The South Carolina Academy of Science
P R E S I D E N T – L a ur i e F l a dd
T r i d e n t Te c h n i c a l C o l l e ge
D e p a r t me n t o f Ph y s i c a l Sc i e n c e s
P.O. Box 118067
C h a r l e s t o n, SC 2 9 4 2 3 - 8 0 6 7
8 4 3 - 5 7 4 - 6 0 8 1 / La u r i e . F l a dd @ t r i d e ntt e c h . e d u
January 20, 2015
Sponsored by the South Carolina Academy of Science
I M M . PA S T P R E SI D E N T – P e a rl Fe r na n de s
U SC C o l u mb i a H o n o r s C o ll e ge
H a r p e r C o ll e ge 1 2 6
C o l u mb i a , SC 2 9 20 8
8 0 3 - 7 7 7 - 8 1 0 2 / p e f e r n a n@ ma i l b o x . s c. e d u
P A S T P R E S I D E N T – R obi n B r i g mo n
Sa va n n a h R i ve r N a t i o n a l La b
B u i l d i n g 9 9 9 W / Ai ke n , SC 2 9 8 0 8
8 0 3 - 8 1 9 - 8 4 0 5 / r 0 3 . br i gmo n @ s r n l . d o e . go v
P R E S I D E N T E L E C T – J oh n K a u p
Furman University
Coordinator of Science Ed, Office of Integrated Research
3300 Poinsett Highway
Greenville, SC, 29613
Phone: 864-294-3773 / [email protected]
V I C E P R E S I D E N T – Heather Evans-Anderson
Winthrop University
Department of Biology
212 Dalton Hall
Rock Hill, SC 29733
803-323-2111 ext. 6679 / [email protected]
S E C R E T A R Y – S t e fa ni e B a ke r
W o f f o r d C ol l e ge
D e p a r t me n t o f Bi o l o gy
4 2 9 No r t h C hu r c h S t r e et / S p a r t a nbu r g , S C 2 9 3 0 3
8 6 4 - 5 9 7 - 4 6 7 1 / b a ke r s h @ w o f f o r d. e du
T R E A S U R E R – E dna S t e e l e
C o n ve r s e C o l l e ge
D e p a r t me n t o f Bi o l o gy
580 East Main Street / Spartanburg, SC 29302
864-596-9120 / [email protected]
E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R, S C J A S – J oh n K a u p
Furman University
Coordinator of Science Ed, Office of Integrated Research
3300 Poinsett Highway
Greenville, SC, 29613
Phone: 864-294-3773 / [email protected]
A A A S & N A A S R E P. - D on J or da n
U SC C o l u mb i a / D i r e c t o r - M E SA S
C A S / Sc i e n c e E d u c a ti o n C en t e r
Su mw a l t R m. 3 2 3 / C o l u mb i a , SC 2 92 0 8
8 0 3 - 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 7 / d j o r d a n @ sc . e du
B U L L E T I N / J O U R. E D. - D a vi d F e r r i s
U SC U p s t a t e
D i v. o f N at u r a l Sc i . & E n gi n e e r i n g
8 0 0 U n i ve r s i t y W a y / Sp a r t a n b u r g SC 2 9 2 0 2
8 6 4 - 5 8 7 - 2 4 7 5 / d kf e r r i s @ u s c u p s t a te . e d u
V i v i a n C o u n t s , B en e d i c t C o l l e g e, 2 0 1 5
S a n d r a G r a y , C l e ms o n U n i v er s i t y , 2 0 1 5
M i c he l e H a r m o n, U S C - A i k en , 2 0 1 5
T o m A b r a h a ms e n, M i d l a n d s T ec h n i c a l C o l l e g e, 2 0 1 6
R a d m a n A l i , M o r r i s C o l l eg e, 2 0 1 6
M i ke F a r m e r , U S C U p s t a t e, 2 0 1 6
C h a r l e s K e i t h, U S C - B ea u f o r t , 2 0 1 6
W a l t e n a S i m p s o n, S C S t a t e U n i v er s i t y , 2 0 1 6
Mei-Quin Chen, The Citadel, 2017
Neval Erturk, Converse College, 2017
Caryn Outten, USC-Columbia, 2017
Melissa Pilgrim, USC – Upstate, 2017
Bill Wabbersen, Savannah River Site, 2017
B i l l P i r k l e , U S C - A i k e n , e m er i t u s
J i m P r i v e t t , U S C - S u mt er , em er i t u s
D a v i d S t r o u p , F r a n c i s M a r i o n , e m er i t u s
D a v d S l i m m e r , H i g h S c h o o l R es ea r c h A w a r d s
B i l l P i r k l e , U n d er g r a d R es ea r c h C o m m i t t e e a n d
G o v er n o r ’ s A w a r d s C o m m i t t e e
R a d m a n A l i , U n d er g r a d R es ea r c h C o m m i t t e e
T o m R o o p , T ea c h er o f t h e Y ea r C o m m i t t e e
Dave McNamar a, S pons or s hip C ommit t ee
D a v e S t r o up , S p o n s o r s h i p C o m m i t t e e
W a l t e n a S i m p s o n, P u b l i c i t y C o m m i t t e e
Vivian Counts, Publicity Committee
P e a r l F e r n a n d e x , N ec r o l o g y C o m m i t t e e
D a v e G a mg e m i , S C J A S C o m m i t t e e
L i n d a S i nc l a i r , S C J A S C o m m i t t e e a n d T ea c h er o f t h e
Y ea r C o m m i t t e e
T om Falvey, S CJAS C ommit t ee
Roger S chmi dt, SC J AS C ommit t ee
E dna S teele, SC JAS C ommit t ee
T o m R o o p , T ea c h er o f t h e Y ea r C o m m i t t e e
M i c he l e H a r m o n, E l ec t r o n i c J o u r n a l
Get Additional Copies of the 2015 MESAS Contest at
To: All of South Carolina:
Teachers; District Leaders; Parents and Students.
