Wavelet based Feature Extraction For Acoustic Emission Hensman J and Worden K The University of Sheffield Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mappin St, Sheffield S1 3JD [email protected] ABSTRACT A new feature extraction method for acoustic emission signals is presented. The method works in the timefrequency domain, as compared to the time domain from which features have previously been taken. The method employs a wavelet transform followed by a simple optimisation of a series of 2D Gaussian functions via simulated annealing. The solution to the optimisation is taken as a feature set to replace or embellish the usual data set rise time, energy, duration etc. The aim is to produce a feature set which heeds the modal nature of AE signals. The method is applied to a set of data from a box girder fatigue test, detailed by Manson et al (2001). The time domain feature extraction is compared with the timefrequency feature extraction, and the results are presented for comparison. Introduction Time domain based feature extraction of Acoustic Emission (AE) signals has been shown to be successful in separating different types of AE event (Manson et al 2003)l, by means of dimension reduction and clustering of feature data. More recently, Hamstad et al (2002) showed the applicability of wavelet transforms (WT) to AE signals in order to distinguish the modal structure. This paper aims to provide the basis of a feature extraction algorithm in the timefrequency (wavelet) domain. These features are dependant on the modal structure of the signal, which is not the case with time domain based features. The algorithm is based upon the summation of a series of 2D Gaussians, which form a surface to approximate the WT of the signal. Simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick et al 1983) is used to optimise this function approximation; many of the problems associated with this type of optimisation are eliminated by use of initial conditions close to the final solution. The heights, widths and positions of the Gaussians are then used as features. They can be dimension reduced and clustered in a similar fashion to time domain based features. This makes a comparison of the two methods elementary. In this paper, wavelet based features will be used to divide a class of signals where the time based signals could make no distinction. The pitfalls of this new feature extraction method are discussed, as well as suggestions for their avoidance. Further optimisation of the algorithm and use of different function approximation techniques (in lieu of simulated annealing) are currently under investigation. Traditional Signal Subspaces The usual method of producing a subspace from an AE signal is to examine aspects of the signal's time trace, as shown in figure 1. The parameters – amplitude, energy, rise time, ringdown count, duration – form a subspace of the signal. This subspace can then be used to distinguish between different signals, and to group signals together by their proximity in this subspace. Figure 1: Traditional AE parameters taken from a signal Signal subspaces generated in this manner have several weaknesses. First, since the parameters rely on a user defined threshold, they cannot be considered universally comparable. The same signal being received by two different systems could yield a different subspace if different thresholds are used. Further, the information held by each parameter is not exclusive to that parameter. Consider the duration, amplitude and energy parameters. Increasing the duration whilst keeping the amplitude constant will necessarily increase the energy. The effect of this is that in order to extract as much information from the subspace as possible, the subspace becomes large, making it less useful in accordance with the curse of dimensionality. Perhaps the most fundamental weakness in this methodology is that parameters taken from the time trace or the spectrum are incapable of representing the underlying modal structure of the AE signal. Gorman et al demonstrated the modal nature of AE signals in 1991 (Gorman et al 1991), yet the parameters used by the field of AE today pay no heed to this important work. In order to inspect the signal in terms of both time and frequency, the short time Fourier transform (STFT) could be used. However, due to issues with invarying windows (Addison 2002), the wavelet transform is preferred. Wavelet Transforms A wavelet transform gives the timefrequency response of a signal. The result is a surface, with the axes being time (x), frequency (y), and coefficient (z). Hamstad showed the applicability of wavelet transform to AE signals, first for source location (Hamstad 2002a) and then for source classification (2002b). The strength of the wavelet transform is that it allows one to inspect which frequencies arrive at which time intervals, whereas inspection of the time trace or the spectrum allows only the inspection of frequency content or signal envelope. Figure 2 shows an Acoustic Emission time trace (top), and the corresponding wavelet transform (middle). The figure