THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL DISPLACEMENT MEASUREMENT O F SANDWICH CIRCULAR PLATES WITH A SINGLE FULLY-POTTED INSERT USING ELECTRONIC SPECKLE PATTERN INTERFEROMETRY Song-Jeng Huang, Hung-Jen Yeh Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University 168 University Rd., Ming-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, 621, Taiwan, ROC ABSTRACT This syudy presents the construction and operation of an electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) applied to sandwich plates with single insert (Fig.1). Proposed ESPI is a full-field and non-destructive testing that can measures tiny out-of-plane and in-plane displacement in the elastic region. The experimental construction is to integrate out-ofplane and in-plane measurement into one optical system, to measure the three-dimens ional displacement of the sandwich plates. The experimental result indicates that the displacement of the sandwich plate will decrease as the core thickness is increasing. The result also indicates that the displacement will decrease as the diameter of insert is increasing, but the strength estimated to be increas ing. For validation purpose, the analytical and FEM analysis were introduced to compare with the result of ESPI measurements . Comparison between the results of ESPI, FEM and analytical revealed a convincing agreement. Introduction In the early 1970s , Butters and Leendertz [1]; Macovski et al. [2] in vented the technique of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI). Since then, it has been improved by many researchers. ESPI has been used to measure out of plane displacements of the test surface, in-plane displacement, displacement gradients and also monitoring of vibrations [3]. Sandwich structures as one of the well-known composite structures have widely been used in the aerospace, shi pbuild ing, construction and other industries. The introduction of loads into such structural elements is often accomplished by using fasteners or inserts, which can be of the ‘partially potted,’ ‘through-the-thickness’ or ‘fully potted’type [4]. The present study deals with the ‘fully potted’type as shown in Figure 1, which are often employed in aerospace sandwich plates for the transfer of severe external loads. Thomsen et al. [4,5] introduced a high-order sandwich plate theory to derive governing equations for both sandwiches with ‘through-the-thickness’inserts and that with ‘fully potted’inserts. Noirot et al. [6] studied the experimental and 3D finite element model analysis to describe the breaking points of five kinds of inserts while being pulled out. Burchardt [7] presented fatigue tests and numerical fatigue calculations in addition to the finite element method for a four-point bending test on a sandwich beam containing an insert. It was seen from the investigation that the stiffness of the insert material had almost no influence on the fatigue crack propagation. Found et al. [8 ] described an experimental investigation using Mayes servo-electric test machine into the energy absorption properties of a foam-core sandwich panel with integral fiber-reinforced plastic tubes and frusta. Conical inserts were found to offer the most repeatable performance according to their study. Mamalis et al. [9] presented experimental results on the compression of h ybrid sandwich composite panels reinforced with internal tube inserts by SMG hydraulic press. Since aforementioned experimental methods are contacting test which might destroy the specimens or affect the stiffness of the specimen, the non-destructive testing such as electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) will be good choice to perform the static test of sandwich containing insert. Thomsen [10] conducted experimental investigation using a holographic interferometry technique to obtain displacement field of the loaded face of sandwich plate. Thomsen et al. [11] meas ured very accurate out-out-plane surface displacement of loaded sandwich panels with ply drop-offs by using ESPI. Huang et al. [12] successfully used ESPI to measure the out-of-plane displacement of sandwich plates with single ‘fully potted’insert, which is only one-dimensional measurement. To the authors’knowledge, there exist surprisingly few reports on ESPI meas urement of sandwich panels with insert. The objective of this paper is to measure a full-field three-dimensional (3-D) out-of-plane and in-plane displacement of sandwich plates with single “fully potted” inserts loaded by tensile stresses through 3-D ESPI. For validation purpose, the experiment result is then compared with finite element method analysis and analytical solution. Experimental technique Construction of the 3-D ESPI system The schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 2. The light beam from a He-Ne laser (10mW output power, wavelength = 632.8 nm) is passed through a spatial filter with a 25µm pinhole and an objective (10×) to make a d iverging beam. The light path of in-plane measurement is typified by the real line in the figure 2 , and that of out-of-plane measurement is typified by the dashed line within the figure. The laser light beam falls on small beam splitter (cube one), which divides it into two coherent beams of equal intensity. For the out-of-plane