MIXED PROBLEM FOR FREE RADIAL VIBRATIONS OF A CLOSED SPHERICAL SANDWICH SHELL V. Polyakov1, R. Chatys2 1 Latvian University, Institute of Polymer Mechanics 23 Aizkraukles, LV-1006, Riga, Latvia e-mail: [email protected] 2 Technical University, Al. 1000-lecia Państwa Polskiego 7, Kielce, Poland e-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT Free vibrations across the thickness of a spherical shell are studied. The closed – form solution of the one-dimensional wave problem was derived for a solid shell. A specific distinction of the radial modes from those of radial vibrations of liquid was demonstrated. The solution was used in the problem setting for a joint vibration of three spherical layers. The approximate version of vibrating system based on the model approximation with the stiff and thin layers bordering the soft and thick filler. The solution of dynamic problem for free vibrations of the soft filler was deduced by the method of separation of variables. The elastic reactions of the thin face layers were taken as the boundary conditions enabling three layers wave motion to be reduced to the midlayer motion under mixed boundary conditions. The transcendental equation for the defined problem on free vibrations was derived. The analysis and graphical description of the effect of thickness and elastic properties on the eigenvalue spectrum that is distinctive of the mixed boundary problem was represented. The curves were constructed for the main eigenfrequencies versus stiffness of the face layers and geometric parameters that were characteristic of a sandwich shell. 1. Introduction A study of interacting waves in the three-layered structures is a high-priority task to take into account the radiated acoustic power from the structure excited by a acoustic wave. In an analytical plan this problem entails inconvenience on the layered heterogeneous structure in the conditions of wave dynamics. The developed enough approaches, based on variational principles, mainly apply to the calculation of oscillation process for multi-layered plates and shells in the conditions of Kirchhoff – Love’s classical kinematics for stiff layers with transversal shear in soft layers allowed for [1,2]. The dispersion equations relating frequencies and wave numbers , mainly characterize wave transmission in parallel with the plane of a plate or along the surface of a shell. The substantial role of kinematic effect, related to the compression of sandwich along a normal due to transversal compressibility of the core across the thickness has been analyzed in [3,4,5]. The analysis of solutions was conducted for the problem of short-term loading on the edge of sandwich plate [3], and the problem of acoustic shock on its surface [4]. High-frequency character of variation of the asymmetric constituent of transversal displacements unlike a global deflection (a symmetric constituent) varied in time was related to the local instability of thin face layers, i.e. with their wrinkling from longitudinal force. A linear problem [5], involved the solution of wave equation within the confines of the core, has been expressed in terms of displacements of the middle planes of two facings. The latter were loaded with dynamic reactions from the side of liquid and the core. Dispersion equation for estimation of wave numbers dependent on excitation frequency has been derived using the coefficients of the set of bending equations. Allowance for compressibility of a normal in all structural layers with optional elastic parameters and geometric body under the joint dynamic behavior of layers requires the special development of the solution to boundary-value problem for wave equations. For the structures of sandwich type the incompressibility of a normal of the face layers with the finite values of Young’s modules (by a factor of 103 greater then that of core) and relatively small thickness as compared with core (by an order of magnitude and more less) can simplify the analysis of transverse vibration and eigenfrequency spectrum of a sandwich particularly. High frequency of wave vibrations across the thickness of the separate face layer is much superior to that of separate core. The eigenvalue spectrum for a joint wave process in normal direction to all layers should be determined using the solution of the