
Visualization of 2-D Divergence on the Free
Surface and its Relation to Gas Transfer
Aldo Tamburrino1 , Claudio Aravena2 , and John S. Gulliver3
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
[email protected]
Civil Engineer
Public Work Ministry
Santiago, Chile
[email protected]
Joseph T. and Rose S. Ling Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]
Abstract An experimental study designed to determine free-surface characteristics of a turbulent flow, generated by jets that emerge from the bottom of the
pool, is described. Particle Tracking Velocimetry at the free-surface was used to
measure the velocity field, vorticity field and two-dimensional divergence (Hanratty’s β). While the high magnitudes of β did occur at similar locations to high
surface vorticity, the scale of these maximal and minimal are approximately 1/3
of the scales of surface vorticity. This indicates that the scales of vorticity and
β may not be correlated, or at least are correlated at a substantial multiplicative
reduction. The relationship between β and liquid film coefficient is discussed. For
flows where transfer is dominated by all frequencies of β, KL ∼ (Dβr ms )
is sufficient. However, there are flows where the large eddies are more important, and
a spectra of β needs to be computed, according to McCready et al’s [12] relation
KL ∼ DSβmax
. In this case, a methodology is needed for transferring wave
number spectra of β to frequency spectra in tanks without a significant flow, in
order to estimate KL . In our experiments, 1% of the turbulent kinetic energy was
chosen to simulate similar results in a flume.
C.S. Garbe, R.A. Handler, B. Jähne (eds.): Transport at the Air Sea Interface
pp. 73-86, 2007, © Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 2007
A. Tamburrino et al.
5.1 Introduction
The structure of the flow on the free surface plays an important role in
mass and heat transfer through the air-water interface. A first principal
approach was performed by Chan and Scriven [3] and Sikar and Hanratty [15]. Chan and Scriven reduced the important components of the
mass transport equation very near a free surface to:
=D 2
where C is concentration, w is velocity normal to the interface, D is diffusion coefficient, t is time and z is dimension normal to the interface.
They solved this equation for a continuous upwelling of an irrotational
flow near a free surface. Simultaneously, Sikar and Hanratty [15] solved
the above equation for fixed surfaces without the irrotational flow assumption by dividing turbulence into high frequency and low frequency
components and performing an order of magnitude analysis. Both of these
articles identified β(t) = ∂w/∂z as the important parameter to describe
the influence of turbulence on mass transfer near an interface. The challenge was then to measure β close to an interface. This was accomplished
by Lau [10] who used special optics on a Laser doppler velocimetry system to measure β(t) near a fixed interface, in this case the inside of a
clear pipe. Campbell and Hanratty [2] used Lau’s measurements to solve
Equation (5.1) for transfer from a solid surface, measured mass transfer
from a solid surface, and found that the liquid mass transfer coefficient
could be characterized with the equation:
KL = u? F (β(t))Sc −7/10
where u? is a shear velocity at the interface, Sc is a Schmidt number and
F is a function that uses the frequency spectra of β(t):
F (β(t)) = 0.237Sβm
where Sβm
= Sβm ν/u2? and Sβm is the maximum value of the frequency
spectrum of β with units of time−1 .
McCready, Vassiliadou, and Hanratty [12] assumed that the turbulence
that was measured by Lau near a fixed interface could also be applied to
a free interface as long as the free interface boundary conditions were
applied, and developed the following expressions for the liquid-side mass
transfer coefficient, KL from measurements of gas transfer in a wind-wave
KL = a1 Dβr ms large ωc
KL = a2 DSβmax small ωc
5 Visualization of 2-D Divergence
where βr ms is the root mean square value of β and ωc is a cut off frequency defining whether small or large frequencies dominate the mass
transfer process. Since their wind-wave flume had a large cut-off frequency, the coefficient, a1 = 0.5, could only be determined for Equation
(5.4). Equations (5.2) through (5.5) show us that a free surface boundary
condition, with no restriction to movement in the surface, has a KL ∼ D 1/2
relation, and a fixed surface boundary condition has a KL ∼ D 0.7 relationship.
Law and Khoo [11] measured β for stirred tanks and wind-wave flumes
through PIV measurements of a vertical Laser sheet close to the free surface, finding that a1 = 0.05 applied to both types of experiments. This
value, however, was an order of magnitude below that of McCready, et al.
[12]. Because of the predominant work of Hanratty and his students in
the development of the theory, Law and Khoo also labeled it Hanratty’s β.