measurement, the two beams illuminate the two rough surfaces (specimen and reference plane), which are coated with magnesium oxide for improved reflection. The light beam from the laser is divided by the cube beam splitter, then the other beam splitter (circular one with 7cm diameter) is employed to recombine the beams reflected from the reference arm and specimen. The two reflected beams come out of the circular beam splitter, and then interfere at the detector plane. In this out-of-plane configuration, the mirror 1 is used to reflect the laser beam and the black plate is put to stop the second light beam come from laser. For the in-plane measurement, the same euuipements are installed as the out-of-plane configuration, except that the mirror 2 is used to reflect the laser beam and the black plate is removed to let the second light beam coming from laser pass through mirror 4 then incident into specimen. In this configuration, the reference plate is not used and previous mirror 1 is tilted becoming mirror 2. The CCD camera (881 (H)×508 (V), NTSC-interlaced scanning type) with Optem Zoom 70 micro-lens was adjusted so that the image of the object substantially filled the whole area of the CCD. Eventually the interference pattern can be observed on the computer by image subtracting of software Matrox Inspector. To avoid the effects of external vibrations, which are extremely detrimental to ESPI, the entire sys tem is placed on an optical table (DAEIL DVIO-I2412E-200t (700h)) in our laboratory. Out-of-plane ESPI fringe formation The total intensity Ic at a given point P(x,y)in the im age plane must be proportional to the square of the sum of E1 and E2 i.e., I c (x , y) = I1 + I 2 + 2 (I1 I 2 ) cosϕ (1) where I1 (=E1E* 1) and I2 (=E2E*2) are the intensity distributions of the two speckled wavefronts, and, ϕ ( = ϕ1 − ϕ 2 ) is their phase difference. The specim en surface S is now deformed by some mechanical or thermal disturbance, while surface R is left ′ ′ undisturbed. (E2 can be considered as the ‘object’ wavefront, and E1, the ‘reference’ wavefront.). Let d ( x , y ) shown in Figure 3 be the displacement of any given point of surface S to the surface normal (known as out-of-plane motion). Assuming that a is the incident angle, and ß is the reflective angle, the phase difference caused by out-of-plane displacement becomes ∆ϕ (d ) = ∆L × 2π 2π = d (cosα + cos β ) λ λ (2) Using Eq.(2), the interference conditions mean nλ (cosα + cos β ) d= ( 2n + 1)λ 2(cosα + cos β ) dark fringes bright fringes n=0, 1, 2 … (3) , where d is the out-of-plane displacement and n is the fringe order. In the present study, a is set to be 10 degrees and ß is set to be -10 degrees. Hence the displacement difference of two adjacent fringes is 0.3213 µm. The zero fringe order is located at the circumference of the exposed free area of the specimen. In-plane ESPI fringe formation If two incident lights E1 and E2 from the same source, having same intensities (A1 = A 2 = A ) and same light pathes, the intensity before deformation becomes I before = A 2 + A 2 + 2A 2 cos(φ1(x,y) - φ 2(x,y) ) = 4A 2 . (4) After deformation of the object, the combined light intensity including light path differences δ L and δ R (see Figure 4) becomes E ′ = E ′1 + E ′2 = A(e j2π (L +δ R )/λ + e j2 π (L+δ L )/λ ) (5) where δ R = d in sinα + dout cosα , δ L = -d in sinβ + dout cosβ . The intensity after deformation can be expressed as I after = A 2 [2 + e j 2π ( δ L - δR ) λ j 2π ( δ R - δ L ) +e λ 2π (δ R - δ L ) = 2A 2 [1 + cos ] λ ] (6) If we substract the intensity after deformation from that beformation, we can obtain their deformation difference: I fr = I after - I before = 2A 2 [1 - cos = 2A 2{1 - cos 2π (δ R - δ L ) ] λ 2π [d in (sin α + sinβ ) + d out (cosα - cosβ )]} λ (7) If both incident angle a, and reflective angle ß is zero, Eq. (7) becomes: 2π [d in (2sin θ )]} λ 4π sinθ = 2A 2 [1 - cos( d in )] λ I fr = 2A 2 {1 - cos (8) Using Eq. (8), the interference conditions mean (2n + 1) λ bringht fringes 4sin θ nλ dark fringes = 2sin θ ⇒ d in = ⇒ d in (9) n=0, 1, 2… (10) Both from Eq. (9) and Eq. (10), there between two adjacent fringes existing in-plan displacement: ∆d in = λ 2sinθ (11) The subtracted image usually results in a speckled-fringe distribution, and is dis played on the computer monitor. Necessary contrast enhancement and smoothing were also performed by the software Matrox Inspector version 3.1. Specimens for test The sandwich plates specimens with different inserts’diameters (d out=0.95cm, din=0.49 cm ; d out=1.10cm, d in=0.58cm; and d out=1.18cm, din=0.74cm; where d out and dincm are as indicated in Figure 5) combined with different core thicknesse (1.16 cm, 1.76 cm and 2.46 cm ) for the experiment were rectangular sandwich plates characterized by the mechanical and geometric quantities shown in Table 1. Loads are applied at the inserts of single-inserted sandwich specimen (see Figure 1), which range from 0 to 20 kg with suitable loading velocity. A test fixture was made to hold the specimen and expose a free circular area 70 mm in diameter. Therefore the sandwich plate rests on the circular hole to reproduce simply supported boundary conditions at the circumference (r = 70 mm). Experimental results By the aforementioned 3-D ESPI method