Read more information about the DL Classroom

What’s in the Distance Learning
The Distance Learning Classroom is provided to help
students see a standard course structure. Consistent
navigation enables students to work more efficiently,
because each course has a familiar layout and
essential information is easy to find.
In the graphic at the left, you can see the default DL
Classroom menu for all CNM>Learn course shells.
Instructors may request, from any DL Specialist, the
addition of the DL Classroom content, which provides
the “fill in the blank” content for Welcome, Start
Here, Instructor Information, and Learning Modules.
When instructors use the Distance Learning
Classroom, most of the Quality Matters Standards are
met with the included content, or with fill-in-theblank prompts for material such as Course Objectives
and Instructor Information.
The Learning Modules are constructed with areas for Unit
overviews, and Unit-level objectives—again, meeting QM
standards. Though everything is customizable—some
Instructors prefer Email to Messages, some won’t use
BbIM, some will add Wikis, leave out Blogs, etc.—we
strongly recommend leaving the basic structure to aid
students’ navigation in their various courses.
Beyond the overview and objective areas, Instructors are
free to add their teaching materials and links, course
interactions, and assessments.
The Entry Point for the DL Classroom is Welcome! Also
accessible from the first menu link, this is a Content Area,
containing a customizable Welcome item. It also directs students to the Start Here link.
Start Here
By having a standardized Start Here link, students should never wonder, “Now what?” as they begin
their new course! This Learning Module’s Welcome includes the Course Description and Course-Level
Outcomes. It also instructs students in how to proceed through a Learning Module, for newcomers or
those who have forgotten how to do so.
Next is Read the Syllabus, where the instructor will link the current syllabus. Tip: Use “Browse My
Computer” to upload your syllabus once. Then, choose “Browse Content Collection” when you wish to
link to the syllabus from another area. Having multiple access points for important content is a best
Software Requirements includes links to commonly-used free programs and updates, and the Embanet
Browser check. If you are certain your students will NOT need one of these, we recommend leaving it in
and identifying it as (Optional.) If students need other, specific software products, such as access to
publisher content, that information should be included here.
Blackboard Tutorial Videos takes students to the On Demand tutorials directed at students. Instructors
can benefit from these, and from the On Demand Instructor tutorials, all available at
Next Steps again directs students explicitly to the Learning Modules, to begin their course work.
To link the syllabus here, use Build Content, choose Item or File, and add the Syllabus. Remember, if the
syllabus was already uploaded in Start Here, use Browse Content Collection to avoid having multiple
copies of the same syllabus in the course.
Instructor Information
There are many red content placeholders here to be replaced with course-specific information. When
courses have co-instructors or TAs, use the option to Copy the Instructor Introduction item FIRST,
creating an area for each instructor.
What You Can Expect From Your Instructor and Instructor Expectations, should be completed. These
address many items covered by the Quality Matters Standards for exemplary online courses.
Course Content is a sub-header, under which are grouped content and materials for the course.
Learning Modules
The default here is set up in modules named Week 1, Week 2, etc. If your course structure is
better served by “Unit 1” or “Basic Concepts” or another naming system, use the Edit option on
each module to change its name. If you prefer Folders to Learning Modules, you may replace
them but DO include an overview and unit learning objectives, as required by the QM
Add module content, including didactic information (text, audio, video, readings, links…),
interactive work (use Course Links to Discussions, Blogs, Journals, Wikis…) and Assessments
(Assignments or Tests) to assist students in meeting the learning objectives and assessing their
Discussions, Journal, Blogs
These course tools allow for student/student, student/instructor and student/content
interactions. Each has a slightly different emphasis, and will suit some situations better than
others. Set up as appropriate—either linked to Learning Modules, or as stand alone items.
Wikis, if used, should be added here as well. Remove any of these links that will not be used.
Course Communication is a sub-header, grouping various tools for interaction.
Announcements will appear in the students’ Notifications area when they enter CNM>Learn.
They may be linked to the Welcome (course entry) page as well by creating a Course Link in that
Messages are used for in-course communication. Instructors and students send each other
messages using this tool, and these messages stay entirely within the CNM>Learn course.
Currently, no notification of new messages is available unless the Messages area is opened
within the course. Only one attachment may be linked to a message, and none to a message
reply, so this is not a good tool for submitting course work. Use Assignments instead.
Some instructors prefer to use CNM Email instead of Messages. This is accomplished by building
a new Course Tool link for the Email tool. Using Email this way requires students to use their
CNM Email account, which complies with FERPA regulations. Tip: If replacing Messages with
Email, delete the Messages menu link.
Online Office Hours
This is a Tool Link directly to Bb Collaborate, the online conferencing tool. It may be used for
synchronous class meetings, review sessions, or for office hours. Sessions may be recorded for
later viewing. For more information, see Blackboard Learn Faculty Resources.
CNM>Learn had Instant Messaging is available in all classes. Called BbIM, this link will take
students to the account setup screen, or to the account management screen. Instructors can
Email invitations to any students not already in the BbIM system. Students with BbIM accounts
will show up in the instructor’s BbIM class area automatically.
My Grades
This tool shows students their grades as recorded in the Bb Grade Center. Instructors will not
see grades here—they use Grade Center in the Control Panel instead.
Help! is a sub-header for several general tools helpful to all students.
Brainfuse Online Tutoring
This provides a direct link to the Brainfuse online tutoring service. Each student is entitled to
two hours of free services.
Embanet – 24/7 Bb Help
CNM contracts with Embanet to provide 24/7 support for our Bb users, both students and
Bb Tutorial Videos
Linking to, this leads outstanding short video
tutorials on using many features of CNM>Learn.
CNM Student Support
A resource providing up-to-date links to several CNM Student Support and Academic Success
links. In this Item, instructors may add links of particular importance to students in their
CNM Student Resources
This links directly to CNM’s Student Resource page.