Tensile Strength of Surface Nanostructured Copper Hoi-Lam Chan, Jian Lu * Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong China *Corresponding Author: [email protected] ABSTRACT The tensile strength of electrodeposited Cu subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) was studied. Cu after electrodeposition had been first studied. Electrodeposited Cu had the well-known improvement on the strength compared with the bulk hard copper. After SMAT, although the ductility had dropped, the yield strength is further enhanced up to 50% (350MPa) to obtain a stronger material. Similar results had been obtained in the hardness test. The hardness of the electrodeposited Cu had further improved up to 35% after SMAT. Since the parameters of the electrodeposition affects the properties of the materials obtained, rooms for improvement could be expected. The present study demonstrates the potential process for developing a new kind of surface nanostructured materials for engineering applications. 1. Introduction Various research topics arises from Nanostructured (NS) metals and their usage are increasing gain moments in the field of materials research regardless of structure, properties or the development of the process for bulk forms for engineering applications. The reduction of grains size could have quite significant implications on the properties of the bulk material. Increasing the strength and hardness were some of the well known enhanced properties that can be obtained for metals with grains of nano-scale. A lot of literature has shown that there are numerous techniques that can be used to obtain NS materials, mostly commonly used one employ inert gas condensation or chemical vapour condensation, pulse electrodeposition, plasma synthesis, crystallization of amorphous solids, severe plastic deformation, consolidation of mechanically alloyed or cryomilled powders, and Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment (SMAT). However, there are only a few techniques, such as electrodeposition and SMAT could produce nanostructured materials with sufficient thermal stability to allow the fabrication in bulk form [1]. Having the advantages of achieving high rate of deposition, high resolution, high shape fidelity, available for providing artificial materials structuring such as multilayer and being a low cost process, electrodeposition has been widely used in various aspects of materials engineering. It has become a mature technology for materials deposition. Enabling processing under room conditions (temperature and air), this reduces problems associated with thermal stresses; and with no vacuum required, the equipment can be kept at low cost. Electrodeposition has long maintained the cost advantage over traditional methods or vacuum techniques such as sputtering or evaporation [2]. Many researches has also shown that the grain size obtained from this process could be able to reach to about 10 - 40 nm, by far a superior and more robust form is achieved. SMAT is an approach to NS processing that has the advantages of producing 3-D bulk material on the surface of the complex shape samples without porosity, contamination and other defects, and low cost. It is made good use of spheres excited by frequency displacement generator to hit the surface of the samples to obtain NS surface. It is clear that the processing history had a significant effect on mechanical properties of NS materials and SMAT is well known for providing the surface layer with high strength, in the case of stainless steel, 3 times higher than the original materials by means of the hitting action of the spheres. Thus, after the SMAT process, the surface mechanical, tribological, chemical and corrosion properties of the bulk materials could subsequently be enhanced [3]. Combining these two methods to obtain NS materials in bulk form with desirable mechanical properties appears to be a low cost, efficient and workable potential solution which is worthy to be investigated. The preliminary study on this synthesis method was first put on Cu and aimed at studying the possible mechanical properties (tensile strength and hardness) obtained. It is well-known that electrodeposited Cu has better strength than the conventional coarse-grained one. The SMAT process, as mentioned above, can effectively improve the tensile strength of the samples without altering the chemical composition. Hence, further enhancement on strength may be expected for the samples that have been treated with both of the processes. A question thus arises: What degree can it improve? The present work aims to answer the question by a series of experiments with trials of different parameters. 2. 