Tamburrino and Gulliver [16] realized that, if the free surface was sufficiently normal to the camera, streaklines or PIV of the two-dimensional
divergence of the free-surface turbulence and an application of continuity
would result in a determination of β:
Equations (5.5) and (5.6) were applied to free-surface turbulence measurements by Tamburrino and Gulliver [17] to determine the liquid film coefficient in a flume without wind, with a2 = 0.21.
Equations (5.4) and (5.5) bear a remarkable resemblance to the Danckwerts’ [4] surface renewal theory.
KL = Dr
where r is a mean surface renewal rate. The difficulty in applying Equation
(5.7) has been its conceptual nature, i.e. there is no quantitative definition
of what constitutes a surface renewal eddy. Prior experimental studies
have struggled with this question, and used open spots that develop on
a free surface sprinkled with flour or another surface tracer . Equations
(5.4) and (5.5) are the first equations applied at a free surface that will
enable direct characterization of surface renewal, or
r ∼ βr ms
r ∼ Sβmax
large ωc
small ωc
Thus, identification of the vertical velocity gradient through Hanratty’s β
has the potential to experimentally characterize the mean surface renewal
at a free surface that is exposed to turbulent flow.
This article presents experimental results on free-surface turbulence
characteristics in a tank stirred by jets that emanate vertically from the
A. Tamburrino et al.
95 cm
162 Evacuation Tubes
φ=4.8 mm
162 Injection Tubes
φ=150 mm
φ=67 mm
P=1.5 Kw
Figure 5.1. Experimental set-up. A 95 cm square tank was supplied by 162 jets
and 162 evacuation tubes
bottom, and to compare them with the measurements from other experimental setups, such as grid-stirred tanks and open channels. Attempts to
relate liquid film coefficient to Equation (5.8) indicate some restrictions to
the use of this convenient relation.
5.2 Experiments and Analysis
The experimental installation consists of an acrylic tank, with a 95 cm
square base and height of 70 cm. The mixing was supplied by 18 × 18
jets of 2.9 mm inner diameter, orthogonally spaced 5 cm and 5 cm from
sidewalls of the pool. Half of the jets were used for injection of water,
and half for evacuation, with the injection and evacuation ports equally
spaced. The water circulated through a closed circuit, impelled by one 1.5
kW stainless steel pump, as outlined in Fig. 5.1.
The free surface velocity field was obtained from the trajectory of photographed tracer particles or particle tracking velocimetry (PTV). In order
to be able to distinguish the direction of tracer movement, a flash was
instigated at the beginning of each exposure, so that the particles exhibited a head followed by a tail in the direction of movement. The images
were expanded to 1 m × 1 m and digitized for analysis. If the surface is
essentially normal to the camera [17], the images will give the velocity vec-
5 Visualization of 2-D Divergence
Table 5.1. Experimental Conditions. H is water depth, V is the mean jet velocity,
ν is kinematic viscosity, βr ms is the root mean square value of Hanratty’s β, k is
the kinetic energy of turbulence
√ on the free surface and ReT is the free-surface
turbulent Reynolds number, kH/ν
(cm2 /s)
1.088 × 10−2
1.017 × 10−2
0.999 × 10−2
1.127 × 10−2
1.042 × 10−2
1.061 × 10−2
1.035 × 10−2
0.986 × 10−2
βr ms
(cm2 /s2 )
3.64 × 10−4
4.67 × 10−4
5.75 × 10−4
3.81 × 10−4
5.42 × 10−4
7.50 × 10−4
8.67 × 10−4
1.32 × 10−3
tors on the water surface. The velocity magnitude was determined from
the length of the tracer image divided by the exposure time. The velocity
vectors are distributed over the surface, as shown in Fig. 5.2. They were
interpolated to the nodes of a mesh using the Kriging method because it
takes into account the presence of clusters of data and regions with low
density of information in the interpolation process [1], with a separation
of 5 mm between nodes. The experimental conditions are summarized in
Table 5.1.
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Free Surface Vorticity
The velocity vector at each node was calculated and, from this, the vorticity ω:
where u and v are the x and y components of velocity on the free surface
and z is the axis normal to the free surface. The distribution of vorticity
can reflect the presence of flow structures on the free surface, as shown
in Fig. 5.3. Experiment A1, with a vertical/horizontal aspect ratio of 0.46,
indicates zones of greater vorticity near the corners of the tank. This occurs because the presence of the non-slip walls is still significant and a
mean movement across the free surface towards the walls creates vorticity in the corners. The formation of pairs of circulation cells in the corners
and center of the tank are observed, as shown in Fig. 5.2. Experiment C1,
however, with an aspect ratio of 0.23 has a more uniform distribution of
vorticity maxima and minima.