shows the magnitude of a complex Morlet wavelet transform all phase information is lost, but the result is a smooth surface suitable for our needs. For more information about wavelets, the reader is guided towards Addison (2002). The bottom section of Figure 2 shows an approximation to the wavelet transform by a series of 2D Gaussian bumps. This is the basis of our feature extraction method. The size, shape, and position of these bumps will be used as a new feature set. Figure 2: An AE signal (top), its wavelet transform (middle) and a Gaussian approximation (bottom) The Gaussian Approximation The technique developed for deriving subspaces of the signals requires an approximation of the wavelet transform by a series of Gaussians. One can describe a wide range of surfaces with the following equation: N s x , y=∑ An e x−x 0, n y−y 0, n σ x ,n σ y ,n Equation 1 n =1 Which is simply the summation of a series of two dimensional Gaussian functions, where: ● An = height of nth Gaussian ● x0,n = horizontal position of nth Gaussian ● y0,n = vertical position of nth Gaussian ● σx,n = horizontal width of nth Gaussian ● σy,n = vertical width of nth Gaussian Each Gaussian presents a 'bump' in the surface; with enough bumps, any surface could potentially be represented. The selection of a suitable number of bumps is a key part of the process described in this paper. With only a few bumps, the approximation of the wavelet transform is poor, and the subspace will not accurately represent the signal. Too many bumps, and the subspace will become very large, and the usefulness of the subspace will be diluted according to the curse of dimensionality. Figure 3 shows a wavelet transform of an AE signal (top) and its representation by an increasing number of Gaussians. Notice how the accuracy of the representation increases with the increasing number of bumps. Figure 3: A wavelet transform of an AE signal (top) and approximation by an increasing number of gaussians At some point a compromise must be made between accurate representation of the signal and a manageable number of bumps. Selection of a suitable number of bumps will form part of future work. The method will be evaluated in this paper using only three bumps to represent any signal. It is now required to find the best combination of positions and shapes of the bumps such that the wavelet transform surface is best described. For this an optimisation algorithm is required. Optimisation There are multiple methods that one could use to optimise the position and sizes of each Gaussian, the most elementary being by eye. The problem quickly becomes one of optimisation how can we position and size each Gaussian so as to best approximate the wavelet surface? Since the problem is likely to have multiple local minima, a simple gradient decent is unlikely to give a satisfactory solution. The authors' preference is for a fast simulated annealing (Szu 2006) approach, although there are many other techniques that would suffice. There follows a brief description of the method. A potential solution is chosen at random, and the error is calculated as the total difference between the surface represented by the solution and the target surface (the wavelet transform). Then, another solution is selected according to the CauchyLorentz distribution (Equation 1) centred on the current solution (i.e. nearby solutions are favoured). If the new solution has a smaller error than the previous one, then it is accepted and used as the starting point for another selection in this way, the algorithm appears to be a randomised decent. The 'temperature' factor in the Lorentzian distribution is reduced with every step of the algorithm. This means that to start with the algorithm can make large 'jumps', giving completely different solutions. Towards the end of the algorithm though, the width of the distribution becomes very narrow, and only very nearby solutions are likely to be accepted. If the error from the new solution is larger than the previous one (i.e. we have error ascent) it is still sometimes selected as the new solution. The probability of this is given by Equation 3, and hence ascent is allowed, randomly, and is more likely at the beginning of the algorithm than the end. p x = 1 x− x 0 2 1 pincrease= Equation 2 1 1e Equation 3 e where: p x x0 e = the probability distribution for the next solution = the current solution = 'temperature', decreasing at the rate 1 1log t where t is time = the change in error Simulated Annealing was used to fit approximations to a series of wavelet transforms taken from signals received during an AE test. The next section demonstrates how these approximations can be used to make distinctions between groups of signals that were not possible using the time based features. Subspace Comparison Pullin (2001) used data from a box girder test to show the applicability of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the traditional parameters of AE signals. PCA is a linear mapping technique to reduce high dimensional data to a lower number of dimensions for visualisation (Jackson 1991). Figure 