contact dynamic interaction of three mediums different in the elastic properties. There was pioneering work [6] thereupon, devoted to determination of oscillation process in heterogeneous elements of structure, being in a dynamic contact. In order to motivate the simplified assumption taken further in the present work at the construction of wave solution in the sandwich structure the restored frequency equation of free vibrations of a bar of constant section, made from two different in physical properties parts, is rewritten from [6]: ⎛l ω ⎞ ⎛l ω ⎞ tg ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ tg ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ = ⎝ c1 ⎠ ⎝ c 2 ⎠ where ci = E1 ρ1 E2 ρ 2 (1) Ei / ρ i , i = 1, 2 acoustic velocity on the area of a bar with the Young’s module Ei , a specific density ρ i and length l i . The rigid fixing of a bar was accepted at the beginning of the first part x = 0 whereas a free section was taken at the end of the second part x = l1 + l 2 . If module of elasticity of the first part far exceeds that value for the other ( E1 >> E 2 ), then at E1 → ∞ from (1) follows ω k = (c 2 / l 2 )(2k − 1)π / 2 , k = 1, 2,... Actually, the eigenfrequency of a bar at the specified fixing is reduced to the frequency of free vibrations of the second part and no effect of the first part. As the point of fixing of the bar changes, leaving free of loading the initial section of the first part (with the inverse of number only in the right-hand part of the equation (1)), the following transcendental equation after the aforecited limiting process results: β 2 tgβ 2 = l2 ρ 2 , l1 ρ1 (β 2 = ω l2 c2 ) (2) Equation (2) is well known as determining eigenfrequencies of a bar with the adjoined mass at the one end and fixed on the other. The notation of this equation for the second area with the very low value of the modulus of elasticity as compared to the first part points out to the fact that eigenfrequences of compound bar mainly depend on the acoustic velocity and the length of the «weakest» link. Assuming the infinite value of acoustic velocity of the contiguous part with a free end section (marked by an index 1) reduces to the account of the effect of this part of a bar on frequency of joint vibrations as the adjoined mass. This trivial enough outcome on the static mass inclusion (in sense of wave transmission in it with infinite velocity) is not so trivial allowing for threedimensional stress state in dynamic problems for layered plates and shells. The solution of boundary-value problem for such structures becomes critically complicated with the introduction of triaxial direction of inertial members and the account of curvature of the layered structure. The most simplified variant solution of boundary-value dynamic problem and methodically important for determination of eigenfrequency spectrum is given in the present work. A closed spherical sandwich shell is examined for spherical waves propagation across the thickness of the shell. A three-dimensional stress state in the layers is only governed by variation in radial displacement component. The wave-induced radial vibrations of a sandwich are hypothetically determined in terms of vibrations of the core with the use of deduced coefficients. 2. Radial vibrations of homogeneous sphere inclusive a central spherical cavity Here we deduce the closed form of the solution for radial vibrations of the closed elasto-isotropic sphere with a central spherical cavity. In this one-dimensional wave problem the volumetric stress state and the eigenfrequency spectrum depend on the curvature of two bounding spherical surfaces. Omitting the successive procedure to obtain the equation of motion in spherical coordinates, we write out it in the final shape: (1 − 2ν )(1 + ν ) ∂ 2 u ∂ 2 u 2 ⎛ ∂u u ⎞ ⋅ 2 =0 + ⎜ − ⎟− ρ E (1 − ν ) ∂t ∂r 2 r ⎝ ∂r r ⎠ (3) where enter a radial displacement u ( r , t ) , the Young’s module E , a specific density ρ and the Poisson’s coefficient ν . For the solution of wave equation (3) let us take advantage of variable separation method admissive of the displacement expression u ( r , t ) = U ( r )T (t ) . This expression has been substituted in Eq. (3) and having supposed that the expressions, depending on coordinate r and t equal to constant − 1 / Λ2 , two equations have been obtained for the