All Regions: Western Region I; Midlands Region II; Upstate Region III, Sandhills Region. IV;
Low Country Region. V; Aiken Savannah River Region and, Sea Island Region VII
Please find enclosed information about the mail-in contest for the Middle/Elementary School
Academy of Science (MESAS) sponsored by The South Carolina Academy of Science (SCAS)
and produced by faculty and staff at the University of South Carolina & members of SCAS.
I have attached two MESAS Contests for your students (one for grades 4-6 “E Contest” and one
for grades 6-8 “M Contest”). Please make as many copies as you need and distribute to your
students. I hope your students have fun and learn something by competing in the contest. Each
student who participates will be recognized and each school that participates will have at least
one winner. Winners will be announced in the SCJAS and SCAS newsletters and the SCAS
Bulletin. The deadline for entry is Monday, March 9, 2015. The authors of the 2015 contest
include Dr. Don Jordan, Amber Atkinson, and Frank Jordan, USC and many members of SCAS,
with support from the Center for Science Education.
We encourage students to use reference resources of all types, including the internet.
However, we strongly discourage parent’s assistance in finding the answers. This is a
competitive contest meant to teach the children new methods of learning and exploring. We
love the parent’s involvement, but require the students find the answers on their own for
this contest. Questions are prepared with respect to the standards for SC.
The South Carolina Academy of Science Annual Meeting is Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Furman
University in Greenville South Carolina. We hope to announce the winners of the SC Academy
of Science MESAS Mail-in Contest by that date.
There will be lots of winners, not just one or two. We recognized at least one winner at each school
and sometimes at each grade level. Certificates and prizes will be mailed out to each student’s principal
so that the awards can be presented at the school’s Awards Assembly. We have four levels of
winners: School, Region, State, and Grand Winners.
Results will be returned to Teachers/Parents/Principals. (See contest rules next page for more
We also encourage MESAS students to participate in their regional science fair in March of
2015. Check with your regional science fair director whose address can be found on the web at
www.scacadscience.org for specific dates.
If you have questions please call me at 803-777-7007
Don Jordan, USC
State Executive Director & Founder, MESAS
South Carolina Academy of Science
Mail-In Contest (M Contest)
South Carolina Middle/Elementary School Academy of Science
Contest Rules:
Entrance fee is $5.00. Checks should be made out to MESAS – CONTEST and mailed with your
contest to Dr. Don Jordan, Executive Director SCAS/MESAS, Science Education Center, College
of Arts & Sciences, Sumwalt Room 321, Columbia SC, 29208; Phone (803) 777-7007.
Email: [email protected]
Entrants must complete all questions on entry form and sign and mail to:
SCAS MESAS CONTEST c/o Dr. Don Jordan, Science Education Center, College of Arts &
Sciences, Sumwalt Room 321, Columbia SC, 29208. If the entrant AND sponsor do not sign
this form, they cannot receive any possible award.
Deadline: Entry must be postmarked by Monday, March 9, 2015.
There will be lots of winners, not just one or two. Each school will have at least one winner.
A student member of SCAS/MESAS can enter only one contest- either the MESAS E-Contest for
grades 4-6 or the MESAS M-Contest for grades 6-8. (Students in the sixth grade have the option
of choosing either the E 4 - 6 or M 6 - 8 contest.)
Everyone participating will be recognized. Teachers/Parents will collect the entries and mail as a
package to the above address. Results will be returned to Teachers/Parents/Principals.