with image processing, we applied several loads to the sandwich specimen, and for each load, recorded two images by the CCD, one before and the other after the load is applied. Later s ubtraction is performed pixel by pixel on the personal computer. The results of out-of-plane and in-plane displacement from such a subtraction and image processing are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively. The core thickness effect on out-of-plane displacement under loading is shown in Figure 9. It can be oberved that the displacement of the sandwich plate will decrease as the core thickness is increasing. The insert diameter effect on out-of-plane displacement under loading is shown in Figure 10. It can be oberved that the displacement will decrease as the diameter of insert is increasing, but the strength estimated to be increasing. Finite element model and analytical model A finite element method (FEM) model of the sandwich plate with ‘fully potted’inserts is generated using the finite element package ANSYS. The model consists of thin plate four-node element with six degrees of freedom in each node for the face sheets; and cubic solid eight-node elements with three degrees of freedom in each node for the core, insert and potting material. The faces are assumed as isotropic materials and operate according to the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis. The core is assumed as an orthotropic body which can resist only transversal forces. Therefore the material properties of the core remain only three, i.e. Ez , GL and Gw. The insert and potting material are isotropic materials. The film adhesive layers of sandwich plate are neglected in this model due to their very small thickness. The total number of elements in this FEM model is ranging from 8000 to 10000, which depends on the size of potting materials and the spatial interval of two inserts. The insert geometry for FEM analysis is simplified as shown in Figure 6. The mechanical and geometric quantities of calculation of sandwich plate with insert are the same as those shown in Table 1 for FEM analysis, as well as analytical analysis. The analytical modeling method propoesd by Huang et al. [13] is used for present analytical study. Comparative results and conclusions Figure 11 shows the in-plane displacement comparison between the results of ESPI, FEM and analytical. The comparison between the results revealed a convincing agreement, which verifies the accuracy of the present 3-D ESPI. The proposed 3-D ESPI is a excellent tool to measure out-of-plane and in-plane displacement. That is a full-field and non-destructive testing method and without wasting specimen during testing. References 1. Butters, J. 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Mechanical properties and geometric quantities Geometry: rectangular plates with length 100 mm and width 100 mm for single-inserted sandwiches, having simply supported boundary conditions at the circumference (r = 70 mm) of the fixture hole; Faces: HYSOL Al-2024-T3, thickness = 0.16 mm, E1 = E 2 = 69000 N mm 2 , υ1 = υ 2 = 0 .33 ; Aluminum A: SP7314-1-0-3-12 (dout=0.95cm, d in=0.49 cm) B: SP7314-2-0-3-12 (dout=1.10cm, d in=0.58cm ) C: SP7314-8-0-3-12 (dout=1.18cm, d in=0.74cm ), Insert: E1 = E2 = 72300N mm2 , υ 1 = υ 2 = 0 .33 , geometry is shown in Figure 5; Potting material: Core: 3M DP-460, E3 r = 83 N mm2 , G3 rz = G3θ z = 31 N mm2 , ? = 0.4, dp = 19 mm; 5052 Hexagonal aluminum honeycomb CR3.250-5052-004N-7, thickness = 1.16 cm, 1.76 cm and 2.46 cm, E = 0. 36 N mm 2 , G = G = 0.075 N mm 2 ; 3r Film adhesive: 3rz 3θz 3M 299-947-320 TY I, E = E = 3.1 N mm2 , υ = υ = 0. 4; 4 5 4 5 where E, the Young’s modulus; ?, the Poisson’ ratio; G L, the shear modulus in the length direction; and Gw, the shear modulus in the width direction. Q θ z r r FIGURE 1. Sandwich plate with single fully-potted insert FIGURE 2. ESPI experimental setup for 3-D displacement measurements X Z P, before deformation P’ P’, afterdeformation FIGURE 3. Out -of-plane displacement of specimen surface FIGURE 4. In-plane displacement of specimen surface FP din dout ,QVHUW FP FP FIGURE 5. Insert FP FIGURE 6. Measured area by 3-D ESPI FIGURE 7. Out -of-plan fringe pattern under 2 kg subtracted by 0 kg image FIGURE 8. In-plan (x axis) fringe pattern under 2 kg subtracted by 0 kg image Out-of-plane displacement of the insert : core thickness= 24.6 mm insert diameter = 11.0 mm 5 insert diameter = 9.5 mm Load (kg) 20 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 insert diameter = 11.8 mm 16 core thickness= 11.6 mm 10 8 core thickness= 17.6 mm 12 core thickness= 24.6 mm 15 4 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Displacement (μm) Displacement (μm) Out-of-plane displacement of the insert : insert diameter= 11.0 mm Load (kg) FIGURE 9. Out -of-plan displacement with changing core thickness FIGURE 10. Out-of-plan displacement with changing insert diameter In-plane displacement distribution: core thickness = 24.6 mm displacement (μm) 30 20 10 Experimental result 0 Analytical result FEM result -10 -20 -30 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 x-axis (cm) FIGURE 11. In-plane displacement comparison between the results of ESPI, FEM and analytical
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