2.1 Experimental Electrodeposition Pure copper was used for studying the proposed method. In order to ensure the purity of the deposited metal, an acidic copper forming bath with composition of no other impurities added was used in the electrodeposition process. The substrate used was 3 Kerr Injection wax molded in a rectangular block (30 x 30 x 120 mm ). It was used instead of other metallic substrate or resin, in order to avoid the problem of removing substrates at high temperature, which could cause undesirable change of structure of the materials after the process of electrodeposition. Experimental evidence has shown that pulsed electrodeposition increases the density of nucleation sites because of a high current density during the on time, while interrupting growth and favoring renucleation during the off time, which facilitates the formation of multiple nano-twins [4]. High purity Cu rectangular block with nano-scale growth twin lamellae are then synthesized by means of the pulsed electrodeposition technique from an electrolyte of CuSO4. The pulsed electrodeposition was carried out using cathodic square wave pulses by turning off the current periodically, with an on-time of 0.02 s and an off-time of 2 s. The detailed settings and composition of the electrolyte bath will be listed in Table 1 [4]. Table 1 The settings and composition of the electrolyte bath [4]. Metal Electrolyte T (°C) Power 20 ± 1 Peak = 0.5 A/cm Remarks composition CuSO4 .xH2O Cu (X mol/l) 2 Purity of the Cu sheet as anode = 99.99% -double pulsed power: Ratio of surface area of anode: that of cathode: 30:1 -on time = 0.02s Cathode substrate: pure Fe sheet coated by a Ni-P -off time = 2s amorphous thin film, exposed surface area: 20 x 10 2 -Cathodic square wave mm pulse Electrolyte is needed to stirred mechanically pH = 1 The electrodeposition process had been carried out at the ambient temperature, 24°C. There were a number of parameters that had been adjusted in the electrodeposition process to control the characteristics and the thickness of the deposited copper layer. The deposition rate in electroplating and the surface texture of the deposited layer were controlled by the current density. The surface texture was further regulated by the power used, e.g. the surface quality in the case of double- pulsed power used was different from that of direct current power used, but double-pulsed power was mainly used in this work. Also, the thickness was directly related to the duration of the electrodeposition process: the longer the duration, the thicker the deposited layer, and also the position and direction of the rectangular block placed in the bath: the larger the surface area keeping away from each other the thicker the deposited layer it became. After the electrodeposition process, the electrodeposited Cu was separated from the wax substrate by de-waxing process and further be cut into the dog-bone shape according to the ASTM E8M-04 standard, Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials [Metric], and ready for use in the mechanical property tests or further be treated with SMAT. 2.2 SMAT The detailed set-up and processing of the SMAT have been described previously [4]. Vibrating by the vibration generator, the stainless steel balls were resonated to impact the sample surface. The whole surface has been impacted with a large number shots in the short period of time as the result of the high frequency vibration. In this work, the samples were treated at room temperature with stainless steel balls (2 mm diameter) at the frequency of 50 Hz for 30 seconds (hereafter noted as sample SMAT-0.5), 1 min (sample SMAT-1), 2 min (sample SMAT-2), and 4 min (sample SMAT-3) respectively. Some of the samples after electrodeposition were treated with SMAT with the time slots differences as mentioned above, while some remained untreated for comparison. 2.3 Tensile Test The tensile tests were carried out under an ambient condition, at 22°C and 45% humidity. The samples prepared were mounted on the MTS RT-50 (50kN) tensile testing machine. The settings such as grip separation, extensometer gauge length (which is always 25mm), crosshead speed (= 3 mm/ min), dimensions of sample were input for later calculations. The extensometer (MTS 632 24F-50) was used to collect the data of the extension of the sample during the test. The size of the sample prepared for this test is quite large, which is different from those normally used in other studies for nano-scale materials. It is shown in fig. 1. The number of samples prepared for this test is 7 samples for each parameter, its purpose is to obtain a validate result. Fig.1 The standard size and shape of the deposited- Cu plate according to ASTM E8M-04 standard for tension testing of metallic materials. Dimensions, mm Normal Width 6 mm G- Gauge Length 25.0 ± 0.1 W- Width 6.0 ± 0.1 T- Thickness Maximum thickness = 6 mm R- Radius of fillet, min 6 L- Overall length 100 A- Length of reduced section, min 32 B- Length of grip section 30 C- Width of grip section, approximate 10 2.4 Micro -hardness Test The hardness tests were carried out under an ambient condition, at 22 ° C and 45% humidity. The hardness of the electrodeposited and SMATed electrodeposited samples were measured using Future-tech FM series micro-hardness tester. The unit and magnitude of the hardness are defined by Vickers hardness (Hv). It was used to measure the hardness of the surface of the samples. At least 7 points were measured from each sample. Every indentation mark was observed through the optical microscope to guaranteed its symmetric characteristic. 