Prizes will vary in value. All winners at each level will be recognized or awarded prizes.
We recognized at least one winner at each school and sometimes at each grade level . We had 387 winners
out of 673 participants (approx 57.5% of the total number of participants were winners).
Certificates and prizes were mailed out to each student’s principal so that the awards could be presented
at each school’s Awards Assembly. We congratulate each and every contestant for his or her excellent
effort! Grand and State Winners and sometimes Regional Winners receive cash awards.
Winners will be announced on the SCAS web-site, Arts & Sciences, Center for Science
Education web-site and Bulletin. In addition, results have been published in the SCJAS
Newsletter in May/June. Schools will be asked to announce winners at one of their assemblies
for students. Winners will receive honors certificates from the S.C. Academy of Science.
Each student is held to the code of ethics for entry into this contest. The use of resource
materials is encouraged. Each student must work on his/her own except for the group or team
activities (if any). Group activities can include parents, friends, or classmates.
Student Signature
Sponsor (Teacher/Parent) Signature
M Contest Rules
OFFICIAL M Contest Grades 4 - 6
Entry Form for SCAS MESAS Mail- In Contest
*(Whoever is mailing this form in should be considered the sponsor)*
(REQ’D) *
* If the parent is the sponsor then the parent signs
INSTRUCTIONS: (Failure to follow these instructions properly can lead to disqualification of the entrant’s
contest. However, they will still receive a certificate of recognition for entering.)
1. Print CLEARLY in the boxes above. Have your teacher, parent or legal guardian fill in the sponsor’s
information. Finally, ask your teacher/sponsor to fill in the school/teacher information.
2. You can find a copy (or extras, if needed) of the South Carolina Academy of Science MESAS Mail-In Contest at
www.artsandsciences.sc.edu/cse/MESAS as well as dates and other important information.
3. Place all answers to MESAS test questions on the pages of the contest.
4. This contest is for students ONLY. We encourage their use of any and all resources available, including the
internet. Adults supplying the answers take away from the spirit and goals of this contest: to allow children to find
new ways of learning, and encouraging the use of various methods of research, especially the scientific method.
5. Attach and return all entry & rule forms with your completed contest and entry fee of $5.00 (see below) by
Monday, March 9, 2015.
6. Mail to: Dr. Don M. Jordan, USC / Center for Science Education / Sumwalt Room 321 / Columbia, SC
M Contest 2015 Entry Form
Student Name: __________________________________
Sponsor: _______________________________________
Sponsor Email: __________________________________
School: ________________________________________
The M Contest MESAS GRADES 6 – 8
Score: Total of _________________, out of 265 Points.
(Each question is worth 5 points. Circle the correct answer or write the correct answer in the space provided in blue ink.)
1. Which Hurricane made landfall at approximately 12:00 am on the 21st of September 1989?
A. Andrew
B. Katrina
C. Hugo
D. George
2. Which South Carolina lake is NOT man-made
A. Murray
B. Moultrie
C. Marion
D. Wateree
E. None of These
3. How many South Carolina counties share a border with the Atlantic Ocean?
A. Eleven
B. Six
C. Nine
D. One
4. In what year was the Congaree floodplain protected and designated as a National Monument?
A. 1968
B. 1969
D. 1976
5. What element is responsible for the tea-colored water found in the Edisto and on the Black River
Swamp Preserve?
A. Carbon
B. Iron
C. Oxygen
D. Lead
6. South Carolina has three river systems, the Pee Dee, Santee, and Savannah. What geological feature
prevents navigation north of its location?
A. Lakes
B. Fall-Line
C. Mountains
D. Sandhills
7. What organic compound is responsible for the distinctive smell of the marshes found along South
Carolina’s coast?
Worth 10 Points: Shade in and name the land region
of South Carolina that includes the strip of ancient
beach dunes and is evidence of a former coast line
Region Name: ______________________
Grades 6-8
Total Points = _____________________ out of 45 Possible Points
Page 1
(Each question/blank is worth 5 points. Please circle the correct answer or write the correct answer in the space provided in blue ink)
1. Championing a system already in place, which well-known scientist used binomial nomenclature to classify
nearly 10,000 plant species?
A. Darwin
B. Linnaeus
C. Watson
D. Leopold
2. _________________ is the sum of all chemical exchanges or transformations within a living organism.
A. Consumption
B. Diet
C. Digestion
D. Metabolism
3. ______________ and ______________ are the conducting parts of vascular plants.
