant’ section of our complaints policy.