Structure Data of Free Polyatomic Molecules 796 C7H7NO ED, ab initio calculations rg C(1)–C(7) C–C (ring) b) C=O C–N C–H b) N–H b) Benzamide C1 O Å a) 1.511(5) 1.401(2) 1.225(3) 1.380(11) 1.112(7) 1.022 e) θα C–C=O C–C–N N–C=O C(2)–C(1)–C(7) C–C–C (ring) C–C–H (ring) C(7)–N–H(10) C(7)–N–H(11) τ 1 g) τ 2 h) deg a) 121.2(17) 117.8(16) 121.0 c) 118.2(17) 120.0 d) 120.0 d) 114.7 f) 118.9 f) 19(5) 171.1 f) NH2 The skeleton of the amide group was assumed to be planar. The nozzle temperature was 445 K. a ) Three times the estimated standard errors. ) Average value. c ) Dependent parameter. d ) Assumed. e ) Assumed at the value for acetamide. f ) Assumed at the value from MP2/6-31G* calculations. g ) C(2)–C(1)–C(7)=O torsional angle from the syn position. h ) C(1)–C(7)–N–H(10) torsional angle from the syn position. b Takeuchi, H., Sato, M., Tsuji, T., Takashima, H., Egawa, T., Konaka, S.: J. Mol. Struct. 485-486 (1999) 175. Landolt-Börnstein New Series II/28D
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