A. Tamburrino et al.
Figure 5.2. Particle tracer velocities at the surface with 46 cm of depth, experiment A1, indicate large structure in the turbulence
5 Visualization of 2-D Divergence
Figure 5.3. Vorticity on the free surface of the tank. Top: 46 cm depth indicates
the presence of large flow structures. Bottom: 23 cm depth indicates minimal
large flow structures.
A. Tamburrino et al.
Two-Dimensional Divergence
The velocity vectors at each node were also used to compute two-dimensional
divergence (Hanratty’s β):
The root mean square (RMS) value of β are given in Table 5.1, as are the
turbulent kinetic energy of the free surface turbulence per unit mass, computed as the square of surface velocity scale: k = 12 (u2 + v 2 ). The spatial
scales of β, shown in Fig. 5.4 for the same experiments as Fig. 5.3, are
substantially smaller than those of vorticity. While Experiment A1 does
exhibit higher maxima and minima in Fig. 5.4, the spatial scale of these
maxima and minima are approximately 1/3 of the scales given in Fig.
5.3. There has been speculation that the high values of β occur where
high values of vorticity exist [17]. Figures 5.2 and 5.4 indicate that the
scales of vorticity and β may not be correlated, or at least are correlated
at a substantial multiplicative reduction. The information contained in
Fig. 5.4 also confronts our perspective of what constitutes a surface renewal eddy. In the past, surface renewal eddies were believed to occur at
upwelling locations with a longer temporal scale. This was observed with
photos of regions where powder or particles were swept away [5, 6, 7], or
where velocities were measured close to the free-surface [8, 9, 14]. A similar region is known to occur in the center of Experiment A1, because of
the aspect ratio. Figure 5.4 indicates that this region does not exhibit the
magnitude of β maxima and minima that occur in the corners. It appears
to be the high velocity gradients of the surface vortices that occur at high
frequency, and not low frequency upwelling, that constitute the locations
of high positive values of Hanratty’s β or surface renewal. A comparison of
Experiment A1 in Figs. 5.2 and 5.4 indicates that the locations of high surface vorticity (i.e., the corners) are associated with a higher magnitude of
Hanratty’s β. This indication was also seen in all of the series A and series
B experiments. In series C, there is little discernable pattern to the water
surface locations of high magnitudes of either vorticity or Hanratty’s β.
Measurements of liquid film coefficient in the tank are given in Table 5.1, and plotted to test the validity of Equation (5.4) in Fig. 5.5. Law and
Khoo [11] also measured KL and βr ms in a tank stirred by a single jet, as
shown in Fig. 5.5. For their data, KL ∼ (Dβr ms )1/2 , as indicated by Equation
(5.4). Our measurements had a lower value of KL , with a lower βr ms , and
did not indicate the dependence given in Equation (5.4). Further, Tamburrino and Gulliver [17] measured KL and β in a laboratory flume, with lower
values of each than Law and Khoo, and found that Equation (5.4) also did
not fit their measurements. Finally, McKenna and McGillis [13] measured
KL and β in a tank with an oscillating grid. A slope of approximately 0.5
is seen below βr ms = 2 s−1 . Thus, it appears that Equation (5.4) applies to
5 Visualization of 2-D Divergence
Figure 5.4. Two dimensional divergence (Hanratty’s β) for experiments A1 and
A. Tamburrino et al.
Figure 5.5. Plots of KL /(Dβr ms )1/2 versus βr ms indicate that Equation (5.4) does
not apply below a βr ms of 1s−1 .
water surfaces with a moderate to high wind and strongly agitated tanks.
For mildly agitated tanks, such that the deviations of the free surface are
not greater than approximately 1 mm and with βr ms = 1 − 2 s−1 , Equation
(5.4) does not describe the gas transfer process. We will therefore turn to
Equation (5.5), which means that a spectra of Hanratty’s β is needed.