4 shows the principal components of the traditional features taken from each signal. Figure 4: Principal components of the traditional parameters of signals taken from a box girder test The data has been divided into three groups by kmeans clustering. Group 1 was determined to have come from the crack region by means of spatial filtering (Pullin 2001). In order to further examine the properties of the properties of this group, the parameters were examined in isolation from groups three and two. Figure 5 shows the principle components of the parameters from signals in group 1 only; this bears little resemblance to the arrangement of the signals in Figure 4 because the features are now being examined in terms of their own variance only: the projection is not skewed by that of the other groups. Figure 5: Principal components of the signals in Group 1 Figure 5 shows no obvious separation of the signals into groups. The same group of signals (Group 1) was subjected to the method described in this publication. Wavelet transforms of all the signals in Group 1 were taken, and were then approximated using a sum of Gaussian as described above. The parameters of these Gaussian were taken, and their principal components are shown in figure 6. Figure 6: Principal components of data from wavelet based feature method of signals in group 1 Two clear groups are visible, labelled 1A and 1B. These groups were not separable using only the traditional parameters, as is evident from figure 5, where the group shows no distinct divisions. Visual inspection of the timevoltage traces did not reveal any features which could make a distinction between these two groups. Only when the wavelet transforms are examined does the distinction between the groups become clear; Figures 7 and 7 show the wavelet transform of the groups 1A and 1B respectively. The distribution of energy in these wavelet domains clearly shows that the groups are distinct apart from a few outliers the groups have a very distinct modal structure. That the separation of the groups by this method is agreeable when inspecting (Figures 7 and 8) by eye is evidence of the power of this method. Such clear separation of the signals is of obvious benefit in Acoustic Emission schemes where the aim is to distinguish between failure signals and other signals (for example in a fatigue environment, where the objective is to distinguish between crack signals and those from the load chain) Figure 7: Wavelet transforms of the signals in group 1A Figure 8: Wavelet transforms of signals in group 1B Summary A technique for taking parameters from wavelet transform of AE signals was presented. A wavelet transform of each signal is taken, and then approximated using a series of 2D Gaussians. The positions, heights and widths of these Gaussian bumps are then used as a feature set. The method is shown to be effective in separating signals which were not separable using only traditional parameters. Initial separation of the groups was performed by examining the traditional time domain based features, and then separation was refined using the described method. The initial rough separation was not possible using the described wavelet based features. This is likely because the method ignores some important aspect of the signal which is identified easily by the time domain features. For example, although the method describes accurately where the energy is distributed through the signal, it does not explicitly calculate the amount of energy, and although the duration of modes of the signals are described, the overall duration of the signal is not. Future work will examine the amalgamation of the time based and wavelet based features, as well as the effect of changing the number of Gaussian in the representation. The authors also hope to apply the method to larger sets of test data. References Gorman, M.R. “Plate wave acoustic emission”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 90 pp(358) 1991 Hamstad M.A., O’Gallagher, A., and Gary, J. “A wavelet transform applied to acoustic emission signals. Part 1: source identification”, Journal of Acoustic Emission 20 pp(3959), 2002 Hamstad M.A., O’Gallagher A., and Gary, J. “A Wavelet Transform Applied to Acoustic Emission Signals: Part II: Source Location” journal of Acoustic Emission 20 pp(6282) (2002) Jackson, J.E. and Wiley, A User's Guide to Principal Components, J. Wiley 1991 Manson G., Worden K., Holford, K. and Pullin, R. “Visualisation and Dimension Reduction of Acoustic Emission Data for Damage Detection” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 12(8) pp(529536) 2001 Pullin R, Ph.D. Thesis—Structural Integrity Monitoring of Steel Bridges using Acoustic Emission Techniques. Division of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Studies, University of Wales, Cardiff. 2001. Rippengill S., Worden K., Holford K.M., and Pullin, R. “Automatic Classification of Acoustic Emission Patterns” Strain 39(1) pp(3141) 2003 Szu, H. “Fast Simulated Annealing”, AIP Conference Proceedings 151(1) pp(420425) 2006
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