3. Results and Discussion There are various literatures have reported on the experimental results on the tensile strength of Cu. The comparison of the mechanical properties of the nanostructured- Cu with different treating methods and that of coarse-grained copper was shown in Table 2 [6-10]. In this work, the mechanical strength of the electrodeposited Cu obtained from different parameters, mainly the power settings were observed. Comparing the results with the conventional Copper which had yield strength of 69 MPa, strain of 45%, it could be easily found that the yield strength had enhanced 3 times although the strain had reduced to half. Different Power settings including, pulsed, double-pulsed or without pulsed with different on- time or off- time combination were used, and the optimized result among all the trials was listed in Table 3; and further comparing this work with that from the literatures, it is not hard to discover that the combination of the yield strength and the ductility obtained from this work has been improved and the data falling onto the separated zone from the general trend which was shown in Fig. 2. Table 2 Data of the tensile properties of pure Cu. The data are for Copper of conventional, ultrafine and nanocrystalline grain size, and after cold rolling to various degrees of Cold work [6 - 10]. Treatments on Cu Yield Strength (MPa) Uniform Elongation (%) Ref Annealed, coarse-grained 69 45 [6] Room temp. rolling to 95% CW 390 4 [6] Inert gas condensation 300 – 360 8–2 [7] Bimodal grain size 760 3 [8] SPD 400 12 [9] Electrodeposition 119 22 [10] Fig.2 The comparison of the experimental results under optimum conditions with the other literatures. The comparison of the mechanical properties of the nanostructured- Cu with different treating methods and that of coarse-grained copper 50 45 Uniform Elongation (%) 40 35 Annealed, coarse-grained [6] Room temp. rolling to 95% CW [6] 30 Inert gas condensation [7] 25 Inert gas condensation [7] Bimodal grain size [8] 20 Electrodeposition [9] 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Yield Strength (MPa) The experimental results obtained in this study The optimal result obtained in this study Table 3 Experimental tensile test results of the electrodeposited Copper samples with different power settings. Settings Power with 43% double- pulse Width Thickness Tensile Strength Yield Strength Strain At Break mm mm (MPa) (MPa) (%) 5.943 0.565 322.3 252.571 26.1 Following with the electrodeposition process, the Cu specimens were further treated with SMAT for different time periods: 30 seconds (sample SMAT-0.5), 1 min (sample SMAT-1), 2 min (sample SMAT-2), and 4 min (sample SMAT-3) respectively with the same conditions: same circular horn (70 mm in diameter), same power excitation, stainless steel balls with same size (2 mm in diameter), same composition and amount in this work. Experiments showed that the longer the time the specimens put under treatment, the more severe the deformation they became. The longer the treating time, the better the mechanical properties of the surface nanostructured Cu can be obtained until the deformation is too serious for testing. It could be understood that Copper is a relatively soft materials, although it was electrodeposited and the properties had been improved, the duration for the treatment could not be too long. Also, the thickness of the specimens had taken a very important role: the thicker the specimen, more capable of withstanding the deformation due to the SMAT process with improved mechanical properties. The optimized result of the mechanical properties of the SMATed Electrodeposition Cu in this stage had been shown in Table 4. Comparing the results with the electrodeposited ones, there was a significant increment in the strength while decrement in strain. It had been fallen back onto the general trend (Fig. 3). However, the optimized conditions for electrodeposition and that for SMAT for Copper had not yet been found in this stage. There were still rooms for improvements. Table 4 Optimized experimental tensile test results of the SMATed electrodeposited Cu samples. Duration for the Width Thickness Tensile Strength Yield Strength Strain At Break Treatment mm Mm (MPa) (MPa) (%) 1 min 6.510 0.570 388.5 355.999 5 Fig. 3 The comparison of the mechanical properties of the samples from this work with that of the nano- Cu in other papers. The comparison of the mechanical properties of the nanostructured- Cu with different treating methods and that of coarse-grained copper 50 45 Uniform Elongation (%) 40 35 Annealed, coarse-grained [6] Room temp. rolling to 95% CW [6] 30 Inert gas condensation [7] Inert gas condensation [7] 25 Bimodal grain size [8] Electrodeposition [9] 20 SPD [10] 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Yield Strength (MPa) Ed- Cu SMATed- Ed Cu 600 700 800 Besides the tensile test, the hardness test of the Electrodeposited Cu and the SMATed Ed-Cu were carried out. The hardness of each specimen was measured five times at random locations respectively. The average value of tests was recorded as the hardness value. 300 gram force and 10 seconds of dwell time were used in the indentation. All the specimens were polished before indentation. The hardness values of both the untreated (only electrodeposited) and SMA treated samples were shown in the Table 5. The result of the hardness test was consistent with the result of tensile test. The hardness of the untreated Ed-Cu samples was greatly improved after SMAT. The improved result could be up to 34.5 %. The fact of the increment of hardness higher than that of tensile modulus may be interpreted by the compression modulus is higher than the tensile modulus of Ed- Cu as the hardness test is under a compression load. In addition, it is also believed that this increase in hardness is due to grain refinement at the surface after SMAT to the nm scale [11]. Table 5 The hardness values of both the SMA untreated (only electrodeposited) and SMA treated samples. 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