5.3.2 Spectra of Two-Dimensional Divergence
As previously indicated, Hanratty’s β is an important variable in the process of heat and mass transfer across the air-water interface. McCready,
et al. [12] found, in applying the turbulence measured close to a solid wall
to the free-surface boundary condition, that the β spectra has a -2 slope
at high frequencies. Tamburrino and Gulliver [17] modified the parameters used by McCready, et al. to develop a more universal β-spectra, and
corroborated its validity for open channels. In wave number space, the
Tamburrino and Gulliver spectrum of β, Sββ , is described by:
L · β2r ms
L(1 + b(κ − κ0 )2 )
where L is some integral turbulence length scale, a and b are constants
and κ0 is the wave number corresponding to a maximum in Sββ /β2r ms . The
5 Visualization of 2-D Divergence
Table 5.2. Best-fit parameters of the β spectrum in the jet-stirred tank.
(cm2 )
values of parameters a, b and κ0 for the different experiments appear in
Table 5.2. Samples of the β spectra of the measurements are given in
Fig. 5.6. The solid, continuous line in Fig. 5.6 corresponds to Equation
(5.12), with the parameters provided in Table 5.2. The spectra proposed
by McCready et al. is successfully fit to the data, with a slope of -2 at high
frequencies. The spectra of McCready, et al. was developed for a sheared,
free-surface boundary. Tamburrino and Gulliver found that, with some
modification, this spectra could also be applied to an open-channel flow,
with shear generated away from the free-surface. Now, the spectra has
also been applied successfully to a jet-stirred tank.
Equation (5.5) uses only the peak value of the spectrum, meaning that
low frequency renewal events are more important than the high frequency
events in determining KL . The peak of the wave number spectra, a in
Table 5.2, must also be transformed into the peak value of a frequency
spectra. Tamburrino and Gulliver used the mean surface velocity in their
flume, with Taylor’s hypothesis of frozen turbulence, to transform their
Figure 5.6. Spectra of Hanratty’s β for experiments A1 and C1.
A. Tamburrino et al.
Figure 5.7. Comparison of Tamburrino and Gulliver’s [17] relationship with the
current measurements when U = 0.01k1/2 was used to convert wave number
spectra to frequency spectra.
wave number into a frequency. They found the following relation fit their
flume data:
KL = 0.24 DSβm
where Sβm is a transform of a from a wave number spectra. There is
no mean velocity in the tank, however, so we used the kinetic energy of
turbulence as a surrogate, and fit the data to Equation (5.13), as shown in
Fig. 5.7, with the following wave number to frequency transformation:
U = 0.01 k
where U is the velocity to be used in transforming from wave number
spectra to frequency spectra. Experiment A1 is noted because it had a
very low measured value of β and k, which may be in error.
5.4 Conclusions
Experimental results on free-surface turbulence characteristics in a tank
stirred by jets that emanate vertically from the bottom are presented.
The tank successfully minimized unwanted secondary cells, although evidence of them was still present at an aspect ratio of 0.5 and low jet velocities. The measurements revealed the following:
5 Visualization of 2-D Divergence
1. Two-dimensional divergence of the free-surface turbulence was computed for the eight experiments and β-spectra were developed. The
spectra proposed by McCready et al. [12] is successfully fit to the data,
with a log-slope of -2 at high frequencies for all experiments.
2. Views of Hanratty’s β on the free surface, computed from measurements, changes the perspective of what constitutes a surface renewal
eddy. In the past, surface renewal eddies were believed to occur at upwelling locations with a longer temporal scale. Although these regions
existed in the tank experiments, they did not exhibit the magnitude of
β maxima and minima that occur in the corners. This is an indication
that the high velocity gradients of the surface vortices that occur at
high frequency, and not low frequency upwelling, that constitute the
locations of high positive values of β or surface renewal.
3. While the high magnitudes of β did occur at similar locations to those
of high surface vorticity, the scale of these maxima and minima are
approximately 1/3 of the scales of surface vorticity. This indicates
that the scales of vorticity and β may not be correlated, or at least are
correlated at a substantial multiplicative reduction.
4. Our measurements, at a lower β and liquid film coefficient than Law
and Khoo’s, did not seem to follow the KL ∼ (Dβr ms )1/2 relationship. The implications are that the free surface turbulence was less
intense, the lower frequency renewal events are dominant, and a
KL ∼ (DSβm )1/2 may be preferable.
5. The wave number to frequency transformation using 0.01 k needs
to be investigated further.
Acknowledgement. Funding for this project was provided by the Foundation for
Scientific Research and Technology of Chile, through projects FONDECYT No.
1990025 and 1020822. The last author would also like to thank the Fulbright
Program of the U.S. State Department and the Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States and Chile for the Fulbright Scholar support.
A. Tamburrino et al.
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