unknown functions: T ′′(t ) + E (1 − ν ) T (t ) = 0 Λ ρ (1 + ν )(1 − 2ν ) (4) 2 2 2⎞ ⎛ 1 U ′′(r ) + U ′(r ) + ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟U (r ) = 0 r ⎝Λ r ⎠ (5) IIn equation (4) a differentiation with respect to t and in Eq. (5) with respect to r was marked by a prime. The form of radial vibration that corresponds to a number Λ , has been derived from Eq. (4): T (t ) = a sin(ω t ) + b cos(ω t ) (6) The coefficients a, b should be derived from the initial conditions and a number Λ would be taken from the countable eigenvalue spectrum, complying with the statement of boundary conditions. The eigenfrequency of vibration in the form consistent with the number Λ k , equals 1 ωk = Λk ⎡ ⎤ E (1 − ν ) ⎢ ρ (1 + ν )(1 − 2ν ) ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ 1/ 2 , k = 1, 2, ... (7) The standard solution procedure of equation (5) resulted in the general notation of solution in terms of the cylindrical functions, including Bessel’s functions of order ± 3 / 2 . After application of recurrent relations between Bessel’s functions their orders have been lowered by a unit, and having considered the limits of summation of series for Bessel’s functions of order ± 1 / 2 the closed form of a general solution of Eq. (5) shoul be found as: ⎛ sin( r / Λ ) cos (r / Λ ) ⎞ ⎛ sin (r / Λ ) cos( r / Λ ) ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ + C 2 ⎜⎜ U (r ) = C1 ⎜⎜ + − 2 Λr r r2 ⎝ Λr ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (8) By a direct substitution of the solution (8) in Eq. (5) it is possible to make sure that the deduced form of solution holds true. The natural vibrations of a sphere with a central cavity were dependent on the boundary conditions of fixing on the outside and the inside of the spherical body. The eigenvalues Λ were derived from these conditions with the use of Eq. (8). 3. Determination of eigenfrequencies of a three-layer spherical shell A layered spherical shell has considered further under fixedly connected heterogeneous layers (in the sense of equality of the contact displacements and stresses). Free radial vibrations of three spherical shells were characterized by a single eigenfrequency spectrum for all spherical areas. The solutions of dynamic problem for three hollow spheres could not be «jointed» owing to the choice of integration constants, as the frequency spectrum (7) has been obtained only for a separate sphere and has been differed from two other ones. In order to overcome such a drawback it was possible to take advantage of the approach, based on the consideration of substantial distinction between elastic properties and thickness of face layers and a core. Hypothetically the vibrations of spherical shell within the limits of the wall thickness of a sandwich structure were examined as a wave process across the thickness of a core, “constrained” by face layers. The wave propagation across the thickness of face layers has not been taken into account due to strong exceeding of values of their modules of elasticity as compared with that of a core – by a factor of 102 - 103 . This admission has been agreed on the estimates following from formulas (1), (2) for one – dimensional model of vibrations. The next assumption was laid in the fact that the effect of face layers on the vibrations of a core has been taken into account not as the adjoined mass, but as the elastic reactions of thin spherical jackets on the upper and the lower surfaces of a core. The value of this reaction depended on the radial displacements on contact surfaces and the elastic constants of face layers. The coefficient of resistance on the contact boundary whereby the reaction affected the vibrations of a core should be found as an absolute value of stress on the upper (or lower) surface of a thin spherical zone to cause the unit radial displacement of a face layer on this boundary. Quasi-static analysis of this stress should be in agreement with the assumption of an infinite velocity of radial wave transmission in the face layer, under the stipulation that the time-dependent displacement has been applied on its boundary surface. R3 R2 R1 R4 Figure 1. A quarter of a normal section of three - layer sphere included a central spherical cavity. The general solution of the equation (5) for 1 / Λ = 0 corresponded to quasi – static solution for the displacement of a face spherical jacket. This simple solution u = B1r + B2 / r 2 has been set in the expression of a radial stress σ r = (λ + 2 μ )(∂u / ∂r ) + 2λ (u / r ) and the latter has been rewritten as σ r = 3kB1 − 4 μ B2 r 3 , where λ , μ and k have been constituted accordingly the Lame constants and the module of volume elasticity. One of two integration constants Bi , i = 1, 2 in the solution has been eliminated as the boundary condition at the limiting radius R4 of the upper face layer and at R1 of the inner one has been satisfied. see Fig.1. At the selected free boundary surface the boundary condition corresponded to σ r = 0 , and in case of rigid fixing u = 0 . The remaining constant should be expressed in terms of displacements and stresses at the contact surface with a core. Equating two expressions on the contact surfaces the relationship between the displacement of a core and the response of a face layer on each core surface should be found. The response p was directed oppositely to the displacement and its value for the inner and the outer jackets shown in Fig.1 has been expressed in terms of positive coefficients k12 and k 34 in that way: p R = −k12 u ( R2 ), p R = −k 34 u ( R3 ) 2 (9) 3 where the coefficients obtained by above-mentioned procedure have appeared as k12 = 1 − ( R1 R2 )3 12μ1k1 , ⋅ 3 R2 4μ1 + 3k1 ( R1 R2 ) k34 = ( R4 R3 )3 − 1 12μ3k3 ⋅ R3 4 μ3 + 3k3 ( R4 R3 )3 (10) Lame constants and the modules of volume elasticity of sandwich layers could be expressed in terms of Young modules and Poisson’s ratio of material, they have been marked respectively with subscripts j = 1,3 for outer jackets and j = 2 for a core: λj = E jν j (1 + ν j ) (1 − 2ν j ) , μj = Ej 2(1 + ν j ) , kj = Ej 3 (1 − 2ν j ) , j = 1, 2, 3 (11) The consequential solution of wave problem for a midlayer ( j = 2 ), as u 2 (r , t ) = U 2 (r ) T2 (t ) , has involved the function of radial coordinate specified by the expression (8). The consequential boundary conditions were expressed accordingly σ r R + u 2 R ⋅ k12 = 0 , σ r R + u 2 R ⋅ k 34 = 0 . 2 2 3 3 The substituends of stresses into the latter expressions have resulted in the boundary conditions as connecting relations between the displacement and its normal derivative at core boundaries: ∂u 2 ∂r + K 12 u 2 r = R2 r = R2 =0 ∂u 2 ∂r + K 34 u 2 r = R3 r = R3 =0 (12) Coefficients K 12 , K 34 have been readily determined: K12 = 12μ 3 k 3 [( R4 / R3 ) 3 − 1] 2ν 2 2ν 2 K = + , 34 3 3 (λ 2 + 2μ 2 )[4μ1 + 3k1 ( R1 / R2 ) ] 1 − ν 2 (λ 2 + 2 μ 2 )[4μ 3 + 3k 3 ( R4 / R3 ) ] 1 − ν 2 12μ1k1[1 − ( R1 / R2 ) 3 ] + (13) It should be noted that the mixed type of boundary conditions (12) must has also remained for the problem of natural vibrations of homogeneous sphere with a spherical cavity, if its boundary surfaces had free, that was meant for them σ r R = 0 . In this case there were only the second terms in the expressions of coefficients (13) that must have remained. Omitting the successive procedure to obtain the eigenvalues of the considered boundary - value problem for free radial vibrations of tree-layered spherical shell let us denote the main aspects of calculations. The displacement as Eq. (8) and its derivative, deduced at r = R2 and r = R3 , has been substituted in equations (12). The substitution has brought the boundary conditions to the set of four homogeneous equations. The elementary calculations, related mainly to transformation of trigonometric functions included in the expression for a main determinant, have result in the following transcendental equation deciding the eigenvalues: tgξ = a3ξ 3 + ξ b4ξ 4 + b2ξ 2 + 1 , (14) where ξ = ( R3 − R2 ) / Λ , and the coefficients of partial fraction expansion in the right-hand part depended on the radiuses of a midlayer and the given parameters (13) determining elastic resistance of face layers at the conjugation boundary with a core: a3 = R2 R3 ( R3 − R2 ) 3 ⎛ R3 R2 R3 R2 ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ , b2 = − ( R3 − R2 ) 2 ⎝ 2 − K 34 2 − K12 ⎠ b4 = ⎡ ⎤ R3 R2 − ⎢1 − ⎥ ⎣ R3 (2 − K12 ) R2 (2 − K 34 ) ⎦ R22 R32 ( R3 − R2 ) 4 (2 − K12 )(2 − K 34 ) (15) The denumerable set of roots ξ k , k = 1, 2,... in a positive semi-axis ξ is determined by the abscissas of points where branches of denumerable set of tangent curves, located along