A. Xylem, Phloem
B. Calyx, Frond
C. Carpel, Stamen
D. Fruit, Flower
4. Which of the following is an aggregate fruit?
A. Mulberry
B. Strawberry
C. Fig
D. Apple
5. Which of the following is the balanced equation for photosynthesis?
B. 6O2 + C6H12O6 ---->6H20 + 6CO2
C. 3CO2+ 9ATP+ 6NADPH ---> PGAL +9ADP +6NADP
D. 6H2O + 6CO2 ---> C6H12O6+ 6O2
6. The light reactions of photosynthesis occur in what part of the plant?
A. Ribosomes
B. Mitochondrion
C. Nucleus
D. Thylakoid Membranes
(Each question/blank is worth 5 points. Please write the correct answer in the space provided in blue ink)
Grades 6 – 8
Total Points = __________________ out of Possible 65 Points
Page 2
(Each question/blank is worth 5 points. Please circle the correct answer or write the correct answer in the space provided in blue ink)
1. ____________ is the phase-sensitive learning that is acquired at an early age in animals.
A. Classical Conditioning
B. Trial and Error Learning
C. Imprinting
D. Instinct
2. Chemicals that are used to communicate between two or more members of the SAME species are called
A. Camouflage
B. Pheromones
C. Impulses
D. Electrochemical Gradients
3. When/Where is altruism MOST likely to occur?
A. High Risk of Predation
B. Low risk of predation
C. High resources
D. Within Families
4. The Sign Stimulus -> Innate Releasing Mechanism -> Fixed Action Pattern Model is also known as the
A. Darwin Model
B. Whittaker Model
C. Christakis Model D. Tinbergen Model
5. Chickens use the ___________________ type of Dominance Hierarchy.
A. Coalitions
B. Triangular
C. Pecking Order
D. Despotic
6. The Viceroy Butterfly and Monarch Butterfly are phenotypically similar but the Monarch is not palatable to
predators where the Viceroy Butterfly is tasty. This is an example of _______________?
A. Camouflage
B. Mullerian mimicry C. Batesian mimicry
D. Dilution
7. Rock found near the mid ocean ridges are ____________ than the surrounding rock.
A. Younger
B. Older
Grades 6 – 8
C. Equal in Age
D. Unknown
Total Points = __________________ out of Possible 55 Points
Page 3
Put The Spin On Your Triangle
Preliminary Work:
1. Draw any triangle: Find the midpoints of each side. Now connect the midpoints to one of the vertices. What you
have is three medians. Do you notice anything? Pick one of the following:
(a) The three medians intersect in one point.
(b) The Three medians are all the same length
(c) The Three medians do not intersect in a single point
(d) Each of the Three medians also represent an
altitude for the triangle. Circle the correct answer in blue ink. ______________ (10 points)
Materials Needed: metric ruler; protractor & sheet of
rigid paper at least 200 mm on a side.
70 
200 mm
Now draw a triangle ABC with one side
200 mm in length and one side
150 mm in length and make the
included angle 70 degrees on a rigid sheet of paper, like cardboard. Find the length of the third side
. Find &
Label the three medians. Where the three medians insect is called the Centroid. Cut the triangle out and punch a
small hole in the centroid. Be sure to Label your centroid on the triangle. Place a pencil or pen in the centroid and
spin your triangle. Be sure to Time to see how long your triangle will spin on one twirl. Twirl at least three times.
Take a picture or make a copy (show the metric ruler in the picture) of your Triangle with your full name and school
near Angle B and attach to page 4.
2. My triangle has a maximum spin time of ________________ Seconds. (10 points)
3. The length of the third side of Triangle ABC is ______________ (in mm)
(a)  204 mm
(b) 50 mm
(c) 10 mm
(d) 150 mm
4. Using a protractor find the measure of  B. The measure of  B is close to _______ (10 Points)
(a) 100 
(b) 45 
(c) 10 
(d) 150 
5. Find the measure of  C. The measure of  C is close to __________ (10 points)
(a) 100 
(b) 105 
(c) 10 
(d) 65 
6. What is the sum of the measures of the angles of Triangle ABC?
m( A) + m( B) + m( C) = ___ My answer is close to ______________ (10 points)
(a) 100 
(b) 45 
(c) 10 
(d) 180 
7. What is the perimeter of Triangle ABC __________________ (in mm) (10 points)
(a) 350 mm
(b) 400 mm
(c) 550 mm
(d) 5 000 mm
8. What is the Area of Triangle ABC? The area is close to ____________ cm2 (10 Points)
(a) 1.4 cm2
(c) 140 cm2
(d) 14 cm2
(d) 14 000 cm2
9. Overall Construction of Triangle as seen from Picture attached to page 4. _______ (20 Points)
No Answer is required for # 9. Points will be assigned by the grader: (Does the picture show the three midpoints
of the sides of the triangle? Is the centroid labeled?)
M Contest 2015 Grades 6 – 8 Total Points = _________________ out of Possible 100 points
Page 4