this axis, and the curve, determined by the expression in right-hand part of (15) have crossed each other. The eigenvalues of boundary-value problem were further calculated taking into account the thickness of a midlayer: Λ k = ( R3 − R2 ) / ξ k , k = 1, 2,... (16) The eigenfrequences of vibrations of the spherical layer of a core, “edged” with thin face jackets, were determined in terms of parameters of the elasticity of midlayer and the eigenvalues Λ k . Following a general notation for Eq. (7) the eigenfrequences can be found ξk ⎡ ⎤ E 2 (1 − ν 2 ) ωk = ⎢ ⎥ 2π ( R3 − R2 ) ⎣ ρ 2 (1 + ν 2 )(1 − 2ν 2 ) ⎦ 1/ 2 , k = 1, 2,... (17) 4. Variants of calculations for eigenfrequences attributed to a choice of structure From Eq. (14) follows that at large values ξ the ratio of polynomials tends to zero. The roots of the equation at the indicated asymptotic behavior of its right-hand part equal ξ k = kπ , when k → ∞ . Of most interest were the initial root values, in particular, the least values corresponding to master frequency of free vibrations. Variation of functions f i (ξ ) which represented the left (i = 1) and the right part (i = 2,..,5) of equation (14) at the different parameters of structure has shown in Fig. 2, a, b accordingly on the initial interval of variation of parameter ξ and around a number π . Structure parameters for the wall of a spherical shell of sandwich type ( i = 5 ) were resulted in Table 1. TABLE 1. Parameters of the sandwich three-layer sphere. R1 = 100 mm Layer R4 − R3 R3 − R2 30 R2 − R1 5 ν E , GPa 5 ρ , kg / m 3 10 0.30 _ 0.04 0.40 119 10 0.30 _ By transformation of structural model, related to change in its geometrical parameters, the variations of corresponding functions has been got for a homogeneous shell with a free boundary surfaces (i = 2,3) . At degeneration of the elastic constants of face layers in case of infinite rigidity of spherical jackets, the model of sandwich is reduced to the homogeneous shell of a core with the rigid fixing of its boundary surfaces (i = 4) . a 1.5 b fi 0.8 1 fi 1 0.6 2 1 0.4 0.2 3 3 0.5 4 0 2 ξ 4 0 ξ 0.2 5 5 2.83 3 3.17 3.34 3.51 3.68 3.85 Figure 2. Variation of functions f i (ξ ), i = 1,...,5 in the eigenvalue equation (14) over a - the initial range of ξ = ( R3 − R2 ) / Λ and b - within the interval 0.9π ≤ ξ ≤ 1.2π . The equation for determination of eigenvalues of radial vibrations of a homogeneous spherical shell with free surfaces has been automatically deduced from Eq. (14): R2 R3ν ∗ ⋅ξ 3 2 ( R3 − R2 ) , tgξ = 2 2 ( R2 + R3 )ν ∗ − R2 R3 2 R22 R32ν ∗2 4 ⋅ξ + ⋅ξ 1− ( R3 − R2 ) 2 ( R3 − R2 ) 4 ξ+ where ν ∗ = 1 −ν 2 2(1 − 2ν 2 ) (18) and similarly in the case of clamped spherical surfaces of a homogeneous shell it has been found: tgξ = ξ R2 R3 ⋅ξ 2 1+ 2 ( R3 − R2 ) (19) The calculated values of eigenfrequencies and eigenvalues for tree-layer spherical shell with a central cavity and homogeneous ball were represented in Figure 3 a, b. a 14 ω1 12 b ⋅ 10 − 3 , Hz 5000 ___ 4000 ....... ξ ⋅ 10 1 10 ω 1 , Hz 3 1 3000 2 8 2000 3 6 ξ 4 π 2 1000 32 34 Rout , mm 5 1 h , mm 30 4 36 38 0 150 40 Figure 3. Variation of the reference frequency ω1 , Hz 200 and matching eigenvalue 250 ξ1 300 for radial vibrations of a three layer spherical shell versus h = R3 − R2 (a) and for a solid sphere versus outer radius Rout (b). The eigenfrequency curves 1,2,3 in Figure 3 b were obtained versus outer radius Rout for solid balls whereas the curves 4,5 corresponded to a shell with a spherical cavity of radius Rinn = 50 mm . The rigidly fixed bounding surfaces corresponded to first curve, the free surfaces – curves 2,4 at ν = 0.4 , and 3 at ν = 0.3 . It should be noted that for the problem of radial vibrations of elastic monolithic sphere with a fixed surface the equation of eigenvalues was derivable from (19) as tgξ = ξ with the least nonzero root value that equals ξ1 = 4.493 . The same equation holds true for evaluation of eigenvalues of a boundary-value problem for radial vibrations of gas in a spherical vessel [7]. 5. Conclusions An analytical model for free radial vibration of a closed three-layer spherical shell has been derived. The elastic compliance of a middle layer and its greater thickness as compared with outer layers have been used as the main feature of model making. 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